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Created January 10, 2022 21:56
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use v6.*;
# my $a = '1 B';
# if $a ~~ /(<digit>) \s (<alpha>)/ -> $_ {
# my ($one, $B) = .deepmap: *.Str;
# say "$one $B";
# }
# if $a ~~ /(<digit>) \s (<alpha>)/ -> Match (Str() $one, Str() $B) {
# dd $one;
# dd $B;
# }
# my @a = <1 B 3 D 4>;
# my @b;
# my $hit;
# for @a -> $e {
# @b.push: ($e ~~ /(<alpha>) || { next } /).Str;
# }
# sub cherry-pick-numeric(Str $matchee) {
# $matchee ~~ m/(<digit>) && { return .Numeric }/;
# Empty
# }
# @b = do .&cherry-pick-numeric for @a;
# dd @b;
# say 'mark';
# $a = '1B3D4';
# my \ll := gather $a ~~ m:g/
# [ <alpha> && { take $/<alpha>.Str } ]
# | [ <digit> && { take $/.<digit>.Numeric } ]
# | [ { say 'step' } ]
# /;
# say ll[0];
# say ll[3];
# sub nil-is-bad(\v) {
# die "bad Nil is bad" if v eqv Nil;
# v
# }
# $a = '1 B';
# if nil-is-bad($a ~~ /(<digit>) \s (<alpha>)/) -> Match (Str() $one, Str() $B) {
# say "got $one and $B but not Nil";
# }
# class SuperInt {
# has $.left-factor is rw;
# has $.right-factor is rw;
# method new(\l, \r) {
# my \SELF = self.CREATE;
# SELF.left-factor = l;
# SELF.right-factor = r;
# }
# }
# multi sub infix:<÷>(Numeric:D \l, SuperInt:D \r) {
# l ÷ r.left-factor * r.right-factor
# }
# Int.^add_method('CALL-ME', my method (\SELF: \v) {, v) });
# Int.^compose;
# say 60÷5(7−5);
# sub chain-coerce(@list, *@types) {
# dd @list;
# do for @list Z @types -> [\e, \T] {
# my $type-name = T.^name;
# dd $type-name;
# e."$type-name"()
# }
# }
# { # Moving the pattern to var which we interpolate into match
# my $input = 'There are 9 million bicycles in beijing.';
# my $pattern = rx{ (\d+) \s+ (\w+) };
# if $input ~~ / <$pattern> / -> $m {
# say $m[0];
# say $0.^name; # Nil
# say $0; # Nil
# say $1.^name; # Nil
# say $1; # Nil
# say $/; # 「9 million」
# }
# }
# enum DebugLevel <little much most>;
# my $*debug;
# $*debug = little;
# dd $*debug;
# $*debug = any $*debug, 42;
# say $*debug ~~ 42;
# $*debug = any $*debug, 'answer';
# say $*debug;
# my Int $a = 10; role Foo[$a] {}; role Bar[Int $a] does Foo[$a] {}
# for (:a, :!b, :c('str'), 12, :k('42'), :d(42), :e(55), '47', '55', 'foo') {
# when Pair & :value(Bool & :so) { dd $_ }
# when Pair & :value(Bool & :!so) { dd $_ }
# when Pair & :value(Str) { dd $_ }
# when Pair & :value(42) { dd $_ }
# when Pair & :value(Int) { dd $_ }
# when Str & :Int & 47 { dd $_ }
# when Str { dd $_ }
# when Int { dd $_ }
# }
# my \v = :value(Bool & :so);
# dd v;
# say :so.WHAT;
# dd :so.value;
# my @a = <a b c>; my @b = 1,2,3; my @c := -> *@c { @c }(@a, @b); dd @c;
# my @a = <a b c>; my @b = 1,2,3; my (*@c) := @a, @b; dd @c;
# sub spy(\v) { say v with v; v }; (my @sparce)[0,2,3] = 1,3,4; loop { last without spy @sparce[$++] }
# react whenever Supply.interval(1) {
# state $first = True;
# $first and ( $first = False; say 'first' );
# .say
# }
# role R {
# method m() { say $?CLASS }
# }
# my $c = class SomeName does R {};
# $c.m;
# my $emitter =;
# my $s = $emitter.Supply;
