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Created April 14, 2023 08:39
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Recupero alcune informazioni da Windows e catturo uno screenshot tramite AutoHotKey. Articolo disponibile sul blog:
; *********************** Header - some configuration ***********************
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. (disabled by default)
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
setTitleMatchMode, 2 ; set title match mode to "contains"
;Open System Properties
ActivateOrOpen("Impostazioni", "ms-settings:about")
;Open Appwiz.cpl and search for M365Apps
ActivateOrOpen("Programmi e funzionalità", "appwiz.cpl")
WinMove, , , , , , 400, ,
WinGetPos X, Y, Width, Height
MaxX := A_ScreenWidth - Width
MaxY := A_ScreenHeight - Height - 30
WinMove, , ,%MaxX%, %MaxY%
Send, ^f
Send, "Microsoft 365 Apps"
;Take screenshot
Sleep 1000
FileCreateDir C:\Temp
;Run "%A_WorkingDir%\screenCapture.exe" "%A_ComputerName%.png"
Run "%A_WorkingDir%\screenCapture.exe" "C:\Temp\scrdel_%A_ComputerName%.png", , Min,
;Close Windows
Sleep 1000
ActivateOrOpen("Programmi e funzionalità", "appwiz.cpl")
Send !{F4}
ActivateOrOpen("Impostazioni", "ms-settings:about")
Send !{F4}
ActivateOrOpen(window, program)
; check if window exists
if WinExist(window)
WinActivate ; Uses the last found window.
{ ; else start requested program
Run cmd /c "start ^"^" ^"%program%^"",, Hide ;use cmd in hidden mode to launch requested program
WinWait, %window%,,5 ; wait up to 5 seconds for window to exist
IfWinNotActive, %window%, , WinActivate, %window%
WinActivate ; Uses the last found window.
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