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gifguide2code /
Last active April 8, 2018 04:31
A function to automate setting shape keys for a mouth on a mesh in Blender.
import bpy
import random
def chat(speech, speed):
slist = list(speech)
mouth =['Mouth']
face =['Face']
f = 1
for x in slist:
if (x=="a") or (x=="e") or (x=="i") or (x=="o") or (x=="u") or (x=="y"):
gifguide2code / Script-Scraper
Created April 15, 2018 18:20
A VBA web scraper to bulk copy the HTML from
Sub Scrape()
'Create an array of movie names
Dim Movies()
Movies = Array("Alien", "Avatar", "Blade-Runner", "Gattaca", "Ghostbusters", "Jurassic-Park", "Looper", "Lost-in-Space", "Sphere", "Signs", "Spider-Man", "Terminator", "V-for-Vendetta")
'Loop through each item in the movie array
For x = LBound(Movies) To UBound(Movies)
gifguide2code / Timeline.pde
Created May 5, 2018 13:30
A sketch to get a timeline that moves forward and backward when you move the mouse.
int year = 0;
int y = 0;
int spacing = 50;
void setup(){
for (int i = year; i<2018; i=i+25){
gifguide2code / Static-Cipher.pde
Last active May 13, 2018 03:34
This sketch hides messages in images of static.
void setup() {
int step = 2;
int imgx = 0;
int imgy = 0;
int rand = 0;
PImage Poltergeist = loadImage("Poltergeist.png");
PImage Img = createImage(width,height,ARGB);
for (int x = 0; x<width;x++) {
gifguide2code / Static-DeCipherer.pde
Created May 13, 2018 03:31
This sketch pulls out messages hidden by the Static-Cipher.pde.
void setup() {
PImage Garbled = loadImage("Message.png");
PImage Message = createImage(width,height,ARGB);
for (int x = 0; x<width;x++) {
for (int y = 0; y <height; y++) {
int loc = x + y*width;
float r = red(Garbled.pixels[loc]);
float g = green(Garbled.pixels[loc]);
gifguide2code / History_In_Images.pde
Created May 20, 2018 23:17
A sketch incorporating images saved in the sketch folder into a vertical timeline.
int year = 0;
int y = 0;
int spacing = 50;
PImage[] imgs = new PImage[11];
String[] dates= new String[11];
String[] desc = new String [11];
void setup(){
String path = sketchPath();
String[] filenames = listFileNames(path);
gifguide2code /
Created June 10, 2018 18:17
A Python script to filter out pixels with a red value higher than 30.
from PIL import Image
im ='C:\\Users\\Desktop\\HexTest.png')
pix = im.load()
width = im.size[0]
height = im.size[1]
new_im ='RGB', (width,height), "white")
new_pix = new_im.load()
gifguide2code /
Created June 30, 2018 16:36
A Python function to create confetti in Blender, more specifically it'll create 100 small planes, assign those a new texture, and randomize their location. The confetti function takes three parameters--the first is the name of the material to be assigned, the next three are the RGB values for that material. The code below will generate yellow, g…
import bpy
import random
def confetti(MatCol,r,g,b):
#Resize to fit the scene['Plane'].name = MatCol
#Rename the planes as the 1st paramater above
mat_name = MatCol
gifguide2code /
Created July 1, 2018 22:24
This Blender function will go through a folder, pull all the jpg's inside, and map them to planes in Blender along the Z axis.
import bpy
import os
def imageLoad(imgpath):
files = os.listdir(imgpath)
#Get the names of the files in the provided folder
for x in range(len(files)):
imagename = files[x][0:20]
if files[x].endswith('.jpg'):
gifguide2code / ImageEncoder
Created July 9, 2018 01:20
A Processing sketch to hide messages in images. It assigns letters to numbers which are then used to change the red values in a .png copy of the original.
IntList numbers;
void setup () {
numbers = new IntList();
String abc = ". abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
String message = "there is a place where the sidewalk ends and before the street begins and there the grass grows soft and white and there the sun burns crimson bright and there the moon bird rests from his flight to cool in the peppermint wind";
int n = 0;
for (int i=0; i<message.length();i++) {
String letter = str(message.charAt(i));