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Last active October 4, 2021 10:33
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Tetroid in raylib with Odin
package main
* raylib - classic game: tetroid
* Sample game developed by Marc Palau and Ramon Santamaria
* This game has been created using raylib v1.3 (
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
* Translation from to Odin
* Copyright (c) 2015 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Copyright (c) 2021 Ginger Bill
import rl "vendor:raylib"
Grid_Square :: enum u8 {
game_over := false
pause := false
piece: [4][4]Grid_Square
incoming_piece: [4][4]Grid_Square
piece_position: [2]i32
fading_color: rl.Color
begin_play := true
piece_active := false
detection := false
line_to_delete := false
level := 1
lines := 0
gravity_movement_counter := 0
lateral_movement_counter := 0
turn_movement_counter := 0
fast_fall_movement_counter := 0
fade_line_counter := 0
inverse_gravity_speed := 30
main :: proc() {
rl.InitWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Tetroid")
defer rl.CloseWindow()
for !rl.WindowShouldClose() { // Detect window close button or ESC key
init_game :: proc() {
level = 1
lines = 0
fading_color = rl.GRAY
piece_position = {0, 0}
pause = false
begin_play = true
piece_active = false
detection = false
line_to_delete = false
// Counters
gravity_movement_counter = 0
lateral_movement_counter = 0
turn_movement_counter = 0
fast_fall_movement_counter = 0
fade_line_counter = 0
inverse_gravity_speed = 30
grid = {}
incoming_piece = {}
// Initialize grid matrices
for j in 0..<GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE {
switch {
case j == GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE - 1,
i == 0:
grid[i][j] = .Block
update_game :: proc() {
if game_over {
if rl.IsKeyPressed(.ENTER) {
game_over = false
if rl.IsKeyPressed(.P) {
pause = !pause
if pause {
if line_to_delete {
fade_line_counter += 1
if fade_line_counter % 8 < 4 {
fading_color = rl.MAROON
} else {
fading_color = rl.GRAY
if fade_line_counter >= FADING_TIME {
fade_line_counter = 0
line_to_delete = false
lines += 1
if !piece_active {
piece_active = create_piece()
fast_fall_movement_counter = 0
} else {
fast_fall_movement_counter += 1
gravity_movement_counter += 1
lateral_movement_counter += 1
turn_movement_counter += 1
// We make sure to move if we've pressed the key this frame
if rl.IsKeyPressed(.LEFT) || rl.IsKeyPressed(.RIGHT) {
lateral_movement_counter = LATERAL_SPEED
if rl.IsKeyPressed(.UP) {
turn_movement_counter = TURNING_SPEED
// Fall down
if rl.IsKeyDown(.DOWN) && fast_fall_movement_counter >= FAST_FALL_AWAIT_COUNTER {
// We make sure the piece is going to fall this frame
gravity_movement_counter += inverse_gravity_speed
if gravity_movement_counter >= inverse_gravity_speed {
// Basic falling movement
// Check if the piece has collided with another piece or with the boundings
resolve_falling_movement(&detection, &piece_active)
// Check if we fullfilled a line and if so, erase the line and pull down the the lines above
gravity_movement_counter = 0
// Move laterally at player's will
if lateral_movement_counter >= LATERAL_SPEED {
// Update the lateral movement and if success, reset the lateral counter
if !resolve_lateral_movement() {
lateral_movement_counter = 0
// Turn the piece at player's will
if turn_movement_counter >= TURNING_SPEED {
// Update the turning movement and reset the turning counter
if resolve_turn_movement() {
turn_movement_counter = 0
for j in 0..<2 {
for i in 1..<GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Full {
game_over = true
draw_game :: proc() {
defer rl.EndDrawing()
if game_over {
rl.DrawText(text, rl.GetScreenWidth()/2 - rl.MeasureText(text, 20)/2, rl.GetScreenHeight()/2 - 50, 20, rl.GRAY)
offset := [2]i32{
offset.y -= 50
controller := offset.x
for j in 0..<GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE {
switch grid[i][j] {
case .Empty:
rl.DrawLine(offset.x, offset.y, offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
rl.DrawLine(offset.x, offset.y, offset.x, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
rl.DrawLine(offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y, offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
rl.DrawLine(offset.x, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
case .Full:
rl.DrawRectangle(offset.x, offset.y, SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE, rl.GRAY)
case .Moving:
rl.DrawRectangle(offset.x, offset.y, SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE, rl.DARKGRAY)
case .Block:
rl.DrawRectangle(offset.x, offset.y, SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
case .Fading:
rl.DrawRectangle(offset.x, offset.y, SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE, fading_color)
offset.x += SQUARE_SIZE
offset.x = controller
offset.y += SQUARE_SIZE
offset = {500, 45}
controller = offset.x
for j in 0..<4 {
for i in 0..<4 {
#partial switch incoming_piece[i][j] {
case .Empty:
rl.DrawLine(offset.x, offset.y, offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
rl.DrawLine(offset.x, offset.y, offset.x, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
rl.DrawLine(offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y, offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
rl.DrawLine(offset.x, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.x + SQUARE_SIZE, offset.y + SQUARE_SIZE, rl.LIGHTGRAY)
offset.x += SQUARE_SIZE
case .Moving:
rl.DrawRectangle(offset.x, offset.y, SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE, rl.GRAY)
offset.x += SQUARE_SIZE
offset.x = controller
offset.y += SQUARE_SIZE
rl.DrawText("INCOMING:", offset.x, offset.y - 100, 10, rl.GRAY)
rl.DrawText(rl.TextFormat("LINES: %04i", lines), offset.x, offset.y + 20, 10, rl.GRAY)
if pause {
text :: "GAME PAUSED"
rl.DrawText(text, SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - rl.MeasureText(text, 40)/2, SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 40, 40, rl.GRAY)
create_piece :: proc() -> bool {
piece_position.x = (GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE - 4)/2
piece_position.y = 0
// If the game is starting and you are going to create the first piece, we create an extra one
if (begin_play) {
begin_play = false
// We assign the incoming piece to the actual piece
piece = incoming_piece
// We assign a random piece to the incoming one
// Assign the piece to the grid
for i in piece_position.x ..< piece_position.x+4 {
for j in 0 ..< 4 {
if piece[i - piece_position.x][j] == .Moving {
grid[i][j] = .Moving
return true
get_random_piece :: proc() {
random := rl.GetRandomValue(0, 6)
incoming_piece = {}
switch random {
