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Last active December 7, 2018 14:24
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a polyvariadic function returning a GADT
-- in response to
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, InstanceSigs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Test.DocTest
-- The challenge is to define a polymorphic 'mkHList' which can be specialized
-- to all of those types:
-- mkList :: HList '[]
-- mkList :: d -> HList (d ': '[])
-- mkList :: b -> c -> HList (c ': d ': '[])
-- mkList :: b -> c -> d -> HList (b ': c ': d ': '[])
-- mkList :: a -> b -> c -> d -> HList (a ': b ': c ': d ': '[])
-- My solution works well with type-inference: we only need to indicate when the
-- argument list terminates, by annotating or inferring that the type of
-- (mkList x y z) is an HList, but we don't need to annotate the length of the
-- list nor the type of its elements.
-- As a warmup, let's implement a polyvariadic 'mkList' which can be specialized
-- as follows:
-- mkList :: [a] mkList = []
-- mkList :: a -> [a] mkList x4 = x4:[]
-- mkList :: a -> a -> [a] mkList x3 x4 = x3:x4:[]
-- mkList :: a -> a -> a -> [a] mkList x2 x3 x4 = x2:x3:x4:[]
-- mkList :: a -> a -> a -> a -> [a] mkList x1 x2 x3 x4 = x1:x2:x3:x4:[]
-- The obvious recurrence is
-- mkList = []
-- mkList x4 = x4 : mkList
-- mkList x3 x4 = x3 : mkList x4
-- mkList x2 x3 x4 = x2 : mkList x3 x4
-- mkList x1 x2 x3 x4 = x1 : mkList x2 x3 x4
-- But that doesn't quite work since we cannot easily ask for and apply N
-- arguments at a time. So instead, we let the recursive 'mkList' call ask for
-- its own arguments, and we use nested 'fmap's to prepend our element to the
-- front of the output list.
-- mkList = []
-- mkList x4 = (x4:) (mkList :: [a])
-- mkList x3 = fmap (x3:) (mkList :: a -> [a])
-- mkList x2 = (fmap . fmap) (x2:) (mkList :: a -> a -> [a])
-- mkList x1 = (fmap . fmap . fmap) (x1:) (mkList :: a -> a -> a -> [a])
-- |
-- >>> mkList :: [Int]
-- []
-- >>> mkList 1 :: [Int]
-- [1]
-- >>> mkList 1 2 :: [Int]
-- [1,2]
-- >>> mkList 1 2 3 :: [Int]
-- [1,2,3]
-- >>> mkList 1 2 3 4 :: [Int]
-- [1,2,3,4]
class MkList r where
mkList :: r
overList :: ([Int] -> [Int]) -> r -> r
instance a ~ Int => MkList [a] where
mkList = []
overList = id
instance (a ~ Int, MkList r) => MkList (a -> r) where
mkList a = overList (a:) mkList
overList = fmap . overList
-- All right, let's move on to 'HList's.
data HList as where
HNil :: HList '[]
HCons :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)
-- |
-- >>> putStrLn $ showHList $ HCons "foo" $ HCons () $ HCons 42 $ HCons pi HNil
-- (HCons "foo" (HCons () (HCons 42 (HCons 3.141592653589793 HNil))))
class ShowHList as where
showHList :: HList as -> String
instance ShowHList '[] where
showHList HNil = "HNil"
instance (Show a, ShowHList as) => ShowHList (a ': as) where
showHList (HCons a as) = "(HCons " ++ show a ++ " " ++ showHList as ++ ")"
-- Can we use the same trick as for 'mkList'?
-- mkHList = []
-- mkHList x4 = (HCons x4) (mkHList :: HList '[])
-- mkHList x3 = fmap (HCons x3) (mkHList :: d -> HList '[d])
-- mkHList x2 = (fmap . fmap) (HCons x2) (mkHList :: c -> d -> HList '[c,d])
-- mkHList x1 = (fmap . fmap . fmap) (HCons x1) (mkHList :: b -> c -> d -> HList '[b,c,d])
-- This looks good, except that when writing the @MkHList (a -> r)@ instance, we
-- cannot simply ask for a @MkHList r@ in our constraints, because our recursive
-- 'mkHList' call would have the wrong type! That is, if we write
-- class MkHList r where
-- mkHList r :: r
-- Then when 'r' is @a -> b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c]@, stripping off the
-- @(a ->)@ results in @b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c]@, not @b -> c -> HList '[b,c]@.
-- My approach is to use an associated type family 'SetIndex' to overwrite the type-level
-- list, making it easy to switch from @b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c]@ to
-- @b -> c -> HList '[b,c]@ using @SetIndex (b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c]) '[b,c]@.
-- I also defined a second type family 'IdealIndex' which maps
-- @b -> c -> HList whatever@ to @'[b, c]@. This way, I can define a 'MkHList'
-- instance for @b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c]@ by implementing a function of type
-- @b -> c -> HList '[b,c]@ (which is easy) instead of implementing a function
-- of type @b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c]@ (which is impossible).
class MkHList r where
type SetIndex r (as :: [*])
type IdealIndex r :: [*]
mkIdeal :: SetIndex r (IdealIndex r)
overHList :: (HList as -> HList bs)
-> SetIndex r as -> SetIndex r bs
-- |
-- The @SetIndex r (IdealIndex r) ~ r@ constraint makes sure that 'mkHList' has
-- a plausible type like @b -> c -> HList '[b,c]@ even though there are also
-- 'MkHList' instances for implausible types like @b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c]@.
-- >>> putStrLn $ showHList $ mkHList "foo" () 1 pi
-- (HCons "foo" (HCons () (HCons 1 (HCons 3.141592653589793 HNil))))
mkHList :: forall r. (MkHList r, SetIndex r (IdealIndex r) ~ r) => r
mkHList = mkIdeal @r
instance MkHList (HList rs) where
type SetIndex (HList rs) as = HList as
type IdealIndex (HList rs) = '[]
mkIdeal :: HList '[]
mkIdeal = HNil
overHList :: (HList as -> HList bs)
-> (HList as -> HList bs)
overHList = id
instance MkHList r => MkHList (a -> r) where
type SetIndex (a -> r) as = a -> SetIndex r as
type IdealIndex (a -> r) = a ': IdealIndex r
mkIdeal :: a -> SetIndex r (a ': IdealIndex r)
mkIdeal a = overHList @r @(IdealIndex r) (HCons a) (mkIdeal @r)
overHList :: forall as bs
. (HList as -> HList bs)
-> (a -> SetIndex r as)
-> (a -> SetIndex r bs)
overHList = fmap . overHList @r
main :: IO ()
main = doctest ["-XDataKinds", "Main.hs"]
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