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Created December 20, 2019 12:49
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// Download the bible from here:
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
require_once 'helpers.php';
echo('Start: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
$string = file_get_contents('bsb.txt');
echo('After File Read: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
function containsMb4(string $str): bool
echo('After containsMb4 Start: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
$str_splited = str_split($str);
echo('After str_split: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
$str_splited_mapped = array_map('ord', $str_splited);
echo('After array_map: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
$max = max($str_splited_mapped);
echo('After max: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
return $max >= 240;
$executionTime = new ExecutionTime();
echo $executionTime . "\r\n";
echo('After containsMb4: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
echo('Peak: ' . convert(memory_get_peak_usage()) . "\r\n");
// Download the bible from here:
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
require_once 'helpers.php';
echo('Start: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
$string = file_get_contents('bsb.txt');
echo('After File Read: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
function containsMb4Fixed(string $str): bool
echo('After containsMb4Fixed Start: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
$length = strlen($str);
echo('After strlen: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
if (ord($str[$i]) >= 240) {
return true;
echo('After for: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
return false;
$executionTime = new ExecutionTime();
echo $executionTime . "\r\n";
echo('After containsMb4Fixed: ' . convert(memory_get_usage()) . "\r\n");
echo('Peak: ' . convert(memory_get_peak_usage()) . "\r\n");
class ExecutionTime
private $_startTime;
private $_endTime;
public function start()
$this->_startTime = getrusage();
public function end()
$this->_endTime = getrusage();
private function runTime($ru, $rus, $index)
return ($ru["ru_$index.tv_sec"]*1000 + intval($ru["ru_$index.tv_usec"]/1000))
- ($rus["ru_$index.tv_sec"]*1000 + intval($rus["ru_$index.tv_usec"]/1000));
public function __toString()
return 'This process used ' . $this->runTime($this->_endTime, $this->_startTime, 'utime') .
" ms for its computations\nIt spent " . $this->runTime($this->_endTime, $this->_startTime, 'stime') .
' ms in system calls';
function convert($size)
$unit = ['b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb'];
return @round($size / pow(1024, ( $i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i];
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