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Geoffrey Huntley ghuntley

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module Jekyll
require 'haml'
class HamlConverter < Converter
safe true
priority :low
def matches(ext)
ext =~ /haml/i
ghuntley / network_grabber.rb
Created June 2, 2011 03:32 — forked from callumj/network_grabber.rb
Grab all CITS3230 pdfs
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
root_path = ""
Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{root_path}/schedule.html")).css('a').each { |link|"#{Dir.home}/#{File.basename(link['href'])}", 'wb') {|f| f.write(open("#{root_path}/#{link['href']}").read()) } if link['href'] =~ /\b.+.pdf/ }
* Compiz vpswitch plugin
* vpswitch.cpp
* Copyright (c) 2007 Dennis Kasprzyk <>
* Go-to-numbered-viewport functionality by
* Copyright (c) 2007 Robert Carr <>
nmap <C-W>e :set splitbelow <bar>:new <bar>:VimShell <bar><CR><ESC><ESC>:set splitbelow! <bar>i<CR>
nmap <C-W>E :set splitright <bar>:vnew <bar>:VimShell <bar><CR><ESC>:set splitright! <bar>i<CR>
nmap <C-W>e :set splitbelow \| :new \| VimShell zsh \| :set splitbelow!<CR>
nmap <C-W>E :set splitright \| :vnew \| VimShell zsh \| :set splitright!<CR>
pattern = re.compile(r'([^:/]+)/([^/]+).git$')
CUT_BUFFER0(STRING) = "# Whilst repositories by default have the postfix of \".git\"\n # it is purely optional, GitHub accepts"
PULSE_COOKIE(STRING) = "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"
PULSE_SERVER(STRING) = "{1565eea12e581347137f2bde00000007}unix:/home/ghuntley/.pulse/1565eea12e581347137f2bde00000007-runtime/native"
PULSE_SESSION_ID(STRING) = "1565eea12e581347137f2bde00000007-1308781982.282268-1101177244"
PULSE_ID(STRING) = "1000@1565eea12e581347137f2bde00000007/1897"
ghuntley / post-checkout
Created June 27, 2011 11:24 — forked from drichert/post-checkout
git post-checkout hook for compressing javascript (via uglifyjs)
branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD |sed 's/refs\/heads\///')
gitroot=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
files=$(find $targetdir -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.js' ! \( -name '*.min.js' \))
echo -n "Uglifying javascript... "
for f in $files; do
ghuntley / router.js
Created July 22, 2011 02:52
Resourceful Routing with Sencha Touch
Ext.apply(Ext.Router, {
* Alias a named route to an existing named route for laziness.
* map.connect('messages', { controller: 'messages', action: 'index' });
* map.alias('message_center', 'messages');
* @param {String} alias The name of the alias to create
* @param {String} existing The name of the existing route to map the alias to