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Last active June 16, 2016 05:30
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Save ghsr/1ac063de12e68ea95409 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* bootable/recovery/
85c910a Mount pstore filesystem while in recovery
* packages/apps/Dialer/
e790722 Fix nudge counts
* packages/apps/Messaging/
01868a1 Fixed the cutoff timestamp for MMS deletion by limit.
* packages/apps/Settings/
e77cc0a settings: Remove LiveDisplay preferences if not available
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
2e75c4e SetupWizard: Fix test app building
* system/bt/
3a1764b Add Renault MediaNav to HFP 1.7 blacklist
* system/vold/
57f9939 vold: Fix cryptfs changepw parsing
* vendor/cmsdk/
4595cfd livedisplay: Add some unit tests
35315d3 cmsdk: Fix crash when getting LiveDisplay config
* cts/
912c63e merge in marshmallow-cts-release history after reset to marshmallow-cts-dev
* frameworks/base/
08d2d0b bootanimation: Switch to readahead
eb9f3d3 LLS: Update LLS slide offsets when focus changes
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
4e5d695 Fix bug in CallManager unregisterForPhoneStates()
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
2c9c545 Ensure synchronized access of JNI callback object
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
14ae197 Add new method to LookupHandlerThread for calling new API interfaces
* packages/apps/Eleven/
ac7e035 Eleven: Cleanup all the whitespace
* packages/apps/Messaging/
4052475 Implement lookup provider for 4x3 and 3x3 widget
33e9316 Bring back original color
* packages/apps/Settings/
7de366b Settings: fix incorrect default sim/sms/data selection logic
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
af82858 SetupWizard: GMS page controls the next step
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
74d7544 ThemeChooser: don't try to set bg color when displaying from font filter
* vendor/cm/
ffd6637 Remove cyngn dialer
* vendor/cmsdk/
c68b38a livedisplay: Connect display modes to CMHW
* packages/apps/Screencast/
1b416a4 Screencast: cleanup
* packages/apps/Settings/
9184afb Themes: Add tint mode so custom icons can show in power usage detail
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
bbd3c55 SoundRecorder: cleanup
* system/bt/
87c9691 add medianav to unsupported device for hfp 1.7
* vendor/cmsdk/
e41c292 livedisplay: Fix three bugs
* external/stagefright-plugins/
d379af4 stagefright-plugins: Fix port reset problem
38e74de stagefright-plugins: Fix eos flush problem.
* frameworks/av/
c27a16c audiopolicy: Fix notification not sent for session release
* frameworks/base/
3e3f77d Support for new properties to identify country based ecc #s added by RIL
76e688b LLS: Show notification panel if LLS crashes
81ad527 LLS: Fix screen off event firing when not interactive
463c328 libhwui: Remove opaque check for everything
ab5c226 Keyguard: switch to cm-specific device provisioned flag
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
eb9c90d Null check before accessing AP objects
* hardware/ti/omap4/
c0ab422 camera: fix large tiler memory leakages
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
a101530 CMBugReport: add bypass processing config
e48c244 CMBugReport: better bug report uploading
* packages/apps/Dialer/
6167f42 NPE: check that cn is null and return
* packages/apps/Messaging/
22d92d6 Text/Multimedia message limit feature
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
fccccda SetupWizard: add a CM-specific setup-complete settings key
* packages/services/Telecomm/
fb92b65 Telecom: refresh missed call notification on locale change
* vendor/cm/
e3811ea Update Ambient SDK to 1.5.5
da1a900 sepolicy: Allow recovery to mount on tmpfs
* vendor/cmsdk/
bf5261c CMSettings: add CM_SETUP_WIZARD_COMPLETED key
7a4fed9 livedisplay: Always check for transition
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
6757ab6 WundergroundCM: Update iconography.
* frameworks/base/
a1756e0 SettingsProvider : load region-specific settings
59526b3 Themes: Update icon mapping on boot
* hardware/qcom/fm/
d8a97a8 fmapp2: Allow value for the default fm recording duration to be overlayed.
* packages/apps/Dialer/
416100f Fix crash in Settings when clicking on Phone Number Lookup
9f9dfa5 Settings: Add back Accessibility
2366ded Improvements to Nudges
9e8223e Search: Show FAB in the right place
fcd9f77 Quick search results: fix to match selected item in spinner
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
b436d85 Revert and modify "Change in InCallAPI handover button UI"
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
0c86fc1 Trebuchet : Update default workspace for dialer
* packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
ece43f8 Check for default WeatherInfo values
* system/core/
408bb87 fastboot: add ZTE to the list of known vendors
* vendor/cmsdk/
b00c945 livedisplay: Bugfixes and cleanups
* android/
56f9934 manifest: Add Weather Underground weather provider service sample.
d52bdf0 default.xml: cm: Update to 6.0.1_r30
ab38783 Add json-c for 8996 builds
* frameworks/av/
5fac306 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
32ef055 audiopolicy: Clean up the mess
* frameworks/base/
303cef4 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
9878124 Lockscreen : Fix dead-zone in bottom area
b90fd3d Revert "Lockscreen : Ensure window bounds change after view animations"
* frameworks/native/
ec0faee sensorservice: fix an invalid format string
573fb3e sensorservice: add power usage to dumpsys
* hardware/qcom/fm/
ee0b89e Route audio to connected A2DP headset on turn on.
2f5edee FM: Fix Static Analysis Issues
836e8dc Handle orientation change in FM app
220242c Fix null pointer exception in FMRadioService
* libcore/
3a5c4a7 XML Pull Parser optimizations
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
197747b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into rebase_r30
* packages/apps/CarrierConfig/
49b017a Import national-roaming settings from f/b
* packages/apps/Dialer/
e8dc4e8 Add metrics event for selecting call method
93b791a Convert call log and call stats details to new contact blocking code.
5d89d62 Call Statistics: fix NPE on rotation
* packages/apps/Snap/
1f7404e Snap: Add support for focus distance
f9739a3 Revert "Snap: Improve focusing"
* packages/services/Telecomm/
c427d59 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* prebuilts/cmsdk/
55dfb9c prebuilts/cmsdk: Update released artifact (overwritten).
* vendor/cm/
b110c51 Update Ambient SDK to 1.5.3
* vendor/cmsdk/
9adbc6f cmsdk: Ignore "samples" subdir.
ab3916f Add Weather API test coverage
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
6a231df WundergroundCM: Make sure to set the current days forecast.
d7700c7 WundergroundCM: Update gradlewrapper version and only pull from mc.
5b049da WundergroundCM: Point at maven central for artifact.
f24ccf6 WundergroundCM: Provide weathercondition to weathercode map.
a6f49ab WundergroundCM: Add api key verification mechanism.
* build/
7e2ab69 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/audio/default/
526cf00 post_proc: Misc cleanups
6131d95 post_proc: improve logging
410cbfb post_proc: Fix bassboost/virtualizer not disabled on speaker
db738c0 volume_listener: Silence volume listener log
948d7df post_proc: fix inconsistency in virtualizer state from set_strength call
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
87c2095 Merge commit 'a71eb120c7390a82474bf8bdb94d08e723582f9f' into HEAD
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
1ca5290 Make Block action contingent on system-wide Blacklist setting
* packages/services/Telecomm/
9c02764 Incorrect cache key in ConnectionServiceRepository
* system/bt/
5320f7c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* android/
6de100c default: Move HAL repos to their own manifest snippet
* bionic/
b24ae58 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* bootable/recovery/
862a8e1 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* build/
175aa0c qcom: Use correct path for BT vendor
b0fa40c img_from_target_files: Skip oem.img in fastboot image creation
e1caad2 releasetools: Fix print in boot image signing
5f59260 releasetools: Add bootable image signing
* cts/
8885fe0 merge in marshmallow-cts-release history after reset to marshmallow-cts-dev
eab51f6 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: fix break using wrong quotes" into marshmallow-cts-dev
21350fb DO NOT MERGE: fix break using wrong quotes
0916de3 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: fix another break" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 312237f -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
3eac63e Merge "DO NOT MERGE: fix another break" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 312237f -s ours
312237f Merge "DO NOT MERGE: fix another break" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
034ac5f DO NOT MERGE: fix another break
700b974 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix breakages" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 2d14f2a -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
5736ae2 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix breakages" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 2d14f2a -s ours
2d14f2a Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix breakages" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
d10ba7d DO NOT MERGE: Fix breakages
350f727 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix build break" into marshmallow-cts-release
f010e48 DO NOT MERGE: Fix build break
8df18a1 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix build break" into marshmallow-cts-dev
645d13d DO NOT MERGE: Fix build break
28f8693 Merge "Revert "Obtain min frame rate from codec capabilities"" into marshmallow-cts-release
8b47757 Revert "Obtain min frame rate from codec capabilities"
adb9a03 Merge "Revert "Obtain min frame rate from codec capabilities"" into marshmallow-cts-dev
028120e Revert "Obtain min frame rate from codec capabilities"
e216dd8 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Set priority for notification in a11y cts test." into marshmallow-cts-release
9789389 DO NOT MERGE: Set priority for notification in a11y cts test.
8cc53b1 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Set priority for notification in a11y cts test." into marshmallow-cts-dev
21c2a22 DO NOT MERGE: Set priority for notification in a11y cts test.
3cb6630 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Disabling sensor tests and policy permission" into marshmallow-cts-release
eae5dc9 DO NOT MERGE: Disabling sensor tests and policy permission
9bd24b3 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Disabling sensor tests and policy permission" into marshmallow-cts-dev
a1f802f DO NOT MERGE: Disabling sensor tests and policy permission
* external/bouncycastle/
ac1940f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/dhcpcd/
49aad12 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/icu/
ea50f14 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/libavc/
5f7a7a9 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/libpng/
1d72d43 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/pdfium/
8f8b2f2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/sepolicy/
f00429d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/skia/
b0dba5e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/sonivox/
bba9df6 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
b5ff4de wpa_supplicant: Force the p2p channels to reuse frequencies used by STA
* frameworks/base/
8bb9f43 Global actions: fix airplane mode switch for MSIM
cc00849 Lockscreen : Ensure window bounds change after view animations
6b5b45b SystemUI: don't crash with bad tiles
d75b707 SystemUI: Move ADB_ENABLED to "Global"
a88d902 SystemUI: fix some qs tile race conditions
0053be3 SystemUI: Fix nav bar transparency when enabling software keys
* frameworks/minikin/
dfeadad Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* frameworks/native/
74e887c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/hardware/
39638c0 cmhw: Fix DisplayColorCalibration GPU-mode issues
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
4f30b20 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
19c42df Revert "WiFi not connecting to WiFi when screen OFF"
* hardware/libhardware/
146a870 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
f15ad14 post_proc: fix inconsistency in virtualizer state from set_strength call
* libcore/
45b2d5a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
d523272 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Dialer/
581e03b Dialer NPE - Search Results
* packages/apps/Exchange/
444e35e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Messaging/
98df70d Messaging: Read Report != Delivery Report.
1fd9824 Messaging: Fix mms expiry preferences.
97897a5 Messaging: Reference the nontranslatable key instead of hardcoding value.
* packages/apps/Settings/
7f36006 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
3563120 Settings: Move ADB_ENABLED to "Global"
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
e5c2b92 Prefer SIM carrier name over network carrier
* packages/apps/Snap/
c1945c8 Snap: Add missing return for SET_ONESHOT_PREVIEW_CALLBACK case
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
1f5c627 ThemeChooser: update UI
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
bd7c086 Trebuchet: sign when not building with test keys
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
c31f580 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
aa49b77 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
bee7b77 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* packages/screensavers/Basic/
76d7a60 Update THIRD_PARTY_KEYGUARD perm name
* packages/services/Mms/
ff77069 MmsRequest: Turn on data for the MMS transaction if required
* packages/services/Telephony/
9070be1 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* system/core/
cba3c2b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r30' into HEAD
* vendor/cmsdk/
02a71cc Weather API: Honor the values set for today's low/high temp
18aa2f5 cmsdk: Fix definition of live display tile, as its now dynamic.
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
2a77ad4 WundergroundCM: Provide attribution and do clean up.
2c397d7 WundergroundCM: Add settings activity.
* cts/
7ff3492 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: fixed breakage" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 90cb6ab -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
7539c53 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: fixed breakage" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 90cb6ab -s ours
90cb6ab Merge "DO NOT MERGE: fixed breakage" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
93d35b3 DO NOT MERGE: fixed breakage
bf05959 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix the profile-wifi-cleanup test by increasing the timeout." into marshmallow-cts-release
c21273b DO NOT MERGE: Fix the profile-wifi-cleanup test by increasing the timeout.
0fdea94 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix the profile-wifi-cleanup test by increasing the timeout." into marshmallow-cts-dev
23630f2 DO NOT MERGE: Fix the profile-wifi-cleanup test by increasing the timeout.
a15c5e5 Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Disable CVE 2015_3826 test" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f0f6423 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: b2ea49c -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
e38e459 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Disable CVE 2015_3826 test" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f0f6423 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: b2ea49c -s ours
b2ea49c Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Disable CVE 2015_3826 test" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f0f6423 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
83985c5 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Disable CVE 2015_3826 test" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f0f6423 -s ours
f0f6423 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Disable CVE 2015_3826 test" into lollipop-cts-dev
858f8a7 DO NOT MERGE: Disable CVE 2015_3826 test
9de3bf0 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Remove testDumpProtected" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 2d09388 -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
07c57f7 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Remove testDumpProtected" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 2d09388 -s ours
2d09388 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Remove testDumpProtected" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
b059e04 DO NOT MERGE: Remove testDumpProtected
71f7503 Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R6" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 4120120 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: e72f770 -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
d6febfd Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R6" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 4120120 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: e72f770 -s ours
e72f770 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R6" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 4120120 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
ee5f83a Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.1 to R7" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 0d37ebf -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
0b76577 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.1 to R7" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 0d37ebf -s ours
ea481a2 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R6" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 4120120 -s ours
5d36699 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 6.0 to R6" into marshmallow-cts-release
c7b2f8d DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 6.0 to R6
9a0b673 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 6.0 to R6" into marshmallow-cts-dev
c0c6f0b DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 6.0 to R6
4120120 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R6" into lollipop-cts-dev
c062132 DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R6
0d37ebf Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.1 to R7" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
b27454c DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.1 to R7
f9aec46 merge in marshmallow-cts-release history after reset to marshmallow-cts-dev
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
73f209a Merge "audiofx: Ignore session callbacks if recording in progress" into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Eleven/
1b3cbd3 Merge "CodeCleanup : Replace StringBuffer with String" into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/LockClock/
8af8dab Display humidity and wind data in forecast dialog
* packages/apps/Settings/
76997a7 Settings: Save vibration intensity on close
a3a64ce Settings: Rework vibration intensity slider
* packages/services/Mms/
b7a3f51 MmsRequest: Switch data subscription on MSIM if needed
* build/
06a7227 build: skip 'ro.product.device' using new macro "TARGET_SKIP_PRODUCT_DEVICE"
* frameworks/av/
489c9fb audiopolicy: Update legacy policy for session callbacks
* frameworks/base/
1e1fdf1 Automatic translation import
* frameworks/opt/hardware/
d3ceb18 cmhw: Fix return value
* hardware/qcom/fm/
c5fd4ca Automatic translation import
* hardware/samsung/
067a82c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
3819af8 Automatic translation import
8bc1539 audiofx: Ignore session callbacks if recording in progress
* packages/apps/BasicSmsReceiver/
4176108 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
1e3c122 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
a388570 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
0c11751 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
35f44d0 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
e56b31d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
3ec8f07 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
adbdb6d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
4dfd7b8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
14475d3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
d0ca767 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
18e746b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
68cf084 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
398374a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
2fe4738 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
3fb7eeb Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
7d14986 Eleven: vertically recentre widgets
c288989 Merge "Automatic translation import" into cm-13.0
36a2a5b CodeCleanup : Replace StringBuffer with String
824ef07 Eleven: Simplify a boolean expression
16ae2d4 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
38662a1 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
1e78c7d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Exchange/
b006750 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
d9054a9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
32f8e21 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/HTMLViewer/
46cdabd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
ed656a4 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/KeyChain/
7958df8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
ed98ad9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
5cbbaaa Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
aa7672b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Nfc/
d63f166 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
0980d67 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
b2f6222 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
09ee22c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
6b75218 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
828959e Screencast: material makeover
f5a3cb0 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
cb154eb Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
4082d3a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Snap/
437d36c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
1a6ccbf Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
bb75646 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Tag/
48a4e08 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
39644b9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
df0a366 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
8c11bd8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
9bf8494 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
30a1786 Automatic translation import
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
9b7f198 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/BookmarkProvider/
cb9b55f Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
9fd7d2a Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CallLogProvider/
4eba5f5 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
b496a82 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
a60bcb8 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
c8dacd0 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
59816d3 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
66df087 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/
7057644 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
0a7e4bb Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/Basic/
6f8df69 Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
201f8a7 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/LiveLockScreenService/
7bc0493 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Mms/
c642b5a Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
302e70c Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
a777be0 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/Basic/
33e4596 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
8c158af Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
c418d68 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/MagicSmoke/
a0ae211 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
e0e6749 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
343b3d3 Automatic translation import
* vendor/cmsdk/
380d31c Automatic translation import
3944915 livedisplay: Fix validator for the nudge counter
* build/
c9c78db build: Create a oem image when BOARD_OEMIMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE is defined
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
9fda75c wpa_supplicant_conf: Let devices provide their own template
* frameworks/av/
c38d4f2 frameworks/av: Fix video recording breaks
* frameworks/base/
d3ed55c SysUI: Fix reporting of swipe progess in notification panel
2c35c46 SettingsLib: Add back accidentally removed translations
d10c047 systemui: Remove LiveDisplay tile
* frameworks/opt/hardware/
35568c6 cmhw: Move DisplayColorCalibration from hardware/cyanogen to here
* hardware/cyanogen/
240b860 cmhw: Remove DisplayColorCalibration from hardware/cyanogen
* hardware/samsung/
05326f4 exynos4: gralloc: we have an ALIGN macro, use it
fb599ed ril: Restore alphabetical order for modem barrier
* packages/apps/Contacts/
affff68 [2/2] Add new method for determining whether to show block option
dd2acf1 Make Block action contingent on system-wide Blacklist setting
* packages/apps/Dialer/
6685f01 Dialer: Handle OEM Specific codes.
114b9b5 Expand clickable area of settings button
7c88b51 Search: Only clear focus if we are showing a coachmark
* packages/apps/Eleven/
120fc6d Eleven: much material
* packages/apps/Messaging/
d9a5a83 Messaging: Fix broken and untested features.
* packages/apps/Settings/
f1e42d8 Prevent crash if weather settings activity can't be found
791434f Settings: check current ringtone for non-default sub ids
52a2fb4 Restore double tap to wake string from CM 12.1.
cf8e3df Fix unavailable wifi icon in wifi priorities
* system/bt/
bdcf617 bt-vendor: Fix sporadic crashes on shutdown
* system/core/
f5eb730 healthd: Fix NO_CHARGER_LED
* vendor/cm/
30967f9 MetroPCS APN update
a261670 Irancell & MTS APN updates
10e4f5a cm: Amend api text message.
8da5698 Update APN name for Movistar INTERNET
* vendor/cmsdk/
b62448a Revert "CmSdk : Add deprecated THIRD_PARTY_KEYGUARD permission"
0918427 CmSdk : Add deprecated THIRD_PARTY_KEYGUARD permission
e554528 livedisplay: Update system-api
842344a livedisplay: Fix endless loop for devices that don't support outdoor mode.
7cd7f79 livedisplay: Fix bad state after bootup
0ec60c6 livedisplay: Don't explode if no modes are available
712426f livedisplay: Publish our own damn tile!
763e39a livedisplay: Fix error checks when fetching config
* external/toybox/
3b06b02 Merge branch 'master' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/base/
2ae2ee6 LockPatternUtils: Use the actual user id to set pattern size
c694ab1 LockSettingsStorage: migrate user pattern size to correct userid
7a56861 LockSettingsStorage: fallback to cm legacy gesture file
999439b SettingsProvider: move SYSTEM_PROFILES_ENABLED to CMSettings
8352797 Lockscreen : Update shortcuts in onAttachWindow
82fb2e0 Lockscreen : Ensure we hide bottom area in bouncer
7a8a51b Race in WapPushManager under multi-thread environment
15e7a21 Correct MediaAudioTrackTest testPlaybackHeadPositionAfterStop
* hardware/samsung/
06ba105 libril: add initial support for tss310 modem
* packages/apps/Contacts/
e4b31b7 Fix camel case
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
0e6d8d4 [1/2] Add new method for determining whether to show block option
5fdfde4 Improve strings
* packages/apps/Dialer/
749d5f8 [1/2] Use UICommon simple SnackBar
b025fbb Workaround for AOSP strings missing translations
dcc7560 Remove superfluous method parameter.
* packages/apps/Messaging/
369448c Improve priority string
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
a495381 Set untranslatables
* packages/apps/Settings/
fd77274 Settings: use the actual user id to set pattern size
ef3407c Setting: Disable WPS Push Button/Pin Entry when WiFi is disabled
5eff3e8 SpamList: Set correct color & remove text from notifications menu item
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
fe7ac15 SetupWizard: Don't reprompt setup if account already exists.
* packages/apps/Snap/
57799db Snap: Improve focusing
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
c14b404 Trebuchet: Always cancel any pending dim animations
95d1934 avoid NPE
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
a629c55 ContactsProvider: Fix polyphones in Chinese.
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
9063435 New icon
b5f8923 Update controls preview to properly render themed assets.
* system/core/
74f658f healthd: Allow devices to opt-out of enabling charger LED
05a3648 healthd: Rename default QCOM libhealthd library
* system/vold/
e6339d3 cryptfs: Fix OTA from cm<=12 for encrypted patterns > 9
* vendor/cm/
40ab914 APN: fixup single-digit mnc APNs
* vendor/cmsdk/
14190e4 Fix LiveDisplay string
62604cf cmsdk: Exclude compiled 'cyanogenmod/library' java package.
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
80cf30c WundergroundCM: Build against release artifact.
* bionic/
98ea086 bionic: Teach fnmatch(3) to handle UTF-8 characters in patterns
* build/
4bbce4f build: Add BOOTIMAGE_EXTRA_DEPS for BOOT_SIGNER products too
f31558c build: Use compatibility DTB directory path for custom DTB tool builds
* external/toybox/
d5de717 toybox: find: Fix segfault when using -iname/-ipath with -exec
* external/uicommon/
70656f2 Make UICommon Snackbar attribute not conflict with appcompat
* frameworks/av/
5153cdc libmedia: Initialize mState/mActive value to avoid possible crash
20f0782 stagefright: Fix CLANG compilation for AMR decoder
4882796 nuplayer: Seek to valid position in setVideoSurface
51b3174 video: Use boot clock for recording start time
7262eae nuplayer: ignore openAudioSink while waiting for teardown completion
3fe0fe6 nuplayer: update anchor time for offload usecase
d27aa05 frameworks/av: Fix LOG_NDEBUG compilation issues
8a69897 libavextensions: Add LOG_NDEBUG define
f888ced libstagefright: handle error when B-frame is sent to MPEG4Writer
0ecd6fb cameraservice: Run HAL3 in Non ZSL mode
0d34354 audio: QTI resampler supports for 32 bit input format
02d9acd nuplayer: Reverting GenericSource changes done for STA integration
9fd0a69 rtsp: keep video damaged access unit to enhance fault tolerance
322d0a4 libstagefright: Allow for MPEG4Writer extension
d38f175 audioflinger: Compile 192k resampler for 32 bit environment
804eeff Update Instrumentation code
135352e NuPlayer: extend onResume funtion
* frameworks/base/
ad3fa41 packagemanager: Fix bootloop if packages.xml is deleted
bf2ddee Themes: Restore original value if getValue fails
d6f2d2c Check for deprecated third party keyguard perm
4a54c55 livedisplay: Moving LiveDisplay to CMSDK
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
f64343e hdp: do not return a null value when hdp interface unavailable
* packages/apps/CarrierConfig/
426a0d0 Telefonica MMS Max sending limit files Added
* packages/apps/Dialer/
f222cf9 InCallMetrics: null check our content resolver query
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
8164e82 [2/2] Use UICommon simple SnackBar
b63eca0 InCallUI: add LookupProvider and VoLTE to landscape layout
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
c8c765c Update the theme apply label string
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
5e5f825 Trebuchet: Don't crash when AppWidgetService is unavailable
* system/extras/su/
d2c8eb2 su: Fix crash due to invalid file descriptor
* vendor/cm/
512d428 cm: Moving LiveDisplay to CMSDK
* vendor/cmsdk/
ad5e5d0 Remove public default constructor from CMWeatherManager.RequestStatus [1/2]
b49885a ExtViews: Pass input events to underlying Window
fe1812f Weather API: Delegate the responsability of rejecting back to back requests [1/2]
377fffc Use temperature unit from CMSettings on weather update requests
ed4d063 Add WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT to CMSettings [1/2]
10da08a cmsdk: correct naming of THIRD_PARTY_KEYGUARD perm
ad0d8c5 Weather API: Return ID rather than RequestInfo [1/2]
1dab5a0 cmsdk: Refactoring LiveDisplay
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
4ebc755 WundergroundCM: Handle null city disambiguation list.
6a921ab WundergroundCM: Update for weather api changes.
* cts/
918f69e Merge "Fix telecom cts fail when some * need to consider "7" as MMI call" into marshmallow-cts-dev
* frameworks/base/
3476163 GlobalActions: Always use setZenMode
65bda83 SysUI: Deprecate collapseNotificationPanel [2/2]
327acc7 SystemUI: fix double tap power launching custom lockscreen icon
* frameworks/native/
2b4df0b surfaceflinger: Add support for secondary color matrix
* hardware/cyanogen/
df9286e cmhw: Add support for GPU-based color calibration
* packages/apps/CarrierConfig/
98e6fca Enable enabledNotifyWapMMSC for Telefonica Europe carriers
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
d4b8508 Remove duplicate ambientsdk reference
* packages/apps/Dialer/
9e8a087 Dialer: Customize features for regional package
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
20f930a Missed rebase: add coordinator layout
f8f8032 Change in InCallAPI handover button UI
* packages/apps/Messaging/
d29cf54 Revert "added enabledNotifyWapMMSC flag to mms_config.xml"
06c4913 Added new feature MMS Validity Period, MMS Delivery,Read Report and MMS Sending Report
* packages/apps/Settings/
4370045 livedisplay: Update Settings for new LiveDisplay API
* system/extras/
7a66a32 f2fs_utils: Update for f2fs-tools 1.6.1
0aef861 f2fs_utils: Alloc f2fs_journal
* vendor/cm/
83bfc82 SMART [PH] APN updates
0766148 cm: Support maven artifact as aar for publish.
* vendor/cmsdk/
620b1eb cmsdk: compile as aar
8a35e12 Themes: Clear out bootanimation if pkgName empty
16d3dc6 LLS: Deprecate collapseNotificationPanel [1/2]
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
cb7c7f6 Wunderground: fix city disambiguation req
e76e0c9 Wunderground: fix lookup city call
* cts/
1a93948 Merge "Downgrade device precondition errors to warnings" into marshmallow-cts-dev
85f2b32 Merge "Obtain min frame rate from codec capabilities" into marshmallow-cts-dev
d4ffb0c Merge "Add video capture without extra output test case" into marshmallow-cts-dev
8327934 Merge "Add feature check to testPackageInstallUserRestrictions" into marshmallow-cts-dev
69f1ac8 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix WebChromeClientTest#testOnJsBeforeUnload" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: c0b20c4 -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
99471ba Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix WebChromeClientTest#testOnJsBeforeUnload" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: c0b20c4 -s ours
6da9b2b Merge "DO NOT MERGE Change placeAndVerifyCall to wait until connection is fully added to CS." into marshmallow-cts-dev
bb71b88 Merge "Add test to catch wrong sensor event timestamp clock source" into marshmallow-cts-dev
2c3af22 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Fix transient video call CTS test failure." into marshmallow-cts-dev
c0b20c4 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix WebChromeClientTest#testOnJsBeforeUnload" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
1f4f79d Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix WebChromeClientTest#testOnJsBeforeUnload" into marshmallow-cts-dev
f07b091 Merge "Fix DecoderTest#testTunneledVideoPlayback" into marshmallow-cts-dev
f95a8d3 Merge "Bug #530599 - testStartUsingNetworkFeature_enableHipri - change the WIFI state" into marshmallow-cts-dev
2e4bce4 Merge "patch for the BYOD test testManagedContacts" into marshmallow-cts-dev
388969b patch for the BYOD test testManagedContacts
* frameworks/av/
6635a58 omx: softcodecs: Support HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888
baf93ea CameraClient: MTK Support
* frameworks/base/
e47b2f5 SystemUI: remove extraneous debug log
2a99942 Incorrect evictor key in TokenCache
a59bf9d SystemUI: add closed all tasks event log
c07b146 SystemUI: add RecentsView EventLogs
* hardware/samsung/
6d6daf9 libril: Use a board flag for video call field
* packages/apps/Calendar/
1dbb27e Fix alerts in doze mode
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
7ff2d1e Add 'ims-common' & 'info_lookup' build dependency
9590c56 Remove scaling option for the Front drawable in CheckableFlipDrawable
* packages/apps/Eleven/
5b70660 Eleven: Use appropriate String value comparison
cf215ef Eleven: Remove unnecessary local variables
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
63c90d0 Only fire visibility change callback if visibility actually changed.
5c9ce9b Remove unneeded source line
* packages/apps/Settings/
70e9aea Fix the improper string and increment database version to kick off a new indexing job.
6575827 Settings: fix default sim radio selections
72806b3 Allow adding a shortcut icon for carrier selection
* packages/apps/Snap/
a78d012 SnapdragonCamera: Fix crash issue when changing TNR setting
* packages/services/Telephony/
4bb3b53 telephony: Handle no valid subscription scenario for MNS.
1272934 Telephony: Fix NPEs
5515808 Don't impose limitations on network mode selection for non-multi RAT phones.
* system/core/
0373c8d Revert "Revert "init: Temporarily increase coldboot timeout to 5s""
* system/extras/
0c8a8e1 Revert "f2fs_utils: Update for f2fs-tools 1.6.1"
* external/jpeg/
60a4dc2 porting jpeg_mem_src() from jpeg lib v8c
* frameworks/base/
17297b7 SysUI: reset mCanDismissKeyguard in setBarState
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
985c5b0 AudioFX: Fix FC when opening the app
853e7fb Merge "Rename package back to AudioFX" into cm-13.0
* build/
e7ac98d build: Add MTK support
* frameworks/base/
e0554d4 media: Add flags, channelMask, and UID to audio session callbacks
726377a SysUI: Add event logs for live lock screen interactions
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
844647b hal: Add support for AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_LINE
* hardware/qcom/bt-caf/
dec5d09 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.12' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
1589b3f Rename package back to AudioFX
846d5ed audiofx: Add support for line-out path
e4e3997 audiofx: Don't link with android-visualizer
c227786 audiofx-oss: Use new callback API
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
efb1d74 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.12' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Contacts/
5201b4b Add null object check
7de12b0 Add 'ims-common' build dependency
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
0a27115 Really change the ambient version
9d3da7d Change ambient version
* packages/apps/Dialer/
0a5abcd Fix rebase errors
795f46c Port VoLTE support from DialerNext into AOSP Dialer
153585f Add new method for getting hinttext
90ae36a Call Log - fix issues with expanded call log options
c9aa85c Only clear dialpad on success
9c490ff Check for phone permissions before gathering call history
d1684bf Metrics: Fix some bugs found by testing
dc65a3c Fix 'turn on phone permissions' hint
56d8996 Remove FAB hiding and showing
baf30ce Update search drawable when dialpad is hidden
61583e1 Fix expanded call options for InCallApi provider
d8f7228 Add Metrics for Dialer call origins and incall items
aff8cf3 Update roaming text
2902377 Add Wifi Call nudge
7ae75d5 Temporarily revert DeepLink
b338120 Add RequestOrigin to ContactInfoHelper
86f1f7b Add metrics for logging a successful LookupProvider response
6a89808 Utilize status codes on LookupResponse
36df0be Add BlockContactActivity to the manifest
3eb91f5 Bring coachmark up to spec
94ea6cc Use CALL_ACTION instead of InCallAPI for emergency calls
58f0d08 Construct encoded lookup uris for Lookup responses
d9623d5 Modify BlockContactPresenter
fae836f [2/2] MultiSIM: Call using specified SIM
c0553ca Refactor Blacklist and Contact Blocking
666fc39 Wi-fi help text does not show first time when SIM is selected
93f9bb5 Use BrandIcon instead of BadgeIcon
3d05339 InCall plugin search shortcut text fix
625ad12 Only show enabled CallMethods
80cc555 Move adapter updating into updateCallCreditInfo
bcbe31f Create new drawable before we scale
86d7d78 Fix crash where overflow does not exist
dde67a8 Fix coachmark rotation and text size
cd91ec8 Add null check to query string
cf41dae Add back missing icon in portrait mode
8803300 Fix text in call log to match specs
848c314 Show credit banner if supported in dialpad and search ui
ee66a85 getCurrentCallMethod if it is currently null
4326931 Port coachmark to DialerNow
c0b01af Remove sign_in_credit_banner_text, this should live in PhoneCommon
21ce88f Fix CallMethodHelper change
4d9d892 Use correct placeCall method
4dfef33 Fix InCall plugin user lookup
1ac2c1d Finally fix our search to behave as expected
3ac55cf Fix race with credit listener removal
cd9060a Fix NPE rotation issue
a0cae1a [1/2] Use UICommon simple SnackBar
669a60e Fix refreshing if data is already available
69dfa2b Properly size icon for provider quickaction
83efea2 Start using android support design from frameworks
f803f18 Move pause/resume logic from regular search to main fragment
d96febd Decouple getAllCallMethods from refreshing
fbe23b1 Hide t9 dialpad overflow menu when incall plugin selected
24e0a61 [2/2] fix spinner/hint issues
8bb7a41 [1/2] Update credits banner style
88b1d19 Fix fab position when not in searchUI
c2ec82f Fix CallLogDetails for InCall Plugins
e2c76a9 DialerDatabaseHelper: Don't update last updated time on execute
9ec8fdd Fixes a misalignment between the DeepLink icon in Call History.
cff1831 Refine criteria that triggers LookupProvider search
aed3d6c Fix block status refresh issue in call log entries
f5e6962 Amend contact blocking UI
ee37b4b Fix roaming hint text
b653e06 Add null check to text listener
04e24ee Refactors the CallLog code to follow proper design patterns, fixes a number of bugs related to callback mechanisms.
