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Created June 30, 2018 02:58
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Demonstration of the importance of "tight" co-inductive definitions
Section Eff.
Variable eff : Type -> Type.
CoInductive Eff (T : Type) : Type :=
| ret (_ : T)
| interact {A : Type} (_ : eff A) (_ : A -> Eff T)
| delay (_ : Eff T).
Arguments ret {_} _.
Arguments interact {_ _} _.
Arguments delay {_} _.
Section tight.
Context {A B : Type} (k : A -> Eff B).
CoFixpoint bind_tight (f : Eff A) : Eff B :=
match f with
| ret x => delay (k x)
| interact io k' => interact io (fun x => bind_tight (k' x))
| delay f => delay (bind_tight f)
End tight.
Section loose.
CoFixpoint bind_loose {A B : Type} (k : A -> Eff B) (f : Eff A) : Eff B :=
match f with
| ret x => delay (k x)
| interact io k' => interact io (fun x => bind_loose k (k' x))
| delay f => delay (bind_loose k f)
End loose.
End Eff.
Arguments bind_tight {_ _ _} _ _.
Arguments bind_loose {_ _ _} _ _.
Arguments interact {_ _ _} _ _.
Arguments ret {_ _} _.
Arguments delay {_ _} _.
Section interp.
Context {eff eff' : Type -> Type}.
Variable do : forall {T}, eff T -> Eff eff' T.
(* Definition fails with the "loose" implementation of `bind` *)
Fail CoFixpoint interp {T} (c : Eff eff T) : Eff eff' T :=
match c with
| ret x => ret x
| interact e k =>
bind_loose (fun x => interp (k x)) (do _ e)
| delay x => delay (interp x)
(* Same definition succeeds with the "tight" implementation of `bind` *)
CoFixpoint interp {T} (c : Eff eff T) : Eff eff' T :=
match c with
| ret x => ret x
| interact e k =>
bind_tight (fun x => interp (k x)) (do _ e)
| delay x => delay (interp x)
End interp.
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