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Created January 18, 2016 19:07
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;; Layers you wish to have active
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[ :core
;; Packages that are not part of a layer. List them here as keyword
;; All packages will be ensured to be installed. Stuff that is not listed here
;; Will get uninstalled so choose wisely!
;; Don't like a keybinding or want to add something yourself? Do it here
;; (not implemented yet)
{:ctrl-f {:action "fuzzy-grep:toggle"}
:t {:z {:action "zen:toggle" :target "atom-text-editor:not([mini])" :title "zen view"}}
:g {:d {
:t {:action "git-diff-details:toggle-git-diff-details" :target ""}
:r {:action "git-diff-details:undo" :target ""}}}
:s {:l {:action "symbols-view:toggle-file-symbols" :target "atom-text-editor:not([mini])" :title "file symbols"}}}
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["Zen.width" 160]
["nuclide.showHome" false]
["git-diff.showIconsInEditorGutter" true]
["linter.lintOnFly" false]]
;; Want some custom behavior inside a certain window?
;; For example you prefer navigating with esc and enter? Add it here.
:keymaps [{:selector "atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus.normal-mode" :keymap [["y s" "vim-mode-plus:surround"]
["d s" "vim-mode-plus:delete-surround"]
["c s" "vim-mode-plus:change-surround"]]}]}
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