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Created May 7, 2015 12:01
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symIter is complete
-- continued from
module Complete where
open import Data.Product
record SymItery {X Y : Set} : Set where
constructor SymIter
zen : ℕ → X
more : X → X
post : X → Y
eval : ∀ {X Y} → SymItery {X} {Y} → ℕ → ℕ → Y
eval (SymIter zen more post) x y = post (symIter zen more x y)
open import Data.Nat using (_+_)
symIter-complete : ∀ {X} (f : ℕ → ℕ → X) → Commutative f → ∃ λ si → ∀ x y → eval {ℕ × ℕ} si x y ≡ f x y
symIter-complete {X} f comm = min-diff (uncurry f′) , prf
min-diff : ∀ {A} (f : ℕ × ℕ → A) → SymItery
min-diff = SymIter (λ diff → 0 , diff) (λ { (min , diff) → (suc min , diff) })
f′ : ℕ → ℕ → X
f′ min diff = f min (min + diff)
open import Data.Sum
lem : ∀ x y → let min = eval (min-diff proj₁) x y; diff = eval (min-diff proj₂) x y in
(min ≡ x × min + diff ≡ y) ⊎ (min ≡ y × min + diff ≡ x)
lem zero y = inj₁ (refl , refl)
lem (suc x) zero = inj₂ (refl , refl)
lem (suc x) (suc y) with lem x y
... | inj₁ (p1 , p2) = inj₁ (cong suc p1 , cong suc p2)
... | inj₂ (p1 , p2) = inj₂ (cong suc p1 , cong suc p2)
prf : ∀ x y → eval (min-diff (uncurry f′)) x y ≡ f x y
prf x y with lem x y
... | inj₁ (p1 , p2) = cong₂ f p1 p2
... | inj₂ (p1 , p2) = trans (comm _ _) (cong₂ f p2 p1)
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