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Created March 6, 2023 01:47
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include std/io.e
include std/error.e
include std/pretty.e
include std/types.e
constant NULL = 0
ifdef EUI then
include euphoria/debug/debug.e
include euphoria/symstruct.e
-- Initialize the debugger.
debug:initialize_debugger( machine_func(M_INIT_DEBUGGER,{}) )
-- Convert a variable ID back to its symtab pointer.
function get_symbol_pointer( integer id )
atom symtab = get_symbol_table()
atom symlen = peek_pointer( symtab )
if id < 0 or symlen <= id then
error:crash( "invalid variable id" )
end if
return symtab + (ST_ENTRY_SIZE * id)
end function
-- Turn off inlining, which can hide symbols.
without inline
end ifdef
-- Locate a variable starting from the current point in the program.
-- Parameters:
-- # ##name## : a **sequence**, the name of a variable in the calling scope.
-- Returns:
-- If the symbol identified by ##name## is a variable and that variable is in the calling scope,
-- the return value is the ID of the variable in the symbol table. If the symbol name does not
-- exist, is not a variable, or is not in the calling scope, the return value will be ##-1##.
-- Comments:
-- This function can only locate variables defined in the scope from which it was called.
-- Example 1:
-- <eucode>
-- sequence foo = {1,2,3,4}
-- ? variable_id("foo") -- prints an ID >= 0
-- ? variable_id("bar") -- prints -1 ("bar" does not exit)
-- </eucode>
public function variable_id( sequence name )
ifdef EUI then
if not types:string( name ) then
error:crash( "name must be a string" )
end if
-- We need to use debugger_call_stack() as it returns the required CS_GLINE and CS_PC values for
-- symbol_lookup().
sequence cs = debug:debugger_call_stack()
-- Start at looking at level 2 because level 1 is the call to debugger_call_stack() itself.
for i = 2 to length( cs ) do
-- CS_GLINE is the global source line, which translates to the specific line number in the
-- original source file.
integer gline = cs[i][CS_GLINE]
-- CS_PC is the program counter which is where we "are" in the program. This will translate
-- to the routine at this point in the stack via Locate() function in be_symtab.c@L123.
atom pc = cs[i][CS_PC]
-- Lookup the symbol starting at this point in the stack.
atom sym = debug:symbol_lookup( name, gline, pc )
if sym and debug:is_variable( sym ) then
-- Get the base address of the symbol table.
atom symtab = get_symbol_table()
-- Return the actual "ID" of the symbol, which is its 0-based index in the symbol table.
return floor( (sym - symtab) / ST_ENTRY_SIZE )
end if
end for
end ifdef
return -1
end function
-- Determine if a variable has been assigned a value.
-- Parameters:
-- # ##sym## : an **integer**, an ID number returned from [[:variable_id]].
-- Returns:
-- If the symbol ID is a variable and it has value, the return value is ##TRUE## (1). Otherwise
-- the return value is ##FALSE## (0).
-- Example 1:
-- <eucode>
-- sequence foo = {1,2,3,4}
-- atom bar -- not assigned
-- ? has_value("foo") -- prints 1
-- ? has_value("bar") -- prints 0
-- ? has_value("baz") -- prints 0
-- </eucode>
public function has_value( integer id )
ifdef EUI then
atom sym = get_symbol_pointer( id )
if debug:is_variable( sym ) then
return not debug:is_novalue( sym )
end if
end ifdef
return FALSE
end function
-- Get the value of a variable in the symbol table.
-- Parameters:
-- # ##sym## : an **integer**, an ID number returned from [[:variable_id]].
-- Returns:
-- If the symbol ID is a variable and it has value, the return value is the value of the object
-- in the symbol table. Otherwise the application will crash with the relevant error message. Use
-- [[:has_value]] first to prevent a crash.
-- Example 1:
-- <eucode>
-- sequence foo = {1,2,3,4}
-- integer foo_id = variable_id("foo")
-- ? get_value(foo_id) -- prints {1,2,3,4}
-- integer bar_id = variable_id("bar")
-- ? get_value(bar_id) -- crashes with "invalid variable id"
-- </eucode>
public function get_value( integer id )
object value
ifdef EUI then
atom sym = get_symbol_pointer( id )
-- The following error checks should not be necessary if you're using variable_id() first. But
-- you could call get_value() with any other integer that could fall into the symtab range.
if not debug:is_variable( sym ) then
error:crash( "symbol is not a variable" )
elsif debug:is_novalue( sym ) then
error:crash( "symbol does not have a value" )
end if
value = debug:read_object( sym )
end ifdef
return value
end function
--** An "inline" format for pretty_print()
PRETTY_INLINE[DISPLAY_ASCII] = 2 -- print strings
PRETTY_INLINE[LINE_BREAKS] = 0 --no line breaks
-- Pretty-print a variable to STDERR for debugging.
-- Parameters:
-- # ##name## : a **sequence**, the name of the variable to print.
-- # ##options## : the formatting options used by [[:pretty_print]].
-- Comments:
-- If a variable with ##name## is not found, ##"<not found>"## will be printed. If the variable
-- does not have a value, ##"<no value>"## will be printed. Otherwise, the value will be printed
-- using the specified ##options##. The default ##options## is will print values in an "inline"
-- format (without line breaks) and will attempt to print sequences as strings.
-- Example 1:
-- <eucode>
-- sequence foo = {1,2,3,4}
-- atom bar -- not assgined
-- print_var("foo") -- prints "foo = {1,2,3,4}\n"
-- print_var("bar") -- prints "bar = <no value>\n"
-- print_var("baz") -- prints "baz = <not found>\n"
-- </eucode>
public procedure print_var( sequence name, sequence options=PRETTY_INLINE )
ifdef EUI then
integer id = variable_id( name )
if id = -1 then
printf( STDOUT, "%s = <not found>\n", {name} )
elsif not has_value( id ) then
printf( STDOUT, "%s = <no value>\n", {name} )
printf( STDOUT, "%s = ", {name} )
pretty_print( STDOUT, get_value(id), options )
puts( STDOUT, "\n" )
end if
end ifdef
end procedure
include varid.e
procedure main()
integer one = 1
atom two = 0.2
sequence three = {one,two,"three"}
object four
print_var( "one" ) -- 1
print_var( "two" ) -- 0.2
print_var( "three" ) -- {1,0.2,"three"}
print_var( "four" ) -- <no value>
print_var( "five" ) -- <not found>
end procedure
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