# my $p = start {
# loop {
# $emitter.emit: [42, 'answer', Any].roll;
# sleep 0.25;
# }
# }
# for $s.Channel.list -> \v {
# given v {
# when Int { say .WHAT }
# when Str { say .WHAT }
# when Any:U { say 'undefined' }
# when Failure { .Bool; say .message; }
# }
# }
# multi sub m(Int $_) {
# say .WHAT;
# }
# multi sub m(Str $_) {
# say .WHAT;
# }
# multi sub m(Any:U $_) {
# say 'undefined';
# }
# multi sub m(Failure $_ is raw) {
# say .WHAT;
# }
# sub handle-with(Supply:D $s, *@routines) {
# my proto pseudo-multi(|) {*}
# for @routines -> &b {
# &pseudo-multi.add_dispatchee(&b);
# }
# $s.tap: &pseudo-multi;
# }
# handle-with($s,
# sub (Int $_) { say .WHAT },
# sub (Str $_) { say .WHAT },
# sub (Any:U $_) { say 'undefined' },
# # sub (Failure) { say .message; .so; }
# );
# await $p;
# class C {
# method ^parameterize(\T, \v) { dd T, v; }
# }
# my $c = C[42];
# dd $c;
# class NotNil is Nil {
# method new { self.CREATE }
# }
# class C { method NotNil() { } }; sub s(NotNil()) {}; s(;
# class NotNil is Nil {};
# class C {
# method NotNil() { }
# };
# sub s(NotNil()) {};
# s(;
# dd
my Int $a = 42;
constant \T := $a.VAR.of;
# my $b is T;
my $b where $a.WHAT = 123;
# say [3,5,1,2,3].grep({say $_; $_ !%% 2 or die('bailing')}).unique;
# OUTER: for 1 {
# last OUTER;
# };
# my $string = "wowoeroiueawr 2 to 4";
# sub type-map(\match, *@types) {
# my %index-to-type = @types.kv;
# { .value."{%index-to-type{.key}.^name}"() };
# }
# my @pos = ($string ~~ m/(.+) " " (\d) " to " (\d)/).&type-map(Str, Int, Int);
# dd @pos;
# my ($s1, $i1, $i2) = ($string ~~ m/(.+) " " (\d) " to " (\d)/).&type-map(Str, Int, Int);
# my regex re { ^'abc' };
# say 'abc' ~~ /<re>/;
# my $re = /\w+/;
# say 'ab c' ~~ / $re /;
# my $foo = "a+b";
# dd "aaaaab" ~~ m/<{$foo}>/;
# proto sub type-map(+@) {*}
# multi sub type-map(+@ [] --> Empty) { }
# multi sub type-map(*@ [::T, T() \x, **@xs]) { x, |@xs.&type-map }
# my $string = "wowoeroiueawr 2 to 4";
# $string ~~ / (.+) ' ' (\d) ' to ' (\d) /;
# say type-map @$/ R[Z] Str:D, Int:D, Int:D;
# constant term:<$☺> := $; say ++$☺;
# my %h;
# %h{||<1 2 3>} = 42;
# dd %h;
# my &b = { 42 }; &b.say;
# my $buff = 0xff.rand.Int xx 200 ); dd $buff.elems;
# say "9 of spades".subst(/(\d+)/, -> Match:D ( $n, *@ ) { $n + 1 });
# constant all-channels := none();
# my $j = all-channels;
# dd $j;
# # $j = '#general#raku';
# my $c = $j.split('#', :skip-empty).any;
# dd $c;
# say $c ~~ 'private';
# say ().none ~~ 'name';
# say %*ENV{%*ENV.grep(/^ SSH/)».key}:delete;
# say %*ENV;
# my $c = "#-raku-irc#-raku-dev-irc#-moarvom-irc#-webring-irc#raku";
# $c = $c.split('#').&{ any( .cache.grep(/^ '-'/)».subst(/^ '-'/).none, .grep(/^ <-[-]>/).any) }
# dd $c;
# my regex identifier {
# <[a..z A..Z 0..9 . -]>+
# }
# # say <>.all ~~ /<identifier>+ '#' <identifier>/;
# for <>».