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Last active July 10, 2021 11:50
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Context: You’re part of a research team that has found a new mysterious organism at the bottom of the ocean near hydrothermal vents. Your team names the organism, Pila aequor (P. aequor), and finds that it is only comprised of 15 DNA bases. The small DNA samples and frequency at which it mutates due to the hydrothermal vents make P. aequor an in…
// Returns a random DNA base
const returnRandBase = () => {
const dnaBases = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G']
return dnaBases[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]
// Returns a random single stand of DNA containing 15 bases
const mockUpStrand = () => {
const newStrand = []
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
return newStrand
// create array of unique Specimen Numbers
const specimenNumbersUsed = []
function PAequorFactory(num, arr){
// prevent duplication by checking with unique array above
return ("That Speciment number is already taken. Taken numbers include: " + specimenNumbersUsed)
} else {
// if unique, push into array
return {
specimenNum: num,
dna: arr,
// method to randomly select an element in the dna array and replace it with another random dnaBase
let randomChoice = this.dna[Math.floor(Math.random()* this.dna.length)];
let replaceWith = returnRandBase();
// while loop to prevent replacing element with its same type
while(randomChoice === replaceWith) {
replaceWith = returnRandBase();
console.log(`"${randomChoice}" at index ${this.dna.indexOf(randomChoice)} replaced with "${replaceWith}".`)
if(randomChoice === replaceWith){
console.log('ERROR - same letter replaced')
return this.dna.splice(this.dna.indexOf(randomChoice),1 ,replaceWith)
// method to compare the dna arrays of two specimens and return percentage match of same element at same index
compareDNA(otherSpecimensDNA) {
let count = 0
let collection =[]
for(let i = 0; i < this.dna.length; i++) {
if(this.dna[i] === otherSpecimensDNA.dna[i]){
count ++;
let percentage = parseInt((count / this.dna.length * 100).toFixed(1));
collection.push(this.specimenNum,otherSpecimensDNA.specimenNum, percentage)
console.log(`Specimen #${this.specimenNum} DNA Strand: ${this.dna} \nSpecimen #${otherSpecimensDNA.specimenNum} DNA Strand: ${otherSpecimensDNA.dna}.`)
console.log(`Specimen #${this.specimenNum} and Specimen #${otherSpecimensDNA.specimenNum} have ${percentage}% DNA in common`)
// method to return true of dna array contains 60% or more 'C' and 'G' dnaBases.
let result = this.dna.reduce(function(obj,x) {
let res = obj[x] = (obj[x] || 0) + 1;
return obj
return (result['C'] + result['G']) / this.dna.length * 100 > 59 ? true : false;
// method to create a complementary DNA strand that switches letters
complementStrand() {
return => {
switch(base) {
case 'A':
return 'T';
case 'T':
return 'A';
case 'C':
return 'G';
case 'G':
return 'C';
// create function to generate 30 instances of organisms with willLikelySurvive() === true. (ie, they can survive in their environment)
// put the survivors in here
const pAequorSurvivers = []
// function will keep creating survivors whilst there are < 30 in the above array.
function generateSurvivors() {
// to ensure specimenNum remains unique
let num = 1;
while(pAequorSurvivers.length < 30){
let survivor = PAequorFactory(num,mockUpStrand())
// if the created survivor likely survive, push into the array
// increment num to ensure unique specimenNum
console.log(`Survivors Array, "pAequorSurvivers" populated with ${pAequorSurvivers.length} entries. To see list of Arrays call showSurvivorsArrays()\n`)
// -- see all arrays of survivors
function showSurvivorsArrays(){
for(let i = 0; i < pAequorSurvivers.length; i++){
console.log(`Specimen #${pAequorSurvivers[i].specimenNum}, DNA Strand: [${pAequorSurvivers[i].dna}].`)
console.log(`\nTotal number of Specimens: ${pAequorSurvivers.length}`)
// check that the the 30 instances will survive
function checkTrue(){
for(let i = 0; i < pAequorSurvivers.length; i++) {
// re-number their specimenNum 1-30
pAequorSurvivers[i].specimenNum = i+1
console.log('Speciment number ' + pAequorSurvivers[i].specimenNum)
console.log("Can survive? " +pAequorSurvivers[i].willLikelySurvive())
// ---- invokations ---
//-- mutate
// let specimen1 = PAequorFactory(1, mockUpStrand())
// console.log(specimen1.dna)
// specimen1.mutate()
// console.log(specimen1.dna)
// -- function to run specimen1.mutate() 1000 times to check that selected random values are never passed if they are the same
// let specimen1 = PAequorFactory(1, mockUpStrand())
// function testMutate() {
// for(let i=0;i<100;i++) {
// specimen1.mutate()
// }
// }
// testMutate()
// -- generate 30 organisms that will survive their environment
// see all arrays (30) of survivors
//-- check that each of the 30 have willLikelySurvive == true
// --generate a complementary strand of dna and display
// let specimen1 = PAequorFactory(1, mockUpStrand())
// console.log(specimen1.dna)
// let specimen1Partner = specimen1.complementStrand();
// console.log(specimen1Partner)
// --compare two specimens
// let specimen1 = PAequorFactory(1, mockUpStrand())
// let specimen2 = PAequorFactory(2, mockUpStrand())
// specimen1.compareDNA(specimen2)
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