0f8ff3f Consolidate global credits bar
73d13e9 Force PSTN from quickactions
fd4ce2b fix import
c28a908 Fix mimetype query
ccb0ea8 Fix multiple issues with regular search credits bar
19a3ef0 InCall: update CreditBarHelper imports
e7fcd23 Add Credits Bar in Regular search
f788030 Fix multiple search issues
a90a86a Fix layout issues with hint texts
3de0820 Uses the new alreadyHasContent boolean to determine whether to show icons
e54c2e0 Add LookupProvider to the call log
2cd23bd DeepLink refactors and bug fixes.
a5a41ae Fix a two issues with DialerDatabase
718852f Fix derp in labeling that breaks messaging
e917f5c (1/2) T9 fixes and quickactions
ffdc00e Hide 'send message' in call log for providers
5c56a65 Add CallerInfoProvider options in Settings
acb0f2e Hide block calls for providers
102468f Dialer DeepLink Integration Phase 1
4db74d3 Fix crashes from permissions errors
2b383db Fix ANR when no providers are available
584557f Fix PSTN calls from search
16af95a Remove extra callMethodListener update
3da7a2e Fix rebase issue
0cc800d Fix CallDetails Activity from calllog
4d037cb Fix credits and cut down on extra work
9155ee2 Update spinners to reflect plugin enabled status
3f2d727 Pass mimetype to adapter for regular search
4111e1a Fix potential crash with dialpad not being attached
0b9b934 Fix Dialer crash when selecting call details
02d09b2 Don't try to show InCall Plugin based hints if no plugins are available
260d8d9 [2/2] Use provider string instead of user name
737c3ac Add null check to emptyview setup
79d8b33 Fix hint text logic to be correct
2386114 Create spinner in search and port auth credits bar
7038fa4 Fix attribution badge bug
5b3defa (2/2) Call Lookup: Update call log handler to process usernames
d4e023a Bring click code out of common
c267285 Fix hint text in landscape
84522fd Update SIM's when necessary
32c77e3 InCall: Port Authentication and CallCredit Listeners
933af05 Show Emergency Call action in method spinner
b0e4394 InCall: port nudges and fix plugin settings
8312e55 Cleanup and Spinner update fix
bed499a Fix speeddial rotate issue
89368cb Initial T9 search bringup
07defe6 Incorporate namespace changes for PluginStatus
5955744 Libraries needed for InCallUI
b9516de Fix a number of issues
3fca833 Move CallMethod items to PhoneCommon
ed6e921 Initial import of credits bar
18fa2d2 Add InCall Settings
03414c9 Initial Bringup of InCall Call Log modifications
0e7b096 Bringup Favorites and CallMethodSpinner
e9f88c4 Initial Bringup of Ambient and InCall for M
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
a804631 ExactCalculator: Remove override of Calculator package
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
7ae53c9 Port VoLTE support from InCallUINext to InCallUI
25cd7bf Temporarily revert DeepLink
a5eb044 Add RequestOrigin to ContactInfoCache
d57745b Add additional content to call Notifications
ea294b5 Ensure presence of a valid Call in LookupProvider callback
070ba75 Implement ability to add incoming call to Blacklist within Glow ring
d4812c8 Adjust end call fab relative to invite snackbar
c05de72 Resolves a few issues related to call buttons: The DeepLink slot will now update after sending a link to be handled. onResume() will now start a new query. This gives the handling application an opportunity to trigger a "view" action instead of receiving the content as if it were new.
61d7ca7 Only get our enabled call methods
9a7a617 Add LookupProvider to ContactInfoCache
407efb4 Resolves a NPE when the UI isn't available at the time of the callback ticket NOTES-16
fef1a35 Tints the DeepLink icons loaded into the callbuttonfragment to keep the look and feel consistent
4121225 Fix incall button ordering
a72e4cb DeepLink Refactors for CallButtonPresenter and CallButtonFragment
ea458a1 DeepLink integration phase 1
ff82047 Use CallMethodHelper for plugin info
91d03c8 InCallAPI Handover M-bringup
* packages/apps/Messaging/
49f0c07 Add 'ims-common' build dependency
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
cf732b7 Move VoLTE changes to PhoneCommon
ade2cdf Add new method for getting hinttext
5bbda91 Use subscription check
b36eab1 Only clear dialpad on success
7823a59 InCall: add low credit warnings
18a593c Fix equals and hashcode override
64949d3 Remove resources instance saved in CallMethodInfo
89e5527 [1/2]Contacts : handle soft logged out state
27e78ce Prioritize credits over subscriptions.
a7c8e41 Contacts Card : fixed install nudge
f55b2d2 Fix FC on devices without AmbientCore
4a49180 [1/2] MultiSIM: Call using specified SIM
f8e338e Use BrandIcon instead of BadgeIcon
5176f88 Add preference to track wifi call events
df5cb68 (1/2) Contacts: fixed auth state handling
ee5263f Add comments for the expected drawable attributes
e32e50e Add back badgeicon after refactor
8d0e05b Add sign_in_credit_banner_text
fbada9d (1/2) Contacts: refactor
86b7461 InCall: check class of creditWarn value
70b3f14 Decouple getAllCallMethods from refreshing
503b9dc [1/2] fix spinner/hint issues
0cd7e34 [2/2] update credit colors
30dc785 Fix crash with null mimetype
a1aefab InCall: move CreditBarHelper to src-ambient
95562ec Move Credits Bar to Helper class
e920421 Reintroduce dynamic refresh
846ec78 Helper methods for our t9 searches
5531533 Fix Subscription button text
5675262 Remove everchanging items
02d4b70 Create easy method to just grab enabled plugins
f0aa770 Fix emergency call crash
7c94eb8 Use new subscription format
ec3dbfa Fix call method spinner width and selection area
96733b9 Add Login intent for credits bar
57e3b00 setOverflowMenuButton custom button placement
fc97e72 InCall: Port Authentication and CallCredit Listeners
7f660d9 Various CallMethodInfo tweaks
969c8f4 InCall: clean up logs and add ImageUtils
22fef9c CallMethodHelper/Info: Add icon and mimetype
3d48977 Incorporate namespace changes for PluginStatus
a6049e6 Bring CallMethod items here
c5f5b11 Bringup credits and other minor things
77d3091 Call Method Spinner Bringup
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
763af12 SetupWizard: Wait for data connection
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
b3bdb84 Switch to ambientsdk
* packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
7b88139 Update provider to accommodate changes in weather contract
* system/bt/
881f723 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.12' of git:// into cm-13.0
* system/core/
48506ab fs_mgr: Add an optional libfs_mgr shared library
02ee373 liblog: Add xlog symbols on MTK hardware
* vendor/cm/
5c50f84 Update ambientsdk version 1.5.2
* vendor/cmsdk/
34bf486 Fix nomenclature for RequestInfo types [1/2]
baaf4a1 Refactor WeatherInfo class
06d5c89 Add state member to WeatherLocation class
81268bd LLS: Fix (possible) NPE
343245f Add API to cancel an active weather request
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
fc694f7 WundergroundCM: Update for api changes in cmsdk.
* build/
375268c build: add cmts config to global build
* cts/
c786ccc Bug #530599 - testStartUsingNetworkFeature_enableHipri - change the WIFI state
a0322dd Fix DecoderTest#testTunneledVideoPlayback
6f4ebcd Merge "Revert "Add a few test cases in SensorBatchingTests into knownfailures"" into marshmallow-cts-dev
b17f020 DO NOT MERGE Fix transient video call CTS test failure.
7a1a43b Add test to catch wrong sensor event timestamp clock source
* frameworks/av/
a412380 audiopolicy: Be a little smarter with auto-attach
* frameworks/base/
f8d9e89 Lockscreen target fixes
71dec8d Fix typo in RankingHelper.
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
35c5326 Convert multi_rat_capable property into an old RIL feature.
082ca0b telephony: Improve compatibility for older DSDS stacks
* packages/apps/Contacts/
da1af0b Contacts: fixed ConcurrentModificationException
f17e2d0 Fix: update ambiguous placeCall method
82bc10e Contacts Card: nudge subtitle adjustment
f2a6c4d Contacts: show InCall plugin tab FAB in soft logged out state
b5073fd Contacts: added stats settings check
53a12b4 Contacts: metrics
b0b05c8 Contacts : ViewPager RTL fix
6452c8e [2/2]Contacts: handle soft logged out state
33306c4 Contacts: fixed contacts filter exception
a32f6a3 Contacts Card: fixed merged contacts with multiple plugin accounts
dbdb27d Contacts Card: fix nudges
64e5ffe Contacts: add plugin status change receiver
4bfb173 Adapt to the API changes in contact blocking classes
00120c2 (2/2) Contacts: fixed auth state handling and account handle
4f95d89 Contacts Card: fixed plugin call log
e73c017 Contacts: added fix for parcelable
42fed27 Fix build breakage in QuickContactActivity
a7f0f11 Contacts: incall plugin implementation
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
fca7d21 Automatic translation import
90b9d42 Automatic translation import
3ac79f5 Contacts : fix RTL ViewPager offset on configuration change
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
d69ce6c Port call transfer feature from DialerNext to AOSP Dialer
* packages/apps/Settings/
467fae0 Add explanation for customizing apps
8b7fda7 Settings: use ActivityManager method for requesting bug report
8516e98 Settings: Disable and hide refresh button on power usage detail.
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
b607527 Trebuchet: add gello to hotseat
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
132b7de Contacts: automatic merge count metrics
e2b52e9 Switch to ambientsdk-internal
2cb7161 Bump targetSdkVersion to 23
f29be69 Get mimetype for strequestns
d77430b AmbientSDK: set new target SDK to 22
2de130b Fix query if no username exists in path
d6942db ContactsProvider: Join raw_contacts and data on the proper ID
22eeaf5 (1/2) Call Lookup: Update call log handler to query usernames
b25f375 [1/3] Show incall plugin contacts in favorites
48f6d92 Update addresBookIndexer when removing dupes
f987131 New uri path for removing duplicate callable contacts
58956e1 CallLog: change plugin to package
3e6a328 CallLog: initial adding of new plugin columns
01c7baf Query skype mime type when getting CALLABLE contacts
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
bdb7641 WundergroundCM: Add support for city lookup.
e3212dc WundergroundCM: Support weatherlocation lookup by postal and city/state.
* cts/
e60194e Revert "Add a few test cases in SensorBatchingTests into knownfailures"
34c7d20 Merge "resolve merge conflicts of 8a17b88 to marshmallow-cts-dev" into marshmallow-cts-dev
941338c resolve merge conflicts of 8a17b88 to marshmallow-cts-dev
8a17b88 Merge "resolve merge conflicts of d155d49 to lollipop-mr1-cts-dev" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
3f690d0 resolve merge conflicts of d155d49 to lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
d155d49 Merge "Remove test_listAudioPatches" into lollipop-cts-dev
05b3b03 Remove test_listAudioPatches
8f74198 DO NOT MERGE Change placeAndVerifyCall to wait until connection is fully added to CS.
d9b568d Add feature check to testPackageInstallUserRestrictions
6012a99 Obtain min frame rate from codec capabilities
* frameworks/base/
f39d0b0 SettingsProvider: fix build for volume adjust sound to be overlayed
89c3e36 SettingsProvider: Allow default volume adjust sound to be overlayed.
9ce1a95 may trigger below dead lock in system_server in the board with external adoptable storage as below stack:
967f4ad Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
46a805c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
b315295 DeskClock : Move default action for flip and shake to overlay
* packages/apps/Messaging/
446181c Automatic translation import
f06df53 Play an audible notification on receiving a class zero message. Changes ported from
b46d807 added enabledNotifyWapMMSC flag to mms_config.xml
56aafc2 Added new feature SMS Validity Period
* packages/apps/Settings/
e61e4c4 Settings: Use cm build properties correctly.
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
56f6eb2 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
504b247 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
6b09a50 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
719ab7c Automatic translation import
* vendor/cmsdk/
2eddb5f Reset timer when a new weather service provider is selected
d8c2556 cmsdk: Actually return the system property in Build.
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
44732a0 WundergroundCM: Add wind arguments to WeatherInfo.
a87ad27 WundergroundCM: Handle request by weatherlocation.
64412eb WundergroundCM: Change provider service name.
8ef80a3 WundergroundCM: Add humidity from response.
dda60c7 WundergroundCM: Initial checking of WG weather provider service.
* android/
dd1a886 default: Moving AOSP revision from r22 to r24
* bootable/recovery/
50ff158 recovery: Add wipe system partition option
d6e1fbb Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* build/
f994a23 qcom: Allow usage of default QC HAL paths
85fe638 Preventing default locale from being overridden because of
0e4ff26 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* cts/
38bae83 Merge "Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: eb7f4d9 -s ours" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 17e39ac -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: c344204 -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
59a845f Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: eb7f4d9 -s ours" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 17e39ac -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: c344204 -s ours
c7eed51 Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 6ca30bc -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: ae29b45 -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
611376e Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 7641dc6 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 2425d91 -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
964d044 Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Remove corrupt test file" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f8fca4a -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: eba8ea1 -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
7be8fec Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 6ca30bc -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: ae29b45 -s ours
69fc5c2 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 7641dc6 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 2425d91 -s ours
3a87ddc Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Remove corrupt test file" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f8fca4a -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: eba8ea1 -s ours
c344204 Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: eb7f4d9 -s ours" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 17e39ac -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
a9af812 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: eb7f4d9 -s ours" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 17e39ac -s ours
ae29b45 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 6ca30bc -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
0000542 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 77eb5ea -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
2425d91 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 7641dc6 -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
eba8ea1 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Remove corrupt test file" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f8fca4a -s ours" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
09b5519 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 28ba35d -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
17e39ac Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: eb7f4d9 -s ours" into lollipop-cts-dev
fce2ae0 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 6ca30bc -s ours
78ed380 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 77eb5ea -s ours
84acc99 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 28ba35d -s ours
1213017 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: eb7f4d9 -s ours
7ee4499 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 7641dc6 -s ours
dceab63 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Remove corrupt test file" into lollipop-cts-dev am: f8fca4a -s ours
6cd6913 Merge "DO NOT MERGE MediaServerCrashTest: add testDrmManagerClientReset." into marshmallow-cts-dev
e6734d2 Merge "DO NOT MERGE security: Test mediaserver crash against an invalid MIDI file" into marshmallow-cts-dev
6b9c421 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into marshmallow-cts-dev
ae19875 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into marshmallow-cts-dev
6ce630f Merge "DO NOT MERGE Test new calls must have a PhoneAccount enabled" into marshmallow-cts-dev
cb65105 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Updated the SecurityPatchTest to look for a minimum date of 2016-04" into marshmallow-cts-dev
77eb5ea Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
28ba35d Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
6ca30bc Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into lollipop-cts-dev
7641dc6 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev
f8fca4a Merge "DO NOT MERGE Remove corrupt test file" into lollipop-cts-dev
eb7f4d9 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test." into kitkat-cts-dev
917529c DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test.
7f27162 DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap
* external/bouncycastle/
b757c43 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* external/dhcpcd/
32d46ba Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* external/libavc/
f8aa842 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* external/skia/
e57e323 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* external/stagefright-plugins/
9948eb3 stagefright-plugin: Allow playback video with negative timestamp
a6cec7d Revert "stagefright-plugins: Fix timestamp calculation"
* frameworks/av/
e13b58b audio: Send effect session notifications after startOutput success
1ea1107 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* frameworks/base/
b333640 Lockscreen : Fix bottom area visibility
12a8ab9 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
c6aef76 audio: Don't play sound effects if stream is muted
779a3eb SystemUI: show visualizer in shade-locked view
* frameworks/minikin/
c62368f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* frameworks/native/
31d9ccc Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/net/ims/
3e691ae Volte: add volte feature system property and api's.
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
182efea Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
b3d44b3 EAP: Make the state-machine MSIM-aware
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
75cc911 Volte: set volte feature enable in ImsManager when Volte service is updated
bb7de1a telephony: Only set prompt enabled if available subscriptions > 1.
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
624f14f hal: allow compress voip on raw output streams
eba00b7 hal: APQ8084 uses AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_BT_SCO_WB for bluetooth wideband
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/
6e235c3 post proc : volume listener : fix effect release crash
* hardware/qcom/fm/
2cf28de Automatic translation import
* hardware/samsung/
5905f06 Automatic translation import
* libcore/
67f458c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* packages/apps/BasicSmsReceiver/
5bd4af8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
5958468 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
dd6edd3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
f14d057 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
ed70cb8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
7099374 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
138b60e Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
c366862 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
cd8e14f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
e39ccdc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
0a00348 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Contacts/
1e2ad01 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
28a89cd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
a245d57 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
33f2164 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
f1e5876 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
ab32d57 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Exchange/
0ad3058 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
010e4d8 Automatic translation import
cfebddb Fix incomplete app termination
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
fbd7d43 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/HTMLViewer/
d57f92b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
9041333 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/KeyChain/
4cd86c4 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
ff6a3f0 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
af97d44 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Nfc/
307de80 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
b8f97a6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
bdac5aa Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
7f9e053 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
2750074 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
d1c26ab Automatic translation import
9f32d57 Revert "Settings: disable wifi display from search indexing if disabled"
ecb1487 Revert "Settings: disable wifi display from search indexing if disabled"
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
ac93a67 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Snap/
b7fd125 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
bd001c3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
d54b751 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Tag/
803ff4d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
994aade Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
90d1914 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
9c0781a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
5224612 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
15f55c2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
2eb45ea Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/BookmarkProvider/
d28f43d Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
b582f8f Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CallLogProvider/
06ae943 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
edec4c1 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
4414650 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
8b6ddac Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
a83ba96 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
89e9807 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/
59f774b Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
64fda03 Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/Basic/
64dd84e Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
250e7ae Automatic translation import
* packages/services/LiveLockScreenService/
cf4bde6 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
47090c4 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* packages/services/Telephony/
0bc5696 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* packages/wallpapers/Basic/
eb270e8 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
83966e6 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/MagicSmoke/
5766087 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
288dfb4 Automatic translation import
* system/bt/
c64071a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
b029b6e Bluetooth: Allow REMOVE_EAGER_THREADS to be unset
* system/core/
b952b46 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r24' into HEAD
* vendor/cm/
ef1a479 cm: sepolicy: allow platform apps to execute render scripts
* vendor/cmsdk/
f1b172d Automatic translation import
* vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/
2ea0462 Initial checkin
* cts/
cd037bc Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix CtsTestServer potential shutdown deadlock." into marshmallow-cts-dev
cdb6288 Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Revert "Revert "Revert "Fix for ByodFlowTestActivity"""" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 380060b -s ours" into marshmallow-cts-dev
0f64882 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Revert "Revert "Revert "Fix for ByodFlowTestActivity"""" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 380060b -s ours
380060b Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Revert "Revert "Revert "Fix for ByodFlowTestActivity"""" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
ed0da50 DO NOT MERGE: Revert "Revert "Revert "Fix for ByodFlowTestActivity"""
e514136 DO NOT MERGE MediaServerCrashTest: add testDrmManagerClientReset.
08f6f87 DO NOT MERGE security: Test mediaserver crash against an invalid MIDI file
72ea05e DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test.
d070fec DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap
17744f2 DO NOT MERGE Test new calls must have a PhoneAccount enabled
f0c2b7a DO NOT MERGE Updated the SecurityPatchTest to look for a minimum date of 2016-04
12fda40 DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test.
4bba0f9 DO NOT MERGE Additional CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap
4247db7 DO NOT MERGE Remove corrupt test file
5bb05ee DO NOT MERGE Sonivox: add CTS test.
c37ecc6 Downgrade device precondition errors to warnings
* external/f2fs-tools/
5ce21e3 f2fs-tools: android: release 1.6.1
d4e3c1f f2fs-tools: release 1.6.1
f209c5a fsck.f2fs: calculate orphan_blkaddr correctly
a43b7e1 fsck.f2fs: refactor extent info verification flow
1c8ee3b fsck.f2fs: check dirent position
31365f7 mkfs.f2fs: set segment_count in super block correctly
3cf98bd fsck.f2fs: check nat_entry->ino for all nodes
95d6208 f2fs-tools: rebase struct f2fs_summary_block with upstream
b966554 fsck.f2fs: fix incorrect block_addr of node/meta
ec90e1f fsck.f2fs: calculate the total size correctly
2165e06 fsck.f2fs: check valid values for dot dentries
6802dff f2fs-tools: redefine MAX_SIT_BITMAP_SIZE
65ad52c libf2fs: limit the total size up to 16T
10bd289 fsck.f2fs: fix corrupted nat entry [0]
d9a8e13 fsck.f2fs: remove corrupted nid entry from indirect/double-indirect node
c541f04 fsck.f2fs: check /proc/mounts first to detect readonly
e88571e fsck.f2fs: show encrypted filenames matched with kernel
9362475 fsck.f2fs: check ino of an inode
1f1a81f fsck.f2fs: check ino of an used nat entry
f94c606 f2fs-tools: fix endianness of on-disk check_sum in summary_footer
6bcd4d1 fsck.f2fs: avoid fix ssa in some case
5353147 mkfs.f2fs: reset dnode with zeros
12a3257 fsck.f2fs: nullify raw_super pointer
* external/openssh/
3c974ed _PATH_SSH_PROGRAM should point to ssh not sftp - this fixes scp
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
c3e08a5 eap: Don't force reassociation when getting the identity and handshakes are in progress
* frameworks/base/
edf0185 SysUI/LLS: Slide panel out when collapse called
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
e857544 eap-sim: Unbreak the standard non-proxied flow for multi-challenge requests
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
3fac0d3 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* packages/apps/Settings/
d6098ce DevelopmentSettings: Synchronize USB connection data state
ba09a13 Settings: Use correct LOW_POWER_MODE_TRIGGER default
8b1fe7d Settings: disable wifi display from search indexing if disabled
d36cdf3 Settings: fix profiles nw selection with 1 sim in MSIM DUT
9282d9e AppOps: Don't show option to restrict network usage for platform signed apps
ec1bbc8 Improve cellular data strings
* packages/apps/Snap/
31a10f9 Fix view index tracking.
* system/bt/
343625d Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* system/extras/
95085be f2fs_utils: Update for f2fs-tools 1.6.1
* vendor/cmsdk/
45f1e04 cmsdk: Improve data usage strings
* android/
7b2d61a cm: Fork a few *s to bring in JDK8 fixes
* cts/
a2df440 Merge "Disable android.permission2.cts.PermissionPolicyTest#testPlatformPermissionPolicyUnaltered" into marshmallow-cts-release
b6fd024 Disable android.permission2.cts.PermissionPolicyTest#testPlatformPermissionPolicyUnaltered
* external/guava/
99b0ee6 Backport Java 8 compile time break workaround.
* frameworks/av/
f42cede audio: Update anchor time only when sink start is successful
e5c901e audio: use offload standby delay for direct pcm
af76b10 audio: allow standby for direct track
* packages/apps/Messaging/
8831d2c messaging: bring back accent color
* packages/apps/Snap/
222c665 Properly respect navigation bar size when laying out menus.
ba9f88b snap: rearrange top view icons
* packages/services/LiveLockScreenService/
49c2d16 Only observe current user's settings changes
* cts/
29e5042 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Change Wifi check to warning" into marshmallow-cts-release
a3eda50 DO NOT MERGE Change Wifi check to warning
ce36dd4 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Change Wifi check to warning" into marshmallow-cts-dev
bfa85b1 Merge "Fix for checkKernelWakelock function : It contains a comma character in the "Kernel Wakelock". So When parts arr\'s length is more than 7, Fix check routine." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 9ab4d52 am: ac00a48
ac00a48 Merge "Fix for checkKernelWakelock function : It contains a comma character in the "Kernel Wakelock". So When parts arr\'s length is more than 7, Fix check routine." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 9ab4d52
9ab4d52 Merge "Fix for checkKernelWakelock function : It contains a comma character in the "Kernel Wakelock". So When parts arr's length is more than 7, Fix check routine." into lollipop-cts-dev
* external/stagefright-plugins/
a54c041 stagefright-plugins: Fix timestamp calculation
* frameworks/base/
4feb6b2 fw: Respect new cmsdk sdk class directory.
a3bc085 Framework changes for resetting data usage statistics
39aa78b NetworkManagement: Add ability to restrict app WiFi background data access
7f49f3b SystemUI: ensure volume record exists before showing notification
b446cbb MountService: ensure VolumeRecord with UUID exists before modifying
9a8df5b Implement left swipe on lockscreen
16a065d Revert "PhoneWindowManager: Add window animations for LLS"
91da430 Revert "fw: Implement hungarian cipher text."
* packages/apps/Settings/
bae2233 Settings app Data Usage UI enhancements
c932de5 LLS: Add config for showing LLS settings at top
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
e8816a2 SoundRecorder: record in background
* vendor/cm/
de0b2d3 cm: Actually have checkapi-cm match against prior release.
7ae471d cm: Prepare for api level 6.
* vendor/cmsdk/
6b879f3 cmsdk: Introduce Fig, api level 6.
877a023 cmsdk: Add release notes for api level 5.
ea7d712 cmsdk: Add test coverage for parceling LiveLockScreenInfo
3757686 cmsdk: Add test coverage for LiveLockScreenInfo.Builder
5f6c9f4 cmsdk: Move sdk classes under new sdk directory.
1ee5f20 Added READ_DATAUSAGE and WRITE_DATAUSAGE permissions
fcfc13e Initial checkin for DataUsageContract
891e998 Added ACTION_DATA_USAGE Intent to directly invoke Settings->DataUsage
0ab2886 Revert "cmsdk: Fix cm system api stub generation."
df4486f cmsdk: Unhide the Concierge.
d549053 CmSdk : Swipe offsets and show lockscreen
42a1a85 cmsdk: Minor weather provider string updates
* android/
ed88b32 manifest: Add WeatherProvider.
* build/
bc9ae3d envsetup: Always look up JAVA_HOME path
* cts/
144acf5 Fix for checkKernelWakelock function : It contains a comma character in the "Kernel Wakelock". So When parts arr's length is more than 7, Fix check routine.
1b22c76 Merge "Revert "Removed test from knownfailures"" into marshmallow-cts-release
7c40fe3 Revert "Removed test from knownfailures"
6778e78 Merge "Revert "Removed test from knownfailures"" into marshmallow-cts-dev
07f130c Revert "Removed test from knownfailures"
* external/doclava/
6aba40a Workaround for breaking change in OpenJDK 8 javadoc
* external/stagefright-plugins/
4295c11 stagefright-plugins: Convert calls to av_free_packet to av_packet_unref
* external/vogar/
bfff1db Fix OpenJDK 8 / dx issue
* frameworks/base/
7699100 PhoneWindowManager: Add window animations for LLS
c2d3185 fw: Implement hungarian cipher text.
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
9b0d0c3 Use registerForAvailable when device is encrypted only for RIL version >= 9
* packages/apps/Messaging/
bc9e661 msim: Fix broken assumptions around the meaning of subId/slotId/selfId
* packages/apps/Settings/
2703eb7 Add Weather Content Provider [2/5]
44a5b78 Settings: add marquee to Device administrators screen
* packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
6b7d5d8 Add Weather Content Provider [1/5]
* packages/services/LiveLockScreenService/
0ff6e87 Observe enabled changes and update current accordingly
* system/vold/
1f36abf vold: skip first disk change when converting MBR to GPT
* vendor/cm/
6d61d30 Add Weather Content Provider [3/5]
0ce9abc Fix typo
* vendor/cmsdk/
3726f6b cmsdk: Add test coverage for parceling of ThemeChangeRequests.
3916ed7 cmsdk: Add test coverage for ThemeChangeRequestBuilder and object.
127c0cf cmsdk: Change parameter type of unregisterProcessingListener.
22859ef cmsdk: Add preliminary ThemeManager test coverage.
d2e7e04 cmsdk: Fix cm system api stub generation.
eafcdbd cmsdk: Create Concierge parcel handler concept.
4195a1c Add Weather Content Provider [4/5]
4682130 CMSettings: add event live lock component key
2c5d3d5 Add callbacks for window attachment
c995822 LLS: Don't build LlsInfo when defComponent is empty
* cts/
79aeb4a Fix telecom cts fail when some * need to consider "7" as MMI call
3983935 Merge "Fix testTelephonyFeatures to handle feature absent case correctly." into marshmallow-cts-dev
* external/toybox/
a898e9c Merge remote-tracking branch 'toybox/master' into HEAD
fafe427 Regenerate generated files.
* frameworks/base/
39b2d6d LLS: Use window attachment callbacks
5d7282d LLS: Add LiveLockScreenController
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
e0e82e2 telephony: Workaround default sms sub id not being set.
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
8c5b9fe Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.11' of git:// into cm-13.0
67f3162 Merge "Fix a logical error in isAbsoluteVolumeSupported."
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
9292fb9 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.11' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
de3fb3d Default file manager fails to search files with Russian file name
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
f9e74ef Fix force close when Google Play Music is not installed
* packages/apps/Settings/
df398a9 LLS: Add LiveLockScreenSettings to ENTRY_FRAGMENTS
94a007e Settings: implicitly link to lls settings
29b521d LLS: Use LiveLockScreenManager for selecting LLS
* packages/services/LiveLockScreenService/
191efc4 LLS: Add live lock screen service [2/4]
* system/bt/
ef16766 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.11' of git:// into cm-13.0
* system/core/
40a3889 sched_policy: zero proc_name buffer before populating
* vendor/cm/
3bfd87e cm: Add further verbose messaging for api breaking changes.
2cf159c LLS: Add live lock screen service [3/4]
* vendor/cmsdk/
a50a323 LLS: add type
9f6530b cmsdk: add live lock screen settings action intent
* android/
5796aa0 LLS: Add live lock screen service [4/4]
* cts/
4614316 DO NOT MERGE Change Wifi check to warning
ac6b4b7 Fix testTelephonyFeatures to handle feature absent case correctly.
cbaad06 Merge "Any charging device will stay awake during CTS" into marshmallow-cts-release
3e4e12c Any charging device will stay awake during CTS
ae33dfc Merge "[CTSVerifier] Add more checks on BYOD Device Admin settings" into marshmallow-cts-dev
* external/toybox/
9fcaca8 Fix build when wchar_t is unsigned.
0e05569 Fix exit code of things like sed -i that use tempfile_handler().
* frameworks/base/
015241c Fix ownership for files/folders created by ExternalStorageProvider on ext4/f2fs
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
8b4c5b0 Fix LTE attach issue due to wrong initial attach profile.
* hardware/samsung/
5608dcb libril: Remove RIL_REQUEST_DIAL_EMERGENCY
* packages/apps/Snap/
6058c38 Fix histogram not being hidden after disabling it.
6611f21 Beautify and optimize histogram view.
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
b2a7a9d LatinIME: Disable Hungarian spell checking
beee7f7 LatinIME: Add Bulgarian, Georgian and Ukrainian wordlists
* vendor/cmsdk/
bfa500d LLS: Add live lock screen service [1/4]
* bootable/recovery/
17102a2 ui: Also detect KEY_HOME
* cts/
0f7a74c Merge "Fixed test for lingering traffic data." into marshmallow-cts-dev
* frameworks/base/
b2c1eb7 SystemUI: remove deleted broadcast receiver
8e7d8fa pm: Don't call into AppSuggestManager before service available.
92f5b2e Don't block wake locks for required always-on system apps
23c6319 Frameworks AppOps: Enable MODE_IGNORED for OP_WAKE_LOCK
221a7ee SystemUI: stop hiding hotspot & color inversion tiles
6b44999 Automatic translation import
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
7a2fa62 telephony: Add oldril feature setPrefNwTypeOnUnsolConnected.
* hardware/samsung/
d82d1d6 ril: fix libril if we don't overwrite the header in our device tree
c694ff0 libril: Move vendor commands header
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
835ae50 hiddTestApp: disable from launcher
* packages/apps/Messaging/
0132f00 Messaging: Fix file mode
503af9b Automatic translation import
a831659 Messaging App is crashing when storage memory is full
* packages/apps/Settings/
bac4604 Settings: Fix one-time vibration intensity restore
cfe7960 Settings: reflect/inform user of disabled wakelock appop
* packages/apps/Snap/
bf93e1b Automatic translation import
98a1a3c Protect against multiple shutter callbacks per frame in longshot mode.
d525fe3 Re-enable processing of drawable state.
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
ed04a8a Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
8716894 Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround
* vendor/cm/
ce22225 LatinIME: Refresh remaining dictionaries
* vendor/cmsdk/
11334c9 cmsdk: Add hidden interface for getService on AppSuggestManager.
3f42978 Automatic translation import
374a17e Fix: "cmsdk: Mandate partner feature xml's for service implementation."
* cts/
007f63d Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R5" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 442b187 -s ours am: c488e96 -s ours
c488e96 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R5" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 442b187 -s ours
442b187 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R5" into lollipop-cts-dev
ca3fef0 DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.0 to R5
90ea1ef Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Increase AdoptableHostTest timeout." into marshmallow-cts-release
34bb9fd DO NOT MERGE: Increase AdoptableHostTest timeout.
26acb61 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Increase AdoptableHostTest timeout." into marshmallow-cts-dev
8c9b6dc DO NOT MERGE: Increase AdoptableHostTest timeout.
448a047 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.1 to R6" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 5ea1cad -s ours
5ea1cad Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.1 to R6" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
9c4d5e3 DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bump CTS 5.1 to R6
48916aa Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Disabling" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 3554723 -s ours
3554723 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Disabling" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
fc4c6ba DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Disabling
664155a Merge "Temporarily disable" into marshmallow-cts-release
bb9317a Temporarily disable
1205c12 Merge "Fix issues in SensorBatchingTests" into marshmallow-cts-release
9ac7d3e Fix issues in SensorBatchingTests
f6672c0 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bumping CTS 6.0 to R5" into marshmallow-cts-release
a6d2f6b DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bumping CTS 6.0 to R5
01a1002 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bumping CTS 6.0 to R5" into marshmallow-cts-dev
1ccc5f6 DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Bumping CTS 6.0 to R5
* frameworks/base/
fc46c48 NullPointerException when starting VoiceInteractionManagerService
* hardware/qcom/fm/
7f9e252 Automatic translation import
* hardware/samsung/
812f99c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BasicSmsReceiver/
dcf25e2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
d7199f6 Automatic translation import
c642d67 Merge "Revert "Multiuser: Check if valid user before starting service""
c0f7c0e Merge "Revert "Bluetooth-OPP: Start outbound transfer only after OPPService is up""
cde55b1 Merge "OPP: Add checks to initiate rfcomm connection in case sdp fails"
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
8c812f6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
6cbb497 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
1567fb7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
ef48c44 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
a36c19a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
01dbbfe Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
0f26215 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
09b03eb Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
d08c6e7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
8963303 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
1b9de1a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
2920ea4 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
fae4e43 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
2c9da4a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
bab9090 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
0811be0 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Exchange/
899a3a2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
91b8bae Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
2bca058 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/HTMLViewer/
324672f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
97a8ab2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/KeyChain/
6c5a184 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
475447a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
3af74ba Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Nfc/
474bd34 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
4dae9f3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
8967f2f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
615f4c8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
132bf67 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
ff5ff1c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
e249604 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
f9fe68c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
6042d6c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
bf57068 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Tag/
cc441c8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
cf0ce29 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
007e5b1 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
fd94d2f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
b9dda27 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
3ae2975 Automatic translation import
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
2608af8 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/BookmarkProvider/
bffe7bd Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
1d0a091 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CallLogProvider/
0cbcc78 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
8259514 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
17f0028 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
ea5a496 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
e981c2b Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/
274e2e5 Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/Basic/
d06b108 Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
8b474fb Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Mms/
0bc7241 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
51a5dd8 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
bc16bb2 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/Basic/
1fab5d5 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
7da1e29 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
489e1c1 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/MagicSmoke/
fd64cf9 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
90de936 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
2bc3ccb Automatic translation import
* frameworks/base/
ca42e22 SystemUI: fix play queue crash
* build/
3ef1982 Revert "binary: Generate dummy rule for relocated protobuf headers"
* frameworks/base/
e73c4b9 SystemUI: attach a queue to media player notifications
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
6b8d526 Merge "audiofx: Add support for session callback API" into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
4da02b0 SetupWizard: Update for themes api changes.
* packages/apps/Snap/
ac95bcd Snap: Fall back to REVIEW intent before VIEW intent
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
bc079ea ThemeChooser: Update for Theme api changes.
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
c8e0058 Ignore tap below scrubber in the app container padding area
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
e7d94a6 ThemesProvider: Update for themes api changes.
* prebuilts/cmsdk/
5a08d04 prebuilts/cmsdk: Update themes api text.
* system/vold/
7ceeb5b Fix the group permissions of the sdcard root.
* vendor/cm/
7877680 cm: Introduce partner feature xml.
37e59c1 cm: Introduce performance feature xml.
* vendor/cmsdk/
b271dcf cmsdk: Mandate partner feature xml's for service implementation.
279ce42 cmsdk: Mandate performance feature xml's for service implementation.
ccdb292 cmsdk: Mandate themes feature xml's for service implementation.