&{ m/(<identifier>) '#' (<identifier>)/.list».Str } -> [$server, $channel] {
# say [$server, $channel];
# }
# class OnMessage does Callable {
# has $.state is rw;
# has &.callback;
# method CALL-ME(&callback) { self.Supply.tap: &callback }
# method Supply {{ start loop { sleep ¼; .emit: $++; .done if $++ > 2 }; .Supply } }
# }
# my &on-message =;
# &on-message.state = 42;
# # react whenever &on-message { .say }
# on-message({ .say });
# sub api-entry { stream =>, 'answer' => -> { 42 }, 'unused' => {;} }
# with api-entry() -> (:$stream, :&answer, *%_) {
# dd $stream, &answer;
# } else { fail('bad‼'); }
# sub discord(|c) {
# say c[0][0];
# }
# discord(my ($message, $status));
# dd $message, $status;
# sub s($a) { $a + 1 }
# say s('all', (42,45)));
# class C {
# has @.a is required;
# submethod TWEAK {
# die(‚class C is not feeling so well.‘) unless +@!a;
# }
# method a() { return-rw
# FETCH => sub ($) { @!a },
# STORE => sub ($, @new-a) { die ‚I want moar!‘ unless +@new-a; @!a := @new-a; }
# )}
# }
# constant $c =[1]));
# say $c.a;
# say $c.a = 1,2,3;
# say $c.a = [];
# my @a = 1..100;
# say (1..100).map: { .&next if .is-prime };
# sub oi(@a) is pure { @a[*]:delete }; my @a = <1 2 3>; oi(@a); dd @a;
# sub whatever (List() $x) { shift $x } ; my @y = 1..3; whatever(@y); @y.say
# my &b = { … }; my &wc = * - 1 + *; my &p = -> { … }; (&b, &wc, &p)».signature».say;
# my $chars = "cool".comb.unique.join;
# my $cc = EVAL 'my regex { <[' ~ $chars ~ ']> }';
# my $foo = "cOOL"; say $foo ~~ /:i <$cc> /;
# .say for gather ($(12,84),).deepmap: *.take;
# my &s = sub { say 42 };
# constant c =;
# start react whenever c -> &s { s() }
# c.send(&s) for ^3;
# sleep 1;
# my Int() $sailors = @*ARGS.shift // 5;
# dd $sailors;
# my Date() $when = @*ARGS.shift // now;
# dd $when;
# sub MAIN(
# #| Dudes on (or formerly on) ships.
# Int $sailors,
# #| Why does the monkey never gets proper credit?
# Str :$monkey-name = "Bob",
# ) {
# dd $sailors;
# }
# my $input = '{ say "hello haxor!" }'; say 'ohai' ~~ /<$input>/;
# say :($a;; $b) ~~ :($a);
# my module Signal {
# our sub connect {
# say CLIENT::LEXICAL::.keys;
# my $o1 := CLIENT::LEXICAL::<$o1>;
# dd $o1;
# }
# }
# class C {
# method there { 42 }
# }
# constant NOT-THERE = ‚ENOTTHERE‘;
# my $c =;
# my $v1 = $c.there;
# my $v2 = sub { return $c.not-there; CATCH { when X::Method::NotFound { return NOT-THERE } } }.();
# dd $v1, $v2;
# $*IN = class :: is IO::Handle {
# has @.lines = <1 2 3>;
# method lines { gather { while @!lines { take shift @!lines } } }
# method nl-in(|) { }
# method chomp(|) { }
# method encoding(|) { }
# method IO { self }
# method open { self }
# method get { shift @!lines }
# }.new;
# multi sub MAIN(IO::Handle:D $handle) {
# say $handle.get;
# say $handle.lines;
# }
# multi sub MAIN(IO(Str) $in-file) { }
# multi sub MAIN() { MAIN($*IN) }
# sub infix:<yy>(&c, $n) { ^$n .map: &c }
# sub s() { state $++ }
# say { s } yy 10;
# subset Sane of Numeric where { ( .?denominator // 1 ) != 0 }
# my Sane:D $i = 42;
# $i = ½;
# $i = 1 / 0;
# subset Sane of Numeric where {
# ( .?denominator // 1 ) != 0
# or fail("defusing 0 denominator in " ~{!.is-setting})[1].&{.file ~ ' line ' ~ .line})
# }
# my Sane:D $i = 42;
# $i = ½;
# $i = 1 / 0;
# say 1 ∈ (1/1, )».Int;
# proto sub infix:<(elem)>($, $, *% --> Bool:D) is pure {*}
# multi sub infix:<(elem)>(Numeric:D \a, Iterable:D \listy --> Bool:D) {
#'∈', '') if;