case 0: incoming_piece[1][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[1][2] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][2] = .Moving //Cube
case 1: incoming_piece[1][0] = .Moving; incoming_piece[1][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[1][2] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][2] = .Moving //L
case 2: incoming_piece[1][2] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][0] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][2] = .Moving //L inversa
case 3: incoming_piece[0][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[1][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[3][1] = .Moving //Recta
case 4: incoming_piece[1][0] = .Moving; incoming_piece[1][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[1][2] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][1] = .Moving //Creu tallada
case 5: incoming_piece[1][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][2] = .Moving; incoming_piece[3][2] = .Moving //S
case 6: incoming_piece[1][2] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][2] = .Moving; incoming_piece[2][1] = .Moving; incoming_piece[3][1] = .Moving //S inversa
delete_complete_lines :: proc() {
for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for grid[1][j] == .Fading {
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
grid[i][j] = .Empty
for j2 := j-1; j2 >= 0; j2 -= 1 {
for i2 := 1; i2 < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i2 += 1 {
#partial switch grid[i2][j2] {
case .Full:
grid[i2][j2+1] = .Full
grid[i2][j2] = .Empty
case .Fading:
grid[i2][j2+1] = .Fading
grid[i2][j2] = .Empty
check_detection :: proc(detection: ^bool) {
for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if (grid[i][j] == .Moving) && ((grid[i][j+1] == .Full) || (grid[i][j+1] == .Block)) {
detection^ = true
resolve_falling_movement :: proc(detection: ^bool, piece_active: ^bool) {
if detection^ {
for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
grid[i][j] = .Full
detection^ = false
piece_active^ = false
} else {
for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
grid[i][j+1] = .Moving
grid[i][j] = .Empty
piece_position.y += 1
check_completion :: proc(line_to_delete: ^bool) {
for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
calculator := 0
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Full {
calculator += 1
if calculator == GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-2 {
line_to_delete^ = true
calculator = 0
for z in 1..<GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1 {
grid[z][j] = .Fading
resolve_lateral_movement :: proc() -> (collision: bool) {
switch {
case rl.IsKeyDown(.LEFT):
left_collision_loop: for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
if i-1 == 0 || grid[i-1][j] == .Full {
collision = true
break left_collision_loop
if !collision {
for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
grid[i-1][j] = .Moving
grid[i][j] = .Empty
piece_position.x -= 1
case rl.IsKeyDown(.RIGHT):
right_collision_loop: for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i := 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
if i+1 == GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1 || grid[i+1][j] == .Full {
collision = true
break right_collision_loop
if !collision {
for j := GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i := GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i >= 1; i -= 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
grid[i+1][j] = .Moving
grid[i][j] = .Empty
piece_position.x += 1
resolve_turn_movement :: proc() -> bool {
// Input for turning the piece
if rl.IsKeyDown(.UP) {
checker := false
// Check all turning possibilities
if ((grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 3] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 3] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 3] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 3] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 3] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 3] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 2] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 2] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 1] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 3] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 1] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 1] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 2] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 3] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 3] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 1] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 1] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 2] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 3] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 2] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 3][piece_position.y + 2] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x][piece_position.y + 1] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 3] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 3] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 1] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 2] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 2] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 1] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 1] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 1] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 2] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 1] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 1] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
} else if ((grid[piece_position.x + 1][piece_position.y + 2] == .Moving) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 2] != .Empty) &&
(grid[piece_position.x + 2][piece_position.y + 2] != .Moving)) {
checker = true
if !checker {
piece[0][0], piece[3][0], piece[3][3], piece[0][3] = \
piece[3][0], piece[3][3], piece[0][3], piece[0][0]
piece[1][0], piece[3][1], piece[2][3], piece[0][2] = \
piece[3][1], piece[2][3], piece[0][2], piece[1][0]
piece[2][0], piece[3][2], piece[1][3], piece[0][1] = \
piece[3][2], piece[1][3], piece[0][1], piece[2][0]
piece[1][1], piece[2][1], piece[2][2], piece[1][2] = \
piece[2][1], piece[2][2], piece[1][2], piece[1][1]
for j: i32 = GRID_VERTICAL_SIZE-2; j >= 0; j -= 1 {
for i: i32 = 1; i < GRID_HORIZONTAL_SIZE-1; i += 1 {
if grid[i][j] == .Moving {
grid[i][j] = .Empty
for i in i32(0)..<4 {
for j in i32(0)..<4 {
if piece[i][j] == .Moving {
grid[piece_position.x+i][piece_position.y+j] = .Moving
return true
return false
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