* frameworks/base/
9788452 Themes: Fail theme install if common resources fail
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
1f27f2c Revert "mm-video-v4l2: vidc: venc: Update color conversion decision"
b2df30f mm-video-v4l2: venc: Accept Venus color format in opaque mode
d44cb37 mm-video-v4l2: vidc: venc: Update color conversion decision
b564be7 mm-video-v4l2: vidc: venc: make color conversion independent of filledlen
838db82 mm-video-vidc: change buffer index logic in EBD
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
6cd7a60 FMRadio: Immediately mute AudioTrack once stopRender is called
c2c2cbf FMRadio: Pause and stop AudioTrack before stopping
4711f65 FMRadio: Run render thread at THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
e812052 Trebuchet: Fix NPE while binding unavailable items
* system/core/
26bc3e9 sched_policy: split add_tid_to_cgroup
bc667ac sched_policy: Split cpuset/cgroup init
266e3dd libcutils: Add process name to logs
* vendor/cm/
0edc641 cm: Introduce telephony feature xml.
7ff86fa cm: Introduce appsuggest feature xml.
78a12ed cm: Introduce profiles feature xml.
14768c4 cm: Introduce statusbar feature xml.
* vendor/cmsdk/
c406211 cmsdk: Mandate telephony feature xml's for service implementation.
fe7fd1d cmsdk: Mandate app suggest feature xml's for service implementation.
21a5674 cmsdk: Mandate profile feature xml's for service implementation.
cdf85ad cmsdk: Mandate cm sb feature xml's for service implementation.
1bf0cf2 cmsdk: fix javadoc for performance profiles
* frameworks/base/
26cdefb SystemUI: Fix missing semi colon.
a944dab SystemUi: Show correct iconography for default left affordance settings.
b47a1c5 camera2 legacy: Allow HDR processing to take a while
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/
28d166a audio: Extend platform parser to allow device name aliasing
* hardware/qcom/audio/default/
9828fdc post_proc: Squash upstream changes
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
bf30e5b audiofx: Add support for session callback API
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
b30c145 Revert "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
* packages/services/Telecomm/
02b1cb2 Telecomm: Don't get default phones outside of phone process.
* packages/services/Telephony/
9e61b99 multi-sim: use getFirstPhoneForEmergencyCall()
* frameworks/av/
27ee071 audioflinger: clear mMixerBuffer if frame is not ready
536fd16 Avoid parsing CC SEI payload beyond buffer end
5a4c1f8 CameraService: Fix cameraId type of onDeviceStatusChanged
c4795f0 MPEG4Extractor: cast media time to int64_t in order to avoid check on unsigned integer overflow.
4b17bd1 Overflow fixes for amrwbenc
d7a4d6d libcameraservice: Allow media server to disconnect camera even unlocked
3df4fac Fix benign integer overflow conditions for VSYNC add and removal.
37c5d30 Fix harmless unsigned overflow in recoverPTS
b821ad1 Fix integer overflow in time conversion
4e35e8f Prevent divide by zero in WAVExtractor
92742eb OMXCodec: fix potential OOB read in parseHEVCCodecSpecificData
985e33c Prevent integer underflows in ID3::Iterator
429372d Stagefright: Remove unused variables and files
c727e17 h264dec: Use intptr_t when a pointer is treated as an integer
c27fc35 MPEG4Extractor: still more NULL dereference fixes
d954486 Use errno correctly.
f97015a Fix 64-bit comparison
811391b Revert "Fixed comparison on 64 bit system"
* frameworks/base/
9df009b SystemUI: Hide system/notification when config changes on kg.
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
df326e3 audio: msm8916: Squashed audio amp commits
* hardware/qcom/fm/
b1bfaea Reset FM audio settings on off.
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
f542f45 mm-video-vidc: Handle ETB with EOS for NV12 ENCODEABLE format
* hardware/samsung/
a6d5bd7 Move Advanced Display so exynos5/7 can use it
* packages/apps/Dialer/
4271c5b update addCall to account for extra paramter
* packages/apps/Messaging/
252ac72 Change lookup request's origin to INCOMING_SMS
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
e5d4dc7 update addCall to account for extra paramter
* packages/services/Telecomm/
971508d Telecomm: Verify foreGroundCallId is numeric when looking up id for ringtone.
* packages/services/Telephony/
81b5682 PhoneToggler: fix setting sub for single sim
* frameworks/base/
12ec9b0 [1/4] Pass call extras to addcall
c667aec NetworkManagement : Add ability to restrict app data/wifi usage
53ece46 SystemUI: improve battery saver tile
9d47409 Compile app theme in background
* hardware/qcom/fm/
aae515a Add two new callbacks for FM start/stop.
7ea733e Restore default wired headset on FM power off
525a5c6 Update mute API usage to fix pops and consistency
4df923a Need to update UI in onResume though fmservice not bound
1fb70c3 Do not disable FM receiver on Music Service commands
9106d4e Disable/enable radio on factory reset
ef247c4 Request for audio focus on activity resume
8f2d9e0 Check for audio focus before enabling audio path
e48b2e6 Stop recording only if its storage is unmounted
daaa11b Change value of mSpeakerPhoneOn when BT becomes on or off
6706ef9 Reset notch filter only if it is set.
10d0ec6 FM: Fix ANR due to incorrect error handling in stopRecording
97cca41 FM: stop AudioTrack before switching output device
d7dd054 Change FM off button to release media and audio resources.
a8ad0bd fmapp2: de-select A2DP audio route on A2DP disconnection.
63e7e75 fmapp2: Allow switching between wired and Bluetooth headset
40a5d4b FM: Regional requirement for FM
bd28479 Revert "FMRecorder : Save to a private temporary file while recording"
28adb84 FM: update fm app to use device loopback
* hardware/samsung/
cc48856 exynos4: squash opensource libUMP
* packages/apps/Contacts/
9791b63 Fix NPE in Contact Card
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
765b782 LookupProviderImpl : add synchronization around ProviderInfo
a8419cc Add RequestOrigin to LookupRequest
c5ab573 Extend LookupProvider api to add an unique identifer
* packages/apps/Settings/
9f4ec5e Improve data usage strings
0d51215 Settings: forward decrypt required on boot flag
1cfc537 Settings : Fix default privacy guard preference
6207c87 Settings: Respect config_proximityCheckOnWakeEnabledByDefault
a3549a2 Settings : Add per app internet/data control
f5dea70 Settings: fix BT switch enabling discoverable mode
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
0410f84 SetupWizard: Fix regression on GMS account setup skip.
d114a09 SetupWizard: Conditionally supress d2d on lack of nfc.
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
27f915d Fix metric reporting for remote folder
* packages/services/Telecomm/
934d29b [2/4] Pass call extras to addcall
* vendor/cmsdk/
b05ce12 Themes: Check theme api level in onBootPhase
* frameworks/base/
5716ba3 Accept underscore and tilde in web URLs.
* hardware/samsung/
9b5063f exynos4: commonize AdvancedDisplay [1/3]
* packages/apps/Dialer/
fae80bf Fix crash in call log.
f35d670 Delete failed CallRecording file
* packages/apps/Eleven/
14ad1d7 Merge "Fix some scaling issues with non-square album art." into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Messaging/
fed2b36 Fix menu item highlight color.
* packages/apps/Settings/
5ec1a5f Move external input tile inclusion to device repo.
ef612a6 Settings: Update contributors cloud DB
bd8d39c Improve protected apps string
* hardware/qcom/fm/
5bbc6f0 Fix translations breakage
* frameworks/base/
f2a9674 Automatic translation import
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
ef63860 policy_hal: Always call local implementation of updateCallRouting
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
b53e1cc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
a33722b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
ef3e9f9 Automatic translation import
2e3d2e9 Enable support for groups in External contacts accounts
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
96194b6 FMRadio: Fix station switch from list for certain locales
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
66e21a2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
91edbdd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
7de4615 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
2e19826 [4/4] Add column for storing origin in CallLog
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
150e9a2 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
48720e7 Automatic translation import
* system/core/
8b964f3 libcutils: make sched_policy more robust
* vendor/cmsdk/
948e399 Automatic translation import
* frameworks/base/
df301d4 VolumeDialogController : Ignore inactive stream volume updates
14b45bc SystemUI: more consistent visualizer logic
e45d8f2 SystemUI: fix crypt keeper race condition
* frameworks/support/
9ac291b v4: Assign mDrawable before calling setBounds
* hardware/libhardware_legacy/
1f27ca8 libhardware_legacy: Add MSM specific flags, devices and channels.
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
fb3b822 policy_hal: Add custom audio policy
c14bc2e alsa_sound: Remove deprecated DEVICE_OUT_FM_TX
5b64515 alsa_sound: Remove deprecated audio policy sources
* hardware/qcom/fm/
cf1e7ae Automatic translation import
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
3fa385a Fix subdirectory inclusion on CM
1fd88aa libc2dcolorconvert: Allow continued usage of unaligned YCbCr420P format
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
d67c7f6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
3f68bb7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
6a14c96 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
e113a32 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
49c80e7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
ef69836 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
2a97643 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
48b2b67 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
8c21d74 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
054ddd9 QuickContact Expand/Collapse Button removal fixed
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
d56a07b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
8347881 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
dd15524 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
5159955 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
0aaff57 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
59d2529 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
ad4d0b5 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
470cf41 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
e4eb6ed Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
dda77c6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
968b4dc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
d5b1750 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
bfd3ede Re-expose hardcoded white text colors
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
6baab03 SetupWizard: Handle both restore scenarios.
57080c3 SetupWizard: Restore last page on setup wizard death.
* packages/apps/Snap/
5dcd941 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
c41ee5c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
86ba1a7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
938df93 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
945d181 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
153b4ce Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
ff5ac73 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
a4c95c3 Automatic translation import
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
d2e61d4 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
9fa9b69 Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
f2fadbd Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Mms/
f26269a Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
1db1b22 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
2c065d3 Fix MSIM voicemail notification icons.
* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
91e95eb Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
d23564c Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
83742d3 Automatic translation import
* vendor/cmsdk/
45f57c5 update api
99200b9 cmsdk: fix last profile extra constant
* art/
6817f4b Build dex2oat without asan instrumentation.
1e30dc0 Remove unnecessary std::move from test_dex_file_builder
f68e902 Remove unnecessary std::move from variant_map.h
3c7f695 Reduce sleep duration in SuspendAllDaemonThreads
* build/
078a4dc qcom: Explicitly build the custom audio policy for legacy alsa
* frameworks/av/
8c2e9d8 audio: Remove LEGACY_ALSA_AUDIO ifdefs from AudioPolicyManager.cpp
* frameworks/base/
7f4697c Cast Tile: only scan while in detail view
01ba664 Keyguard: Don't show keyguard if CryptKeeper enabled
19c3a8c Show icons of only background apps in Toasts
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
8afb31b WifiScanningService: Fix invalid offset error
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/
d9ae022 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.3.3_rb1.12' into cm-13.0-caf-8952
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
27b310b alsa_sound: Enable QCOM_PROXY_DEVICE_ENABLED by default
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
8e01786 Revert "Force voice path when recording audio during call"
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916/
50314ad Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.10' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8952/
1605e82 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.3.3_rb1.12' into cm-13.0-caf-8952
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
d4db655 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.10' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8952/
254d506 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.3.3_rb1.12' into cm-13.0-caf-8952
* packages/apps/Dialer/
749029a Dialer: Fix build without jack
* packages/apps/Settings/
48c8ea1 Themes: Expose Hard coded icon tint in power summary settings
90095af DisplayColor: clamp maximum value to 1.0f
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
7448279 SetupWizard: Adapt to new GMS tap & go expectations.
0d83f7c SetupWizard: Fixup backup/restore for Marshmallow.
* packages/apps/Stk/
62cdb10 Do not display toast if alpha text is null.
* packages/providers/CallLogProvider/
baef728 [3/4] Account for extra bundle in tests
* vendor/cm/
b7c8dec cm: sepolicy: allow platform apps to crop user images
* external/stagefright-plugins/
ed03eec Revert "stagefright-plugins: Protect against crash"
* external/zlib/
df42d71 zlib: crc optimization for arm64
* frameworks/base/
c1fcac6 fw: Move externalCMServices declaration to external res package.
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
4131a3b Add TD-SCDMA support
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
0d2d286 Force voice path when recording audio during call
* hardware/samsung/
90ced08 modemloader: Use hw.revision instead of ro.revision
* packages/apps/Settings/
3a85ba8 Settings: ask telephony for network selection
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
0991d31 Trebuchet: Fix some issues with the DB upgrade path
772f61d Show apps as unavailable when on unmounted storage
* packages/services/Telephony/
da57833 Telephony: add external network selection activity
* system/core/
fb7e634 liblog: build log_event_write regardless of TARGET_USES_LOGD
* vendor/cm/
f3610f5 cm: Commonize cmsdk specific targets.
649c832 cm: Remove externalCMServices overlay. (in cmsdk)
8f239ee Add Z00L maintainers
* vendor/cmsdk/
c46e0ff cmsdk: send connection value when changing network modes
80f5651 cmsdk: Introduce externalCMServices array to cmres.
a335ba3 cmsdk: Mandate cmhw feature xml's for service implementation.
* bootable/recovery/
b7fb185 recovery: Only set relevant sysbar state flags
* build/
cbf9692 envsetup: fix mm under zsh
* external/stagefright-plugins/
c32061c stagefright-plugins: Fix memory leak
c39d091 stagefright-plugins: Fix memory leak
b8759d0 stagefright-plugins: Fix memory leak
* frameworks/base/
f5994c8 Prompt permission dialog for status bar weather
6b5c6f3 Move keyDisabled and gamma to service
9552ddc SystemUI: Always unset seperate roaming indicator.
f9a9d50 InputMethodManager : Move registration to systemReady
cf08385 Should use scan flag, or it will not scan device.
ae032eb SystemUI: Change demo mode time of day.
a777a9a GlobalActions: Set the initial status of airplane mode toggle
ea229d4 fix metrics density comparisons
* frameworks/opt/hardware/
232ae82 hardware: make sure to declare hardware as feature.
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
d414390 MSIM: RJIL primary card feature
96c5861 Telephony: Don't show as roaming if new state isn't in service.
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
40c215c Use AppCompat\'s imageButtonStyle attribute am: 3003b28b22
* packages/apps/LockClock/
fde0e1e LockClock : Add external facing permission grant activity
* packages/apps/Settings/
9c35338 Settings : Add multiuser support for CMHardware
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
1a5f882 Use correct read/write perms for provider
* packages/services/Telecomm/
939d1cd Telecomm: Add support to set ring tone for SIM2
* packages/services/Telephony/
e2d5520 Fix "Fix "multi-sim: fallback on active subId on emergency calls""
* system/netd/
4128d74 NetD : Allow passing in interface names for wifi/data app restriction
* vendor/cm/
cf03e16 Bring back Exchange2
* vendor/cmsdk/
19b267d Revert "cmhw: Don't hold a static reference to the service"
220ab79 CMSettings : Add display gamma setting
* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
2248deb intel: hwcomposer: Only use DRM_PSB_PM_SET if it exists
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
1129f55 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into HEAD
* system/core/
4d437e4 init: Fix derp in property name for rebooting to charger hook
* android/
c7718ad cm: Change external/pdfium to CM
ee17c6d cm: Update to 6.0.1_r22
* frameworks/av/
50c27ea Merge branch 'dr15' into cm-13.0
* frameworks/base/
7f6a0c2 Merge branch 'dr15' into cm-13.0
* frameworks/native/
65a4c0c vds: Allocate Framebuffer target buffer
a9cbaf5 SurfaceFlinger: Add support for continuous dumpsys to file.
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
69df2a9 Merge branch 'dr15' into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
832a3d6 Merge branch 'dr15' into cm-13.0
* packages/services/Telephony/
82b47ca Merge branch 'dr15' into cm-13.0
* system/core/
5839222 Merge branch 'dr15' into cm-13.0
3cc2ca8 init: Add a hook to turn a shutdown into a reboot
a41177e init: Add property_get_bool
* vendor/cmsdk/
96cfc73 cmhw: Don't hold a static reference to the service
* bootable/recovery/
bc9052a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* build/
771fead Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/pdfium/
20ad4b0 PDFium: Silence warnings
* external/toybox/
b3103a7 toybox: Fix upstream version parsing
* frameworks/av/
46da121 nuplayer: Allow devices to force a flush when surface changes
* frameworks/base/
0e1dbed Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
50fbc8e core: Add strings for hotswap configuration event.
45a7318 SystemUI : Fix navbar dpad key visibility
7348be7 Move high touch sensitivity and hovering to InputService
1292e86 Move VIBRATOR_INTENSITY to vibrator service
b7996b1 LiveDisplayController : Reload settings for current user
* frameworks/native/
0e89896 sf: ex-sf: Remove screenshot surface from secondary displays
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
c31d22d telephony: Notify user for potential reconfiguration.
* hardware/qcom/fm/
71997bb fmapp2: String improvements
* hardware/samsung/
02302a7 macloader: add n5100 murata wifi address
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
0fe7495 Revert "Bluetooth: Disconnect SCO for In-Band Ringtone."
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
3b52dc7 ContactsProvider : Hard code group resource ids
* packages/services/Telecomm/
8c2bde1 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/services/Telephony/
a3f2b60 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
df6ddbe Fix "multi-sim: fallback on active subId on emergency calls"
* system/bt/
718ba0b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* system/core/
81fba04 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* vendor/cm/
8b0f16f apns: fix build
bc61d86 apns: Add ATT Nextgenphone
73acac5 Resolve Orange RO authtype
15c9ef4 config: Lower the priority of vendor/cm overlays
* vendor/cmsdk/
5e2d5a6 CMSettings: Add VIBRATOR_INTENSITY setting
9f12465 cmsdk: Minor string improvement
* art/
71b0b6e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* bionic/
f6164e6 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
f6f0445 linker: Allow text-relocs for x86 (only)
* development/
0a521f6 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/boringssl/
b935273 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/bouncycastle/
00d6351 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/icu/
9dda507 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/libavc/
68b16a3 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/libnfc-nci/
dd2db54 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/libpng/
7dae481 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/libvpx/
831d75e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/lzma/
c678f1d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/okhttp/
4613c89 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/sepolicy/
014562f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/sonivox/
f3692bc Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/sqlite/
3d331b0 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
9e77cf9 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* external/zlib/
c65ce9f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/av/
bc7ce29 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
ba38778 audiopolicy: squashed support for pre-kitkat audio blobs
* frameworks/base/
564f10b intel: Pick the best ABI based on number of libs, not just priority
4718479 perf: Remove scroll / fling boosting
7447e10 Revert "PhoneWindowManager: add ability to use EdgeGestureService for system gestures."
43ea012 Revert "[2/2] framework/base: Add EdgeGesture service."
31a6544 Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [1/3]
6768ffa base: dock battery
* frameworks/minikin/
d5ee256 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/native/
a98331d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/opt/chips/
0c78a7d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/opt/colorpicker/
382f81f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/opt/datetimepicker/
443dea9 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/opt/net/ims/
328bc61 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
81f882f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into dr15
* frameworks/opt/photoviewer/
4fe7a6d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
d561e8e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
e8a8a7f telephony: Move COLP definition to android settings.
* frameworks/opt/timezonepicker/
5bff676 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/rs/
c882d49 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/support/
98e06d7 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/volley/
d52d625 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/webview/
10cecb3 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/broadcom/libbt/
69acf87 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/broadcom/wlan/
6636331 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
dc7207b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/invensense/
cb87144 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/libhardware/
10cb2cc Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
c7baa3b hal: Reduce minimum offload fragment size for PCM offload
* hardware/qcom/audio/default/
3e55a86 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/camera/
4055f69 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/display/
fd6d158 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/gps/
b2278c8 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/keymaster/
980b695 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/media/default/
e736937 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/wlan/
70d3f9f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* libcore/
7290499 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/BasicSmsReceiver/
786e265 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
c2731fa Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Camera2/
3e6b195 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/CarrierConfig/
4f6ce63 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
d49a862 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
eb1a27c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Contacts/
3c1aaac Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
9098f02 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
a77af8d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Dialer/
8ce5e82 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Email/
97bb12e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
624e2a9 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
96d3e2b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
8a0ab8f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
db0bbb8 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/KeyChain/
cfabcd3 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
b011fe6 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Nfc/
29c9e9b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
e002f53 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
006da89 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Settings/
d8c29b8 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
d35875e settings: dock battery
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
d541a4c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/SpeechRecorder/
d9a9ab2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Stk/
284128d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Tag/
5c7a42d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
f8a79ae Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
9327d03 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
f6f0971 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
a7b4bbc Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
d33287d Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
083ca2b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
637eb43 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
1417446 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/
725ef6b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/screensavers/Basic/
d818b1e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
744ffe2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/services/Telephony/
1b895dd telephony: Move COLP definition to android settings.
* packages/wallpapers/Basic/
9e901e9 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/wallpapers/HoloSpiral/
dd510ad Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
9d65fd7 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/wallpapers/MagicSmoke/
5c8e523 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/wallpapers/NoiseField/
bdb1e29 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
86f21ea Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* system/extras/
3fcf5a8 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* system/keymaster/
057d970 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* system/media/
92d65f3 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* system/security/
e9010a7 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r22' of into cm-13.0
* system/vold/
cba83a9 minivold: Use libblkid for readMetadata
* vendor/cm/
6a04a23 cm: Always verify against current CMSDK version.
fd018d5 Modify APN for Orange Romania
* vendor/cmsdk/
32788b0 ExtViews: Guard against bad LLS providers
2f2d432 Revert "Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [1/3]"
* bionic/
e31f2d8 Don't leak sockets if setsockopt() or fchown() fail.
1bb333c Fix GNU/POSIX basename headers.
* external/libpng/
8d5e858 libpng: turn off warnings
* external/toybox/
d68bb2e Fix cflags pollution from other *s
8f459b0 toybox: Fix build
* frameworks/base/
23e27fc SysUI: Fix hiding sensitive notification behavior
0f1bc6fe Remove opaque check in preparing dirty region for all QCOM device
0487441 sensors: Rename bool for selecting what timestamp to use for orientation sensor
c532868 Fix volume expand arrow to be displayed correctly
15b3922 SysUI: Clear notification data when recreating status bar
39a09c5 SystemUI: Improve string in data capable, not selected scenario.
* packages/apps/Settings/
8e1b800 Settings: Modify RU translation for Ambient display
* packages/apps/Snap/
0f178af Snap: Do not crash when cur-focus-scale is null
* packages/services/Telephony/
2f06ab7 multi-sim: fallback on active subId on emergency calls
* system/core/
36060dd liblog: build log_event_write regardless of TARGET_USES_LOGD
* bionic/
4954aab Add prlimit to LP32.
* bootable/recovery/
1faa075 recovery: bu: Make 64-bit clean
* build/
ad12b36 Fix a race condition while building the recovery patch
* external/toybox/
1b74e24 toybox: Update makefile, generated files, and configuration
7d5136d toybox: Fix build of static executable
5918842 Merge branch 'master' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/av/
2fd815f stagefright: Clear RenderQueue on port settings changed
c3902bb video: Add metadata support for DataSource
69714d4 video: Add support to push blank buffers on surface switch
1aedff9 Nuplayer: Flush the decoder if seamless format change is supported
97fc248 ACodec: update the right size and crop in smooth streaming case
41d4ad5 SoftVorbis: memory access check
47f8c73 audiopolicy: Defer release of output session effects
0479d7c audiopolicy: Add notification when default effects are updated
* frameworks/base/
9957394 audiosystem: Add API for listening to effect session events
e4bc686 sensors: Create bool to select what timestamp to use
4fa2905 SysUI: Fix hiding per-app sensitive notifications
53886b0 SystemUI: Add PERFORMANCE_ACCESS permission.
1bbe806 base: Fix proximity check on non power key
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
a7e38b7 hal: Disable perf boost by default
* hardware/samsung/
57eacca libsecril-client: Use the correct incall audio paths
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
4623c88 DeskClock: Remove "Week Start" preference
* packages/apps/Settings/
1954743 Settings: Add PERFORMANCE_ACCESS permission.
88b02f8 MSIM: Fix erroneous defaults display in slot selection dialog
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
e48ef94 Trebuchet: Guard against NPE while querying for widget updates
0a244ba Trebuchet: Highlight section being touched even when not scrolling scrubber
* vendor/cmsdk/
f8d4978 cmsdk: Fix resource name.
6356c9b cmsdk: Update README for release artifact numerics.
b4eafda cmsdk: Add PerformanceManager tests, Change target permission.
7ed4fca cmsdk: Keep generated java classes from aidl interfaces.
c0bd6d0 cmsdk: Clean up proguard flags.
* android/
fa3b5eb android-6.0.1_r13 -> android-6.0.1_r17
* bootable/recovery/
6c20b00 recovery: Implement sysbar
* build/
55d8065 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
* external/libavc/
cccc2b8 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
* external/toybox/
06108e6 Regenerate generated files.
abf0e28 Merge remote-tracking branch 'toybox/master' into HEAD
* frameworks/av/
51aee1e stagefright: Support audio in slow motion
edd6ca3 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
* frameworks/base/
8ecd5a5 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
f04180a SystemUI: fix always_show_roaming
* frameworks/native/
efd11d3 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
b4b65d2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
14a2811 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
1196024 Fix resource clean-up in LookupProviderImpl
4d67195 Update info_lookup to use AmbientSDK directly
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
34d0d93 Fix to answer call in DSDS mode.
dc3aadd Fix to answer call in DSDS mode.
* packages/apps/Settings/
e2eea4d AppOps: Guard against themes without colorAccent defined
c9e29de Settings: Remove "Learn More" clickable text if not overlaid.
ae15145 Settings: Allow disabling default allcaps state in tabtext.
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
4366f66 ThemeChooser: update icon
* packages/services/Telecomm/
81999fd Implement call waiting answer options dialog
* packages/services/Telephony/
773cab5 Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [3/3]
* system/bt/
775a7ba Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r17' into HEAD
* vendor/cm/
8ab71a0 vendor: Add maintainer for LG G3 (Sprint) (LS990)
6f978dc Add Z00T maintainers
fd28e9d Include AmbientSDK artifact
* vendor/cmsdk/
3a590c3 Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [1/3]
* hardware/samsung/
621e63e libril: Make ST-E Thor M7450 and Intel XMM7260 next gen modems as well
* hardware/samsung/
f15d7f4 powerhal: Add set_profile support
* build/
759f573 kernel: add banner for defconfig and header install steps
99f8e96 kernel: allow toolchain prefix to be overridden
9f2ad7c kernel: add docs for config vars
2b7b9ce kernel: remove support for unused MTK Kernel
* dalvik/
074c28d dexdeps: Ignore static initializers on analysis.
* external/toybox/
b3e9c92 Elliott pointed out that we output "unlimited" instead of "infinity", so accept that as input. (And that I screwed up the test.)
* frameworks/base/
063b5f3 Fix GlobalActions sound panel iconography.
1bd60bd Themes: Refactor themes to CMSDK [1/6]
8ff13de NetworkPolicyManager : Process low power mode change on background thread
c014d6c5 SettingsProvider: allow ambient display/doze mode to be overlayed
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
33a347a Allow to ignore presentation indicator of outgoing calls [2/3]
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/
347b90c libc2dcolorconvert: refer c2d header from display
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
22e31f3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BasicSmsReceiver/
321806c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
a84eaf5 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
0bcedd3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
751d60b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
f2bbba9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
a72ed8c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
e1be5ac Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
3bc4d84 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
ef203f8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
fedb720 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
477f738 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
cd5f671 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
463be6a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
fb52be3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
72a6e47 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
c4984e2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
457778a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
1cb2671 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Exchange/
ed65f46 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
fad359f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
515039d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/HTMLViewer/
79ab2cd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
f724909 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/KeyChain/
83e9885 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
242fc38 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
58c563b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
b139580 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Nfc/
4b57e2f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
cb079ef Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
23676f9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
a3941e8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
286cbc3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
3febff0 Automatic translation import
71492d5 Settings: Default edge gesture service to false.
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
2009ae2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Snap/
e783496 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
ef9e243 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
cd94f37 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Tag/
8e7f84f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
44cbc9a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
4adc638 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
ff12f71 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
725a993 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
a9dcd82 Automatic translation import
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
bdf269e Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/BookmarkProvider/
0093d70 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
5db71f6 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CallLogProvider/
80d18d1 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
65e4ac5 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
483b755 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
8a3b33c Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
490b1b0 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
68b1a55 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/
7376fff Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/Basic/
881cdda Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
4310098 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
6862630 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
511fbb2 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/Basic/
d6cd7cb Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
14d171f Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/MagicSmoke/
b70c3d5 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
ee994ec Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
314b93b Automatic translation import
* vendor/cm/
651dd50 cm: Create cmsdk coverage task.
* vendor/cmsdk/
a4efc11 Automatic translation import
f2fd836 Update stubs to include cyanogenmod.themes package
873364c cmsdk: Remove debugging from proguard.
11a4d48 Add missing WRITE_THEMES from cm_system-current
ba01275 cmsdk: Strip unused cmsdk members for codecoverage.
b3ea285 Themes: Refactor themes to CMSDK [2/6]
567b430 cmsdk: Add cyanogenmod.util to stubs and update API
* android/
8d101bd manifest: Fork dalvik to CM.
* external/toybox/
5ad93f3 Fix bzcat integer overflow reported by John Regehr.
* frameworks/base/
9ae49e0 SystemUI: Fix volume panel inconsistencies
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
5232764 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.10' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
* packages/apps/Dialer/
b91511e Add Ukrainian T9 symbol map
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
5bd46ba Add Ukrainian T9 symbol map
* packages/apps/Screencast/
7aff8c2 Screencast: Don't show touches for non-owners
* packages/apps/Settings/
a2a9be0 Settings: no more holo for navbar editor
32db916 Better expose text color for single button panel button
523ede8 Themes: Expose Hard colors for storage settings
d0aba1e Use correct icon for ring volume
f5d1f3b Settings: Fix "Fix SecuritySettings filtering" copy pasta
* cts/
1e7c9d7 merge in marshmallow-cts-release history after reset to marshmallow-cts-dev
e17a927 Merge "Camera: remove StaticMetadataCollectionTest" into marshmallow-cts-dev
541c86b Merge "Disabling tests which depend on a non-NDK shared library." into marshmallow-cts-dev
1a219ed Disabling tests which depend on a non-NDK shared library.
* dalvik/
4797751 dexdeps: Add option for --include-cm-classes.
* external/toybox/
ffc6fbb Fix file for Java class files, improve script detection, and add tests.
5231bb5 More minor cleanup (inline a function, simplify name of another).
53dc99a Minor cleanup.
0dfa601 Fix base64 so == wraps properly.
336c44a Factor out command name at the start of test name, have print it.
eb83072 Print command name at start of each test.
b69e1ef Split lsattr/chattr tests.
54f95bd Command name at start of each test.
b73d9a2 Add fstype test.
9ef6fbf Try to consistently print command name at the start of each test.
7ae108f split pgrep/pkill tests.
7ca5dc4 For years the man pages have said to #include <sys/types.h> to get major/minor/makedev, but glibc has vowed to break existing programs ( and replace it with _another_ non-standard header (not in posix or lsb), so let's just add functions to lib/ that do the transform ourselves.
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
029bcc5 PickerActivity: Request for permissions
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
ae8bcce Alarm: Bind start-of-week to the locale
* build/
5771f5d build: better compatibility between zsh shells
* cts/
1c077ee Merge "Revert "media: skip unsupported test clip in adaptive playback test"" into marshmallow-cts-dev
7ea817b Revert "media: skip unsupported test clip in adaptive playback test"
34eed8c Merge "Revert "Revert "CTS test for libmedia OOB write anywhere""" into marshmallow-cts-dev
29016e3 Revert "Revert "CTS test for libmedia OOB write anywhere""
e5955cd Camera: remove StaticMetadataCollectionTest
b2e117b Merge "Bug #201268 android.telecom.cts.RemoteConnectionTest -- testRemoteConnectionVideoCallbacks_CallDataUsage fail" into marshmallow-cts-dev
d3e6313 Bug #201268 android.telecom.cts.RemoteConnectionTest -- testRemoteConnectionVideoCallbacks_CallDataUsage fail
a1a4ee3 Merge "Modify comment follwing the change at 205144." into marshmallow-cts-dev
6245c46 Merge "media: skip unsupported test clip in adaptive playback test" into marshmallow-cts-dev
c8ec01f Merge changes Ibf8910fe,I6d89b105 into marshmallow-cts-dev
dbdf508 DO NOT MERGE: Camera: collect camera device info in CTS
* development/
171957c idegen: Check if environment variable exists
* external/toybox/
323819c The last-ever release of uClibc hasn't got prlimit, so probe.
dfc44f1 SYS_finit_module isn't there on Ubuntu 12.04 because it was only added to the 3.8 kernel in 2012. That's way too new to assume the build environment has it, so #ifdef and simulate a failure if it's not there.
86f7c04 Use shell builtins instead of calling wc/awk/sed. (Fewer forks in build loop.) Based on suggestions from Nicholas Boichat.
5a44e4a The last-ever release of uClibc didn't #define MS_RELATIME.
789d2c1 Use the correct types for recvfrom.
d3904ef Fix "make help" again.
bef3a51 config2help: add missing ctype.h include
* frameworks/av/
808632f stagefright: Don't crash on invalid / null AVCC atoms in MKV
* hardware/samsung/
438a27e macloader: Add another SEMCO mac address half
* packages/apps/Messaging/
fec6c6a Added 'Always Ask' for Multi SIM phones to decide which SIM to use for every text
58c9b30 Improve swipe to delete strings
2a065f1 Messaging: Toggable keyboard emoticons access
* packages/apps/Settings/
ab4baee Settings: Fix SecuritySettings filtering.
23c1697 Settings: improve job upload service
6ec80c9 Settings: fix indexing for saved access point settings
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
8104310 Themes: Refactor themes to CMSDK [6/6]
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
de9323a Themes: Refactor themes to CMSDK [5/6]
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
43532de Themes: Refactor themes to CMSDK [4/6]
* system/core/
73e251e Add optional target-specific LD_PRELOAD to environment
* vendor/cm/
e7036e8 Themes: Refactor themes to CMSDK [3/6]
7ad2824 vendor: Add maintainers of OnePlus X (onyx)
* vendor/cmsdk/
8a25943 cmsdk: Add device-specific strings
* build/
521aa1e envesetup: mmm/mmma: fix for zsh
* cts/
b48eb3f Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: BUMP CTS to 6.0R4" into marshmallow-cts-release
a99bad7 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: BUMP CTS to 6.0R4" into marshmallow-cts-dev
* external/ffmpeg/
f3bec54 libavutil: fix old style function definition warnings
* external/toybox/
c1161cf do_regular_file() prints output line, don't fall through to print default.
77e56de Regenerate generated files.
19e0d99 Merge remote-tracking branch 'toybox/master' into HEAD
226c1cb Fix trailing spaces on ps -o cmdline.
1b3fd4a Fix inverted test.
830f256 pending/file: add cpio, tar, zip formats.
4b141e6 Fix a typo from last time, and Isaac Dunham's todo list:
* frameworks/base/
620a025 Make CaptivePortalLoginActivity compatible with setupwizard.
01a2685 SystemUI: fix zen mode panel warning not showing
983893d HotSpot: Store # of connected clients in receiver
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
0f6a630 Forward port Samsung STK support (frameworks/opt/telephony)
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
3c1ad83 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.2.6_RB1. on remote branch
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/
886c244 hal: remove explicit direct pcm usecase
* packages/apps/Eleven/
dc2cdeb Fix some scaling issues with non-square album art.
* packages/apps/Messaging/
80c9a59 Messaging:Swipe right to delete conversation
* packages/apps/Settings/
fb52740 Expose values for themes.
5d79a9e Settings: Meet BYOD check intent filter expectations.