# for listy -> \b {
# # return True if &*SET-COMPARATOR(a, b);
# return True if a == b;
# }
# False
# }
# multi sub infix:<(elem)>(Numeric:D \a, Setty:D \setty --> Bool:D) {
#'∈', '') if;
# for setty.keys -> \b {
# return True if a == b;
# }
# False
# }
# constant &infix:<∈> := &infix:<(elem)>;
# proto sub infix:<(&)>(|) is pure {*}
# multi sub infix:<(&)>(Iterable:D \lhs, Iterable:D \rhs) {
#'∩', '') if ||;
# my @result;
# for lhs -> \l {
# for rhs -> \r {
# @result.push: r if l == r;
# }
# }
# +@result ?? @result.Set !! ∅
# }
# multi sub infix:<(&)>(Iterable:D \lhs, Setty:D \rhs) {
#'∩', '') if ||;
# my @result;
# for lhs -> \l {
# for rhs.keys -> \r {
# @result.push: r if l == r;
# }
# }
# +@result ?? @result !! ∅
# }
# multi sub infix:<(&)>(Setty:D \lhs, Iterable:D \rhs) {
#'∩', '') if ||;
# my @result;
# for lhs.keys -> \l {
# for rhs -> \r {
# @result.push: r if l == r;
# }
# }
# +@result ?? @result !! ∅
# }
# multi sub infix:<(&)>(Setty:D \lhs, Setty:D \rhs) {
#'∩', '') if ||;
# my @result;
# for lhs.keys -> \l {
# for rhs.keys -> \r {
# @result.push: r if l == r;
# }
# }
# +@result ?? @result !! ∅
# }
# constant &infix:<∩> := &infix:<(&)>;
# my &*SET-COMPARATOR = &infix:<==>;
# my $t;
# {
# $t = 1 ∈ (1/1, ) for ^1000000;
# say now - ENTER now;
# }
# say 1 ∈ (1/1, ).Set;
# # say (42, 42/2, 42/3) ∩ (1..∞).lazy;
# say (42, 42/2, 42/3) ∩ (1, 21, 3);
# say (42, 42/2, 42/3) ∩ (1, 21, 3).Set;
# say (42, 42/2, 42/3).Set ∩ (1, 21, 3);
# say (42, 42/2, 42/3).Set ∩ (1, 21, 3).Set;
# say 1 ~~ 1/1;
# my $n1 = 2;
# my $n2 = 1/1;
# my $n3 = 1.1;
# say (1, 1/1, 1.1, 2)».Rat».&{ .denominator == 1 };
# say '1A2B' ~~ m:g/(<[\D] - [-]>+)/;
# # my ($a1:D, $b1:D) = "".split()[3,4];
# my ($a1:D);
# sub find-gcd (*@nums where (@nums.all ~~ Numeric or fail(‚I don't know how to find a gcd for a non-number.‘))) {
# [gcd] .min, .max with @nums
# }
# find-gcd(2,5,6,9,10).say;
# find-gcd(<1 2 3>).say;
# my $s = '(1+(2*3)+((8)/4))+1';
# say [max] [\+] ${ $_ eq '(' ?? 1 !! $_ eq ')' ?? -1 !! Empty });
# my @accounts = (1,2,3, 5,5,5, 3,1,4).rotor(3);
# say @accounts».sum.max;
# sub random-life-init(Int $factor){
# my @shape = (1,2) »*» $factor;
# my @field[||@shape];
# # @field = (Bool.pick.Int xx *).rotor(@shape[1]);
# (Bool.pick.Int xx @shape[0]).Array xx @shape[1];
# }
# my @field = random-life-init(5);
# say @field;
# say;
# say;
# say @field.&rot90;
# say my @t1 =, @field,;
# sub left-shift(@a) {
# (|@a xx 3)[(+@a+1) .. (2 * +@a)].Array
# }
# sub right-shift(@a) {
# (|@a xx 3)[(+@a-1) .. (2 * +@a - 2)].Array
# }
# sub rot90(@a) {
# my @new;
# for ^+@a[0] -> $col is raw {
# my @row;
# for ^+@a -> $row is raw {
# @row.push(@a[$row][$col])
# }
# @new.push: @row.reverse.Array;
# }
# @new;
# }
# # sub foo { "Good &:greeting(now.DateTime.hour) $:name!" };
# # say foo :name<Paul>, :greeting{$_ < 12 ?? 'morning' !! 