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##################### ElasticSearch Configuration Example #####################
# This file contains an overview of various configuration settings,
# targeted at operations staff. Application developers should
# consult the guide at <>.
# The installation procedure is covered at
# <>.
# ElasticSearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings,
#install sublime
which subl > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo 'Installing sublime 3'
add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
apt-get update
apt-get install -y sublime-text-installer
# chkconfig: 2345 55 25
# Description: Nginx init.d script, put in /etc/init.d, chmod +x /etc/init.d/nginx
# For Debian, run: update-rc.d -f nginx defaults
# For CentOS, run: chkconfig --add nginx
# Provides: nginx
# Required-Start: $all
Feature that doesn't allow old password to be reused
Issues with proposed implementation: I had almost finished with this but it looked too cumbersome to me.
If the policy is set with value of N = 3.
* For each password reset, fetch all credentials and iterate for credential type "PASSWORD".
* Compare new credential's value with the passowrd of most recently set PASSWORD type credential (There will be only one such credential).
Aim: Configurable policy to Restrict user from using N old passwords again.
The proposed implementation via "createdDate" : I had almost finished doing this but then it din't look good to me.
Each time a user logins, we are required to
* Fetch all user credential entities and iterate to check the Credential type PASSWORD and check if it matches with the new password being set.
* if the policy is set, fetch all credential entities and iterate to check PASSWORD_EXPIRED type.
* Sort the fetched credentials on the basis of date directly via query or via utility (Collections.sort(...) etc.)
protected String self; // link
protected String id;
protected String username;
protected boolean enabled;
protected boolean totp;
protected boolean emailVerified;
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;
protected String email;
protected String federationLink;
module.factory('RealmEvents', function($resource) {
return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:id/events', {
id : '@realm'
module.filter('unique', function() {
return function(collection, keyname) {
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-2 control-label"for="username">Username <span class="required" data-ng-show="create">*</span></label>
<div class="col-sm-5">
<!-- Characters >,<,/,\ are forbidden in username -->
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="username" name="username" data-ng-model="user.username" autofocus
required ng-pattern="/^[^\<\>\\\/A-Z]*$/" data-ng-readonly="!create">
<span tooltip-placement="right" tooltip="Username must be in lowercase and is a case insensitive account identifier. Characters >,<,/,\ are forbidden in username" class="fa fa-info-circle"></span>
"eventListener": {
"sys-logging": {
"protocol": "udp",