* packages/apps/Snap/
9993625 Snap: update icon
a301c53 Snap: Fix incorrect preview layout surface size in landscape mode
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
1cd4587 Trebuchet: Handle random crash during theme change / user switch
c5454ec Trebuchet: Scale icons in portrait if using condensed grid
* cts/
64e8dc5 Merge "Add tests for the existence of the OS Patch String, and to detect obsolete versions." into marshmallow-cts-release
c05e90e Add tests for the existence of the OS Patch String, and to detect obsolete versions.
* external/toybox/
44c7958 Second pass at the ELF type table.
* frameworks/native/
9e37519 surfaceflinger: Use only one EventThread when phase offsets are same.
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8952/
7b9a3a1 hwc/overlay: Validate cursor position in hwc_setPositionAsync
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
57c26ef mm-video: swvenc: update color format correctly
930785e mm-video: swvenc: Update color format correctly
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/
0382411 Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03340-8x94.0' into HEAD
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
4417d18 Don't suspend aggregation for new contacts
* build/
ba29741 binary: Generate dummy rule for relocated protobuf headers
* cts/
f22178b Merge "Revert "CTS test for libmedia OOB write anywhere"" into marshmallow-cts-dev
7e9f105 Modify comment follwing the change at 205144.
f3c9e10 Merge "Increase threshold for shadow test from 30 to 35." into marshmallow-cts-dev
b881011 Increase threshold for shadow test from 30 to 35.
* frameworks/base/
de45e4b SystemUI: Don't vibrate on touchscreen camera gesture
e0c77b2 livedisplay: Factoring out color temperature to RGB conversion algorithm
2993904 am: Cancel protected app notification on validation launch.
* hardware/cyanogen/
fa60003 cmhw: UniqueDeviceId: don't generate hardware IDs from SD card CIDs
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/
09eeea9 Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03340-8x94.0' into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
c9cd4af Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03340-8x94.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
ca63326 SetupWizard: Modify intent for CaptivePortalLogin
* vendor/cmsdk/
73fafc1 cmsdk: Add touch gesture haptic feedback setting
* art/
bc97168 ART: make ART extension available only in 32bit for msm8996
* cts/
219c117 Revert "CTS test for libmedia OOB write anywhere"
321f4fd media: skip unsupported test clip in adaptive playback test
931d269 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Fix CTS failures on AudioFlingerBinderTest" into marshmallow-cts-dev
c69a655 DO NOT MERGE Fix CTS failures on AudioFlingerBinderTest
* external/toybox/
e17fbf1 Switch to $! for process enumeration.
f9ca79a Fix more warnings on 32 bit builds.
8fffeff Fix bug where mount -o leftover string didn't get passed through to kernel for 2-argument version.
fd6c947 Typecast a printf argument because wchar_t isn't a rigidly defined size.
3879cd9 Musl needs an extra #include.
* frameworks/av/
c5fa90a audio: omx encoder isn't expected for raw recording
* frameworks/base/
99b7ddc FullBackup: Add handling for shared storage
cb57a31 Show correct pinning message for accessibility
49ff3c4 Show correct pinning message without navbar
6fc672d NotificationPanelView : Fix incorrect panel translation
9c1b730 SystemUI: reset tile page after inactivity
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/
f6cd4f7 hal: stop sound trigger buffering during close
* packages/apps/Settings/
672db85 Settings : Fix back button for sim card lock
* packages/apps/Snap/
1b0670f Snap: Remove face detection option if not supported
* vendor/cmsdk/
6f3c30a cmsdk: Factoring out color temperature to RGB conversion algorithm
e3c9668 cmsdk: send intent to intialize CMHW
* bootable/recovery/
d66f66e recovery: handle back button when navigating recovery logs
* cts/
cab7ded Camera: backport CameraDeviceInfo to M
756b5a8 Merge "Revert "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: bump version to 201604s"" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 2ba623fdae -s ours
5b56a47 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: bump version to 201604s" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: b499acecb2 -s ours
2ba623f Merge "Revert "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: bump version to 201604s"" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
b81173f Revert "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: bump version to 201604s"
b499ace Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: bump version to 201604s" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
656adb1 DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: bump version to 201604s
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
fce5bbf mm-video-v4l2: vdec: Decrement semaphore count in error case.
* packages/apps/Contacts/
13a402e Trigger BlockContactHelper's resource clean-up
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
38d016c Expose method to clean up resources in BlockContactHelper
* packages/apps/Messaging/
60ba9b6 Fix photo url's inclusion in lookup-encoded-uri
bbab6ea Use a hash set to manage listeners in LookupProvider Manager
4582746 Messaging: Fix some quick message ui issues
* packages/apps/Settings/
38ae876 Split out drawable to separate from dashboard drawable
84e68cf Break out text color value from commonly used color.
* vendor/cm/
92b7259 add yufone APN
* vendor/cmsdk/
c2efaa7 Uncomment out getHotwordPackageNameInternal impl
* art/
fdbc583 art: fix dex2oat watchdog timeout
* cts/
e27adc8 Merge "resolve merge conflicts of 0d092ccad9 to marshmallow-cts-dev" into marshmallow-cts-dev
191ad31 resolve merge conflicts of 0d092ccad9 to marshmallow-cts-dev
0d092cc Merge "resolve merge conflicts of 74ce520050 to lollipop-cts-dev" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 6ae84c914c
6ae84c9 Merge "resolve merge conflicts of 74ce520050 to lollipop-cts-dev" into lollipop-cts-dev
a5d6ea3 resolve merge conflicts of 74ce520050 to lollipop-cts-dev
d171cf1 Merge "Fix bugs regarding ShortCodeTest that fails without "112" in ECC List. ( for L )" into lollipop-cts-dev am: faf3d546d2 am: f09b03eb11
62c8423 Merge "CTS-5.1_r3 : Fix testBadSurfaceDimensions" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 42509829fb -s ours
f09b03e Merge "Fix bugs regarding ShortCodeTest that fails without "112" in ECC List. ( for L )" into lollipop-cts-dev am: faf3d546d2
faf3d54 Merge "Fix bugs regarding ShortCodeTest that fails without "112" in ECC List. ( for L )" into lollipop-cts-dev
27271ef Merge "Camera: ignore last frame duration checking" into marshmallow-cts-dev
49cb643 Merge "Fix crash when exiting the Significant Motion test" into marshmallow-cts-dev
0ec1519 Merge "VideoDecoderPerfTest: limit test runs if we have many codecs" into marshmallow-cts-dev
07ba022 Merge "Should use getSupportedVideoSizes()" into marshmallow-cts-dev
5fff4fb Merge "Removed test from knownfailures" into marshmallow-cts-dev
3ea9934 Merge "Fix failures of BYOD Managed Provisioning" into marshmallow-cts-dev
74ce520 Merge "Add a host-side test to verify run-as works in adb shell." into kitkat-cts-dev
4250982 Merge "CTS-5.1_r3 : Fix testBadSurfaceDimensions" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
e700bcc Merge "Update tests for the existence of the OS Patch String, and to detect obsolete versions." into marshmallow-cts-dev
0035c75 Update tests for the existence of the OS Patch String, and to detect obsolete versions.
8e40bf3 VideoDecoderPerfTest: limit test runs if we have many codecs
* external/stagefright-plugins/
770d66e stagefright-plugins: Skip 2nd parsing for ogg
* frameworks/base/
d218a20 When the device boots up, netd works more than required
93e2a44 Performance Optimization: Align texture dirty rect
d347973 SharedStorageAgent: fix off by 1
9028e65 Alarm: Support devices using timerfd without CLOCK_POWEROFF_ALARM
69f8fca Revert "Alarm: Don't use invalid timerfd alarm types"
1291c93 ActivityManager : Remove POWER_OFF_ALARM_MODE HOME_KEY button override
2c6a658 SystemUI: Listen for phone state change
e30cc7e Inflate custom notifications with the app's theme.
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/
4fb2812 hal: don't allow track offload if there's active sw effect
* hardware/qcom/keymaster/
0919e4a keymaster: add msm8909 into support list
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
f0608db Build mm-video-v4l2 on msm8909's
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
42a60b2 Hide CMAS dev options in user builds
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
a1de334 DeskClock : Don't set POWER_OFF_ALARM_MODE unecessarily
* packages/apps/Messaging/
5d32a6e Fix image and text binding issues in People & Options screen
cdee383 Fix image re-binding issues for contacts obtained via a LookupProvider
* packages/apps/Settings/
e1a196a PowerUsage : Don't update if profile didn't change
8fd9afd Revert "Customize regulatory info."
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
1acee18 Trebuchet: re-enable rotation by default on tablets
* system/core/
f81fd9a healthd: use timerfd if dev alarm not exist
* vendor/cm/
36cb29d recovery: Add new rule for sys.usb.ffs.ready
* vendor/cmsdk/
61afdc1 PerformanceManager : Ensure we clear calling identity
* cts/
90112a2 Fix failures of BYOD Managed Provisioning
e053592 Merge "Add tests for the existence of the OS Patch String, and to detect obsolete versions." into marshmallow-cts-dev
a77b38b Add tests for the existence of the OS Patch String, and to detect obsolete versions.
a489738 Removed test from knownfailures
* external/ffmpeg/
ea5478c fix invalid linked for target atom , move x86-atom to atom
* external/toybox/
5e3d1e3 implement simple 'wget' and port name can be specified in URL if default port 80 is not used.
36ffaee lsof cleanup
* frameworks/base/
78f9faa WifiTracker : Don't queue up duplicate messages for updating access points
e5423f8 NetworkPolicyManager: Null check list of packages belonging to UID
a735ab8 SystemUI: Show lockscreen wallpaper if no album art is available
28585cd QS: Show # of clients connected to hotspot
fadfc45 Automatic translation import
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
38ec80e Merge "mm-video: Add opaque color format support to MPEG-4 SwVenc."
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8952/
ff3940f mm-video-v4l2: Return correct level support for 8956
* hardware/samsung/
6eec819 Fix memory leaks and use of uninitialized pointers.
* packages/apps/Messaging/
299e655 MessageQueue: Process pending messages per subscription
b606545 Add new colors and icon.
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
3e6ed3e Trebuchet: Featured Apps uses themed composed icons and responds to theme changes
* system/bt/
5db0f54 l2cap: ifdef checks for BLE_INCLUDED
* vendor/cmsdk/
9c902f8 cmsdk: Update binder transaction tests for new interfaces.
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
b3278c1 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
4146cd3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
78b36b1 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
4266993 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
706c0f8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
f7631d5 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
c46a754 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
c41b295 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
8e72284 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
c64d7cb Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
1b8519a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
b35ec75 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
aa1c1fd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
b2381ef Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
640067b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
7ffe95d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
0e30c3a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
d560be6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
30b30e6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
3919901 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
9d7bfc3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
2fc265b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
0fdfdea Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
01e57cd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Snap/
1d95734 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
ae80482 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
d029cb4 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
6a06140 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
b4ff2a9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
4e2059c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
94099d2 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
c9f3201 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
a163818 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
c35dc89 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
0b3b6e9 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
c7c0742 Automatic translation import
* vendor/cmsdk/
6c1aa2f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Snap/
0b3e472 Snap: fix camera hang on LGE G4 when flash got used
* build/
c34b558 releasetool: add OSIP partitions specifics
01da997 envsetup: cmgerrit: fix for zsh
695992c envsetup: add function to detect shell
ebddb95 kernel: Don't use override config in kernel(x)config
d12e3a1 build: add build module from root
bfedecc build: e2fsck missing from emulator
* external/boringssl/
e6a7906 boringssl: Fix compilation
* external/stagefright-plugins/
32e5c38 stagefright-plugins: enlarge audio/video queue
* frameworks/base/
d66352d Camera: Force HAL1 for predefined package list.
9122ac2 Fix for reboot on connecting to TV through HDMI.
aed2d0c BT: Allow user processes to bind to HeadsetService in guest login
80e2d82 audio: register for device shutdown notification
2e6dc78 Pattern: Correct the web URL to remove the starting Chinese
d6dfd31 Performance: Postpone service restart during app launch.
c8f834c bootanimation: Use CLOCK_MONTONIC for pthread
6929ea6 base: Fix proximity check on power key
fe5e72d close file in PersistentDataBlockService jni
87a2f45 aapt: Hide "No comment for public symbol" warnings
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
ec22bb5 CMFilemanager: fix build without jack
* packages/apps/Eleven/
bc1632e Codecleanup: Use Chained append calls to improve the performance
9af5f0c CodeCleanup : Remove redundant Type Casting
81cd344 Eleven: Synchronization on a non-final field 'mPauseLock'
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
4946460 Update call record overflow menu item when updating record state.
* packages/apps/LockClock/
753f27d LockClock: Enable all calendars during first time setup
1f1a0aa Don't warn about webkit
* packages/apps/Messaging/
1261667 Messaging: Fix missing variable for local compilation
* packages/apps/Snap/
11f6404 Snap: Remove video snapshot size when not supported
5095288 Snap: Remove auto HDR option when not supported
2a95659 camera: Keep touch focus intact during back-to-back ZSL shots
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
3f8c315 SoundRecorder: use sane bit operations
* system/core/
1724115 fastboot: add 'fastboot update -a' argument
515ea00 fs_mgr: BLKGETSIZE causes memory corruption
6fe2b6e Software-accelerated Pixel Flinger
* vendor/cm/
ec0322e cm: sepolicy: allow kernel to read storage
4a2f567 init: add permissions for max_freq_hysteresis node
2880cc8 apns: Net10 310410: Fix port
* frameworks/base/
862c4e2 Show SIM card settings in MSIM devices
f42b8b2 SystemUI: fix screentimeout tile icon disappearing
7690389 runtime: Handle prebundles on BOARD_NEEDS_VENDORIMAGE_SYMLINK.
* frameworks/native/
b0cda68 binder: MemoryHeapIon: Fix size_t vs integer formatting mismatch
* hardware/qcom/fm/
2eec31e Merge branch 'changes_from_cm12.1' into HEAD
92871d4 FMRecorder : Save to a private temporary file while recording
10f12bc Fm : Update India bands
db904f4 Automatic translation import
505678b Automatic translation import
d1e021c Automatic translation import
691981c Automatic translation import
d4fac5f Automatic translation import
526d909 Automatic translation import
d0c1142 Automatic translation import
5af5a12 FMRadio : Fix headphone icon
77e07b7 FMRadio : Fix settings UI bugs
a006984 Fix camel case
893a0d7 Fix compile
2259d4d FMRadio : Localization of band types
6265c14 Automatic translation import
5fa1a69 Automatic translation import
282af6b FMRadio : improved band selection
ad34b71 FMRadio : cleaned up band selection code
67a026b Automatic translation import
bcf0e3b FMRadio : Select band based on country
d4d8237 Automatic translation import
d66f3a7 Automatic translation import
a3161fd FMRadio : Keep track of scanned frequencies in service
4149330 Automatic translation import
3a71df1 FMRadio : Ensure scan state is kept in sync
0f42b8e Automatic translation import
ee5cf3a Automatic translation import
24a21c0 FM: The collect channel disappear when quit FM
0031ad5 Automatic translation import
ea1f7ff Automatic translation import
7917505 Fix status text to reflect when FM is enabled.
57e98f0 Automatic translation import
5ab904c Automatic translation import
0a446a8 FM: fix mRadioTextScroller usage in transmitter activity
31d6260 Automatic translation import
19b868f Automatic translation import
6085325 Automatic translation import
5d39c2e FM: respect
fa75ffe Automatic translation import
d991d7b FMRadio : Launch station list automatically after scan
3a9393e Automatic translation import
d559652 Automatic translation import
dde1c56 Automatic translation import
273065f Automatic translation import
48d5b35 FM: reenable radio text visibility after station info updated
c41b123 FM: Store tag num/value in sequence
ae7d8f7 FM: always use overlay default country
755c888 FM: retune last frequency when resume after call
e891e05 FM2: one more missing materialization change
d6e574c FM2: missing materialization changes
57acd44 fmapp2: materialize
ad29d8e FM: fixup strings
e3b4e15 Automatic translation import
ec4417d New Material icon
4333202 Move Indonesia entries to arrays
927bc64 Automatic translation import
3e46fe5 FMRadio: add Indonesia
675e11a Automatic translation import
1fb3b50 Automatic translation import
e7cb9ef Automatic translation import
07459c7 FM: Add property to force use internal antenna
2218e46 Automatic translation import
755c033 FM: Cleanup resources
deb3827 FMRadio : Switch file extension to aac
2a46c79 FMRadio : Call unregister in onPause
db62a93 Scanned frequencies are saved in ascending ordering
3451ea4 FmRadio : Re-add RDS fields to UI
2c17669 Fm : Make default country an overlay
d20ffc5 Fm : Restore seek arrows
8a566c1 FMRadio : Re-vamp UI
d26b556 FM: jni: Fix compile error with TARGET_QCOM_NO_FM_FIRMWARE
7303108 fmapp2: new launcher icon by LeopardSurd
2b99701 jni: Skip loading FM firmware if requested
2d14476 FM2: Update notification to use notification builder
9749993 Break bootclasspath dependency
36ed7f8 Allow library to be used by apps directly
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
493a907 SoundRecorder: fix menu behavior on devices with hardware menu button
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
ac66e05 ThemeChooser: update preview packages names
* vendor/cmsdk/
60a4ebc cmsdk: insert dnd & edit tiles for 12.1 -> 13.0 upgrade
ccce292 cmsdk: Add sanity checks in ColorUtils
* device/qcom/sepolicy/
4a71601 healthd : allow healthd to read RTC/alarm devices
* frameworks/base/
c079202 SystemUI: Make sure to dismiss after disabling ext kg focus.
7676d07 SysUI: Keep sensitive notifications redacted for swipe
6dc6966 services: Fix publishing of ime tile.
3bc505f SystemUI: handle camera launch gesture from keyhadler
6050db8 SystemUI: Dismiss external keyguard views on FP auth.
0675f66 SystemUI: Prevent search bar flicker between recents and launcher
0d7fd34 SysUI: Don't blur when showing a Live lock screen
* packages/apps/LockClock/
398ffe0 LockClock: Disable event calendars dialog if no calendars
c5bb591 LockClock: fix crash in calendar selection
* system/core/
4248ea7 healthd: Reduce permissions needed for alarm tracking
eaac34d healthd: Reboot to Android when off mode charger timer expires
* vendor/cmsdk/
6ad5263 cmsdk: add common action for launching camera from screen gesture
* external/libtar/
9d133fd libtar: Store gzFile in a global to avoid non-portable casting
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/
24c39c0 Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03240-8x94.0' into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
9fa4c99 Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03240-8x94.0' into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/
8346ecd Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03240-8x94.0' into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/
6316605 vidc: Fix makefiles
* hardware/qcom/wlan-caf/
4963923 Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03240-8x94.0' into HEAD
* hardware/ril-caf/
01c8bfb Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-03240-8x94.0' into HEAD
* hardware/samsung/
1f58eca ril: fix $(filter ...) derp
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
a0cd1ee CMFileManager: Don't show access mode pref on unrooted devices
* packages/apps/Settings/
fb1255b Settings: regulatory: Wrap the layout in a ScrollView
3ac48ea RegulatoryDialog : Use String.split to avoid crash on empty args
6736560 Settings: Add CM-specific settings
* packages/apps/Snap/
28c3ed1 Snap: Fix filtering of unsupported HFR/HSR modes
83b1417 SnapdragonCamera: Fix HSR recording
5d2bcdb SnapdragonCamera: Remove bitrate and framerate scaling for HFR
2ecc5b9 SnapdragonCamera: Fix timelapse recording
063146d SnapdragonCamera: Enable audio recording for HSR videos
bc112a1 SnapdragonCamera: Scale up bitrate for HSR recordings
e7098d8 Snap: Don't crash if user saved preference is not valid
2fbbd8c Snap: Cleanup flash icons
4671961 SnapdragonCamera: Implementing SelfieFlash feature
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
ebf0748 SoundRecorder: sign with platform key
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
9be4dbb Trebuchet: Don't do reveal animation from apps/widgets to overview
* packages/services/Telecomm/
22c32ad telecomm: Support DSDA without LCH
* system/core/
4ca66c4 healthd: Separate power off alarm implementation into MSM specific HAL
d2583c8 healthd: Support alarm in power off charging mode
* system/vold/
73ed08e Fix ioctl parameter
* vendor/cmsdk/
c8e4f00 CMSettingsProvider: Define battery style default.
182b972 cmsdk: Set explicity dependency for res package files.
* build/
e2b09b2 ota_from_target_files: Don't validate data signatures with data wipe
7847927 releasetools: Store the proper base64 release key in the target files
* external/ffmpeg/
bc38d9f ffmpeg: Update configs and makefiles for FFMPEG 3.0
35a79f6 Add MODULE_LICENSE and NOTICE files
c5379ca ffmpeg: Enable the vectorizer
* external/libtar/
e18b457 libtar: Cleanup, secure, and extend numeric fields
* external/stagefright-plugins/
dad687e stagefright-plugins: prevent deadlock
* frameworks/base/
7f7dc72 SysUI: Call dismiss() in executeAfterKeyguardGoneAction
ece3b42 framework: Log applied theme when apps crash
81f9dda Screen Pinning: Show correct text for on screen nav.
b3551e0 SysUI: Wait for keyguard gone before starting activity
32bcedf DreamManager: only notify power manager if lid state changes
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
c4799b4 FMRadio : Bump targetSdk to 23
* packages/apps/Messaging/
00577e6 Fix crash in Blacklist sync task
599098c Fix partial draws of images received from a Lookup Provider
* packages/apps/Settings/
1eb7589 SIM: Only trigger sub updates if the lifecycle isn't ending
55abf84 DevelopmentSettings: initialize recovery update property at boot
69f45f5 Settings: Only show multi-sim card configuration for owners
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
56bf436 SetupWizard: Request READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE perm for sim change events
* packages/apps/Snap/
22c9b14 SnapdragonCamera: Calculate in top bottom margin for the preview
7c89a6d SnapdragonCamera: Fix highlight after rotating device
e5d8090 SnapdragonCamera: fix the incorrect aspect ratio calculation
a05f9ce SnapdragonCamera: Adjust margin on PhotoUI
808bc73 SnapdragonCamera: Updating preview size again
45f5ede SnapdragonCamera: Fix to make camera display normally
e2f694e Revert "Snap: Support 1:1 aspect ratio"
7e1aa4a Add 11.9MP 16:9 and 8.9MP picture resolutions
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
e1eb52c SoundRecorder: Change the method of get SD card path.
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
58f05fa Trebuchet: always set initial wallpaper offsets
* system/vold/
894bd92 cryptfs: Fix returning to default password
* vendor/cm/
2b4ec05 Revert "recovery: default recovery updating to false"
3f4d843 Cleanup APN list for Norway
* bootable/recovery/
4987934 recovery: Remove empty header line
* external/boringssl/
e7d1294 Add |EVP_des_ecb| from OpenSSL at fd682e4c.
* external/ffmpeg/
f61f21b ffmpeg: Don't use Clang's integrated assembler
e51641e ffmpeg: Don't build with Clang for now
b638e62 ffmpeg: Install binaries to /vendor
272a1af avutil: Fix a warning when building with clang
1f0d502 ffmpeg: Update configurations for FFMPEG 2.8
87dbab9 Update gen-android-configs for new GCC versions
57d683d ffmpeg: Set cpu arch for silvermont config
938ba50 ffmpeg: Readd missing X86 fixups
8b97ca4 ffmpeg: Regenerate configurations for FFMPEG 2.7
189bc1a ffmpeg: Add script to regenerate the configs
5d46b56 ffmpeg: Update Android build configuration
62c636e x86: Use yasm from prebuilts and don't depend on host install
0fcc73f Add configuration for silvermont CPU based on Atom.
ec3768a Clean up some build-time warnings
94d023d Get ffmpeg building for emulatorx86
1b8415d ffmpeg: Fix variable collisions
41f8009 build: Use ARM mode for arm32 builds
66efaec Fixup armv8-a building, and make multiarch builds work
2c8b081 avutil: Use _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF
22d65d7 Update Android build for FFMPEG 2.5
ba49959 Android porting for ffmpeg 2.1 release
0aa2fbd vc2enc: fix use of uninitialized variables in the rate control system
c40983a fate/ Use "git show" instead of git --version to test for git
* frameworks/base/
4bf3ac7 SystemUI: disable QS tile Edit mode on screen off
ae7aa13 bootanimation: Move the bootanimation playaudio code
dec301c Recents : Don't show clear all if no tasks
c80e1dd SystemUI: Don't update if HeadsUp is disabled
ccacfcf Frameworks: Allow/Prevent notification light in Zen mode (1 of 3)
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
3a312ef GsmMmiCode: Fix USSD NPE
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
3a059bd Revert "audio: Reduce low latency buffer size"
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
41fd9b0 hal: Fix input source usecase selection
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/
68a2e3a gralloc: Add a switch to use 16 byte pixel alignment
* hardware/samsung/
12e3f26 ril: Group next gen Samsung modem's in same CFLAG
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
847234f ContactPhotoManager: Consider BITMAP_UNAVAILABLE as a cache miss
* packages/apps/LockClock/
96f7b8c LockClock : Switch over to new yahoo location api
* packages/apps/Messaging/
2e4574e Messaging: change Avatar fontFamily to sans-serif-medium
* packages/apps/Settings/
5614e2f Settings: fix 'CyanogenMod legal' link
994fb0b Settings: Allow/Prevent notification light in Zen mode (2 of 3)
72e1c29 Settings: Fix ethernet data usage tab crash
c903086 Add ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
4e5d39a Settings: Add CMGlobalSettingSwitchPreference
bea2815 Settings: hook up volume tone preference to CMSettings
* packages/apps/Snap/
c584b55 De-uglify menu.
40bcbea Snap: add resolutions used on Nexus 6P
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
01b60e8 Add remote folder hook for view setup.
60bb0d6 Trebuchet: Don't animate folder if locked state changed
577d342 Trebuchet: Fix measuring error when reloading app drawer
* packages/services/Telephony/
c324079 Single digit MMI codes invalid.
* vendor/cmsdk/
34ff00c PerformanceManager : Keep in sync with low power mode
783463c CMSDK: Allow/Prevent notification light in Zen mode (3 of 3)
* bionic/
02b1d48 bionic: linker: Load shim libs *before* the self-linked libs
* external/ffmpeg/
bd0497b avcodec/cfhd: Temporary disable frame threading until related bugs have been fixed
4d95207 x86: use the new helper macros where useful
1e8a75f x86: add some more helper macros to check for slow cpuflags
380980e Changelog: add entries for the SMPTE VC-2 decoder and encoder
1fd8eb4 Basic updates for 3.0
bb9f7bf Changelog/APIChanges Put 3.0 release marker
b401854 avformat/img2enc: remove unused variable
0eb4092 avutil/imgutils: remove special case for aligning the palette
8352f5c doc/protocols: document protocol_whitelist
e5655a3 avcodec/h264_cabac: Check decode_cabac_mb_mvd() for failure
dcb6d5b avformat/genh: Mark coef_splitted as av_unused
ae51f9b avutil/parseutils: remove 2112 date from fate test
bcc2235 x86/vc1dsp: Port vc1_*_hor_16b_shift2 to NASM format
ebf648d checkasm/vf_blend: Decrease iteration count
a953a29 checkasm: Add vf_blend tests
8c56a4a vf_blend: Move C dsp function mapping to separate function
8395b6e libavcodec/dnxhd_parser: add parser and probe support raw 444 and dnxhr formats
b8bc6b1 compat/os2threads: split long lines
6bf5e7d compat/os2threads: support the return value of joined thread
22a4046 compat/os2threads: Improve pthread_cond_xxx() functions
b65ea6a avfilter/vf_tinterlace: fix image alignment
a678d66 vf_blend: Use integers for divide mode
4b75010 lavf/spdifenc: Support MLP encapsulation.
4574323 vf_blend: Reduce number of arguments for kernel function
ee281b8 vf_blend: Use memcpy when opacity is 0
ba25936 vf_blend: Templatize identity function and use a better name
4c44972 avcodec: Fix a typo.
593bb50 MAINTAINERS: Add myself as libutvideo maintainer.
e167d4e avfilter/f_metadata: remove unused headers
ddda2cc lavf/mpjpeg: do not include CRLF preceding boundary as part of the returned frame
5edd1f6 avcodec: only warn about hwaccel with frame threads
09b8e97 lavf/mpjpeg: Trim quotes on MIME boundary, if present.
* frameworks/base/
31ecbdc KeyHandler: don't break old interfaces
4c994ce Automatic translation import
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
32c2e31 hal: Shush some logspam
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
883ba40 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
55efea6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
86f64b7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
57d9fdc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
fe020bc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
37755d7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
052f096 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
1f406db Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
e43aecd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
577ec42 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
bdb8b64 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
384f807 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
a35c7cc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
7038b16 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
493ce6c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
1821adb Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
166b112 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
70f751f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
481dafc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
7f49ab5 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
c8e58be Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
8465b83 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
c895b31 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
6bce9d5 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Snap/
ec8e680 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
86288c9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
61632e9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
1156039 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
84fb9c9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
21d6c05 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
ea33826 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
879b118 Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
74cdb9e Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
7e82d37 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
c409184 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/NoiseField/
409d394 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
0e92018 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
f7b2cdc Automatic translation import
* system/extras/
96b141c Fix memory leak of dirbuf.
* vendor/cm/
cb8c139 Contributors: Update Note 2
* vendor/cmsdk/
ba31b78 Automatic translation import
* external/ffmpeg/
a573e6c avformat/utils: remove ff_iso8601_to_unix_time
66e85a1 avformat/matroskaenc: use ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
ad17cc9 avformat/mxfenc: use ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
5f64f3d avformat/movenc: use ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
5c20bc8 avformat/gxfenc: use ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
83b01ed avformat/ffmenc: use ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
bf0607b avformat/dvenc: use ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
ea1bf08 avformat/asfenc: use ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
e942454 avformat/utils: add ff_parse_creation_time_metadata
f834f0c avutil/parseutils: accept everything in av_parse_time that ff_iso8601_to_unix_time accepts
3235241 avutil/parseutils: use microsecond precision when parsing "now" in av_parse_time()
35890aa avformat/img2enc: disable atomic file creation by default
0250fc2 avformat/img2enc: return error if image rename fails
123ff81 avutil: Remove x86_cpu.h
3b0974d lavc/hevc Parse SEI_TYPE_MASTERING_DISPLAY_INFO and propagate content into the AVMasteringDisplayMetadata side data.
c33ffc7 libavdevice/dshow.c: Correct CoGetMalloc check
4099e4a avutil/frame: Free destination qp_table_buf in frame_copy_props()
4c920ce avutil/imgutils: only align the palette in av_image_copy_to_buffer() if there is enough space
5307ada vp9: only call ff_get_format on stream format changes.
94a1c74 fate/source: Do not use GNU extensions in sed
a9b81bf avutil/avstring: add a "ALL" entry and the possibility to negate matches to av_match_name()
d18df8b avutil/imgutils: do not ignore align parameter for pseudo-pal in av_image_get_buffer_size()
dab493c doc/APIchanges: fill in more missing things
50a9606 doc/APIchanges: Fill in some missing values
0fe0e21 aacenc: temporarily disable Mid/Side coding with multichannel files
* frameworks/base/
6e26521 Revert "SystemUI: survive notification update spam"
* bootable/recovery/
d8501d9 recovery: don't override selinux for cache partition
72319de recovery: User recovery shouldn't allow mounting system
* external/ffmpeg/
588e2e3 avcodec/h264: Fix memleak of a53_caption
4e5db87 avcodec/rawdec: Print stride and packet size at debug level
efcea77 avcodec/rawdec: Fix nut pal8 test
bbb4577 avcodec/rawdec: Initialize default mono palette only for bits_per_coded_sample == 1
f80b475 doc/filters: add one more blend example
0b0121d doc/filters: add geq diagonal split screen example
f0a8212 aacenc: make a better estimate for the audio bitrate if not provided
d119268 doc/encoders: fix typos in the vc2 encoder documentation
5da6bed MAINTAINERS: Remove myself as libutvideo maintainer
0384e3d doc/encoders: add documentation for the VC-2 encoder
13ea7c9 avfilter/avf_showspectrum: improve pts handling
817bf84 avfilter/af_anequalizer: Avoid loss of precision when calculating nyquist frequency
f9f684c avfilter/vf_zoompan: Initialize ret
03b26a2 avfilter/vf_zoompan: Fix use of uninitialized variables
0abdf70 avcodec/vc2enc_dwt: add missing header
6973846 avcodec/h264_slice: Fix dequant table init with field pictures
873158f avcodec/h264_slice: assert relation between current_slice ans slice_ctx
6c6f2e4 avcodec/h264_slice: remove duplicate unconditional picture_structure setting code
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
62effdb Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
* frameworks/base/
43e3f86 Add wakelock option for flashlight
95a503c AudioService: Prevent crash when there is no music app
f87c550 AudioService: don't launch music player while in call
291b391 Do not start music app when headset is unplugged
ffcfe4c AudioService: launch default music player on headset connect [2/3]
6deab5d SysUI: Don't show LS wallpaper if LLS is available
1d45972 SysUI: Show LLS when state is SHADE_LOCKED
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
dff4b4f wifi: Fix for re-association failure (auto join)
39766e6 wifi: Handle the NULL check for the STATUS command
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
b3e564a DeskClock: fix crash during POWER_OFF_ALARM start up
* packages/apps/Settings/
e5df744 Settings: launch default music player on headset connect [1/3]
0af5067 Remove duplicate charging sounds option
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
cbbbdc6 Trebuchet: Handle the NPE when user has no Google Apps installed
* packages/services/Telephony/
fd6b1e3 PhoneToggler: persist nw mode change
* vendor/cm/
137ba2e Contributors: Add mt2 dolts
3f9f7a6 contributors: add LG V10
* vendor/cmsdk/
fcadbf5 cmsdk: launch default music player on headset connect [3/3]
50cf885 cmsdk: Deprecate POWER_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED setting
* build/
b77db58 Implement 'mmap' command
620c1e5 repopick: Don't crash if change not found
* external/ffmpeg/
1e2fd57 avcodec/cfhd: Fix errors with valid files.
bbc4d06 avcodec/cfhd: Check the number of tag/value pairs
1560131 avfilter/avf_ahistogram: assert that variables are initialized by switch()
43bf15d avfilter/avf_showfreqs: assert that variables are initialized by switch()
9313fb6 avfilter/vf_zoompan: Remove dead store
62eb935 avfilter/avf_avectorscope: assert that variables are initialized by switch()
03c1129 avfilter/vaf_spectrumsynth: assert that variables are initialized by switch()
855d9d2 doc/filters: fix metadata example
80026a8 avfilter/f_metadata: rename "string" into "same_str"
730da5c avfilter/f_metadata: whitespace clean-up
6889deb avfilter/f_metadata: add starts_with string function
202f978 avfilter/f_metadata: add support for file output
8b99c5e avfilter/f_metadata: avoid float rounding problems
* external/libtar/
e628c20 libtar: Make file sizes 64-bit clean
* frameworks/base/
4522c9e SystemUI: add caffeine qs tile (1/2)
ef5b0f4 update secure keyguard check
c667383 Revert "DndTile: Always open the detailed view"
1bfb5ee SystemUI: add volume tones back
efde04c Fix leftAffordanceView visibility bug
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
78d1894 For NV-based devices like CDMA only devices, ignore ICC Card status change EVENT.
aa5e09d DcSwitchStateMachine: support RILs not implementing REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA
* hardware/samsung/
8c701ad cmhw: add SunlightEnhancement/MDNIE Outdoor mode support
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
6ede9db Wrap NPE
* packages/apps/Screencast/
82f991c Fix up audio recording
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
299718f Trebuchet: Lock orientation while in grid size fragment
aa3fa6f Refactor Launcher settings.