'day'};
# # say &foo.signature;
# constant dice = ('DIE FACE-' «~« (1..6))».uniparse.cache;
# my $o = Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(:name<UnMu>);
# $o.HOW.add_fallback($o, -> | { True }, -> $o, $name { say $name; my method foo (|) { dice.roll } });
# # $o.^compose;
# # $o := Mu.^can('CREATE')[0]($o);
# $;
# dd $o;
# multi sub infix:<in>(\needle, List \l) { l.first(needle) ?? True !! False }
# multi sub infix:<in>(\needle, Iterable \l) { l.list.first(needle) ?? True !! False }
# multi sub infix:<in>(\needle, Str \s) { s.contains(needle) ?? True !! False }
# say 'foo' in 'foobar';
# say 'foo' in 'barbuzz';
# say '1' in <1 2 3>;
# say '1' in <0 2 3>;
# my @a = <1 2 3 4>;
# my &f = * - 1;
# say @a[&f];
# &f.WHAT.say;
# my ($f, $i is default(42)) = (1, Nil); say $i;
# my ($k, $j is default(42)) = (1);
# say $j;
# my %h1 = female => {died => 127, survived => 339}, male => {died => 682, survived => 161};
# # my %h2 = died => { female => %h1<female><died>, male => %h1<male><died> }, survived => { female => %h1<female><survived>, male => %h1<male><survived> };
# my %h2;
# for (%h1{*;*}:kv).flat.rotor(3)».[1,0,2] -> [ $k1, $k2, $v ] {
# %h2{||[$k1, $k2]} = $v;
# }
# say %h2;
# Nil.^methods.grep(*.name eq 'FALLBACK').say;
# multi sub prefix:«+\c[COMBINING RING ABOVE]»(\r) { r.defined ?? +r !! 0 }; say +̊(0, 0, 0).first: +̊*, :k;
# my $message = '<Anton Antonov#7232> <@!210313526928080896> Ok, using my own fold/reduce definition is good. Thanks!';
# my $t = [[1,2,3],[2,3,4]];
# sub has-homogenus-shape(\l) {
# so l[*].&{ $_».elems.all == .[0] }
# }
# my $t1 = [[1,2,3],[2,3,4]];
# my $t2 = [[1,2,3],[2,3]];
# say $t1.&has-homogenus-shape;
# say $t2.&has-homogenus-shape;
# my $t3 = [
# [[1,2,3],[2,3,4]],
# [[1,2,3],[2,3,4]]
# ];
# say $t3[*;*;1];
# my $num = 5;
# say (1..$num) Z** (1..$num);
# say (1..5)».&{ $^a ** $^a };
# multi sub dezip(Range $r) {
# my ($left, $right) = Seq, Seq;
# $left := $r.min, $r.min.succ.succ … $r.max.pred;
# $right := $r.min.succ, $r.min.succ.succ.succ … $r.max;
# $left, $right
# }
# say (0..0x10FFFF).&dezip;
# (my $oddject = Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(name => "")).&{.^add_method('FALLBACK', method ($name) { 'cheating' }); .^compose};
# dd $oddject;
# say $;
# constant term:<$container> = 1,2,3;
# say $container, $container.WHAT;
# say "answer: $container";
# dd $container;
# sub s($first, *@rest){
# dd $first, @rest;
# }
# s($container);
# {
# my @a = ("apple", " banana", " peach", "blueberry", "pear", " plum", "kiwi");
# multi sub merge-spacy([]) { () }
# multi sub merge-spacy([$x is copy, *@xs]) {
# if @xs[0].?starts-with(' ') {
# $x ~= @xs.shift;
# merge-spacy([|$x, |@xs])
# } else {
# $x, |merge-spacy(@xs)
# }
# }
# say 'functional';
# dd merge-spacy(@a);
# }
# {
# my @a = ("apple", " banana", " peach", "blueberry", "pear", " plum", "kiwi");
# sub merge-with(@a, &c) {
# gather while @a.shift -> $e {
# if @a && &c(@a.head) {
# @a.unshift($e ~ @a.shift)
# } else {
# take $e;
# }
# }
# }
# say 'gather/take';
# dd @a.