This is a demo program showing the graphics primitives for drawing on PDF content streams or modifying the graphics state.
The following primitives are used:
- row: Coordinate system transformations (translate, scale, rotate, skew)
- row: Graphics state parameters for stroking (line width, line cap style, line join style, miter limit, line dash pattern)
- row: Basic shapes (line, polyline, rectangle, rounded rectangle, polygon, rounded polygon, circle, ellipse)
- row: Additional shapes (circular arc, elliptical arc wo/w inclination, composite arcs)
- 5./6. row: Path painting (first four columns) and clipping path (last column) operations
- row: A square with a corner radius equal to the length of its sides, a composite elliptical annulus, a pie chart, a picture and all of the previous encapsulated as form XObject and then drawn