6a173a6 Trebuchet: Open settings panel when clicking settings
* vendor/cmsdk/
5c7be89 CMSDK : Add caffeine tile (2/2)
06965d4 cmsdk: adjust default tile order
e67ae8f CMSettings: Enforce correct permission for writing settings
* build/
521a73b build: Enforce checkapi-cm on system image gen.
e3f7e68 qcom: Add support for custom device specific paths
391562e releasetools: Don't extract BOOTABLE_IMAGES when signing target files
50e34c9 Set mcpu targets based on cpu variant.
* external/ffmpeg/
ac3a275 avfilter/vf_nnedi: Simplify away some trivial mem*()
8836b8c fate: Update fate-sub2video for 5486d7fa91f7233e6d9aa9ba8de7fe9287402637
ac5a4de MAINTAINERS: add my name to the parts I'm maintaining
74f8d9a x86/vf_blend: Add SSE2 optimization for screen
c8b1612 x86/vf_blend: Move multiplying to a macro
5486d7f avfilter/dualinput: use pts provided by framesync
a73b23e avformat/hlsenc: Fix filename and options
5669aa2 vc2enc: use *-standard inclusion guards
1354603 avformat: add vc2 as an allowed rawenc Dirac extension
ec9e87c avcodec: add a native SMPTE VC-2 HQ encoder
4701be7 options_table: update maximum bitrate limit
21b459e avformat/segment: Fix header_filename handling
23261e6 sws/output: fix ordered dither threshold for mono output
bc9a596 Merge commit '9f61abc8111c7c43f49ca012e957a108b9cc7610'
d94b11a ffmpeg_filter: Factor get_compliance_unofficial_pix_fmts() out
82d2aa2 ffmpeg_filter: Add missing pixel formats to strict_std_compliance case for ljpeg
a82ff49 ffmpeg_filter: Add YUV 444 to strict_std_compliance case for mjpeg
408ea50 avfilter/f_metadata: fix few logic errors
5f1aad6 tests: Add test for proper header guard
4ca8879 avfilter: add metadata filters
* external/stagefright-plugins/
d306446 stagefright-plugins: workaround negative timestamp
* external/toybox/
40128c4 toybox: tar: Fix support for long names
554eccb toybox: tar: Fix tar tests
* frameworks/base/
db1b4e6 framework: move device key handler logic, fix gesture camera launch
* frameworks/native/
4711655 surfaceflinger: Don't allow QC HWC virtual display without QC HWC copy
5cb1d7f surfaceflinger: Correct QTI_BSP ifdef
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
b87bc04 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF64.1.2.2_RB4. on remote branch
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
f8147a0 Adding more overlay support to CMBugReport
* packages/apps/Dialer/
9cf4db0 Re-add call recording feature.
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
def2580 Re-add call recording feature.
* packages/apps/Nfc/
51ac86b nfc: Make unknown protocol logs useful
* packages/apps/Settings/
724fd2f Settings: Add notification light setting to system profiles (2/2)
* packages/apps/Snap/
c74d3ee SnapdragonCamera: Fix NULL pointer exception
da3f7c1 Snap: Material toasts
54a9c2a Fix crash if Exif-Tag buffer-length and component-count are both 0
2160a59 Camera2: Only autofocus before a snap if we are actually in "auto" mode.
a5ef60d Snap: Fix crash when set infinite touch-focus duration
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
6d81d82 Trebuchet: Move allow rotation to home settings section
adcd3cc Split remote folder settings into home and drawer sections
9c80633 Trebuchet: Change icon labels setting to switch
51c8571 Trebuchet: Revise protected app folders UI
* system/core/
ca2298b init: don't build libext4_utils_static twice
* vendor/cm/
97ac30e cm: Set explicit dependencies on stubs for checkapi-cm.
* vendor/cmsdk/
cdf4d0d cmsdk: Update api for new notification lights profiles options.
14683b9 cmsdk: Add notification light setting to system profiles (1/2)
* build/
a4a3d47 Revert "build: Fix external checkapi mechanism for marshmallow."
31ed6e0 prebuild: compress shared libraries in prebundled apks
5a61a0d build: Fix external checkapi mechanism for marshmallow.
* external/ffmpeg/
674cc26 avfilter/vf_nnedi: Fix memleak
331a33d nut: Add PAL8 support
43a6965 avcodec/dirac: Fix memleak of dsh on error
* external/tinyalsa/
d477bf7 Don't obey invalid integer ranges.
* external/toybox/
6ec1b8e Merge branch 'master' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/base/
e486d56 Keyguard: Show backdrop when sim pin secure screen shown
7829f8b SystemUI: respect profile after unlocking SIM PIN
61cdfc0 SystemUI: improve lockscreen tile behavior with profiles
deb5c35 Fix lockscreen disabling for MSIM.
* hardware/samsung/
d105277 libril: add initial support for ss333 modem
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
2124c3e DeskClock : Fix "GoogleNow cancel alarms crash"
* packages/apps/Settings/
d436b02 SimDialogActivity: Check whether there is no default sub
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
4e1c4f5 SetupWizard: fix build break for incorrect java lib linking
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
3bf013a Prevent finalizing of remote folder
* packages/services/Telephony/
db1f058 Improve network mode permission strings
* system/core/
2d70a9b charger: Show all charger animations
d55fc89 fastboot: add -R, --reboot switch
* vendor/cm/
1569731 sepolicy: Allow system server and uncrypt access pipe
f84ce1b cm: Fix checkapi makefile typo.
e738087 cm: Provide verbosity for checkapi-cm.
* vendor/cmsdk/
1d2351e cmsdk: Add elderberry interfaces to api text.
c02c64b cmsdk: Disable verbose logging on doclava, add cleanspec.
* bootable/recovery/
44e8f6e sr: Deep rainbow integration
054fa8d recovery: mount without selinux for update
da94576 recovery: rename remount_for_wipe
c209a0a recovery: Minimize headers for "Apply update" menus
e1d7843 recovery: Show menu headers
* external/ffmpeg/
020b758 lavf/mov: Extend extracting XMP in mov files using UUID Box
cb8646a configure: Enable GCC vectorization on ≥4.9 on x86
8e46c7c avfilter/af_agate: fix memleak of out frame
253209a vf_blend: Add SSE2 optimization for multiply
a25c5db ffmpeg_opt: Fix memleaks in "manually set programs" loop
35d9441 avfilter/vf_swaprect: add timeline support
* external/jpeg/
ca613a2 Add arm64 downsampler acceleration
516cd86 upgrade 64bits arm neon optimization
* frameworks/base/
edd5748 SystemUI: update keyguard state when profiles disable keyguard
47a4c80 SystemUI: prompt for SIM PIN if lockscreen is disabled
15d73db systemui: notify everyone that lockscreen is not going to be shown
45dec72 Profiles: Disable lock screen after boot
c0a5008 SystemUI: fix build
ad14507 The DUT can't screen shot in guest mode
5711b9e lockscreen: Add option for showing unlock screen directly (1/3)
6bb3b08 DocumentsUI: Expose appbar elevation value.
4226d77 pm: Allow fall through for protected apps validator activity.
bba1955 SystemUI: handle hiding recents search bar dynamically
76da31a Revert "SystemUI: Add option to disable search bar in recents (2/2)"
221e301 GlobalActions: Use circular user avatars
3bb3eee BluetoothAdapter: disable logspew
0ba618f LiveDisplayTile : Update entries on locale changes
980266b livedisplay: remove user hint notification when clicked
1ef8707 GlobalActions: Fix setting ringer mode in global actions
bea7701 lights: Automatically generate an LED color for notifications
e9227ac Remove leftover power menu profile resources
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
536cddc Suppress error pop-ups for single digit dials.
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
fa5e9f7 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
8456e7f CMUpdater: CleanUp
* packages/apps/Settings/
d24320c Update textview styles for better theme compatability.
52400c6 lockscreen: Add option to pass swipe-up-to-unlock (2/3)
aa29121 Add Sound Panel to Power Menu (Part 2/2)
6f4133e Settings: don't allow duplicate APN entries
68872cb settings: Add preference for automagic LED colors
417e5bd Settings: Remove duplicated strings
0dc6e70 Remove leftover profiles entry from power menu
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
3722477 Add remote folder feedback metric
0c71fee Add network/unlock receivers and additional metric event
3bb6c79 Don't crash if a theme change intent arrives while we're not running.
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
14fa948 Update messaging component for icon previews
* packages/services/Telephony/
d9135de Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround
* vendor/cm/
ce21215 contributors: add i9300
d914b18 Remove leftover profiles entry from power menu
* vendor/cmsdk/
2d1d723 CMSettings : Add option to pass swipe-up-to-unlock (3/3)
c63a4b7 CMSettingsProvider: Build against internal sdk.
66f23d8 cmsdk: Remove unused androidTest directory.
5af31cd CMSettingsProvider: Get rid of redundant qs tile defaults.
d22b115 cmsdk: Improve color distance algorithm
c30bcac cmsdk: Add preference for automatic notification colors
* external/ffmpeg/
05924e1 avfilter/af_anequalizer: Fix memleak of args
e778695 avfilter/vaf_spectrumsynth: Move "break" up
6bdeac2 avfilter/af_aformat: remove deprecated syntax from options description
be22bd3 x86/cpu: set avxslow cpuflag on btver2 CPUs
ba618bd avfilter/vf_blend: add multiply128 mode
0bcffc7 diractab: Fix header guard name
59ebf32 huffyuvencdsp: Undefine "i" macro after each use
32fed70 libvpxenc: Allow setting tune parameter
671761d diracdec: Pass DWTPlane to dwt init
e04912c diracdec: Split DWTPlane struct from Plane
58ded09 dirac_dwt: Rename init2 to init
6cdde20 dirac_dwt: Don't pass information in context as arguments
6c0318c lavfi/fieldmatch: fix fields copy when plane height is odd
f5c3f85 avfilter: add swaprect filter
* packages/apps/Settings/
a45aa5e Settings: Improve hotspot timeout strings
* packages/apps/Snap/
65a9464 Snap: Expose video snapshot size setting
941a611 SnapdragonCamera: Set camera parameters before restarting preview
26b9e71 Snap: Separate default focus time between camera/video
fccd167 Snap: Cleanup focus time duration entries
fe10437 Snap: Add ability to set the tap-to-focus duration to 0 sec
fe69840 Snap: Add focus time support in camcorder
8ab0ea0 SnapdragonCamera: Unlock AE/AWB after taking a photo with ZSL
1e235c5 SnapdragonCamera: Lock AE and AWB for tap-to-focus in camcorder
c03569f SnapdragonCamera: Always lock AE and AWB when auto-focus is used
b562c16 SnapdragonCamera: Add focus-mode option to camcorder
* bootable/recovery/
5e36ad0 minui: accept RGBA and treat it as RGBX
* external/ffmpeg/
9ee4c89 avcodec/utils: Add AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16?E to avcodec_align_dimensions2()
2272ab0 avformat/mp3enc: Assert that the header we assembled is valid
d12d48d avfilter: add streamselect and astreamselect filter
14bf59c build: use intermediate lcov coverage file
bb7522c build: fix lcov with src link
e740c3f configure: fall back to using full path if src is a directory
956fed3 cmdutils: realign for some additional filters with very long name
8ae7447 x86/dcadec: add ff_lfe_fir0_float_{sse,sse2,avx,fma3}
3e9b8ff avcodec/dcadsp: rename lfe_fir_float functions
9fd6ea9 dirac_dwt: Make x86 files/functions names consistent
17ab8f7 diracdsp: Make x86 files/functions names consistent
* external/toybox/
afc6671 Regenerate generated files.
03faa12 Merge remote-tracking branch 'toybox/master' into HEAD
* hardware/intel/img/psb_headers/
6c249b9 intel: mpeg4: Add back some fields that the zf2 really does have
* hardware/ti/omap4/
a70a064 domx: fix up DCC data loading when USES_LEGACY_DOMX_DCC is set
* packages/apps/Snap/
ab30dbe Snap: support more resolutions
* bootable/recovery/
86d2b3f recovery: Remove insecure wipe from menu on user builds
* frameworks/base/
ab0b7af Themes: Get default theme from CMSettings
e788a3b SysUI: Make sure LLS is enabled after inflation
f1d7b86 Fonts: add sans-serif fallback fonts first
326918c Revert "SettingsProvider : Make WIFI_IDLE_MS into an overlay"
faf6842 SettingsProvider : Make WIFI_IDLE_MS into an overlay
a853352 SystemUI: improve exiting edit mode from qs settings
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
0e61f83 Revert "mm-video: venc: Correct a typo in variable name"
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
c2e7568 Revert first-day-of-week changes
19b0da1 alarms: Fix the labels on repeat days
* packages/apps/Settings/
210f115 Settings: add config for new APN type defaults
3403e48 Use settings' theme when inflating account prefs
* packages/apps/Snap/
ab30dbe Snap: support more resolutions
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
7a6af00 Update remote folder metrics to include error logs
* vendor/cmsdk/
eb17396 cmsdk: Add concept of parameterized BinderIdTransactionTest.
* bootable/recovery/
cea50b7 recovery: Fix dependencies
864493c recovery: Offer to format if data wipe fails
da584a2 recovery: Menu rewrites and cleanups
* build/
d063c0f releasetools: Replace key values in permission files during re-signing
470b95c build: Always run checkapi when building system image
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/
d6128f9 hal: notify amplifier of parameter changes
7ca6cb9 hal: only open the amplifier once
566dbbd hal: enable amplifier earlier
be921a6 hal: Notify amplifier of device enable/disable
28c1931 hal: Convert libaudioamp to audio_amplifier HAL
d5a65d9 audio: add amplifier stream start/standby operations
23d551f hal: Support the audio amplifier hook
* hardware/qcom/display/
159c98d msm8226: fix typo from "hwc: Validate display ID in hwc interfaces"
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
f611a4e mm-video-v4l2: Check for correct error code
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
200d6b0 mm-video-v4l2: Check for correct error code
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
aa06d7e fm: Don't crash on rotations when asking for permissions
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
4467b51 Hide remote apps completely if user has certain restrictions
f4c5fae Refactor fastscroll to disable zoom cleanly
af31774 Trebuchet: Don't zoom icons on fast scroll
* packages/services/Telecomm/
e71e08d Telecomm: update tests with IConnectionService API change
* packages/services/Telephony/
fbfb65e Call preferences: Echo cancellation toggle
* vendor/cm/
8d21e67 contributors: Add cherry and nx510j
* build/
63eabff envsetup: dopush: fix error when device is not connected
* external/toybox/
b90823e Don't exit with failure code when cp ownership preservation fails
* frameworks/base/
0358395 SystemUI: visually disable EditTile in lock screen
8923274 add missing @hide
8d4de13 add routing for explicit call transfer
11d3a2d Battery: Show battery fully charged notification
698f7f2 Fix pattern visibility settings (1/2)
22869c1 Default time format is hard coded to 24
247d6d5 Alarm: add missing closedir after opendir when searching for RTC
7450f84 String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
2d664bb Merge "Kill wpa_supplicant before load driver" into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Settings/
1f31bd8 Settings : Add radio button / selection states for default SIMs
eaa16db Forward port pattern visibility settings (2/2)
12f383c String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
4b977b2 Bluetooth: Underp "Accept all files" setting
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
d6b937a SetupWizard : Don't update locale if sim locked
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
5f34528 Trebuchet: Don't animate folder closed when pressing menu key
15d3632 Trebuchet: Fix background flicker when opening all apps
de0af4b Trebuchet: Fix adapter derp on grid size item
2d9c49d Trebuchet: Use DisplayMetrics density for scale factor
* packages/services/Telecomm/
0e98a58 Telecom: add transfer call interface
* packages/services/Telephony/
cdab421 Telephony: hook up call transfer
5a11264 Telephony: only add vmail sim slot indicator with multi sim
a4e0e84 String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
* prebuilts/cmsdk/
4634337 prebuilts/cmsdk: Update for latest minor stable release.
* vendor/cmsdk/
a6ce9b8 cmsdk: Annotate a few zenmode tests as flaky.
* bootable/recovery/
3b963ad recovery: Fix media wipe
* frameworks/base/
5ad4b83 fw: Make sure to get the actual ringtone uri per subId.
d3205e3 nms: Actually allow smsRingtone to work.
afa838c SystemUI : Show create profile if user doesn't have one setup
5578bd8 Automatic translation import
52e4b23 Tethering: Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot after inactivity (1/3)
* frameworks/opt/hardware/
bb99ef5 hardware: Add UniqueDeviceId support
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
1fbe947 Kill wpa_supplicant before load driver
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
cb7c1f5 telephony: Set multi-rat default to true.
a966679 SIMRecords: Treat empty SPN fields as null and proceed with the fallbacks
6119c4c SIMRecords: If there's no EF_SPN record, fallback to EF_PNN
* hardware/cyanogen/
3083116 cmhw: Add UniqueDeviceId implementation
* hardware/libhardware_legacy/
17d8e9f wifi: Ensure supplicant stopped in wifi_stop_supplicant
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
b8c0285 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
b73f0c1 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
4ffb13d Automatic translation import
474327d deskclock: internationalize repeat days layout
* packages/apps/Eleven/
9afedcf Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
b5157d2 Messaging: Don't add quick reply for MMS
* packages/apps/Settings/
2c021b1 Lockscreen: Show redaction interstitial when swipe selected
946b1e2 Settings : Recompute highlight index upon changes
4a42249 Settings : Show search on all panels
eb2af24 LiveLockScreen: Add live lock screen settings
d8ed0a3 Automatic translation import
d8eeaa9 Tethering: Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot after inactivity (3/3)
a6032a5 [3/3]Settings: add "Accept all files" option for incoming files via BT
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
228ffe7 String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
a11d936 Automatic translation import
1353951 SetupWizard: Remove useless WhisperPushUtils
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
203ba0d Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
68b7c7a telephony: Set multi-rat default to true.
87d7846 telephony: Allow default ssn toast notifications to be overlaid.
* vendor/cm/
34b5b97 cm: Add live lockscreen feature
* vendor/cmsdk/
eb82dbf cmsdk: cmhw: Add UniqueDeviceId support
* android/
eed6135 android-6.0.1_r10 -> android-6.0.1_r13
* build/
705e90f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into HEAD
567d6aa roomservice: check uniqueness by path, not name
* device/common/
e0e0d5b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0
* frameworks/av/
fda1413 Revert "AudioMixer: delete reformatBuffer provider in proper order"
da6f52d AudioMixer: Clear bufferProviders in correct order
0276a2f audioflinger: Enable TEE_SINK compilation
77062b4 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into HEAD
96985ed Combine 'DTS Sound (TruMedia) Postpro support in frameworks/av for Android 6.0' as a single patch.
* frameworks/base/
19960eb am: Handle potential NPE when activity info can't be resolved.
50b5623 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into HEAD
d9cdda1 base: fix window bounds for left hand navigationbar
075b3cc SystemUI: nuke broadcast tile from user tile list
1da54ee SystemUI: don't add already attached qs tile pages
2482eb8 SystemUI: smoother tile transitions when moving to 1st row
8b7fa88 SystemUI: add flashlight notification reminder
6542c71 Themes: Process applied themes before boot finishes
5e0821f Add FDN enabled related API
6709e43 IMS: Add Ims reason info codes for supplementary service failures
b1269e8 IMS: Fix video call forwarding options issue
d1d7f3b Add mapping string for call reject cause code 26.
bc3f2de SysUI: Listen for changes to LIVE_LOCK_SCREEN_ENABLED
* frameworks/minikin/
bf5465a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
9158cae IMS: Changes for VICE FR
0cacbf2 Add a setting for call deflect support
e2150d9 IMS: Add capability constant for add participant
e506270 IMS-VT: Add capability constants for downgrade to voice support
b004996 IMS: Default Implementation for ims interface listener
6a5d588 IMS: Add supplementary services (hold/resume) failure codes
* hardware/broadcom/wlan/
33a76dd Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0
* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
f8bb82a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0
* hardware/samsung/
22da313 power: Ensure node_path is a string literal
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
6b34e3d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
1d9319a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
a80ed8b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
e10bde3 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
1912228 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
b7be627 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
d701513 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
1864c64 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
8cfae63 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
ef961d6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
1e000e6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
8f517b2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
08bde27 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
7b8f013 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
0b8ca16 Automatic translation import
f9d5a1a Fix a race-condition that causes incorrect call deflect status
* packages/apps/LockClock/
be097bf Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
eb11c6f Automatic translation import
a53f97d QuickMessage: Forward port string improvements
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
3780192 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
34aa5e2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
6438b00 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
4ffc37c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
5d51dda Settings: Cleanup lock screen settings
646e120 SimSettings: Disable entry for missing sim
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
1b1b991 SetupWizard: Ensure UI doesn't show when user is guest
5b276ea SetupWizard: Bring back software nav keys option
d40d8b8 SetupWizard: Fix test app building in 13
962f9a8 SetupWizard: RIP Whisperpush
* packages/apps/Snap/
6a64b85 Automatic translation import
569035d Snap: Don't crash when hardcoded gallery intent fails
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
2fae54a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
1167517 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
7a6098f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
70e1f36 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
ffc1e79 Automatic translation import
8a65082 Trebuchet: Close folder layout when adding shortcut
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
81c4312 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
f688a0e Automatic translation import
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
5f629e9 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
9c50005 Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/Basic/
06c485f Create a live lock screen for Colors
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
32c4328 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Mms/
bcba7f5 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
e22b715 Automatic translation import
d3a90b4 Ensure missed call notification isn't triggered for Blacklisted calls
* packages/services/Telephony/
06363d5 Automatic translation import
3d91a3b networksettings: Don't crash when the sim is ejected
* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
067b4a0 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
6335b0b Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
de75745 Automatic translation import
* system/core/
0d7937a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0
* vendor/cm/
1442910 apns: Cricket AIO 310150: Remove duplicate
* vendor/cmsdk/
ee703e7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
0352eee Settings: Use correct icon for lock screen settings entry.
109060f Settings : Remove cmstats from about phone
f676d3c Bluetooth/Wifi: center empty view and set textAppearance to medium
* hardware/qcom/audio/default/
9347736 Revert "hal: Set maximum channel count for msm8960"
* vendor/cmsdk/
c17ac38 CMSettingsProvider: Update app icon
* build/
e129b5e releasetools: add compatibility for full ota functions with incrementals
1a1555c releasetools: Use the first entry of a mount point when reading fstab
* frameworks/base/
e94af6a SystemUI: add better hints when trying to delete edit tile
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
bb978df Tethering: Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot after inactivity (2/3)
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
617b218 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.8' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916/
d95fa42 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.8' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
845cb50 gralloc: allow forcing old pixel alignment
696adeb gralloc: fall back to old pixel alignment on old blobs
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
19a2e7f Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.8' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
e0318a5 Cleanup permission strings again
* packages/apps/Messaging/
005a261 Messaging: Port of quick message from MMS
* packages/apps/Snap/
7c3f01e Improve maps app string
* packages/apps/Stk/
f61ae60 Launcher: Present STK app name if possible
e2d12df Update layout to Material
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
b68836f Add additional setting to launcher options for remote apps in drawer.
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
767ac8c Prevents extra thumbnails in Lockscreen component
* system/core/
0d7baec fastboot: add Zuk to the list of known vendors
* vendor/cm/
92a49a9 apns: T-Mobile 310260: Compatibility update
* bootable/recovery/
a6a4c8a recovery: Fix mount_for_wipe
c7610f2 recovery: Fix recursive rm wipe of data
* frameworks/base/
789d700 SeekBarVolumizer : Disable notification volume if RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE
5404af1 Partially revert 'SOFTAP: implement SOFTAP new requirement in framework.'
141e029 ZenMode : Update defaults for CTSVerifier
1150754 Tethering: Fix number of device connected
1ab548f am: Don't take down activity process if target intent component is null.
1991db9 Themes: Fix CMSetupWizard package name in ThemeService
a6db6e2 Themes: def theme package is defined in CMSettings
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
81c5d8c telephony: Do not set default subscriptions on shutdown
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/
7123d2b Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.3.3_rb1.9' into cm-13.0-caf-8952
* hardware/samsung/
79a9b15 Initial unified Samsung lights HAL
* packages/apps/Messaging/
7f5fbb7 Messaging: Fix for UnicodeStripping for multi-character replacement
8668700 Framework to Local Blacklist Synchronization Fix
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
a809cc0 Add last call fail cause 26 string.
* packages/apps/Settings/
c5ff8df Fingerprint: do not error out when stopping to listen
de00b25 ProtectedApps: add up navigation and fix action bar icons
62d50cc Settings : Finish SimPreferenceDialog on dismiss
5895648 Settings : Fix linked volume crash + inconsistent state
456e21e Settings : Improve app info screen
7b613ae [2/2] Settings: blacklist: update iconography
bc5366f Settings: hide light pulse settings if not available
2d5803e Settings: fix a few color picker inconsistentcies
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
95246f2 SetupWizard : Use MccTable for mcc -> locale lookup
06aa3eb Themes: Re-enable applying theme in OOBE
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
7df0227 Port Remote Folder from 12.1 to 13.
84dfd2a Revert "fix CTS failure on Trebuchet - manually picked from a269d518db02c8383e3621dff9d6054e3e9e48d6"
* vendor/cm/
db4fb0e recovery: Add new rules for recursive wipe
* build/
a321927 releasetools: Store and use the dt image file through target files
* cts/
d4c97ef Merge "Revert "Cts test fix for shortcode 48000" BUG: 26714654" into marshmallow-cts-release
1247bca Revert "Cts test fix for shortcode 48000" BUG: 26714654
* frameworks/base/
fdbad83 Wifi tile: don't set items visible from non-ui thread
b4c3428 SystemUI: fix contracting qs settings page
805ef76 SystemUI: improve tile caching mechanism
d3d5237 allow whitelisting of ACCESS_KEYGUARD_SECURE_STORAGE
* packages/apps/Settings/
db44284 MasterClear: update UI
* build/
1b6aaec build: force .config update if additional kernel config changes
30ca83f If a console doesn't exist, read password from stdin.
bef5252 binary: Don't run protobuf header relocations if origin/target are the same
* external/uicommon/
0216401 Make into module
* frameworks/base/
e295741 Make lights out mode of navigation bar consistent to normal mode.
bc08213 SettingsProvider : Don't replay aosp defaults every boot
a96ede2 aapt: add check for untranslatable "string-array"s
90458af pm: Fix ordering of parameters for sendPackageBroadcast.
079619a SystemUI: disable editing tiles while in lock screen
4940945 allow priveleged phone state permission to be whitelisted
* hardware/qcom/fm/
93ad52e libfm_jni: Confine the firmware-load skipping to the actual loading
208ee64 FM: Do not stop FMRadioService if FM is still on
* hardware/ti/omap4/
d3699e4 Add common omap4 init file
f3f7678 Add common sepolicy
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
6430f1e Update CMBugReport to have separate urls for uploads
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
d6ce089 Refine CMFM permissions.
* packages/apps/Settings/
ed3b783 Settings : Add overlay for hiding wifi region code
41a3a31 Fix alignment on dashboard.
* packages/apps/Snap/
59f0f0b Snap: support resolutions used by Moto X Play
* packages/services/Telecomm/
4f7086f [1/2] Telecomm: blacklist: update iconography
* vendor/cmsdk/
ad6f85c CMSettingsProvider: Don't trample default values on migrate.
3629a57 cmsdk: remove visualizer from default qs tile list
a3c05bf Revert "cmsdk: Add example service test."
25a7147 Revert "cmsdk/tests: Temp hack to fix `mka` builds."
* build/
947c4cd binary: Allow specifying a path for generated proto headers
9be9dd1 Revert "roomservice: check uniqueness by path, not name"
* external/libnfc-nci/
9fb5e21 libnfc-nci: Fix Ubikey on pn5xx devices
* frameworks/base/
8dad62c Answer call with hardware HOME button (2/2)
4c00159 SystemUI: make sure to expand all the way when flinging
ed83ebc SystemUI: initialize drag panel with proper column count
1a99a4a SystemUI: handle when brightness slider is hidden
5a3c86f Automatic translation import
decec05 DisplayMetrics: set noncompat DPI as well
a3b29b6 tests: Fix compilation issue for themes unit tests
0f045bd Download: add to support pause/resume download by manual
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/
17f2d38 Don't build lights module if vendor supplies it
* hardware/ril-caf/
09b05fe librilutils: Relocate pb-generated objects to their expected path
db90d15 Revert "Fix libril build errors"
* hardware/samsung/
87a5957 modemloader: Fix compilation warnings
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
78fbdf9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
33c7f9d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
33c9b1a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
1f90d24 Automatic translation import
901e396 Adding NULL checks
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
db45288 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
c1cee5b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
64f99f8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
c3bfce9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
4ca90e6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
163a4e2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
627ffdd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
14c4616 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Messaging/
742d830 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
61c82d8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
6064f03 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
5447314 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
815e878 Automatic translation import
12b105d Regulatory text color: make this readable
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
578df09 Automatic translation import
00ad221 SetupWizard : Ensure we don't override user locale picks
* packages/apps/Snap/
af80c14 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
3fa2c83 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
8e1100e Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
8a4e622 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
a989ded Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
e76e868 Trebuchet: Fix hidden folder name color
2cdfb1d Trebuchet: Fix hidden folder remove icon color
2e8c739 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
26d5ad1 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
7bb321f Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
e04900e Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
0bc8eda Automatic translation import
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
d36882e Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
eff91f4 Telecomm : unblock calls and messages via Blacklist notification
c1c9af0 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
48e714f Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
9bd5d3d Automatic translation import
* vendor/cm/
86020c9 Add Zenfone 2 maintainers, update a few others
0921d1f vendor: cm: Update maintainers.
* vendor/cmsdk/
d0d4ce9 CMSettings: Fix defaults load on provider creation.
910648e Automatic translation import
* build/
c5ef7f3 roomservice: check uniqueness by path, not name
* external/toybox/
96ce721 toybox: stat: Fix -t option
82f338a toybox: Fix compilation warning in fdisk
2127d5d Merge branch 'master' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/av/
554bc67 Revert "Audio Effects are not processing first buffer"
214a194 libmedia: Add support for LHR tones
* frameworks/base/
00003e4 core: Improve protected apps notification message
0034e17 SystemUI: Move CAF string
a7e2f64 libhwui: fix texture memory leak
64deb44 batteryservice: Avoid exception if device doesn't support HVDCP
f191fbe frameworks/base: Adjust the index of LHR tones
f4ee14f Settings: Fix bluetooth phone icon disappear in Settings/Bluetooth.
671ffc4 Associate connected APN list with subscription
54dabe7 Wi-Fi: Introduce state variable to signify Wi-Fi turn on Fail
7ffd993 StatusBar: Update TTY icon on status bar at boot
8c78865 SystemUI: Do not turn on Wifi hotspot in APM Mode
d97c341 SystemUI: Fix the unlock sound played repeatedly
280b65c frameworks/base: Added SD type support
20b61d1 Introduce a flag to signify the presence of saved profile in scan results
3db159d Bluetooth: OBEX: Don't close transport when obex is disconnected
ab15943 [Telephony]: Add channel 60 support
* hardware/ti/omap4/
17b1830 sgxfreq: set correct frequency limit on omap4460/4470
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
04abecb Improve permission string & cleanup code
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
20edad4 DeskClock: Set untranslatable
* packages/apps/Settings/
5aa95b7 Settings: Apps started on boot shortcut in memory settings
7554a81 Settings: Move Do Not Disturb Access under DND settings
c02cb4d Improve a SIM enabler string
* packages/apps/Snap/
273eec3 Snap: Restore flash mode setting
bccf53a Snap: Add icons to all scene modes
d1747c1 Snap: Add icons to all remaining preferences
a0b5899 Snap: update shutter button style
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
4110d83 Open images with content://media/ instead of content://downloads/ URI.
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
ce7a816 PhotoTable: Move & improve CM string
* packages/services/Telephony/
d225875 Telephony: Set untranslatables
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
a97f799 Improve permission string
* system/bt/
f17c0f7 bluetooth: Check legacy location for NV file
* vendor/cm/
8c78075 Grant platform apps access to /mnt/media_rw with sdcard_posix label
* frameworks/base/
eb10bc2 Add left QS quick pulldown (1/3)
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
9089f16 Bluetooth: Do not send Pairing cancel intent during ACL disconnection
* packages/apps/Settings/
a2543e6 Add left QS quick pulldown (2/3)
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
e9a479c DownloadProvider: Create and implement DialogDismissListener.
7c62314 DownloadProvider: Still display as downloading after download failed
ecd609e DownloadProvider: add to support pause/resume download by manual
b37c8b7 DownloadProvider: fix the crash when rotate screen.
aeda32a Clear notifications for Deleted items from Download list
6b95a91 Remove download notification after preview
* system/vold/
0135067 vold: Mount ext4/f2fs portable storage with sdcard_posix context
06ed7f9 vold: Honor mount options for f2fs partitions
* vendor/cmsdk/
559636d Add left QS quick pulldown (3/3)
* cts/
c29efcd Merge "Fix monkey package test" into marshmallow-cts-release
9c9a98a Fix monkey package test
* external/stagefright-plugins/
6c07641 stagefright-plugins: Fix mov file streaming
5d0b2c9 stagefright-plugins: Fix video orientation
* external/toybox/
c7df6fe Regenerate generated files.
1207e62 Merge remote-tracking branch 'toybox/master' into HEAD
* frameworks/av/
dfcb220 AVUtils: hevc: Return 0 when codec data is malformed
df1c503 Revert "Stagefright: Allow setting high-framerates in CameraSource"
* frameworks/base/
e4cb8d8 Fingerprints: allow devices to restrict 3rd party access
5f31f27 fw: Fix protected apps implementation.
3567116 Support alert type profile default:Vibrator & Ringtone for settings.
24f2e04 SysUI: Recreate volume dialog on theme change
c915fbf Themes: Reference app resource when compiling theme [2/2]
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
cb0a9ef alsa_sound: Fix handling of zero size write request
* hardware/qcom/fm/
6e7eaa7 libfm_jni: Improve and fix FM jni logs
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8960/
ccc0be9 Fix flooding of message in calcLumaAlign
* packages/apps/Settings/
f99ff0d Settings : Improve usage stats screen
4148242 Settings: Add fingerprint authentication for protected apps.
623f36f Settings: Actually expose protected apps settings.
* packages/apps/Snap/
2003098 Snap: do not restart preview during longshots
* prebuilts/cmsdk/
a538920 prebuilts/cmsdk: Update for API 4 maven central release.
* system/core/
4e25c92 rootdir: Update cpufreq permissions when governor changes
* vendor/cmsdk/
588c05a cmsdk: Update for new ll interfaces.
7ee149d cmsdk: Fix hardware service interfaces.
62579b1 cmsdk: add invalid input checking for persistent storage APIs
fc50f7c ExtViews: Add action and meta-data
d994fe1 LiveLockScreen: Add setting for enabled/disabled
0d9d1ab CMSettings: Introduce concept of protected apps managers.
31962b2 cmsdk/tests: Fix zenmode tests.
7fb0a06 cmsdk: change persistent storage test cases to void return type
20d9638 Add overlay for SWAP_VOLUME_KEYS_ON_ROTATION
* external/exfat/
4a8592e exfat-fuse: Don't export UTF conversion functions
* external/f2fs-tools/
c876665 f2fs-utils: Fix Android host utils
* external/toybox/
83c6d22 Replace slot[] constants with SLOT_blah, fix some that weren't displaying right.
5c725e9 I cleaned up the code in 'netstat.c' as belows.
2081ec6 Add a sed test from the posix mailing list.
* frameworks/base/
9e2a830 SysUI: Check that backgrounds are RippleDrawables
7bda589 SysUI: Guard against NPE in SignalClusterView
a6e1f08 fix race condition between HWUI cache and renderThread
* hardware/samsung/
de5e3c6 Initial unified Samsung power HAL
* packages/apps/Dialer/
a1739cf Add back call stats feature.
* packages/apps/Email/
a29e6b2 Improve notification coalescence algorithm.
