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ghost355 / floatStatus.lua
Created April 2, 2023 18:22
TTS Lua script staus image float
-- Pavel Pavlov @ 2023
-- Project "Floating image as Status with forward/backward loop icon switch"
--=========== UI config ================
-- XML : write ID you want, write name in image from asset as your default image,
-- width and heithg are size of your image
-- offsetXY or position - x,y coordinate where your icon appear after loading
-- [[ in the begining and ]] in the end are muliline Lua syntax
ghost355 / game_status_tile.lua
Last active April 2, 2023 16:33
Статус чего-либо в игре. В виде висящих постоянно кнопок
local iconSet = {}
local index = {}
--=============== Тут нужно поменять значения ===============
-- index["ВАШЕ_НАЗВАНИЕ_ID_В_BUTTON"] - их будет столько сколько у вас кнопок-статусов
-- iconSet["ВАШЕ_НАЗВАНИЕ_ID_В_BUTTON"] = {В кавычках, через запятую имена -
-- нзвания файлов тайлов-иконок, сколько их чередуется в одной кнопке-статусе
-- в меню Modding-Scripting-Закладка Global-Custom UI Assets
-- (Это молоток и гаечный ключ справа вверху панельки)
-- Нажмите красный плюс там чтобы добавить}
-- !!! Важно - в XML файле id в <Button> должны точно свопадать с названиями в index и iconSet
ghost355 / gist:6e169c87a5bbcbf5aaec754ffb19ded7
Last active January 30, 2023 22:44
draw charts in pdf IBD style
# usage: make_charts(one_ticker as stirng or list of string, number_days(bars)for_showing)
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas_ta as ta
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import mplfinance as mpf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
let mapleader = ' '
" Плагины
call plug#begin()
Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'
Plug 'nlknguyen/papercolor-theme'
" Поддержка русского языка при переключении режимов
Plug 'lyokha/vim-xkbswitch'
ghost355 /
Created November 8, 2022 20:38 — forked from subfuzion/
vim/neovim configuration

I recently switched over to neovim (see my screenshots at the bottom). Below is my updated config file.

It's currently synchronized with my .vimrc config except for a block of neovim-specific terminal key mappings.

This is still a work in progress (everyone's own config is always a labor of love), but I'm already extremely pleased with how well this is working for me with neovim. While terminal mode isn't enough to make me stop using tmux, it is quite good and I like having it since it simplifies my documentation workflow for yanking terminal output to paste in a markdown buffer.

These days I primarily develop in Go. I'm super thrilled and grateful for fatih/vim-go,

ghost355 / gist:de3ec24795cf80fdc8a675e352e0f332
Last active November 8, 2022 15:56
Vim testing .vimrc file
Настройка Vim
1. Базовая настройка
a. Настройка поведения
b. Настройка внешнего вида
2. Настройка клавиш
a. Настройка Lead key
b. Настройка команд
c. Настройки для плагинов
ghost355 / EmacsAutoKbdSwitch.el
Last active May 22, 2022 02:22
How to smart switch Russian /English keyboard layout mode when use Emacs and Evil mode (or Spacemacs)
;; Mac OS Edition
;; This code helps us to work with Spacemacs (Emacs + Evil mode) in multilanguage mode
;; You need to install
;; It's a console utilite to switch input language.
;; Pavel Pavlov (c) 2015
;; In other OS you'll have to change name of langages layers and name of Switcher like issw
;; In thу Terminal # issw show you namу of the current layout
(setq shell-file-name "/bin/bash")
(setq lang_source "") ;set default var lang_source for issw arg
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-entry-hook ;what we do when enter insert mode
ghost355 / gist:95ae31d114368b6c6ccc0fe1c842da4d
Created March 23, 2021 10:19
VIMRC ets-labs / python-vimrc
" __ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ "
" \ \ / / | '_ ` _ \| '__/ __| "
" \ V /| | | | | | | | | (__ "
" \_/ |_|_| |_| |_|_| \___| "
" "
let $vimhome=fnamemodify(resolve(expand("~/.vimrc")), ':p:h')
let $vundle=$vimhome."/bundle/Vundle.vim"
ghost355 / gist:83cfc0791ae3f4b41611b6d5c98e1f39
Last active January 28, 2021 16:46
full history stock chart like IBD in multipage pdf
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas_ta as ta
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import mplfinance as mpf
ghost355 / gist:594270c771a10fdc79f3c5458a73c9c8
Last active January 28, 2021 16:44
Creating several overlapping pdf with a stock chart for printing and analysis (DRAFT edition)
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas_ta as ta
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import mplfinance as mpf