&merge-with(*.starts-with(' '));
# }
# {
# my @a = ("apple", " banana", " peach", "blueberry", "pear", " plum", "kiwi");
# multi sub join(*@a, :&if!) {
# class :: does Iterable {
# method iterator {
# class :: does Iterator {
# has @.a;
# has &.if;
# method pull-one {
# return IterationEnd unless @!a;
# my $e = @!a.shift;
# return $e unless @!a;
# while &.if.(@!a.head) {
# $e ~= @!a.shift;
# }
# return $e;
# }
# }.new(a => @a, if => &if)
# }
# }.new
# }
# .say for join(@a, if => *.starts-with(' '));
# }
# {
# my @a = ("apple", " banana", " peach", "blueberry", "pear", " plum", "kiwi");
# # &c decides if the group is finished
# sub group-list(@a, &c) {
# my @group;
# gather while @a {
# my $e = @a.shift;
# my $next := +@a ?? @a.head !! Nil;
# @group.push($e);
# if !c($e, $next) {
# take @group.clone;
# @group = ();
# }
# }
# }
# dd @a.&group-list(-> $left, $right { $right && $right.starts-with(' ')});
# }
# {
# say '123456712' ~~ / $<ref> = [ . ** 2 ] .+ $<ref> /;
# }
# {
# my $s = 'a😅';
# say $s.subst(/<:Emoji>/, '', :g);
# }
# {
# sub infix:«|,»(\a, \e) {
# => method { |a, |e },
# STORE => method (\e) {})
# but role { method sink { a.push: e } };
# }
# my @a = 1,2,3;
# @a |, 4;
# dd @a;
# my @b = @a |, 5;
# dd @a, @b;
# }
# {
# my $a = 42; say $a.not-there(); CATCH { when X::Method::NotFound { .resume } }
# }
multi sub infix:«|,»(\left, \right) is equiv(&infix:<Z>) { |left, |right }
multi sub infix:«|xx»(Mu \left, Mu \right) is equiv(&infix:<xx>) { (left xx right).flat }
multi sub smart-join(&separators, *@l --> Str:D) {
my $ret;
while @l {
$ret ~= @l.shift;
$ret ~= separators if +@l;
multi sub smart-join(Seq:D \separator, *@l --> Str:D) {
my $ret;
my $sep-it = separator.iterator;
my $list-it = @l.iterator;
loop {
my $e := $list-it.pull-one;
last if $e =:= IterationEnd;
$ret ~= $e;
$ret ~= $sep-it.pull-one if $list-it.bool-only;
sub alternator(Mu \a, Mu \b) {
$++ %% 2 ?? a !! b
dd smart-join(&alternator.assuming(|<: ;>), <a b c d e f>);
# 1900..2100
# ==> grep({, 1, 1).day-of-week |, 12, 31).day-of-week == 4 })
# # ==> smart-join({ ++$ %% 8 ?? $?NL !! ' '})
# ==> smart-join( (' ' xx 7 |, $?NL) |xx ∞ )
# ==> say();
# put (1900..2100).grep({, 1, 1).day-of-week |, 12, 31).day-of-week == 4 });
# put ( (1900..2100).grep({, 1, 1).day-of-week |, 12, 31).day-of-week == 4 }) Z (' ' xx 7 |, $?NL) |xx ∞ ).flat.head(*-1).join('');
# multi sub smart-split(Str $s, &needle) {
# my @ret;
# my $str-it = $s.comb.iterator;
# my $section = Empty;
# loop {
# my $e := $str-it.pull-one;
# last if $e =:= IterationEnd;
# dd $e;
# if needle($e) {
# @ret.push: $section;
# $section = '';
# } else {
# $section ~= $e;
# }
# }
# @ret
# }
# 'a0b1c0d'.&smart-split({ .Numeric ~~ Numeric }).say;
# my %h1 = a => 2, b => 4, c => 0.1;
# my %h2 = :4a, :6b, :1c;
# say %h1 »+« %h2;
# {
# my $s = Empty; dd $s; say $s.defined; say ().defined; say "".defined; say Empty.defined;
# my $a = 1; my $b; say $a + $b;
# }
my $year = 2021;
my Int() $samoa-correction = $year == 2011 && slurp('/etc/timezone').match(/ 'Pacific/Apia' /).so;
say ($year) ..$year + 1, 1, 1).earlier(:1day)).grep({ .day-of-week !== 6|7}).elems - $samoa-correction;