* packages/apps/Settings/
fd3eb78 Break out status bar icon from extdesk icon.
* packages/apps/Snap/
bb800ac Fix up layout of auto HDR notice and histogram view.
42f6d5c Remove unused menu indicators code.
4faa77d Avoid static member variable.
96b38fd Improve CameraControls layout code.
e1abba9 Fix transparent background color.
788ae64 SnapdragonCamera: Fix UI alignment glitches when nav-bar is enabled
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
f15a377 fix CTS failure on Trebuchet - manually picked from a269d518db02c8383e3621dff9d6054e3e9e48d6
* system/extras/
c671736 fix bug in mkf2fs tool calculation of f2fs filesystem length
* vendor/cmsdk/
f499009 Change THIRD_PARTY_KEYGUARD permission to normal
* bootable/recovery/
acfc034 sr: Add performance control
* external/mksh/
db58d5b add ll and la aliases to shell
* external/toybox/
08db7e5 Disable CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG for now.
a729fc8 Regenerate generated files.
77f1492 Merge remote-tracking branch 'toybox/master' into HEAD
be7e9e0 Correct units of %MEM and %VSZ.
941f9d6 Add basic top support to ps.c, delete toys/pending/top.c.
59781de First stab at making readfileat() realloc() in a loop to read long files.
* frameworks/av/
7c1e4d7 av: "ACodec: update native window crop rectangle" depends on QCOM
* frameworks/base/
c3e5e20 Paella: Enable Spanish single shift table
aadb036 SystemUI: fix tiles per page when changing top tile type
cd25461 SystemUI: fix disappearing tiles
9048b48 SystemUI: fix viewpager page recycling
* frameworks/native/
7c2be69 Themes: Reference app resource when compiling theme [1/2]
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
8942ed5 Do not disable permanently enabled carrier apps
5a1d942 Fix wrong args when calls OperatorInfo
* hardware/qcom/keymaster/
68fe4a7 Disable ION_HEAP_MASK_COMPATIBILITY_WA on Sony 3.10 Kernel
* packages/apps/Contacts/
5595731 Move to new BlockContactHelper.BlockOperation
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
60502a8 Refactor BlockContactHelper
* packages/apps/Settings/
2238e85 Fix up increasing ring tone volume preview behaviour.
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
d59304c SetupWizard : Switch to mcc/mnc locale
* packages/apps/Snap/
5d94a49 Snap: Don't enable ZSL when disabling HDR
* system/bt/
b2f946e btm: Fix compile with BLE disabled (again)
* device/qcom/sepolicy/
017145b sepolicy: fix mm-qcamerad permission for* properties
fcabab0 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.8' of git:// into cm-13.0
* external/f2fs-tools/
8b00f01 Slight ifndef change
35570b5 Fix readonly for android
ad0f267 fsck.f2fs: return 0 for no error was reported
bf2ada1 fsck.f2fs: assign checkpoint pointer correctly
964adc0 fsck.f2fs: swap checkpoint crc to CPU endian
bf12354 f2fs-tools: avoid failure and warnings for android build
54dabbe mkfs.f2fs: introduce zone align for main area
b5476e1 fsck.f2fs: fix double free invalid checkpoint
75ecd2f man: modify mkfs.f2fs man page
a896342 man: add missing man pages
611f285 Update android version
a901a43 f2fs-tools: release 1.6.0
9a521a8 mkfs.f2fs: fix check error when calloc sum_compact failure
32dd5f4 fsck.f2fs: fix losing journal entries
0516d2b defrag.f2fs: fix missing SSA updates
f00f43e defrag.f2fs: enhance allocation speed
030ee52 libf2fs: fix incorrect type define of declaration
09dfa9f defrag.f2fs: return error if there is no space
8c04142 defrag.f2fs: eliminate unexpected journal entries
9b8535c defrag.f2fs: fix not to allocate current segment
837208e lib: use u8/u32/u64 for bit operations
b54e4b5 lib: fix test_bit_le functions
7d95d38 mkfs.f2fs: remove extent_cache entry for parent directory
cd610cd mkfs.f2fs: fix storing volume label correctly in utf16
d174269 fsck.f2fs: deal with realloc size and realloc failure
a144fc1 Revert "fsck.f2fs: deal with realloc failure"
729ecdf mkfs.f2fs: fix to calculate left space of checkpoint page correctly
fd4f8d3 Android add f2fs defrag
c18df71 defrag.f2fs: introduce defragmentation tool
d19dbfc fsck.f2fs: LFS alloc_type must have free segment after blkoff
4358121 f2fs-tools: export print_raw_sb_info
2267b80 mkfs.f2fs: export get_best_overprovision
17e0cb6 fsck.f2fs: sanity_check for extent_cache entry
3de0318 libf2fs: enhance the bit operations
4cf9c57 f2fs-tools: add library version info
7e76ee5 mkfs/ add a section to build libf2fs_fmt
8c1bb17 mkfs.f2fs: show correct partition size
f78e245 fsck.f2fs: use get_{sb|cp} and set_{sb|cp} macros
ea1e148 mkfs.f2fs: export get_{sb|cp} and set_{sb|cp}
3b01e52 mkfs.f2fs: discard obsolete blocks to avoid roll-forward recovery
ee06528 mkfs.f2fs: skip extension name that is too long
5da4595 mkfs.f2fs: avoid dumplicate extensions
e89637e fsck.f2fs: deal with realloc failure
04d6106 fsck.f2fs: support a readonly filesystem
f9c29e7 fsck.f2fs: declare static function
* external/stagefright-plugins/
24988a8 stagefright-plugins: Update pixfmt
* external/toybox/
e9dce28 Another CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG test.
ee660c9 runcon needs to exec, not recurse.
* frameworks/av/
e80385c audio: Update anchor time for offload playback post resume
4486f97 nuplayer: looping playback only if it was running
9dae27c ACodec: update native window crop rectangle
617daaf StagefrightMetadataRetriever: correct the status flag
f6e8c70 AudioMixer: delete reformatBuffer provider in proper order
427887b libstagefright:Fix random memcmp crash while accessing output format.
* frameworks/base/
d129565 SystemUI: fix qs tile page regressions
4d84b82 pm: Add persist property to enable lazy dexopt
79923fb Keyguard: set separator for multi-sim CarrierText
b5c716f Improve Recents-View
7787416 SystemUI: Fix copy-pasta of battery saver tile
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
07591f8 telephony: Make sure to check whether application info is null.
62bcb10 telephony: update tests for disableCarrierAppsUntilPrivileged API change
* hardware/qcom/audio/default/
b56a2b2 hal: Squashed support for new offload features
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
f4051ae hwc: Reset ROI and avoid dirtyRect for video case
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
b9f0d69 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.8' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
61c87c8 Fresh wallpapers for CM13
* packages/apps/Contacts/
2089467 Contacts : remove unused CONTACT_URI_EXTRA
201c1ff Contacts : enable cleartext traffic
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
d6302ae Add lookupkey for Contact in ContactBuilder
* packages/apps/Snap/
4a42fc4 Snap: Add missing ISO350 to ISO arrays
08ba343 Snap: Set some more qcom features as untranslatable
98ebf87 SnapdragonCamera: Remove 'off' option for antibanding
48408c9 SnapdragonCamera: Fix overly-aggressive auto rotation
6411b0a SnapdragonCamera: Clarify antibanding settings
b5de271 SnapdragonCamera: Add option to control antibanding in camcorder
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
77e037c soundrecorder: Put the menu back
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
3961290 Themes: Expose hard coded colors from layouts
* system/bt/
d4cd181 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.8' of git:// into cm-13.0
* system/core/
0907595 Revert "charger_mode: Set font as 'log'"
e406b65 charger_mode: Set font as 'log'
* vendor/cm/
580bc0a Add new default wallpaper for CM13
* vendor/cmsdk/
80001bf cmsdk: Fix BuildTests. Bump parcelable version.
* cts/
3189f36 merge in marshmallow-cts-release history after reset to marshmallow-cts-dev
d3c154f Merge "DO NOT MEGE ANYWHERE: BUMP CTS 5.1 to R5" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: c0c1c9e832 -s ours
c0c1c9e Merge "DO NOT MEGE ANYWHERE: BUMP CTS 5.1 to R5" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
f3db83f Merge "DO NOT MERGE: BUMP CTS 6.0 to R3" into marshmallow-cts-dev
989dcfb DO NOT MERGE: BUMP CTS 6.0 to R3
* external/stagefright-plugins/
6de1c90 stagefright-plugins: Skip stream with jpeg tag
* external/uicommon/
7d9ebd3 Fix merge derp
* frameworks/av/
e80385c audio: Update anchor time for offload playback post resume
4486f97 nuplayer: looping playback only if it was running
9dae27c ACodec: update native window crop rectangle
617daaf StagefrightMetadataRetriever: correct the status flag
f6e8c70 AudioMixer: delete reformatBuffer provider in proper order
427887b libstagefright:Fix random memcmp crash while accessing output format.
* frameworks/base/
7787416 SystemUI: Fix copy-pasta of battery saver tile
cded8d8 Add enabled pre-installed carrier apps
aa4a566 Themes: Expose volume slider and thumb colors and make them work with custom images.
b5dd079 SystemUI: add some tile removal hints
627df3c SystemUI: fix lock screen tile state refresh
9ee493a SystemUI: handle custom tile long press PendingIntents
3a11610 SystemUI: improve qs tile layout mechanism
6fb2c18 SystemUI: add a disabled state for Quick Tiles
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
ee0fc82 Add support for permanently enabled carrier apps
df7ab82 PhoneBase: Add auto-rat switching on capability changes
e098f64 SubscriptionController: Default to DDS flexmap triggering
* hardware/qcom/gps/
0e7c6a8 gps: Simplify guard makefile
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
b9f0d69 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.8' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Browser/
250ebb8 Themes: Expose hard coded colors and styles from layouts
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
9d09dad Allow theming numpad
* packages/apps/Messaging/
2b515af Messaging: Implement option for swipe to delete.
* packages/apps/Settings/
7c09a30 Settings: update FOTA link to be implicit
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
4ff9b7d Trebuchet: Don't animate open folder if already open
6732817 Trebuchet: Fix landscape spacing issue
* prebuilts/cmsdk/
7aa9190 prebuilts/cmsdk: Update future-release maven artifact.
* system/bt/
d4cd181 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.8' of git:// into cm-13.0
* system/vold/
30c6a38 Fix mounting ext4 adopted storage
* vendor/cm/
67f9e7a vendor/cm: Bump cmsdk platform version.
f0a6f1e Fixed mmm For Maven APK
fc52e70 cm: Update maintainers
* vendor/cmsdk/
735333c cmsdk: Add new version code to the sdkmap.
24f2bb4 cmsdk: Introduce Elderberry, api level 5.
ebf0f55 cmsdk: Finalize DragonFruit (api level 4).
8d49200 CustomTiles: add a custom long press PendingIntent
* external/ffmpeg/
a86ba66 Merge branch 'release/2.8' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/base/
f15ce7a SystemUI: Add battery saver tile (1/2)
a7e5f92 SystemUI: Add heads up tile (1/2)
9848b97 Themes: Call recreateTheme when theme changed
5b5e5de SysUI: Fix keyguard wallpaper not updating
b277145 SysUI: Pass themed resources on to NavBarEditor
12245b8 Themes: Fix applying theme for notifications
* packages/apps/Dialer/
bd62aa8 Lookup: make people lookups work without location
* packages/apps/Settings/
f19108b Allow launching notification manager settings externally
* packages/apps/Snap/
860c1f5 Snap: Enlarge the saving queue size to 60M
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
5756a99 Fix blank WiFi and signal icon previews
* vendor/cmsdk/
5400b2f cmsdk: Add battery saver tile (2/2)
55cb123 cmsdk: Add heads up tile (2/2)
* external/exfat/
8f3956f Handle 64-bit offsets correctly on Android
* external/uicommon/
3e92fbe Don't intercept onTap event
5ca66e4 Add a simple SnackBar that doesn't rely on AppCompat
* android/
58bbcc9 Add UICommon
* cts/
0eb85f7 Merge "DO NOT MERGE security: Test OOB arbitrary write at AMessage::FromParcel" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 159f5ac229 -s ours am: 416dacbe88 -s ours am: 4af0fa2391 -s ours
ea8a022 Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: remove unused import to fix compile error." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 2afd52cfae am: e749459d32 am: 6247829995
1e1c6eb Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: add new test to handle overflowed padding." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 57d2004ef5 am: 3586f34329 am: 4dd10cc6f8
bb7d503 Merge "Increase delta tolerance in TypefaceTest#testInvalidCmapFont" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 1700d1a47a am: f2c64ccec6
002b86b Merge "CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev am: d8748ad6d4 am: 37ec97501c
4af0fa2 Merge "DO NOT MERGE security: Test OOB arbitrary write at AMessage::FromParcel" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 159f5ac229 -s ours am: 416dacbe88 -s ours
6247829 Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: remove unused import to fix compile error." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 2afd52cfae am: e749459d32
4dd10cc Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: add new test to handle overflowed padding." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 57d2004ef5 am: 3586f34329
f2c64cc Merge "Increase delta tolerance in TypefaceTest#testInvalidCmapFont" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 1700d1a47a
37ec975 Merge "CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev am: d8748ad6d4
416dacb Merge "DO NOT MERGE security: Test OOB arbitrary write at AMessage::FromParcel" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 159f5ac229 -s ours
e749459 Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: remove unused import to fix compile error." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 2afd52cfae
3586f34 Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: add new test to handle overflowed padding." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 57d2004ef5
159f5ac Merge "DO NOT MERGE security: Test OOB arbitrary write at AMessage::FromParcel" into kitkat-cts-dev
3889e25 DO NOT MERGE security: Test OOB arbitrary write at AMessage::FromParcel
a2f75ef Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 9ec9ffc78a -s ours
7b7ccd5 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 4ccc58b503 -s ours
c79f685 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 8e42b0e63c -s ours
9ec9ffc Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
4ccc58b Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
8e42b0e Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
ebd79b4 DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command
f4c1ac4 DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp
99b34ec DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls
1700d1a Merge "Increase delta tolerance in TypefaceTest#testInvalidCmapFont" into lollipop-cts-dev
d8748ad Merge "CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap" into lollipop-cts-dev
2afd52c Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: remove unused import to fix compile error." into kitkat-cts-dev
57d2004 Merge "MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: add new test to handle overflowed padding." into kitkat-cts-dev
f3c0498 Increase delta tolerance in TypefaceTest#testInvalidCmapFont
fa86842 CTS test for robust handling of invalid cmap
* external/ffmpeg/
b8fa3ff avcodec/wavpackenc: print channel count in av_log call
0639289 configure: bump copyright year to 2016
e303ca3 Update for 2.8.5
28f89bc avformat/hls: Even stricter URL checks
23b903a avformat/hls: More strict url checks
4676e20 avcodec/pngenc: Fix mixed up linesizes
0c5a71f avcodec/pngenc: Replace memcpy by av_image_copy()
07da255 swscale/vscale: Check that 2 tap filters are bilinear before using bilinear code
be9b893 swscale: Move VScalerContext into vscale.c
cdac68f swscale/utils: Detect and skip unneeded sws_setColorspaceDetails() calls
1fd9556 swscale/yuv2rgb: Increase YUV2RGB table headroom
c781a1e swscale/yuv2rgb: Factor YUVRGB_TABLE_LUMA_HEADROOM out
b7d54d6 avformat/hls: forbid all protocols except http(s) & file
90c2256 avformat/aviobuf: Fix end check in put_str16()
f459afd avformat/asfenc: Check pts
d408261 avcodec/mpeg4video: Check time_incr
d7f7586 avcodec/wavpackenc: Check the number of channels
f05e0e7 avcodec/wavpackenc: Headers are per channel
e5567f2 avcodec/aacdec_template: Check id_map
b8382a1 avcodec/dvdec: Fix "left shift of negative value -254"
9cad208 avcodec/g2meet: Check for ff_els_decode_bit() failure in epic_decode_run_length()
34e06ce avcodec/mjpegdec: Fix negative shift
df4ee16 avcodec/mss2: Check for repeat overflow
cb4ba74 avformat: Add integer fps from 31 to 60 to get_std_framerate()
d79b6dd avformat/ivfenc: fix division by zero
3686155 avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Clip bits_per_raw_sample within valid range
3fb97a0 avfilter/vf_scale: set proper out frame color range
6457cd1 avcodec/motion_est: Fix mv_penalty table size
aee9aa9 avcodec/h264_slice: Fix integer overflow in implicit weight computation
14c63dc swscale/utils: Use normal bilinear scaler if fast cannot be used due to tiny dimensions
709abc7 avcodec/put_bits: Always check buffer end before writing
83c0df9 mjpegdec: extend check for incompatible values of s->rgb and s->ls
0a6324f swscale/utils: Fix intermediate format for cascaded alpha downscaling
2f65366 avformat/mov: Update handbrake_version threshold for full mp3 parsing
* external/uicommon/
b0a0872 Revert "Add a simple SnackBar that doesn't rely on AppCompat"
* frameworks/base/
ba54dd4 Keyguard: Clarify error message on bad input length.
aabd1e4 StrictMode: fix deserialization of ViolationInfo on large stacks
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
6d6213a telephony: Fix persistence of automatic network selection
* hardware/libhardware/
dcc6b5f amplifier: Fix compilation warning
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/
79e831d Fix flooding of message in calcLumaAlign
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
b88149f Add required permission to read vcf from gmail
* packages/apps/LockClock/
ff1cf25 LockClock : Update to v23 + runtime permissions
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
f8e4ab6 SetupWizard : Set min date to Jan 1, 2016 GMT
* packages/apps/Snap/
a676e15 Revert "Camera: Propagate power mode selection from UI to lower layers."
44cfc31 Don't needlessly make menu button larger than the other toggle buttons.
3b96d32 Snap: Set some qcom features as untranslatable
d8420e3 Drop new focus indicator into Camera2.
db27186 Snap: Actually select the highest quality video by default
2233950 CameraActivity: Don't hide navigation bar
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
ab66f21 Trebuchet: Fix NPE when app search controller is off
* packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/
271651a Bump SDK version to 23 Implement runtime permissions for storage group
* system/vold/
78f24b1 vold ext4/f2fs: do not use dirsync if we're mounting adopted storage
* vendor/cm/
04864b1 Fixed Maven Artifactory to work with jack
* vendor/cmsdk/
cf3f38c cmsdk: Add CYANOGENMOD_VERSION constant.
969cda0 cmsdk/tests: Temp hack to fix `mka` builds.
* cts/
517225a MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: remove unused import to fix compile error.
01443c7 MediaMetadataRetrieverTest: add new test to handle overflowed padding.
9fcbbc7 Merge "CTS test for libmedia OOB write anywhere" into marshmallow-cts-dev
832986f Merge "Fixed issue with /" into marshmallow-cts-dev
48e7ed4 Merge "add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into marshmallow-cts-dev
4309958 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into marshmallow-cts-dev
51e99e6 Merge "Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into marshmallow-cts-dev
cf33884 Merge "Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into marshmallow-cts-dev
6219c8d Merge "DO NOT MERGE: BUMP CTS 5.0 to R4" into lollipop-cts-dev am: a586149d31 -s ours am: 54986a2e57 -s ours
54986a2 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: BUMP CTS 5.0 to R4" into lollipop-cts-dev am: a586149d31 -s ours
a586149 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: BUMP CTS 5.0 to R4" into lollipop-cts-dev
e311e3f DO NOT MERGE: BUMP CTS 5.0 to R4
79a70a6 CTS test for libmedia OOB write anywhere
cdee325 Fixed issue with /
689fae0 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 7f00ee8353 -s ours am: 8c765c0137 -s ours
524e6b8 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 4fa953d62f -s ours am: 736057e6cd -s ours
4c0937c Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 25ae787b1f -s ours am: 3ec2be0d35 -s ours
0cb0f2b Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into lollipop-cts-dev am: eb27e38300 -s ours am: 349efff4d6 -s ours
be72c90 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into lollipop-cts-dev am: a08da8832c -s ours am: 5bd6970d0d -s ours
8c765c0 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into lollipop-cts-dev am: 7f00ee8353 -s ours
736057e Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 4fa953d62f -s ours
3ec2be0 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 25ae787b1f -s ours
349efff Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into lollipop-cts-dev am: eb27e38300 -s ours
5bd6970 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into lollipop-cts-dev am: a08da8832c -s ours
7f00ee8 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into lollipop-cts-dev
3f51455 DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService.
4fa953d Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into lollipop-cts-dev
25ae787 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into lollipop-cts-dev
eb27e38 Merge "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into lollipop-cts-dev
a08da88 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into lollipop-cts-dev
01808e7 add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService.
e88e845 DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command
879adeb Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls
c2b384c Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks.
0449073 DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp
3b80130 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into kitkat-cts-dev am: e39cc7ce62 -s ours am: ffc0dcf33d -s ours am: 4c9cf80eb3 -s ours
c23e2d6 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 5961e277eb -s ours am: 06c672a2cb -s ours am: c6945d860e -s ours
0552309 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into kitkat-cts-dev am: a1e31f3ae9 -s ours am: 83b20f59d5 -s ours am: c539227a67 -s ours
282cd9c Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 8f0493ad6e -s ours am: 4bddfaa72b -s ours am: 0272875e39 -s ours
ba67b18 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into kitkat-cts-dev am: ab7bf4d3e9 -s ours am: a84bb9bc90 -s ours am: 5166293f9b -s ours
4c9cf80 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into kitkat-cts-dev am: e39cc7ce62 -s ours am: ffc0dcf33d -s ours
c6945d8 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 5961e277eb -s ours am: 06c672a2cb -s ours
c539227 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into kitkat-cts-dev am: a1e31f3ae9 -s ours am: 83b20f59d5 -s ours
0272875 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 8f0493ad6e -s ours am: 4bddfaa72b -s ours
5166293 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into kitkat-cts-dev am: ab7bf4d3e9 -s ours am: a84bb9bc90 -s ours
1eba384 DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command
96cdf3c DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls
95959a8 DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks.
ffc0dcf Merge "DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into kitkat-cts-dev am: e39cc7ce62 -s ours
06c672a Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 5961e277eb -s ours
83b20f5 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into kitkat-cts-dev am: a1e31f3ae9 -s ours
4bddfaa Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 8f0493ad6e -s ours
a84bb9b Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into kitkat-cts-dev am: ab7bf4d3e9 -s ours
e39cc7c Merge "DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService." into kitkat-cts-dev
2566392 DO NOT MERGE - add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService.
5961e27 Merge "DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp" into kitkat-cts-dev
a1e31f3 Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command" into kitkat-cts-dev
8f0493a Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls" into kitkat-cts-dev
ab7bf4d Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks." into kitkat-cts-dev
0a93ef4 DO NOT MERGE: rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp
47d7c97 DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command
ab3b26d DO NOT MERGE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls
184289f DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks.
d05f05a Merge "DO NOT MERGE Collect" into lollipop-cts-dev am: e5a88f069a -s ours am: c478cd9634 -s ours
c478cd9 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Collect" into lollipop-cts-dev am: e5a88f069a -s ours
0f11c9c Merge "Collect" into marshmallow-cts-dev
e5a88f0 Merge "DO NOT MERGE Collect" into lollipop-cts-dev
b6e9afd Collect
558dd2c DO NOT MERGE Collect
* external/uicommon/
fcf1798 Add a simple SnackBar that doesn't rely on AppCompat
b87d655 Add GalleryNext fixes to SlideUpPanelLayout
* frameworks/base/
18b5c90 SysUI: Clean up objects when recreating statusbar
eff6b9c SettingsProvider: Force aosp upgrade path from 12.1.
8a74e97 SysUI: Use Objects.equals() for comparing components
691a618 SysUI: Fix notification panel alignment after theme change
7cb6167 policy: disable EdgeGestureService
d118867 allow GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVELEGED to be whitelisted
91b446d AdbOverNetworkTile: only de/reregister the observer when setListening changes whether we should be listening
0f4b580 SysUI: Reuse controllers and managers
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
1c5250f audio HAL: fix thread starvation
793548e audiopolicy: use deep buffer output by default for music streams
* packages/apps/CarrierConfig/
7b25cb4 Set voicemail's notification persistent for O2 UK
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
f1501f5 Ensure non-null encoded uri before attempting to parse
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
ef62c1a Expose background colors for theming.
* packages/apps/Settings/
c2ac6e0 Support multiple SAR values, separate args list with ','
* packages/apps/Snap/
607a2f0 SnapdragonCamera: limit video file size on SD card
f0e709d SnapdragonCamera: Hide all camera setting when countdown timer starts
24081ba SnapdragonCamera: Set color effect as none when turn HDR on
645970f SnapdragonCamera: Fixing NullPointerException in onCreate of VideoModule
8a0414d SnapdragonCamera: fix thumbnail display
ff10b54 SnapdragonCamera: fix crash taking Macro+ from MMS
8eeafc1 SnapdragonCamera: fix NumberFormatException when input value invalide
cd14209 Snap: Remove touch AF/AEC option
4b6ac95 Snap: Support 1:1 aspect ratio
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
59bff5c No default lock wallpaper and live lock screen for system theme
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
6a4f804 PhotoPhase: ask for runtime permissions
* system/vold/
6ab045a vold: hw_fde: Fix merge damage
* android/
6f8a980 Use 3 more of our own intel repos (psb_headers, omx-components, libva)
* cts/
028d6cb Merge "Revert "Collect"" into lollipop-cts-dev am: ccbb14667a am: 8cb1f6f745
8cb1f6f Merge "Revert "Collect"" into lollipop-cts-dev am: ccbb14667a
ccbb146 Merge "Revert "Collect"" into lollipop-cts-dev
3e92a58 Revert "Collect"
7bc9aed Merge "Revert "Collect"" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 698cb2e949 am: 2e3b853882
2e3b853 Merge "Revert "Collect"" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 698cb2e949
2fc6689 Merge "CTS: check non-zygote apps are not debuggable DO NOT MERGE" into kitkat-cts-dev am: a602824a95 -s ours am: 71d833b86c -s ours am: 62d29d47b9 -s ours
698cb2e Merge "Revert "Collect"" into lollipop-cts-dev
12813c9 Revert "Collect"
62d29d4 Merge "CTS: check non-zygote apps are not debuggable DO NOT MERGE" into kitkat-cts-dev am: a602824a95 -s ours am: 71d833b86c -s ours
71d833b Merge "CTS: check non-zygote apps are not debuggable DO NOT MERGE" into kitkat-cts-dev am: a602824a95 -s ours
a602824 Merge "CTS: check non-zygote apps are not debuggable DO NOT MERGE" into kitkat-cts-dev
8f043e6 Merge "Add test for Keystore put overflow" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3f4ce7b16b am: ab95f50da8 am: 712ed9c5ee
712ed9c Merge "Add test for Keystore put overflow" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3f4ce7b16b am: ab95f50da8
ab95f50 Merge "Add test for Keystore put overflow" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3f4ce7b16b
3f4ce7b Merge "Add test for Keystore put overflow" into kitkat-cts-dev
0d68da7 Merge "Collect" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 3fba10eb3c am: d0330bb287
d0330bb Merge "Collect" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 3fba10eb3c
3fba10e Merge "Collect" into lollipop-cts-dev
* external/libpng/
75a4e74 libpng: fix hang during read when inflate fails
* frameworks/base/
9501c4a SystemUI: write keyguard enabled setting to CMSettings
7052494 SystemUI: Make lockscreen visualizer battery friendly
6134c52 SysUI: Re-add status icons in recreateStatusBar()
* frameworks/support/
6f0a2cb Make sure that AppBarLayout is laid out correctly
2ae0ed1 AppBarLayout layout/measure fixes
* hardware/intel/common/libmix/
347c889 intel: videoencoder: Kill logspam when casting a screen
fea1c72 intel: videodecoder: Remove attrib_ptr for zenfone2 blobs
eaa09ab intel: videodecoder: mpeg4: Remove got_vol/got_vop for zenfone2
543245f intel: videodecoder: AVC: Remove "constraint_set5_flag" for zenfone2
e01cfdd intel: libmix: Use ASUS_ZENFONE2_LP_BLOBS instead
* hardware/intel/common/libva/
92286f2 intel: av: Remove attrib_ptr for zenfone2 blobs
02ad2b8 intel: av: Update slice header group def to support zenfone2 blobs
* hardware/intel/common/libwsbm/
b2fc92b intel: libwsbm: Use ASUS_ZENFONE2_LP_BLOBS instead
* hardware/intel/common/omx-components/
43ccd58 intel: omx: Unbreak SetConfigVideoBitrate
1338ce0 intel: omx: Zenfone2 blobs cannot handle metadata mode
eef0672 intel: omx: LP blob compatibility
* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
a1ae079 Merge "HWC: adapt VirtualDevice for old blob compliance" into cm-13.0
fed56bf Merge "Hwcomposer: Enable VirtualDisplay feature" into cm-13.0
8b7b71a intel: hwcomposer: csc mode is only supported on newer blobs
a2bc976 intel: hwcomposer: Use ASUS_ZENFONE2_LP_BLOBS instead
* hardware/intel/img/psb_headers/
21817aa intel: mixvbp: LP blob compatibility
* hardware/intel/img/psb_video/
a1c9ae0 intel: psb_video: LP blob compatibility
28f732b intel: psb_video: Use ASUS_ZENFONE2_LP_BLOBS instead
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
86d47ef hal: Support the msm8939-florida-snd-card.
* hardware/ti/omap4/
9ce3921 add CMHW for ColorCalibration/LiveDisplay
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
26fd0d7 Bump target SDK version to 23
* packages/apps/Email/
34fb128 email: junk icon
c929853 email: return default folder name for subfolders
* packages/apps/Messaging/
2e34d86 Messaging: Bring back Unicode Stripping
* packages/apps/Settings/
c971ae3 Settings: show warning in lock screen settings when disabled by qs
* packages/apps/Snap/
0ad4095 Snap: Support for HTC's HDR mode
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
fb312de Trebuchet: Remove app search controller if turned off
5b04456 Trebuchet: Fix some monkey test race condition bugs
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
032f3a2 Remove mail signatures from notification text.
7a5f09b unifiedemail: junk icon
b50cac5 email: allow move/copy operations to more system folders
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
37604de TelephonyProvider: Handle database migration from cm-11.0.
* system/vold/
ba3b7bd cryptfs: Set HW FDE flags when building libvold
* vendor/cm/
356bb56 APN: Remove wrong T-Mobile CZ and Vodafone CZ APNs
6f6e11f fix cricket APN
* vendor/cmsdk/
b9f80b6 cmsdk: Load notification led customization defaults
bf9cc6d cmsdk: add lockscreen internal enabled setting
* cts/
69a98ee Merge "Fix layout for WebViewTest#testRequestChildRectangleOnScreen" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: a2e58413d5
a2e5841 Merge "Fix layout for WebViewTest#testRequestChildRectangleOnScreen" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
c84debe Fix layout for WebViewTest#testRequestChildRectangleOnScreen
* frameworks/av/
8ad6568 av: Add support for loading audio_effects_vendor.conf
* frameworks/base/
adb285e SystemUI: Fix CallbackHandler and NetworkControllerBase tests.
2f47c98 SysUI: Disable window animation when using KeyguardExternalView
9f84cac SysUI: Handle KgdExtView callbacks on UI thread
8406b5c SystemUI: Removing padding on mobile signal group.
eb91bd8 Ringtone: Add support for selection of phone ringtone for SIM-2.
7d21b54 SettingsProvider: Disable data roaming by default
fe976b7 SystemUi: Reintroduce always_show_roaming config.
df5e230 ThemeService: ManagedProvisioning is a setup package too.
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
8c9082a gralloc: allow forcing old pixel alignment
* packages/apps/Contacts/
a08be42 Add contact blocking and unblocking
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
cf86693 Add block contact dialog and supporting helper classes
bbf7e82 Refactor contact info lookup
* packages/apps/Messaging/
7fc9cfe Adhere to the revised lookup provider api
* packages/apps/Settings/
19aa1dc Settings: Set regulatory information dialog to non-translatable.
8605334 Settings: Show ringtone per sim for multi sim device
2c3e40d Squash commit of SAR and IC Code.
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
f5ec6ac SetupWizard: Upgrade sdk to 23
1141611 SetupWizard: Don't disable packages on main thread
* packages/apps/Snap/
7f73524 Snap: support more resolutions
8461f25 Snap: remove captureUI pngdrawables
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
4eaa0a5 Trebuchet: Fix resource not found exception when picking a wallpaper
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
3b82b9c Queries live lock screen preview path
* system/media/
* vendor/cm/
e8df21c sepolicy: Add perfprofd with set_prop macro
* android/
47d94a1 manifest: move mips prebuilts into notdefault
* art/
0299788 art: Disable ART_HOST_CLANG on darwin builds.
* cts/
0cbbf64 Merge "CTS fix: HifiUltrasoundSpeakerTestActivity is available with a speaker" into marshmallow-cts-dev
5788c52 CTS fix: HifiUltrasoundSpeakerTestActivity is available with a speaker
49a587a Merge "Should use getSupportedVideoSizes()" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3b0becee1f -s ours am: a32933f3d4 am: c2ca8bd64e
c2ca8bd Merge "Should use getSupportedVideoSizes()" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3b0becee1f -s ours am: a32933f3d4
1588f91 Merge "Fix for LocationModeHighAccuracyTestActivity test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3d84f7178b -s ours am: ce81436bec am: b1542cfccc
a32933f Merge "Should use getSupportedVideoSizes()" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3b0becee1f -s ours
b1542cf Merge "Fix for LocationModeHighAccuracyTestActivity test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3d84f7178b -s ours am: ce81436bec
ce81436 Merge "Fix for LocationModeHighAccuracyTestActivity test." into kitkat-cts-dev am: 3d84f7178b -s ours
238d2e5 Collect
* frameworks/av/
ddf0593 libstagefright: Support YVU420SemiPlanar camera format
* frameworks/base/
f20ea48 SystemUi: Nuke DONT_TRACK label, and introduce CMMetricsLogger constants.
dd2be59 Make WIFI_IDLE_MS default into an overlay
50ff24f Automatic translation import
2b30269 Fix drawing of VectorDrawables that are rotated by 90 or 270 degrees.
e62097f Increase brightness faster if ambient light is brightening quickly.
e357576 Optimize GPS property reloading.
41ab56e Align checkbox and description in permission confirmation dialog
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
53cbe97 Use def_wifi_idle_ms to fetch WIFI_IDLE_MS defaults
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/
998901b Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-02240-8x94.0' into cm-13.0-caf-8994
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/
fc41c61 hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
1dbc343 Merge tag 'LA.BF64.1.2.2-02240-8x94.0' into cm-13.0-caf-8994
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
49c1954 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
4885bdd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
9061adc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
f99d466 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
5a019fc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
9efd883 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
2e99408 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
d7e4964 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
2c28b43 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
ebd0718 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
019f467 Automatic translation import
64a9c32 Fix "Copy to .. " overflow menu item title
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
b5b16f7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
e6065f8 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
5a46f31 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
329816e Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
fab6ba7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
29e8669 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
7107206 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
a461a5c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
47f9c4b Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
a53da5a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
c358f26 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
eaf1ce6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
35a185c Settings: Add CMMetricsLogger constants to proper pages.
1b1716e Automatic translation import
c28091b Lower minimum vertical range for data usage.
de3445e Update vertical axis bounds when resetting network policy.
5d9dead Revert "Hide usage graph on app usage details pages."
b064ddf Some text are missing in eject sdcard warning
6864747 Settings: Set default value for 'Volume keys control ringer stream'
b7827e7 Settings: request runtime permissions inside VoiceWakeup
8b9411e Settings: increase default regulatory info drawable dimensions
566c2f8 Settings: EL AOSP translation fixes
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
3e68503 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Snap/
358ebe9 Snap: Add more resolutions
66b3a0c Snap: More strings cleanup
f6a57b1 Snap: special handling of hdr-mode parameter for lge devices
2d5e458 Fix mismerge of "SnapdragonCamera: fix screen flash on resuming"
8f10ee0 Don't do touch-to-focus for touches outside of the preview.
