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use v6;
# use Grammar::Tracer;
my $skiptime;
grammar CombatLog {
rule TOP { [ <deal-damage> | <venomous-hail> | <rest> ]+ }
rule deal-damage {
<timestamp> <char-name> [<non-crit>|<crit>] '('<amount>'-'<amount>')->'<raw-damage> 'post soak:' <final-damage> <elemental-damage>*
dex@goethe ~/rakudo/nqp
$ /bin/sh -l -c 'echo $PWD; cd 3rdparty/dyncall && sh configure'
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: 3rdparty/dyncall: No such file or directory
dex@goethe ~/rakudo/nqp
$ /bin/sh -c 'cd 3rdparty; echo $PWD'; echo "and now /bin/bash"; /bin/bash -c 'cd 3rdparty; echo $PWD'; echo "alive";
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: 3rdparty: No such file or directory
and now /bin/bash
./parrot.exe pbc_to_exe.pbc pbc_to_exe.pbc
0 [main] parrot 3152 child_info_fork::abort: C:\cygwin\bin\cygicudata48.dll: Loaded to different address: parent(0x7B0000) != child(0x560000)
Can't spawn child process
current instr.: 'spawnw_cmd' pc 643 (tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir:216)
called from Sub 'compile_file' pc 1450 (tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir:460)
called from Sub 'main' pc 230 (tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir:74)
Makefile:902: recipe for target `pbc_to_exe.exe' failed
make: *** [pbc_to_exe.exe] Error 1
Command failed (status 512): make install-dev
sub f(){
ENTER { note '1) f has been entered' }
LEAVE { note '2) f has been left' }
say '3) here be dragons';
die '4) that happend to be deadly';
say '5) am I alive?';
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# a simple script to take a dictionary w/ one word per line, e.g.
# /usr/share/dict/words, and count trigrams of letters in order to
# build a model to generate plausible nonsense words
# pretty much all the slowness happens in this function
# admittedly it gets called thousands of times
use nqp;
m: my $b = 1;
my \r :=
FETCH => sub {},
STORE => -> $, $new { $b = $new + 1 }
my $a := r;
say $a;
$a = 4;
say $a;
44 supermutant
16 Semper invicta! in block at 2bind.p6:52
57 Cait
16 Semper invicta! in block at 2bind.p6:65
70 Dogmeat
79 Scalar
80 Proxy
81 Proxy
92 False
93 True
use v6;
my %items =
'Caldari Fuel Block' => {
price => 13231.99,
value => 12866.26,
stack_size => 40,
components => '8 Coolant, 4 Enriched Uranium, 158 Heavy Water, 158 Liquid Ozone, 4 Mechanical Parts, 420 Nitrogen Isotopes, 21 Oxygen, 1 Robotics'
'Coolant' => {
PROCESS::<$SCHEDULER> = => 0, max_threads => 2);
my $source-dir = '../../doc/doc/';
sub MAIN () {
put await do start { .&parse-pod-file } for sort find-pod-files $source-dir;
sub find-pod-files ($dir) {
gather for dir($dir) {
take .Str if .extension ~~ rx:i/pod$/;