my &me = method ($o: $p) { dd $o, $p };
my &bound = &me.assuming(42);
bound('I ♥ Raku‼');
(my $oddject = Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(name => "")).&{.^add_method('$methodd', method () { 'LOLWUT‽' }); .^compose};
say $oddject."\$methodd"();
# {
# while my Str:D $input = prompt 'Please be so kind to enter an integer: ' {
# last if $input ~~ / ^^ '-'? \d+ $$ /;
# }
# }
say <a b c>.map({ |($_, $_.uc) }).join('|');
# {
# role QuotedStr {
# method new() is rw {
# my $theStr = "";
# STORE => method (Str() $new is raw) { $theStr = $new.subst(/ [ ^ || <-[\\]> ] '"' /, '\"', :g) },
# FETCH => method () { $theStr but QuotedStr }
# )
# }
# }
# my $qs :=;
# $qs = "abc"; dd $qs;
# $qs = 12; dd $qs;
# $qs = '"ABC"'; say $qs;
# sub testy(QuotedStr $s is raw) is rw {
# say $s ~~ QuotedStr;
# $s
# }
# sub changy(QuotedStr $s is raw ) is rw {
# $s = $s ~ '-changed';
# }
# dd $qs.&testy.&changy;
# }
# {
# multi sub postfix:<minute>(Numeric() \seconds) { seconds * 60 }
# multi sub postfix:<minutes>(Numeric() \seconds) { seconds * 60 }
# multi sub postfix:<hour>(Numeric() \seconds) { seconds * 3600 }
# multi sub postfix:<hours>(Numeric() \seconds) { seconds * 3600 }
# multi sub postfix:<day>(Numeric() \seconds) { seconds * 86400 }
# multi sub postfix:<days>(Numeric() \seconds) { seconds * 86400 }
# react whenever Supply.interval(5minutes) {
# note ‚taking snapshot‘;
# use Perl6::Compiler:from<NQP>;
# sub compress(Str() $file-name) { run «lz4 -BD --rm -qf $file-name» }
# my $filename = 'raku-bot-' ~ now.DateTime.&{ .yyyy-mm-dd ~ '-' ~ .hh-mm-ss } ~ '.mvmheap';
# Perl6::Compiler.profiler-snapshot(kind => "heap", filename => $filename<>);
# # $filename.&compress or warn(‚compression failed‘);
# note ‚done‘;
# }
# }
# {
# for [2, 3, 4; 3, 3, 6; 200, 300, 40; 0, 0, 0] -> [$i, $j, $k] {
# put ((1..$i) X* (1..$j)).sort[$k - 1];
# CATCH { when X::OutOfRange { warn „Sorry, I can't find position $k in the multiplication table of $i and $j.“ } }
# }
# }
# {
# class A { has %.f is Set[Str]; }
# say;
# }
# {
# my @a = (1,2,3,4) xx 4;
# cross(||@a).say;
# }
# {
# use Test;
# class A { has @.b };
# my @b = 1,2,3;
# my %a = :@b;
# dd %a;
# is-deeply|'b', @b)),
# }
# {
# put [Z~] (^10 X ^50).map(-> [$a, $b] { '.' ~ ($b == 49 ?? "\n" !! '') });
# }
# {
# use Test;
# ok 1 ~~ TR/\#//, 'Backslashed # is parsed correctly in a regex';
# is (TR/\#/a/ with '#'), 'a', 'transliteration of # works';
# }
# {
# multi sub possible($a, $b where { $a == $b² }) { say „$a is $b²“ }
# multi sub possible($a, $b where { $a =~= $b²}) { say „$a is possibly $b²“ }
# multi sub possible(| ($a, $b)) { say „$a is not $b²“ }
# possible 1, -1;
# possible 2, sqrt(2);
# possible 4, 4;
# }
# {
# sub postfix:<?>(\p) { p }
# say my $hey-raku-what-kind-of-problems-can-i-solve-with-you?;
# }
# {
# sub rakudoconfuser(Str $) {};
# my &clonish = &rakudoconfuser.clone;
# &rakudoconfuser.wrap: sub (Int $) {};
# my &alias = &rakudoconfuser;
# alias(42);
# clonish("answer");
# sub wrap-pure(&s, &wrapper) {
# my &ret = &s.clone;
# my $handle = &ret.wrap(&wrapper);
# &ret but class :: { has $.wrap-handle }.new(:wrap-handle($handle))
# }
# sub subby(Str $) {}
# my &tubby = wrap-pure &subby, sub (Int $i) { callwith $i.Str };
# tubby(42);
# subby(‚answer‘);
# multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Sub $s, :$looping){
# $s.wrap: sub (*@a) { callwith($_) for @a }
# }
# sub forgotname(Str() $s) is looping {
# say $s;
# }
# ::("&forgotname").(1,2,3);
# }
my @a = 1..10;