6f16347 SnapdragonCamera: Hide camera controllers when review captured image
a1b0f7a Move mApplicationContext to init()
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
40977bf Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
1f10bf6 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
ff50b7d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
19981c2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
b0c1a0d Automatic translation import
ef97694 Prevent possible NPE during monkey test
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
b9f2f01 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
a5cb4a5 Automatic translation import
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
7593ae3 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
da87869 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
c9796fc Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Mms/
0b83525 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
2ae2624 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
044982b Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
699976c Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
6fe94fd Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
1304d69 Automatic translation import
* vendor/cmsdk/
c7e69de cmsdk: Introduce internal MetricsLogger class.
cc517bf Automatic translation import
* device/qcom/sepolicy/
70781bb sepolicy : allow setattr for init_shell domain on sysfs_devices_system_cpu type of files.
* external/f2fs-tools/
3e88e81 mkfs.f2fs: Disable clang
* frameworks/base/
001c63e WiredAccessoryManager: remove warning about Samsung dock support
51f975f Add Motorola EMU audio dock jack sensing support
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
1f09140 Default flexible YUV format to NV21
8b353b3 Revert "Change the IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED preview buffers format".
2e8b4c1 Revert "Default flexible YUV format to NV21_ZSL".
17ad546 Revert "gralloc: add cflag to use nv21 format for camera preview"
866c928 Revert "gralloc: cflag to use nv21 format for camera write"
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
b90faf3 Improve AVRCP metadata string
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
9579c96 InCallUI: Use framework yes/no strings
* packages/apps/Settings/
1eaeb2d Improve DPI warning string
* packages/apps/Snap/
42a806a Snap: support setting default preview resolution via overlay
f4f5854 Snap: Fix NPE when parameters.getSupportedVideoSizes() is null
3615cea Snap: Fall back to default quality instead of 352x288
bc69af7 Snap: Fix NPE if mCameraDevice == null
4902670 Snap: Fix aapt warnings
63a9bb1 Snap: Set untranslatables
15c6280 Snap: support usage of preview size 2560x1440 via system prop
* system/bt/
1707433 btsnoop: Remove the ext snoop dependency on snoop socket
* android/
99e239b Add QC dataservices by default
* build/
420da62 qcom: Add dataservices to * pathmap
d55bce5 qcom: Fix non-QC target pathmappings
* device/qcom/sepolicy/
647ec71 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* frameworks/native/
8af4e66 Revert "Revert "gui: only support tertiary display if QTI_BSP is defined""
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
54f645f telephony: Override nw mode on creation and when trying to calculate nw type.
* hardware/libhardware/
a9d5943 Revert "Revert "libhardware: Only support tertiary display in QTI_BSP is defined""
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916/
563759a hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
a13ca36 hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8952/
a74edfb hwc: Remove references to display-frameworks
8be9896 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.3.3_rb1.8' into cm-13.0-caf-8952
c7cce05 hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960/
f1b49f2 hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
3b3f95d hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
2b1bb1e hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
4e68b37 hwc: Fix compile errors after display-frameworks removal
* hardware/qcom/gps/
1b6461e gps: Use * pathmap to determine build eligibility
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
e72ad14 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* packages/apps/Contacts/
2bb707d Don't show default and favorites groups in group overview.
1ec8222 Display group memberships in a meaningful way.
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
533a7db Propagate group default and favorites state into GroupMembershipDataItem.
* packages/apps/Snap/
ef01678 Snap: Set parameters before starting preview
3cda1fd Snap: Remove CAF Chinese translations
98dfd0d Snap: Fix jni compiler warnings
6bfdb1b Snap: Remove dead code
b0d6486 Revert "Snapdragon: Add icons for Snapdragon beautification feature"
d9be7be Snap: FilmStripView must exist before loading photo/video modules
532497b CameraActivity: Handle NPE when film strip view is null
a4a443b Snap: initial materialization
* system/bt/
687f51d Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* vendor/cm/
bd3d22e init: Create directories needed by sshd
* vendor/qcom/opensource/dataservices/
5451bb0 Makefiles: Use * pathmap to determine build eligibility
* android/
cb5c682 android-6.0.1_r3 -> android-6.0.1_r10
333b4a0 cm: Remove qcom/opensource/display-frameworks
* cts/
f0f2607 Merge "Fixs bugs regarding CTS fails for low performance codec" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: a7e44855a3 -s ours
a7e4485 Merge "Fixs bugs regarding CTS fails for low performance codec" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev
c57634a Merge "Test case to check class loading using custom class loader" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 2c1981de13 am: 14446d26ca
14446d2 Merge "Test case to check class loading using custom class loader" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 2c1981de13
2c1981d Merge "Test case to check class loading using custom class loader" into lollipop-cts-dev
51b51aa Test case to check class loading using custom class loader
3b0bece Merge "Should use getSupportedVideoSizes()" into kitkat-cts-dev
3d84f71 Merge "Fix for LocationModeHighAccuracyTestActivity test." into kitkat-cts-dev
6edf9b8 Merge "TIF: Allow notifyVideoUnavailable in HardwareSessionTest" into marshmallow-cts-dev
ca613f6 Merge "Assert android:usesCleartextTraffic attribute works as expected." into marshmallow-cts-dev
a2b065a Merge "Only reach out to Internet when supported." into marshmallow-cts-dev
59d7064 Only reach out to Internet when supported.
* external/ffmpeg/
3e3aa25 x86/float_dsp: zero extend offset from ff_scalarproduct_float_sse
* external/toybox/
cb52bce Merge branch 'master' of into cm-13.0
c1c226e Merge "Revert "Don't add a symlink for killall --- it's broken.""
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
d8d67d1 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.7' of git:// into cm-13.0
* frameworks/av/
c2a6c58 Use standard arm assembly syntax.
fcd3c6e Fix overflow in amrwbenc
60fc867 codecs: update for check ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),arm)
6877308 Use unified syntax to compile with both llvm and gas.
94f3841 Disable integer sanitization for amrwbenc
3fec0e5 cameraservice: Change the error mapping for ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE.
f8eea5d drm : Give permission to access drm service api from Oma Drm engine
6981543 Clean up time zone handling in MtpUtils::parseDateTime.
8c4d014 Fix more potential (benign) AMRWB overflows
a6e3ed3 Fix more amrwbenc overflows
4f4723a Tabs -> spaces
8bdd095 ACodec: Fix error handling in OutputPortSettingsChangedState
* frameworks/base/
aedba1f [WindowManagerService] fix starting window issue
d6d9ab5 Update private copy of Palette
80922ca fw: Remove duplicated locales.
d4bc5b6 SystemUI: fix navbar drawing issues in landscape
* frameworks/native/
c86c815 SurfaceFlinger: Move Extended SF classes to same repository
cda438d sf: Change log message in layer query method from ALOGE to ALOGW
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
fd6eb59 DcTracker: Fix CDMA NV mode data connection
8b74377 DCTracker: HACK Fix eHRPD/LTE data connection.
a8c5801 Add dummy SUB record in CDMA NV mode
c5f1a18 Revert "telephony: Also override nw mode on creation of phone objects."
* hardware/libhardware/
598fdcc hardware/libhw: Add display_defs.h to declare custom enums/flags
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
afc9cb7 Check if hardware_info has been updated or not.
* hardware/qcom/bt-caf/
1aafa73 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.7' of git:// into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/display/
05673d3 Revert "overlay: add tertiary display definition in overlay"
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
455f3d0 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.7' of git:// into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/wlan-caf/
f5a068e Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.7' of git:// into cm-13.0
* hardware/ti/omap4/
ed9b5b7 gralloc: disable GRALLOC_USAGE_CURSOR
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
b9398e5 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.7' of git:// into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Contacts/
c90fc75 Remove unused strings
209b45a Clean up multi picker activity.
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
3ff9ac0 Revert "Move info_lookup's LookupHandlerThread into src/"
72fb9f8 Revert "Refactor contact info lookup"
6ecfe52 Move info_lookup's LookupHandlerThread into src/
d262583 Add additional SIM constants
51aabe6 Refactor contact info lookup
* packages/apps/Settings/
490b586 BlacklistSettings : Ensure contact picker mirrors edit state
4c798e0 Settings : Disable editing existing entries for blacklist
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
f4f43c6 Revert "SetupWizard: declare setupwizard category in manifest"
* packages/apps/Snap/
88daff8 SnapdragonCamera: Add missing permissions
4d7ad55 SnapdragonCamera: Preventing duplicated call of setEnable
a675b2c SnapdragonCamera: Restart preview in a corner case
4877242 SnapdragonCamera: Fix rtl photo menu touch issue
72b58b9 Read camera state from HAL instead of local state variable.
8ceb088 Update camera state immediately after start preview.
090c538 Consider fractional value in zoom circle calculation.
621b628 Enable extended face detection feature.
84ca00c SnapdragonCamera: notify focus manager about surface change
7d12db6 SnapdragonCamera: fix screen flash on resuming
b0fa408 SnapdragonCamera: fix screen flash on resuming
c134c1e SnapdragonCamera: Hide the preview cover when preview has started
ba56fa8 PhotoUI: Calling layoutPreview on holdersize become valid
04f6b22 SnapdragonCamera: Improvement in open camera latency
9f076a3 SnapdragonCamera: Make camcorder switcher icon invisible.
b21af4d SnapdragonCamera: Fix the icons disappeared when start recording failed
ee44a03 Snap: fix typo in PhotoModule
ad9651e Snap: 100 chars!
331d17d Snap: restart preview when shutter-speed gets disabled
34522c4 tests: fix class name
fc08f9e SnapdragonCamera: Fix incorrect viewfinder ratio for 13.1MP shots
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
7eb7512 Trebuchet: Don't crash on widget clicks
ba04b03 Trebuchet: Add Snap to hotseat
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
cd48300 Guard to prevent inserting a record twice when a new theme is installed
* system/bt/
80a7a7d Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.7' of git:// into cm-13.0
* vendor/cm/
74d7c57 Update IMS APN based on Smartfren Device Technical document-v1 2
* android/
57c4ce6 Add Snap camera to main manifest
* art/
e5c6b04 Art: disable host clang by default
* build/
be202af qcom: Select Sony display/media variants for Sony devices
* frameworks/base/
573109e SysUI: Use mContext to get colors
f0f1273 SystemUI: Add missing close parenthesis
13a44f7 SystemUI: Expose Add Tiles DetailedView Title and Icon Color
b8d357d fix setting new encryption password
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
a2c4d49 telephony: Also override nw mode on creation of phone objects.
* hardware/samsung/
40afadb libsecril-client: spell AUDIO correctly
* hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/
3ac2ff8 Only log non-null invalid pointers
* hardware/ti/omap4/
1cea79b camera: add Pixel{X,Y}Dimension and Orientation EXIF tags
* packages/apps/CarrierConfig/
bc6e66f Add carrier config for Smartfren for IMS support RENDANG-525
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
62f1457 SetupWizard: declare setupwizard category in manifest
* packages/apps/Snap/
6d5c4d0 Snap: Fix NPE when switching flash modes
3626f48 SnapdragonCamera: Add support for high-speed video recording
06ac71f Snap: add fallback for invalid video qualities
0456857 SnapdragonCamera: Query camcorder profiles before usage
6bf48d3 Revert "SnapdragonCamera: Filter out unsupported video encoders in app"
9ef1c8a SnapdragonCamera: fix messy photo in Panorama mode
707bdfd SnapdragonCamera: Correct AutoHDR callback data size check
735ba51 SnapdragonCamera: Make direct shutter callbacks configurable
986790e SnapdragonCamera: Enable the TNR option in camera mode
b01b566 Snapdragon Camera: fix face blinking during caf scan
879b1f0 SnapdragonCamera: Don't display metadata in paused state
c606f39 Snapdragon Camera: Call shutter callbacks directly
ec7c5c5 Camera: Avoid 'takePicture()' in preview ready state
e351de6 Snapdragon Camera: Unlock AE&AWB before snapshot
b07beb7 Snapdragon Camera: Check mosaic preview dimensions
202b3c2 Snapdragon Camera: Unlock AE&AWB during longshot
1e7abfa Snapdragon Camera: Avoid null pointer exception during shutter focus
d75e7c3 Snapdragon Camera: Override flash mode to off during non-auto scene
c571396 Snap: add support for mw_continuous-picture focus mode
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
4fa46ac Trebuchet: Ensure workspace is invisibile while in all apps view
* system/bt/
8c41c59 bt: Enable Bluedroid debugging only on eng.
* vendor/cm/
c7469c6 APN: Add Smartfren IMS for Volte support RENDANG-525
* android/
50be19e Sorry BusyBox, you've been disrupted.
* external/p7zip/
5553c3f Revert "p7zip: Add lib7z as a dependency so it gets built"
* external/stagefright-plugins/
7ba6a02 stagefright-plugins: Fix certain HEVC file cannot playback
* frameworks/av/
02645bf stagefright: Fix crash on mediaserver
c20f758 audiopolicy: Handle legacy startOutput on output command thread too
* frameworks/base/
a05e6c3 SysUI: Update external keyguard view when component changed
b8580a1 SysUI: Update dismiss callbacks for external keyguard view
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/
14bd231 Merge tag 'LA.HB.1.3.1-00510-8x96.0' into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/
03e21e3 Merge tag 'LA.HB.1.3.1-00510-8x96.0' into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/fm/
8c0da85 libfm_jni: Add support for internal antenna hardware
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/
1f33dcd Merge tag 'LA.HB.1.3.1-00510-8x96.0' into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Browser/
b152ea3 Browser: Resurface incognito button
* packages/apps/Dialer/
5f8afa7 Dialer: stop asking for granted loc permission
* packages/apps/Settings/
11236ec Integrate mobile network settings into SIM settings for MSIM.
507838a Remove a few MSIM tab hosts.
d4cc883 Settings: add link to statusbar icon config screen
704d007 Settings: remove voice wakeup link as necessary
aa9a06e Fix zen mode allowed event preference summary.
* packages/apps/Snap/
c75c27d Snap: add support for shutter speed
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
d423a03 Trebuchet: Make sure overview arrows point up when collapsed
aefd95e Trebuchet: Ensure sections list isn't null
* packages/services/Telecomm/
f255cb0 Do not query for default sim when more than 1 calling account is available
* prebuilts/cmsdk/
6ff8b3c cmsdk: Update for api level 4 snapshot release.
* system/extras/
0677949 bootsignature: includes dt image size for signed boot image
* vendor/cm/
311a862 cm: add lib7z to product packages
7ea4580 APN: Fixup Vodafone IT and remove Noverca
af7dd24 APN: Update TIM MVNOs
* vendor/cmsdk/
b4b1321 cmsdk: Update api text.
aee4b08 cmsdk: Add external views package for api stubs.
3dffa87 cmsdk: Add unit test for PartnerInterface
7622e3c ExtView: Fix name of dismissAndStartActivity
ccf16f8 Keyguard: Broadcast when external keyguard changes
dbb87e2 ExtView: Document the keyguard external view APIs
7107e06 cmsdk: Update iconography.
* build/
2c222c2 kernel: Fix usage of KERNEL_ARCH
6c82f91 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* external/bouncycastle/
882ff27 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
0ee01ad Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* frameworks/av/
af4528b stagefright: Add deferred release option
8195530 stagefright: Only include HFR/HSR on QCOM devices
de1e368 stagefright: Forward-port HFR and HSR support
72f2347 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* frameworks/base/
5958263 Themes: Re-enable changing keyguard wallpaper
9d1d8c3 SystemUI: Make sure to notifydatasetchange on each tile add.
38a520c aapt: Use a std::map instead of a SortedVector
f51adf3 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* frameworks/minikin/
fb0b851 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* hardware/broadcom/wlan/
4b218b0 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
59855cd Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/
908dd85 Merge tag 'android-m-preview-2'
* packages/apps/Settings/
257ea74 Remove ic_menu_add.png drawables
5381b5a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
32f2f12 Move more CAF strings and cleanup
f8431ca regulatory: Make the image fill the whole parent
* packages/apps/Snap/
b729dc3 Get rid of Holo...
070b23a add options to restart preview onPictureTaken
2829362 add support for luminance-condition parameter
cdf6b80 option to set manufacturer specific parameters on startup
42b5564 make openLegacy an option
c544747 add support for non-standard iso keys and values
185bfd4 add support for lge-camera parameter
4c98613 add additional ISO values
c649770 init SDCard, fix nullptr
8c6c521 SnapdragonCamera: Use StorageManager for SDCard
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
72f2ccb Trebuchet: Move allow rotation pref to overlay panel
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
254b4b1 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* packages/services/Telephony/
623872c Allow MobileNetworkSettings to be invoked for selected SIM.
* system/core/
2d0a7c1 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r10' into HEAD
* system/media/
60bb4ca audio_utils: Fix 24-bit offload conversions
* vendor/cm/
d2bc6c2 cm: Fixup maven artifact publish inclusions.
4198cf6 cm: Modify maven artifact publish makefile.
* vendor/cmsdk/
33e300e cmsdk: Add example service test.
bbab82e cmsdk: Add cmsdk non-jack target module.
a3730df Reorder new setZenModeWithDuration API in aidl
* android/
533d6cb Use clone-depth="1" for all pre-built *s.
* build/
6fd9743 py3: fix logic that broke
fc2297c py3: update releasetools with proper print syntax
fdc26cd mms: introduce a shortcut to quickly rebuild kernel/boot.img
2a70972 kernel: prevent targets from being rebuilt needlessly
9a91748 kernel: don't build modules or dtbs unless enabled
c713d76 py3: update all the things
12b55e8 py3: post_process_props
b157984 py3: java-event-log-tags
71fa380 py3: java-layers
74dcc71 py3: product_debug
48e4d38 py3: merge-event-log-tags
e168200 py3: compare_filelist
cb9da4e py3: update check_boot_jars
91a1c64 py3: update checktree
c66c9ae py3: parsedeps
3e087e1 py3: filter-product-graph
4ac664e py3: fileslist
5d01e80 py3: repopick
* external/stagefright-plugins/
78f9d45 stagefright-plugins: Parse file metadata tags
* external/toybox/
3fac1bd Update generated files after toybox sync.
5291717 Merge remote-tracking branch 'toybox/master' into HEAD
ac4365b toybox: fix mac build
* frameworks/base/
a7881ec Default to Resolver Theme
9fb3f59 Fix Custom Resolver Theming
94d4a3c media: Configure audio encode parameters only for valid audio codec.
19b0d41 ThemeEngine : Use for hash calculation
f6f56f8 Regional: Customize features for regional package
93d770d SystemUI: clean up tuner
40861e5 Avoid wrongly reported SIM PIN mismatch.
d75ef880 aapt: Speed up the style pruning
f3ebbf7 SystemUI: fix flicker when removing tiles
c90e53f SystemUI: add tiles detail view
7cf9940 NotificationManager: always restore identity on notification error
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
5d1ab6a MMS: Update apnProfileID for MMS only apn.
* hardware/samsung/
6596730 Allow all devices to build the modemloader
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
b9f160f AudioFX: Remove up navigation from action bar
* packages/apps/Browser/
d2bc708 Browser: Fix crash while loading a page
852bcd1 Browser: runtime permissions
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
77f18a5 Allow alarms to be modified by 3rd parties.
* packages/apps/Eleven/
0739c81 Merge "Eleven: Remove wakelock" into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/Settings/
8805e25 Settings: Set value on external display mode settings change.
787ad53 Hide manual provisioning switch when extphone framework is not present
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
688b40a SoundRecorder: Fix layout derps
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
a20b046 Trebuchet Statistics: - Add plumbing for sending events. - Add aggregation service that runs on some interval - Hook send events into respective UX interactions
2be1306 Trebuchet: Fix page indicator bottom padding on setting change
514f98d Ensure we don't go over the icon size limitation
* packages/services/Telephony/
868b09d Telephony: Fix NPE when any of the sim is disabled
* vendor/cm/
139e798 otasigcheck: Avoid long lines in XML
* vendor/cmsdk/
be1678b cmsdk: add method for checking dynamic tiles
* device/qcom/sepolicy/
134a630 msm8952: Label FRP partition
* hardware/samsung/
222cff0 Initial modemloader service
* hardware/ti/omap4/
7b565f6 domx: add support for tuna
* packages/apps/Camera2/
3b7e673 CameraSettingsActivity: Handle NPE when storage preference is already removed
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
6348e58 Themes: Expose hard coded background in java
* packages/apps/Settings/
e02a5f2 Themes: Add main dashboard background back from lollipop
ce33276 Settings : Filter settings for secondary users
ea1ea58 Settings: Fix NPE in PowerMenuActions
e46f635 Settings : Update filterSpam to new contract
891fec2 Revert "Introduce SystemSettingsCheckBoxPreference"
895d736 Launch app privacy settings when tapping on PG notification (2/2)
10bac91 privacyguard: Add Superuser summary
7822cf9 [1/2] Settings AppOps: show/hide app type and allow/deny counters
556d77f Update privacy guard reset icon
36bad00 Settings: Convert AppOps array items to string references
475f8be AppOps: Use switch widget for non-strict ops.
d52a92d AppOps: Add more operations in app ops settings.
090a9c6 AppOps: Add 'Always ask' option under appOps setting.
* development/
5225472 gdbclient: fix adb output test
* external/stagefright-plugins/
4924fcb stagefright-plugins: Protect against crash
f7c42ea stagefright-plugins: Increase max video buffer size + count
* frameworks/base/
0733422 SettingsProvider: Update icon.
d14759d Revert "AppOps: add a default constructor"
e4598a6 Launch app privacy settings when tapping on PG notification (1/2)
d77070c DndTile: Always open the detailed view
536d7223 Settings: Don't attempt to forward writes from System -> Global.
b13a7a0 Add entry to copy VideoStop.ogg file to system image
449be3f statusbar: fix overlapping backgrounds when expanded
2810d2d ZenModePanel: Fix until next alarm missing from do not disturb
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
358590d Change ts file extension mime type
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
91ac9cb DeskClock: Add back flip and shake actions
* packages/apps/Settings/
b6b6082 Settings: Respect legacy quick pulldown row.
3c05b46 settings: adds OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG permission
* packages/apps/Snap/
a575c65 SnapdragonCamera: Fix compilation
* packages/services/Telephony/
71af7ad CDMA: Unknown is displayed for incoming call
* vendor/cm/
511152c sepolicy: Allow minivold execute_no_trans
* vendor/cmsdk/
d1129cc cmsdk: Also hide internal package from docs.
9734639 cmsdk: Fix quick pulldown settings, and unhide numerous system settings.
2d4d514 cmsdk: Update current api text.
* external/lz4/
7cb39f5 lz4: Enable building with Android
a30ee1b Revert "lz4: Add file to build as a host static library"
* external/toybox/
7b746d2 First pass at iotop.
* frameworks/av/
38f51de BatteryNotifier: Add missing log LOG_TAG
* frameworks/base/
9500061 Themes: Expose hard code for themes in SystemUI
40ccfd1 Themes: Expose "Set Wallpaper" text color in wallpaper picker
921d24a Themes: Expose hard code for themes
* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
767cc4e Revert "Hwcomposer Moorefield: Return DummyDevice for TERTIARY display"
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
d3de2eb Themes: Define back arrow tint color for themes
* system/core/
57f1deb Add vendor hook to handle_control_message
* vendor/cm/
14e765c cm: sepolicy: fix denials for external storage
* android/
536840b manifest: Add msm8952 HALs
* external/toybox/
adf6f03 Tweak error message.
* frameworks/av/
c39941d libmedia: correct latency computing for TRANSFER_SYNC
* frameworks/base/
84e9264 Update default public notification view on notification update.
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
b932690 libalsa-intf: Fix clang compiler errors
3fb8900 alsa_sound: Fix clang compiler errors
* packages/apps/Camera2/
553ccb7 Fix writing to external storage.
16635f1 Add Storage preference (1/2)
* external/stagefright-plugins/
e13ea55 stagefright-plugins: Refactor packet queue locking
* external/toybox/
4ff9295 Don't let mktemp -q /path/to/file delete arbitrary files, and don't have "mktemp -u > /dev/full" leave file around.
46ddb55 lsb/mktemp: Add -u flag
08dc20a First half of iotop. Add READ, WRITE, IO, DREAD, DWRITE, SWAP, DIO, and corresponding percentile fields to ps. Move FLAG_ macro usage to ps-specific code (top/iotop have their own flag contexts). Split init and match code into shared and ps-specific parts. Fix bug in COMMAND for privileged processes.
f82a848 Add more keys to scan_key() and fix hang in scan_key_getsize().
3a70500 make "ls -m | cat" assume 80 columns.
1b7c02a I didn't add comma_args() to lib.c, I added it with the other comma functions. (Oops. Missed a file checkin, build break, my bad.)
* external/stagefright-plugins/
30ab9dc stagefright-plugins: Fix shutdown deadlock
644d57a stagefright-plugins: Fix crash during testDecodeWithEOSOnLastBuffer
61710f5 stagefright-plugins: Wait for reader shutdown on EOS
* external/toybox/
4d3ad67 Add strafter() to lib.
1bf8442 Make pidof use comma_scan()
21ede08 Move comma_args() from ps.c to lib.
* frameworks/av/
8ca3dfd nuplayer: Enable PCM offload for any source
* frameworks/base/
0e9c897 Themes: Expose hard code color for divider sim pin
255eb8f Themes: Expose Hard coded colors in Quick Settings Tiles
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
dd6bee9 Themes: Expose hardcoded styles and colors for themes
* packages/apps/Settings/
015130c Fingerprint: Forward challenge extras
f1d64bf Settings: Expose backgroundTint from Single Button Panel
2c63abc Settings: Expose Fingerprint Enrollment Checkmark Tint to an XML
* vendor/cm/
053b180 sepolicy: label exfat and ntfs mkfs executables
* bootable/recovery/
46e4090 imgdiff: skip spurious gzip headers in image files
* development/
87171a8 gdbclient: fallback to $OUT if available
* external/stagefright-plugins/
09f677f stagefright-plugins: Only do as much sniffing as necessary
e7ea399 stagefright-plugins: Increase confidence on HEVC mp2p files
c0742cd stagefright-plugins: Fix audio trimmed when reaching eos
28d6141 stagefright-plugins: Fix crash
* external/toybox/
0f882f6 Merge branch 'master' of into cm-13.0
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
ba7b154 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* frameworks/av/
b19f360 stagefright: Those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it
020adf2 nuplayer: Pass along the sniffed metadata from GenericSource
4adc183 stagefright: Remove special handling of FFMPEG extractor
1bb6c3e stagefright: Add more hardware codec support for our extractor
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
a0dd49b gralloc: cflag to use nv21 format for camera write
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
aefbc8c Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* packages/apps/Settings/
87ab413 settings: Animation scale seekbars
fcb4673 Profiles: Cleanup the code
77450be Settings: improve empty Profile trigger icons
52e7a40 Settings: make empty profile views fit on hdpi
* system/bt/
67687e5 Merge "btsnoop: Remove the ext snoop dependency on snoop socket" into LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.7
e7ed494 btsnoop: Remove the ext snoop dependency on snoop socket
ed4d153 Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1. on remote branch
* external/stagefright-plugins/
8caee14 stagefright-plugins: Fix thumbnail issues
cea1cb3 stagefright-plugins: Pass the container format in the metadata
* external/toybox/
4b4ab6a Add scan_key_getsize() doing the ANSI probe, switch scan_key() to TAGGED_ARRAY, and add test_scankey.
* packages/apps/Settings/
70c5fb7 Improve profile setting layouts.
4635398 profiles: Make the actions wizard buttons show up
5bf4924 Profiles: remove unused code
e14b877 Settings: always allow profile app groups to be linked/unlinked
1fb74bb Settings : Save instance state for app group deletes
91f19f2 Settings: fix empty Wifi triggers screen
8e9e003 Settings: make empty profile trigger screens more useful
a48f165 Settings: merge ProfilesList into ProfilesSettings
80b4c35 Profiles: Fix override item summary not displaying none
* external/stagefright-plugins/
94932fa stagefright-plugins: Remove voodoo from sniff logic
f9e21d7 stagefright-plugins: Add special case for DivX containers
5e9d63d stagefright-plugins: Fix HEVC extradata handling
8107a7f stagefright-plugins: Always use FFMPEG for FLAC audio
4ecbcbb stagefright-plugins: Correctly check if audio codec is open
* frameworks/av/
1b5f480 stagefright: Remove special case for FLAC offload
5712d5c stagefright: Copy the thumbnail time
d2c00b4 Validation of Number of Channels on WAV files.
efa19ab Fix overflows in amrwbenc
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
a065400 hal: Allow building hardware audio encoders
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/
a495e40 hal: Allow building hardware audio encoders
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
7944518 AudioFX: platform sign
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
056c7ac Merge "Bluetooth-OPP: Don't wait on Socket thread while turning off BT."
47293a2 Merge "Bluetooth: Killing the process in case of stop_timeout"
df34679 Merge "Fix to avoid JNI crashes"
9ca47a3 Merge "Bluetooth-OPP: Update notifications after batch canceled."
66668ac Fix to avoid JNI crashes
b8a461b Bluetooth: Killing the process in case of stop_timeout
* packages/apps/Settings/
09b4c0c Hide usb mode chooser dialog after disconnected
59f77c5 apn: Update the add actionbar icon
* system/bt/
203f378 Merge "Cleanup AV callbacks in BTIF context"
adb5875 Cleanup AV callbacks in BTIF context
* frameworks/base/
55147e2 Automatic translation import
46835db core: Remove CAF Chinese translations
* hardware/cyanogen/
e1c6405 cmhw: Add color enhancement impl for LiveDisplay driver
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/
b73a764 audio: Extend platform parser to allow device name aliasing
64387ed hal: Fix voice call recording
91c7d6b hal: Fix digital USB headset combo device
be6fdfc hal: Clean up compilation warnings
13ba1b4 hal: Add support for audio amplifier HAL
381b7a0 audio: Configure CM default feature set
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
2eefaf2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BasicSmsReceiver/
961eed1 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
63088a9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
6162335 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Browser/
ad614da Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
4313513 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
9eb5798 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMUpdater/
2f45113 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
61bb875 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Calendar/
ecf9b82 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Camera2/
960b850 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
0dadb76 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/CertInstaller/
95ca4c7 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Contacts/
bcef0c9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
dc60d46 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
811f843 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Dialer/
3edb649 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Eleven/
281ddcb Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Email/
325beae Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/FMRadio/
6d4803d Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
5952713 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
6f89959 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/KeyChain/
27ecfb5 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/LockClock/
864c4e9 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
536afdd Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
8e3b23f Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Profiles/
cb125ca Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
80ac2f2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Screencast/
088677a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Settings/
abb68a7 Automatic translation import
215b902 Settings: Fix the failing strings
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
8c472fc Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
b6618ae Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Stk/
d1ffe2a Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Tag/
8c18297 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Terminal/
dff584e Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
10be771 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
6be1ecf Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
345fd98 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
ffe71d9 Automatic translation import
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
4c26e4e Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
7e9ce94 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
8707141 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
f1d2361 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
61eb49b Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
c793071 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
5470255 Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/
084102c Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Mms/
105dcb1 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telecomm/
8562735 Automatic translation import
* packages/services/Telephony/
e850772 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
8266065 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
53dfc85 Automatic translation import
* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
ba62eca Automatic translation import
* system/bt/
0b789c5 Initialize the peer sep type based on A2DP role
* vendor/cmsdk/
9f9759a Automatic translation import
* external/exfat/
9d909ba Merge tag 'v1.2.3' into HEAD
* external/ffmpeg/
c09118c Add MODULE_LICENSE and NOTICE files
* external/koush/ion/
f53f2d5 Ion: Add .flv file type
* frameworks/av/
54cdb1f libmedia: Preserve futex return status in client obtainBuffer
5a1e278 NuPlayer: Avoid one more assertion
0c04699 AudioTrack: Set DIRECT track flag for direct pcm output
de3b1c0 audiopolicy: Handle startOutput on output command thread
* packages/apps/Settings/
436355b Development Settings: fix setting reset on disable
b588658 settings: Fix NPE in sounds settings for wifi only devices
684b997 Settings: Fix some settings
16c38bd Settings: Fix NFC Tap & pay removal
* prebuilts/cmsdk/
0b8ef91 prebuilts/cmsdk: Finalized api level 3.
* system/bt/
bc32aeb bt: Kill some logspam
* vendor/cm/
39ba595 cm: Publish system api as part of publish process.
* vendor/cmsdk/
c972c0e Add resources for WiFi customization
9f62d8a CM-SDK: add PREDISMISSED_STATE constant required by CM13 DeskClock
57dc3b3 CMSDK: add duration for priority/quiet mode Add setZenModeWithDuration API call with long durationMills Use NotificationManager.setZenMode with Condition URI specifying end time. Update settings/CMPartnerInterfaceTest TODO: unit test to be added in: tests/src/org/cyanogenmod/tests/settings/unit.
4497e24 cmsdk: Add finalized docs for cantaloupe.
d29499d cmsdk: update api for level 3
* device/generic/goldfish/
2083610 goldfish: Add gateway using 'ip route'
* external/ffmpeg/
bc1e061 Merge branch 'release/2.8' of into cm-13.0
* external/stagefright-plugins/
6c89800 stagefright-plugins: remove global dictionaries
* frameworks/base/
21bff55 Keyguard: Implement KeyguardExternalViewCallbacks
f068b9f Keyguard: Pass keyguard events to KeyguardExternalView
da7ac01 Add config_autoBrightnessAmbientLightHorizon overlay
0f79906 hwui: Allow devices to opt-out of asynchronouse setSurface initialization
76323e4 NavigationBar : Switch to display orientation from config orientation
c08411b PowerManagerService: Log when proximity blocks wake
92a8a50 Add custom camera shutter
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
e9b2faf Regional: Customize wifi hotspot and wifi name
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/
420cc3a msm8996: remove unused qcom features
* hardware/ril/
a9c266d reference-ril: Return success for RIL_REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
1cf3c56 Make new menu entry to link to cLock widget settings.
* packages/apps/Settings/
827b732 Revert "Settings: Show Baseband version on MSIM devices"
c9c271d Introduce SystemSettingsCheckBoxPreference
8353698 bluetooth: Show a refresh icon on the select devices screen
20c040d Settings: Conditionally remove Buttons tile from Dashboard
716714a Light settings: reduce tone if preview image color is very light
3e2025a Settings: Show Baseband version on MSIM devices
9cd3524 Always show band 0 (Automatic)
7423a61 Add missing blacklist xxhdpi drawables.
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
336600c Trebuchet: Don't resize BubbleTextView based on all apps pref
c30f77d Trebuchet: Adjust device profiles and add one for bacon
cc3bc30 Trebuchet: Add migration for new messaging app
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
8f6d976 Use CmLockPatternUtils instead of LockPatternUtils
59167a4 Re-apply live lock screen on update
* vendor/cmsdk/
afa4fef ExtView: Add samples for using KeyguardExternalViews
8cc5a55 ExtViews: Add callbacks for ExtView->Host communication
f2741cb ExtView: Add keyguard specific interface for KeyguardExternalView
d1f0a6e CMSettings: fixup ENABLE_PEOPLE_LOOKUP res
6ff47d4 CMSettings : Add default overlay for people lookup
7bdcaa5 cmsdk: Fixup stub generation.
2ba238b ProfileManagerService: fix broadcasting crash
* bionic/
51ad57b libc: ARM64: kryo: use generic memmove routine
* external/bash/
52936c4 bash: prefer toybox's ls
* external/stagefright-plugins/
21ef449 stagefright-plugins: Seek to beginning of file on seek error
c34df96 stagefright-plugins: Fix AAC profile selection
* frameworks/av/
8a0d505 Fix: "NuPlayerDecoder: add synchronous call pause() to ensure decoder will not request or send out data."
29c3ef4 stagefright: Fix audio profile retrieved
c68bccc stagefright: Correctly reassemble HVCC data
ab35ee6 stagefright: Deal with output format of other AAC decoders
* frameworks/base/
2b807b6 SettingsProvider: add mechanism to return migrated keys
19f8d4b SystemUI: Don't collapse quick settings when removing custom tile
* frameworks/native/
b17c928 sensor: Skip additional permission request checks
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
93979cc libalsa-intf: Don't log as error on successful EC change
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
583ef92 hwc: reset overlay and writeback in unblank if writeback is active
* packages/apps/Settings/
076ee75 Settings: respect telephony config for profiles override
f01ba08 Settings: display light pulse dialog settings conditionally
f56fac0 Settings : Show wifi usage tab by default
* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
7ab7f3c SetupWizard: Conditionally run account setup
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
0cabbc2 Trebuchet: Auto collapse settings panel
* packages/services/Telephony/
4ee48b4 TelephonyService: Use user preferred nw for selections.
* system/bt/
0307719 btsnoop: Enable snoop logging by default only on eng builds
* vendor/cm/
33cff38 cm: add Screencast by default
* vendor/cmsdk/
0ab4ff9 ExtView: Move all samples to externalviews directory
8a79ddb cmsdk: Clean up some provider tests.
20bfdd7 cmsdk: add keys which to intercept from SettingsProvider
cb4a990 Profiles: add isEnabled(); send state changes
c81519d cmsdk: remove visualizer from default qs tile list
* external/ffmpeg/
79f407b nuv: sanitize negative fps rate
174ec7d nutdec: reject negative value_len in read_sm_data
778c8de xwddec: prevent overflow of lsize * avctx->height
38f8c809 nutdec: only copy the header if it exists
945ae04 exr: fix out of bounds read in get_code
6d7b4db on2avc: limit number of bits to 30 in get_egolomb
* frameworks/av/
d3c005d stagefright: Fix AAC profile selection
* frameworks/base/
093bdf9 Keyguard: Support for external keyguard views
* frameworks/native/
cbd3e07 gui: only support tertiary display if QTI_BSP is defined
* hardware/intel/img/psb_video/
b2c2f00 intel: psb_video: Add support for LP blobs
* build/
f0b8bff repopick: Allow commits to be excluded from a topic importation
* external/exfat/
0514eff Bump version to 1.2.3 and update changelog.
1bacc53 Fix clusters loss when file renaming replaces target.
* external/ffmpeg/
644179e Update Changelog
9be3441 rawdec: only exempt BIT0 with need_copy from buffer sanity check
63ecbb8 mlvdec: check that index_entries exist
bdc6ba4 avcodec/mpeg4videodec: also for empty partitioned slices
3a3be02 avcodec/h264_refs: Fix long_idx check
* frameworks/av/
e9990d5 libmedia: correct latency computing of AudioRecord
53c13f5 audioflinger: update multiplier logic to calculate frameCount
a58a479 NuPlayerDecoder: add synchronous call pause() to ensure decoder will not request or send out data.
5ce76a8 Revert "NuPlayer: Teardown sequence for pcm offload"
ce4e903 Revert "nuplayer: Perform proper shutdown sequence for offload teardown"
05f67ff libaudioflinger: avoid s/w effect processing in case of Direct PCM
d5dee70 frameworks/av: fix channelmask and source format for pcm files
e93c7cc nuplayer: Do not drop corrupt EOS frame
* frameworks/base/
86595f9 TwilightService: always fall back to timezone-based location
9547f28 Fix filedescriptor leakage in MediaMetadataRetriever
dc84262 SystemUI: More stings cleanup on QS tiles
c682ba5 core: String improvements from cm-12.1
* hardware/intel/common/libmix/
0c6abb4 intel: videoencoder: Add support for LP blobs
05ece44 intel: videodecoder: Allow INTEL_VIDEO_XPROC_SHARING to be defined
* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
2855d50 hwc: merrifield_plus: Add legacy LP blob support
662d8be hwc: Use the proper define for the primary display
9303837 hwc: Enabling ION
a8d4a6a Update HWC interface
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
7a75b3e gralloc: add cflag to use nv21 format for camera preview
* packages/apps/Gallery2/
65196ed Revert "Gallery2: Properly declare the own permissions"
* packages/apps/Settings/
396f12d Settings: Move NFC payment under NFC category
* external/toybox/
0e32430 toybox: Symlink 'ls' to xbin
* frameworks/av/
b82353b Move overflow checks into SkipCutBuffer
f363219 Fix potential double close in IMediaMetadataRetriever::setDataSource
ab9b1e9 nuplayer: Fix priority inversion
* frameworks/base/
7651c9f pm: Update PackageManagerServiceTests
753a484 Lockscreen: Introduce window type TYPE_KEYGUARD_PANEL
f128c0c base: Complete sms prompt interfaces.
2368c7d SystemUI : Add DemoModeActivity hook for settings
d171b9a Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime (2/2)
46a77b3 Port over linked volumes from 12.1
* frameworks/native/
8befd14 sensor: Allow devices to skip the permission request
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
158e9fd telephony: Respect user nw mode, handle DSDS non-multi-rat.
e041ee0 telephony: Complete interfaces for sms prompt.
* packages/apps/Contacts/
07db402 Contacts: More strings cleanup
9984447 Revert "Support adding contacts to blacklist and whitelist"
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
fe85450 DeskClock: add switch to profile feature from Lollipop
* packages/apps/Dialer/
7a55259 Dialer: Update a string from cm-12.1
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
b96ed6e InCallUI: Update a string from cm-12.1
* packages/apps/Settings/
a9b6e2c Settings: update About screen device model fields
c7c9553 Power Menu: remove power as an option
429a4e6 Settings: Add some more entries into 'SMS message limit' menu
17a4c79 Settings: Cleanup ALL the strings
4b8a76a settings: LiveDisplay color profiles
5fc6f2e Settings: Utilize frameworks sms prompt interfaces as fallback.
ff9cea3 Settings : Launch demo mode on triple tap of build date
7cb203d Settings : Cleanup control media volume toggle
efff568 Settings : Add warning for lcd density
f2b1fc1 Settings : Add volume link notification
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
788d8e8 Trebuchet: Fix some icon size and flush cache issues
4ee7080 Trebuchet: Fix hidden folder list text color
8be2145 Trebuchet: Ignore mnc/mcc config changes
0db76b8 Trebuchet: Exclude from recents
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
6050e36 TvSettings: Improve strings
* packages/services/Telecomm/
438af33 Telecom: fix test compilation
* system/vold/
b0693d7 Also change emulated device id separator from comma to underscore
* vendor/cmsdk/
9a83dc6 cm: Improve permission strings
582ba4c ExtView: Allow window type and flags to be overridden
637e40f Introduce KeyguardExternalView
b9d7733 External views for cm13
9691d42 Keyguard: Introduce 3rd party keyguard perms and utils
* external/ffmpeg/
cabd9ae avcodec/h264_mc_template: prefetch list1 only if it is used in the MB
cfbf608 avcodec/h264_slice: Simplify ref2frm indexing
1dddd53 Revert "avcodec/aarch64/neon.S: Update neon.s for transpose_4x4H"
e4a6a85 avfilter/vf_mpdecimate: Add missing emms_c()
748d5fa sonic: make sure num_taps * channels is not larger than frame_size
796f1a2 opus_silk: fix typo causing overflow in silk_stabilize_lsf
0b24a0e ffm: reject invalid codec_id and codec_type
a79a5c3 golomb: always check for invalid UE golomb codes in get_ue_golomb
b9087aa sbr_qmf_analysis: sanitize input for 32-bit imdct
7e94ea3 sbrdsp_fixed: assert that input values are in the valid range
cb44683 aacsbr: ensure strictly monotone time borders
dcd837e aacenc: update max_sfb when num_swb changes
507e031 aaccoder: prevent crash of anmr coder
76af12f ffmdec: reject zero-sized chunks
* external/mksh/
d9b3f0d mksh: Alias ls to /system/xbin/ls
* external/stagefright-plugins/
566f1cb stagefright-plugins: Return supported profiles for MPEG4
* frameworks/av/
ed8be1e media: Disable extra debug
7b3a9da nuplayer: Error checks for PCM format extensions
53ac41b stagefright: Fix some aac file cannot be played back
* hardware/libhardware/
18396d4 libhardware: Only support tertiary display in QTI_BSP is defined
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
d9ff371 hal: Actually make low-latency capture optional
44b0192 Add more allowed frame counts to be configured
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/
eec6acf audio: Fix flac offload not working
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960/
d616fad hwc: add support for opaque surface layer.
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8960/
beb3f68 mm-video: vidc: Add support for picture order count
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/
d84d430 media: Avoid collision with FFMPEG plugin
* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
5b2f3d7 BluetoothExt: Remove unused strings
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
56d1485 cmfm: this is TOYBOX
a8625e0 Fix filemanager not launch
85732e2 CMFileManager: remove org.apache.http import
* packages/apps/Settings/
d948c83 setings: Fix livedisplay settings
b84189d Settings: adapt lock screen visualizer toggle
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
dca57f3 Trebuchet: Add ability to disable the scroller completely
* system/core/
f517c97 Revert "Lose ls to toybox."
* system/vold/
5fc50f6 vold: dont't use commas in device names
b134799 vold: hw_fde: fix OTA issues from L to M
* vendor/cm/
076a1ea sepolicy: Set the context for fsck.exfat/ntfs to fsck_exec
* bootable/recovery/
3010668 recovery: fstools: Honor TARGET_USES_EXFAT
* external/skia/
c4401db skia: qc-perf: link against for msm8996
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
dc3f470 Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.10' of git:// into cm-13.0
* frameworks/av/
f45ba7f audiopolicy: Set sane defaults for QC audio features
* frameworks/base/
9ca8d4c SystemUI: fix incorrect tile shifting behavior
44a3303 SystemUI: hide visualizer when keyguard is occluded
a41cb45 SystemUI: fix NPE crash when Visualizer is not initialized
19e458f SystemUI: use new visualizer from Eleven
1d87c14 Allow disabling the privacy guard notification - port from cm-12.1 (2/3)
31f15eb connectivity: Configure additional TCP parameters
1003c49 libhwui: make setSurface asynchronous
ec4c775f Use custom ADB over wifi property
8c15ebc fix checkapi
36dea10 pm: Don't try to create oat dirs for prebundled apps on system
69668f1 Fix memory leak in HWUI
* frameworks/native/
31ab17f Fix the execution point of onFrameAvailable/onFrameReplaced callbacks
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
ab84c9f Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.10' of git:// into cm-13.0
40162df wifi: Configure additional TCP parameters
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
4810ebf telephony: Configure additional TCP parameters
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
26d4452 hal: Trivial cleanups
* hardware/qcom/display/
b9f52c3 overlay: add tertiary display definition in overlay
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
aa616f5 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
aba22b8 DeskClock: add increasing volume option for alarm clocks
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
48b5109 InCallUI: Improve more CAF strings
* packages/apps/Messaging/
294b589 Add new FW blacklisted numbers to local db cache
d1147c1 LookupProvider Integration
* packages/apps/Settings/
d73745d Settings: Fix the SoundSettings activity and intents
ae6f092 Settings: add lock screen visualizer toggle
00ee337 Allow disabling the privacy guard notification - port from cm-12.1 (1/3)
ea2c65f Settings: fix mobile network switch being unchecked
b3819f3 Settings: add dashboard switch view for sw600dp
b62a2f7 Settings: move double press power for camera to button settings
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
a343529 Handle theme changes
e524508 Add app drawer search bar toggle to settings
* packages/services/Telephony/
7ac61d7 Telephony: Improve call forwarding strings
* system/bt/
cc3b973 bluedroid: Add wiimote pairing support
* vendor/cm/
322cc5a otasigcheck: Rewrite for CM 13.0
909343f SELinux: Use custom ADB over network property
6bc84be sepolicy: Add permission for formatting user/cache partition
fcfc13a sepolicy: Add domain for mkfs binaries
* vendor/cmsdk/
ba670bf Allow disabling the privacy guard notification - port from cm-12.1 (3/3)
* vendor/qcom/opensource/display-frameworks/
122d8a6 display-fw: Properly initialise mIsGPUAllowedForProtected flag
* external/ffmpeg/
20a48ea swscale/x86/rgb2rgb_template: Fallback to mmx in interleaveBytes() if the alignment is insufficient for SSE*
31aeb96 swscale/x86/rgb2rgb_template: Do not crash on misaligend stride
* external/tinycompress/
fdaf3e1 tinycompress: Lrn2C
* frameworks/av/
5355397 stagefright: Update makefile for Exynos variants.
455a745 nuplayer: Improve offload format conversions
093c8ed nuplayer: Avoid crash when codec fails to load
c571299 nuplayer: Fix the neverending offload
* frameworks/base/
acfc22e SystemUI : Add location tile from 12.1
45c058a SystemUI : Fix perf profile tile index calculation
7a2db76 Frameworks: Remove duplicated audio files
9427c1a Proper supplementary service notification handling (1/5).
* frameworks/native/
5934c29 SF: Fix invalid reduction of transparent region from a layer.
bea57f3 sf : Fix vertices & texture coordinates computation.
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
c7238ac Proper supplementary service notification handling (2/5).
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
faefb32 hal: Upstream offload fixes
505da3f audio: hal: Add support to send codec specific data in gapless
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
91ab954 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.5' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
421038c DeskClock: SwitchPreference for Automatic home clock
1151aa1 DeskClock: Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in StatusBar
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
cafe6b4 InCallUI: Fix background colour of tabs on DSDA phones
5539f52 Fix reveal animation for outgoing calls.
* packages/apps/Settings/
c5cd017 Settings: add switches for dashboard items
e1f1ba9 Settings : Remove status bar weather entry
* packages/services/Telecomm/
f2f061e Proper supplementary service notification handling (3/5)
* packages/services/Telephony/
74f644c Telephony: Improve call barring settings
854982b Telephony: Cleanup CAF strings
9285956 Telephony: Move CAF strings to cm_strings
a4bb59c Fix CDMA vs. WCDMA typo in cs translations
eeb8537 Proper supplementary service notification handling (4/5).
* system/netd/
c9251e2 netd: Don't build the QSAP SDK on Nexii
* vendor/cm/
aa40255 Remove CMAccount
* vendor/cmsdk/
* external/fuse/
42f00b6 libfuse: Fix cast for void* in fuse opts
* external/sepolicy/
62438c8 Revert "property: Make the adb tcp port property a wildcard"
* external/stagefright-plugins/
75f6d25 stagefright-plugins: Parse additional FLAC metadata
* external/tinycompress/
da916d1 timycompress: Show a warning if metadata ioctl is not supported
* frameworks/av/
23e9ce4 nuplayer: PCM offload fixes
dc5f0eb nuplayer: Fix audio EOS notifiy on AudioSink not ready
064bb6a NuPlayer: Don't maintain timeStamp if state is running
71a6763 NuPlayerDriver: Maintain the timeStamp after seek
0145bf6 stagefright: Additional fixes for extended offload support
* frameworks/base/
39f4239 KeyguardSimPinView: don't send dummy request to get remaining pin
a938a84 Cleanup qcom strings
bd273f0 SystemUI : Port LiveDisplay tile from 12.1
c055fca SystemUI: Readd AmbientDisplayTile.
1fb9c57 SystemUI: fix tile pages not filling up
* hardware/qcom/media/default/
c3286b6 media: Avoid collision with FFMPEG plugin
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
2f17da1 ContactsCommon: Improve CAF strings
* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
5c724e8 PhoneCommon: Move CAF strings
* packages/apps/Settings/
abe4aff Settings: Fix up management for wifi priority.
61bc55b Settings: Ignore externalIndex if its greater than dash category size.
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
4852f70 Add a richer system around preloading contacts
* system/vold/
5b8e453 vold: Native NTFS kernel driver support
* vendor/cmsdk/
be9f6b8 CMSettingsProvider: Split default load, don't load global for non-owner.
5acf08c CMSDK : Add live display tile
* external/fuse/
42f00b6 libfuse: Fix cast for void* in fuse opts
* external/stagefright-plugins/
75f6d25 stagefright-plugins: Parse additional FLAC metadata
934cbff stagefright-plugins: Really ignore album art "streams"
* external/toybox/
fabff83 Build a static utility executable
* frameworks/av/
0145bf6 stagefright: Additional fixes for extended offload support
1512587 stagefright: Check vendor list for allowed encoders
90ef524 stagefright: Finish "Port AOSP fixes"
715a22f stagefright: Finish support for HEVC muxing
0c19cf7 stagefright: Add support for FLAC offloading
6dde130 stagefright: Resurrect PCM offload
fb97654 stagefright: Fix a few format strings on 64-bit
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
1a6c62e gralloc: fall back to old pixel alignment on old blobs
* packages/apps/Contacts/
b568f09 Contacts: Cleanup strings
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
23f6138 ContactsCommon: move CAF strings to cm_strings
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
25d0fa6 SoundRecorder: Remove dependency on android-support-v4
* packages/services/Telecomm/
dc68b0c Telecomm: Fix copyright headers
* system/vold/
5b8e453 vold: Native NTFS kernel driver support
* bionic/
6d79500 bionic: Do not allow LD_SHIM_LIBS for setuid executables
d45ca0d Make shim lib load failure non-fatal.
* build/
e371207 core: tasks: Use KERNEL_ARCH in dt_image task
* external/f2fs-tools/
fe06482 f2fs-tools: Cleanup build targets
* external/stagefright-plugins/
70cbfe5 stagefright-plugins: Init port with larger audio buffer size
* frameworks/av/
743c7e2 StagefrightRecorder: Add support for WAVE recording
* frameworks/base/
ecb5cdb Status bar: Add HSPA+ icons
02b9815 SystemUI: Revert CAF UI modifications
* hardware/samsung/
b8400a2 ril: Unify network elements property check
* packages/apps/Settings/
2f4977f Settings: make (more) dashboard icon color consistent.
c5a4126 development: Add setting for updating recovery
7591850 Properly remove NFC payment preference
2055e59 Settings: Add back keywords to display settings
8f2ca21 Settings: Remove duplicate strings
fa32d96 Settings: Add back oclick settings
3ac9e17 Settings: Fix more derps after reorganization from 12.1
8658bb8 Settings: Fix notification settings after reorganization
e8eca71 Settings: Fix Power end call switch
ff606ac DisplaySettings: Remove device dependent prefs properly
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
7134128 SoundRecorder: runtime permissions
0609dc8 SoundRecorder: much update, so new
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
d24f3cb About: Fix build error caused by 07b5c8183b4e8d4d83f6d3631f41363ba290860b
* build/
de05e82 build: only specify least specific directory to dtbtool
* frameworks/base/
ce0e7c8 SystemUI : Ensure qs detail item isn't focusable
5b3ecc8 SystemUI: Fix padding on qs_detail.
983986d SystemUI: improve lockscreen tile behavior
4601c9f SystemUi: Readd LockscreenToggleTile.
36cf346 QSTileHost: Add missing adb_network tile
7a797c9 SystemUI: finish circle battery animation after unplugging
a954e0d LockSettings: fix build
81dd2aa LockPatternUtils: Make settings getter and setters protected
0cf7d43 Forward port CM Screen Security settings (1/2)
* packages/apps/Settings/
88970d8 Settings: Re-add Heads up switch
0017b06 Settings: Readd actions for lockscreen settings.
32454d5 Settings: fix Vibrate on touch preference not working
c342389 CryptKeeper improvements
35761ff CryptKeeper: layout whole screen in bounds
1384722 Settings: fix non lock pattern CryptKeeper crash
2491ab7 CryptKeeper: pattern unlock displays incorrect pw when correct
bc86445 Settings: handle decrypting larger pattern sizes
f47c70b Settings: allow rotation while setting new pattern
0dbfd2e Settings: forward port lock pattern grid size (2/2)
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
1b0f2b4 Fix: Restore workspace gradients when returning from Widget drop
4da2e29 Fix: Workspace background gradient
* vendor/cm/
7f67b4e sysinit: use a for loop instead of run-parts
* vendor/cmsdk/
baf6723 cmsdk: Add AmbientDisplayTile.
0cc926d cmsdk: Add LockscreenToggleTile.
* bionic/
3dc9613 libc: ARM64: denver64: optimized memmove breaks denver
* build/
820e564 core_minimal: Change make_f2fs to mkfs.f2fs
* frameworks/base/
a037ad4 SystemUi: Handle custom and dynamic tiles the same way.
de980ff SystemUi: Fix systemui tests.
68c5108 base: dynamic tiles
699d345 SystemUI : port performance profile toggle
d37c80a SystemUI : Add screen timeout tile
e799f3d SystemUI: add USB Tether tile
b4f9cb3 SystemUI: add Profiles tile
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/
6fe7f9a audio: Use direct * pathmap
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/
e80bb52 display: Use * pathmap
e04e869 Remove usage of MASTER_SIDE_CP_TARGET_LIST
3fd7d00 Revert "hqd: Use MSM_VIDC_TARGET_LIST for Venus color format"
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/
8ba01d1 media: Use * pathmap
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
5da3b19 InCallUI: Move CAF strings
* packages/apps/Settings/
497f2b7 Settings: Fix FC on app notications
b2813bb Settings: allow Profiles to be launched externally
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
a05b629 SoundRecorder: Remove CAF translations
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
d8e89b7 Trebuchet: Add scrubber to widget view
* vendor/cm/
967c503 Fix Digi Mobile defaults
* vendor/cmsdk/
4aae796 cmsdk: Nuke concept of Dynamic Tiles in available tiles.
90bc083 cmsdk: Uncomment dynamic tiles.
39559bc CMSDK : Add performance tile
ed0f0ce CMSDK : Ensure getAvailableTiles clones object
55eb818 CMSDK : Add screen timeout tile
66d189a CMSDK : Add usb tether tile
b5db07a CMSDK: Add profiles tile
* external/stagefright-plugins/
487d143 stagefright-plugins: Fix video of resolution 320x240
f7f46cc ffmpeg-extractor: Fix sample aspect ratioa issue
* frameworks/av/
4d1793b stagefright: Fix videot thumbnail retrival for wmv
6904c9a stagefright: Override to use ffmpeg for decoding wmv1
7450c3d libstagefright: Fix for testException
* frameworks/base/
958e4d0 livedisplay: Handle self-managed SRE/SVI implementations
dbe7222 Added show volume panel tile to QS
c7a735c QSDragPanel : Fix loading of tiles
a119231 QSBooleanSettingsRow : Add default value attribute
db9cc40 QS: add Sync tile (1/2)
2b920de Toast: Fix toast layout for RTL
7ea79cf SystemUI: Enable three icon switching within QS DND tile
a616e3a SystemUI: add NFC tile
3187e88 SystemUI: port compass tile to cm-13.0
* frameworks/native/
7cacf26 libbinder: allow devices to disable ashmem size tracking
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
f44be14 Also activate default UICC apps once after SIM presence.
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
9d90f41 msm8974: Clean up PCM offload checks in policy HAL
* packages/apps/AudioFX/
8edd63d AudioFX: Sync with AOSP translations
* packages/apps/Dialer/
850f49b Lookup: fix unencrypted HTTP requests by allowing cleartext traffic
* packages/apps/Settings/
643a8bf Themes: Use SRC_ATOP tintMode for external tile icons
cdc1de1 Fix FC when trying to adjust radio band via *#*#4636#*#* dialer code.
* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
bbf6a2a SoundRecorder: Sync with AOSP translations
* packages/apps/Stk/
6fb4106 Stk: Move CAF strings
4c7c70c Stk: EL AOSP translation modification
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
d35a8c1 Fix duplicate "Get More" buttons in menu
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
7600c7f Reimplement CM Settings Overview Panel Part 5
045e7db Trebuchet: Add DB migration
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
fd5645b Add support for Bépo keyboard layout
7b22160 make default overlay for "show correction suggestion"
423bea8 Rearrange Slavic & Greek morekeys
afb56da Rearrange morekeys
25d115d LatinIME: Add Luxembourgish keyboard & spellchecking dictionary
6504f24 LatinIME: Add support for Australian English
b20fb42 LatinIME: Enable Greek spell checking
0da4448 LatinIME: Enable spellchecker for additional languages
6d7fee8 LatinIME: HU enable predictive dictionary and remove unused letters
fda4c76 LatinIME: Regenerate KeyboardTextsTable
c072548 LatinIME: Apply "Enable more keys for top row on tablets" (f6620308ba) and "Add "more" keys to ALL the keys" (c561f31af9) to slavik layouts.
e71c46d LatinIME: Add "more" keys to ALL the keys in Greek layouts
* system/bt/
98889ad btm: Fix compile with BLE disabled
* vendor/cmsdk/
066a58e cmsdk: Add helper class for working with colors
968127f cmsdk: Add CMHW method to check if SRE is self managed
8719ebf CMSDK : Add volume tile
5cace15 CMSDK : Add sync tile
be217ae CMSDK : Add nfc tile
* development/
23936f4 idegen: don't use hardcoded out directory
* external/stagefright-plugins/
5101cbe ffmpeg: Fix crash when avio_check is called
* frameworks/base/
6be220d QSTiles : Switch to sdk constants
bd85853 SystemUI : Add adb over network tile
fa8fc29 Alarm: Don't use invalid timerfd alarm types
d2bec52 SystemUI: Fix quick-quick settings pulldown settings
477f58d SystemUI: hook up settings observer in notificationpanel
* frameworks/opt/hardware/
a949d95 hardware: Reference internal sdk instead of external.
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
fa7ee16 UiccController: use registerForAvailable only for
cd35dc0 Revert "Use radio availability to sync card status instead of radio on"
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
baaa8b9 hal: Add support for perf lock management (continued)
86659ab audio HAL: do not stop capture on overrun
8c88487 hal: add support for ull audio playback
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/
2d84ec7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF.2.1.2_rb1.4' into cm-13.0-caf-8084
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960/
192b634 gralloc: Add a private flag for INTERNAL only
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/apq8084/
ef9af05 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF.2.1.2_rb1.4' into cm-13.0-caf-8084
* hardware/samsung/
a499502 cmhw: Remove
bc0da3a exynos: multimedia: speed up color conversion from ARGB8888 to YUV420SP
* packages/apps/Dialer/
2d9f534 Lookup: use a more up-to-date user agent
* packages/apps/Messaging/
dbcecc6 Added local blacklist and framework blacklist database synchronization
* packages/apps/Settings/
9e4ebaf Settings : Port over reorganization from 12.1
b550024 CM PlatLogo: CyanogenMod version preference (2/2)
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
18ca1ba Modified notify() to return the Uri being modified so that ContentObservers can be informed of the modified Uri
* system/bt/
0e96e94 Bluetooth: Don't use command TX idle timer on Broadcoms
* vendor/cmsdk/
34ef4e3 CMSDK : Add compass tile
af4d676 cmsdk: Add QS utility classes.
* android/
0356f02 Update for 6.0.1_r3
* art/
875ffee Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* bionic/
4c6ac31 bionic: Notify userspace about packets with CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY
4238c50 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
* bootable/recovery/
bb67c56 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
* build/
4748671 build: add msm8996 to QCOM targets
f24fab8 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
059dafe Fix uncompressed ramdisk generation
* cts/
0b4c949 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* development/
74b818e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* device/qcom/sepolicy/
d795ff0 Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
* external/android-clat/
54455ee Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
* external/chromium-webview/
bd455d9 Update WebView to 47.0.2526.76.
* external/dnsmasq/
8c1a3f5 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/flac/
9d7d223 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
* external/icu/
b2f7a8a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/koush/ion/
f7e17a9 Ion: Update mediafile to match mediastores BMP entries
* external/libavc/
9cf14a5 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/libnfc-nci/
bac4648 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/libpng/
8e14020 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/libvpx/
97350a9 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/okhttp/
d6aee7c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/sepolicy/
c35ba5f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
* external/skia/
9c5e87b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/sonivox/
7de711f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/sqlite/
24a47a6 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* external/tinycompress/
7aafdef audio: compress error propagation
* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
ef1e5c2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/av/
c973285 audiopolicy: Add voip flag to output flag list
02d88d6 audioflinger: Don't do float conversion in upmix/downmix for legacy ALSA
41ccd68 stagefright: Add OMX.ffmpeg. checking
697a7ab Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
7f85123 Protect data source access with mutex during disconnect
56b6cf5 Fix benign overflow in ToneGenerator.cpp
c0bad78 Fix benign unsigned overflow in AudioTrack
6179f64 Fix benign overflow in AudioTrack
c3e8884 libmedia: add NULL check before accessing source and destination buffers.
06752d2 audioflinger: Fix effect can't be added for mono channel input.
5f72c89 AudioFlinger: Fix re-use of fast-track
3c51eb8 Cached reading of stsz atom
927e983 stagefright: Clear mNoMoreOutputData flag during seeking
3a8e518 mediascanner: handle DATE tag
4bc44b7 Fatal error while playing certain mkv files.
3c0409b libstagefright: squash exynos4 support
* frameworks/base/
5f28002 Fix race condition when collecting op callback.
29e7f0d Bluetooth: MAP: Update UI preference MAP disconnect status.
17746e4 Update the uid correctly.
0a8e142 Fix android-6.0.1_r3 merge derp in QSTileHost
10c07f7 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
45c11b1 Revert "libhwui: make setSurface asynchronous"
d904207 Revert "libhwui: make surface buffer allocation asynchronous"
a0b5d76 systemui: Support remote expanded style.
12bee1e SystemUI: Add support for external bitmap icons.
daafc61 SystemUi: Respect shouldCollapsePanel when handling onClick.
34dace5 SystemUi: Support expanded styles for custom tiles.
552ab56 qs: use external resource package for custom tiles
d10e52b SystemUI: Move remove button impl to QSDragPanel.
d0199cf SystemUI: allow WiFi & Bluetooth tile details to scroll
80d3e0a SystemUI : Add QSDetailItems
040feec SystemUI: Move custom tile listener service registration to phonestatusbar.
cf6674d SystemUi: Reintroduce custom qs tiles management.
95cce6e SystemUI: fix first row large tiles per page count
8040b98 SystemUI: fix inverted setting for first row qs toggle
8d23ce9 SystemUI: add first row large setting & logic for tiles
6f6f1b6 Quick settings: add statusbar setting page while editing
* frameworks/minikin/
4055ec7 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* frameworks/native/
d40a35f bug#460672 framebuffer surface can't keep triple buffer if define NUM_FRAMEBUFFER_SURFACE_BUFFERS := 3
21145be SurfaceFlinger: Add support for MDP3
4951bcc Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
* frameworks/opt/hardware/
595a401 cmhw: Add isSelfManaged for SRE module
* frameworks/opt/net/ethernet/
2a21941 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/net/ims/
d988928 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
3336c57 Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
b625fb6 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into base
* frameworks/opt/photoviewer/
af2006c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
d43a3ad telephony: Make executedPhoneId public
b64af7c Telephony: Update getVoiceCallForwardingFlag return type
e8df7c2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' into cm-13.0
749185c Revert "Telephony: Identify NetworkRequests by phone"
* frameworks/opt/timezonepicker/
4e32b23 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* frameworks/support/
5757d1c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* hardware/broadcom/libbt/
419938a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* hardware/broadcom/wlan/
8b0fc72 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* hardware/cyanogen/
1f716ab cmhw: Add hooks for LiveDisplay native interface
* hardware/libhardware/
c20f2cc Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
e79d278 Sensors: Set proper data injection flags
3cbaf6f audio: add set_parameters for listen hal (fix)
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
e1e01c5 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.5' of git:// into cm-13.0
08e8bcc hal: Reduce minimum offload fragment size for PCM offload
8191ecb hal: Increase PCM offload buffering
727d70e hal: Increase Deep buffer buffering
a1d008e hal: add support to send compress offload fragment size
8c2602a hal: policy: fallback to deep buffer if stream is music
b970dcb policy_hal: Update offload disabled flags
c2711cd policy_hal: hal: add support to enable Direct PCM
66e27c9 policy_hal: Reject offload path for AV streaming usecase
2ae232a hal: reroute active capture usecases which share same backend
3545546 audio HAL: fix thread starvation
412d96c audiopolicy: use deep buffer output by default for music streams
fdba813 policy_hal: check PCM offload property to decide offload support
97d8e9c hal: Fix low-latency capture
d995c59 hal: Add support for perf lock management
1358257 hal: Fix build with debug enabled
* hardware/qcom/audio/default/
9f78676 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/camera/
0b27895 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/display/
a88abd6 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
735e8c3 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.5' of git:// into cm-13.0
147e8f3 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.4' of git:// into cm-13.0
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
f8524be Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.5' of git:// into cm-13.0
216986d Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.4' of git:// into HEAD
* hardware/qcom/media/default/
74d7d04 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* libcore/
333a40e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
8decd8c Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
827bc6e Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/CarrierConfig/
0dbd51a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
8d7293b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
ac133b5 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/Dialer/
16360c8 Handle lookup permissions at runtime
45b869a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
d713943 Add people and reverse lookup provider "Auskunft" (AT).
* packages/apps/Email/
ebf1d23 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
9000d11 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/Exchange/
3adc679 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
7b6b43c Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
09b5462 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/Messaging/
3d4deaf Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/Nfc/
3c66d27 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into cm-13.0
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
79216f2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/Settings/
a2246fb Settings: add quick-quick settings pulldown setting
64e314b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
89ae71c Revert "Themes: Expose forced tint on fingerprint enrollment checkmark"
8331303 Settings: Always enable the per-app pulse light settings
050c08b Settings: make dashboard icons color consistent
b0887a5 Settings: skip Misc/Overcounted battery stats in builds
3dd3598 Settings: we do not ship Google Now Launcher wallpapers
* packages/apps/TvSettings/
2d8f617 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
df36d07 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
2c20764 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
91c3ad2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/providers/CallLogProvider/
220d048 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
7394f18 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
110fc49 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
0986a39 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' into cm-13.0
* packages/providers/TvProvider/
3edf32b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/
e8f32eb Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* packages/services/Telecomm/
34aa5e2 Telecomm: Update missed call API
dbb7984 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' into cm-13.0
* packages/services/Telephony/
9d73713 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' into cm-13.0
* system/bt/
320b2cc Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
2055aa7 Revert "Raise alarm callback thread priority"
99b7a92 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* system/core/
b1e86e2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* system/extras/
476c59b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* system/keymaster/
9f57b46 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* system/media/
3b01dda Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* system/netd/
4b3c822 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* system/security/
09f3036 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* system/vold/
b98b428 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' of into HEAD
* vendor/cmsdk/
fc97734 CMSettings: Add secure validators and relocate protected apps validator
0fa8756 Fix build breakage caused by "add default value for QS_USE_MAIN_TILES"
204ffe0 add default value for QS_USE_MAIN_TILES
* vendor/qcom/opensource/display-frameworks/
e0d967c Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.2_rb4.9' of git:// into cm-13.0
* build/
56041e7 dopush: Add support for OS X
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
b457ca9 alsa_sound: Make changes for FM_TUNER support
* packages/apps/Dialer/
ca7b74d Dialer: fix NPE in ReverseLookupService.doLookup
* packages/services/Telephony/
889c24f Fix removal of 'all accounts' preference.
* system/vold/
ee33dd4 vold: Fix fsck on public volumes
* art/
29bd42b art: allow devices to disable CAF bailout patches
* frameworks/base/
8800d58 Screen pinning: fix derp from mismerge of older screen pin patch
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
eecbb41 Enable reverse lookup by adding it as default PhoneNumberService
* packages/services/Telecomm/
9aaa637 telecom: Ensure that we always update bluetooth in dsda case
* system/core/
33ecd37 Revert "fs_mgr: let fsck.f2fs actually attempt a fix"
* vendor/cm/
8470084 apns: update for IMS
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