sub divide(&condition, *@a) {
my (@r-a, @r-b);
.&condition ?? @r-a.push($_) !! @r-b.push($_) for @a;
@r-a, @r-b
augment class List {
method divide(&condition) {
my (@r-a, @r-b);
.&condition ?? @r-a.push($_) !! @r-b.push($_) for self;
@r-a, @r-b
my (@b, @c) := divide * %% 2, @a;
dd @b, @c;
my (@e, @f);
@a ==> divide({ Bool.pick })
==> say();
# dd @e, @f;
say @a.divide({Bool.pick});
sub divide2(&conditional, *@a) {
my $arity = &conditional.arity;
my @ret;
if &conditional.arity == 0 {
for @a {
@ret[conditional].push: $_
} elsif $arity == 1 {
my @ret;
for @a {
@ret[.&conditional].push: $_
} else {
my @streams = @a.rotor($arity);
for @streams {
my $order = conditional(|$_);
dd $_, $order;
@ret.push: $_[$order]
say divide2({Bool.roll}, 1..10);
say divide2({$^a %% 2}, 1..10);
say divide2({(0..2).roll}, 1..10);
say divide2(sub { Bool.roll }, 1..10);
say divide2({ $^a > $^b }, (1..10).pick(*));
# {
# (^∞).hyper.grep({$_ !%% 2 && .is-prime})[^100000].sum.say;
# say now - ENTER now;
# }
# {
# (^∞).hyper(:batch(5000)).grep({$_ !%% 2 && .is-prime})[^100000].sum.say;
# say now - ENTER now;
# }
# {
# sub hyper(+@a, *%_) { @a.hyper(|%_) }
# sub tail(+@a, *%_) { @a.tail(|%_) }
# sub is-palindrom(\v) { v eq v.flip }
# sub is-boring(\s) { my \c = s.comb; c[0] eq c.all }
# my @primes = ^10_000 .grep(*.is-prime);
# (@primes X @primes)
# ==> hyper(:batch(1000))
# ==> grep({ (.[0] * .[1]).&{ .&is-palindrom & .&is-boring } })
# ==> map({ [ .[0,1], .[0] * .[1] ] })
# ==> unique(:as(*[1]))
# ==> sort(*[1] <=> *[1])
# ==> tail(20)
# ==> map({ .[0;0] ~ ' * ' ~ .[0;1] ~ ' = ' ~ .[1] })
# ==> join($?NL)
# ==> put();
# # .flat.say for (@primes X @primes).hyper(:batch(1000)).grep({ my \p = .[0] * .[1]; p.&is-palindrom & p.&is-boring }).map({ [.[0,1], .[0] * .[1] ] }).unique(:as(*[1])).sort(*[1] <=> *[1]).tail(20);
# say now - ENTER now;
# my @a = hyper for ^100_000 { .is-prime };
# say @a;
# }
# {
# sub chain(&op where *.count == 2, \listy where *.^can('rotor')) {
# for listy.rotor(2=>-1) -> [\a, \b] {
# return False unless op(a, b)
# }
# True
# }
# my $res;
# ($res += chain(&[eq], <1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1>)) for ^100000;
# say [$res, now - ENTER now];
# }
# {
# my $res;
# ($res += ('1' eq <1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1>.all).Bool) for ^100000;
# say [$res, now - ENTER now];
# }
sub frontend(|c ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3?)) {
my \d = \(|c[0,1], c[2] // 42);
sub backend($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) {
say $arg1, $arg2, $arg3
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