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Last active December 29, 2020 22:49
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import math
import random
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from celluloid import Camera
def adjust_lightness(color, amount):
import matplotlib.colors as mc
import colorsys
c = mc.cnames[color]
c = color
c = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*mc.to_rgb(c))
return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c[0], max(0, min(1, amount * c[1])), c[2])
class DistrRLDemo:
def get_sample(self, i_distribution):
i = random.randrange(self.n_gaussians[i_distribution])
return random.normalvariate(self.mus[i_distribution][i], self.sigmas[i_distribution][i])
def __init__(self, mus, sigmas, estimators, learn_rate, n_samples):
mus and sigmas: lists with one item per distribution, each item a tuple defining
a number of peaks in the distribution.
estimators: either an int specifying the number of estimators, or a tuple of quantiles
learn_rate: average learning rate of estimators
n_samples: number of observations to draw from the distributions
# init
# - set default plot settings
# - store info about the distributions to learn from
# -- number of distributions
self.n_distributions = len(mus)
assert len(sigmas) == self.n_distributions
# -- peaks in each distribution
self.n_gaussians = []
self.mus = []
self.sigmas = []
for i_distr in range(self.n_distributions):
assert len(sigmas[i_distr]) == self.n_gaussians[i_distr]
# - get the quantiles to estimate
if type(estimators) == tuple:
# user has provided a tuple of quantiles to use
self.n_estimators = len(estimators)
self.quantiles = np.array(estimators)
assert type(estimators) == int
# user has specified the number of quantiles to use
self.n_estimators = estimators
self.quantiles = np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_estimators+2)[1:-1]
# - get the learning rates for the estimators (scaled so as to sum to
# 2 x learn_rate)
self.pos_learn_rates = 2 * learn_rate * self.quantiles
self.neg_learn_rates = 2 * learn_rate * (1 - self.quantiles)
# - more storing
self.n_samples = n_samples
self.n_anim_frames = 2 * n_samples
# run the distributional RL
# - prepare arrays for storing the results
self.estimator_expectations = \
np.full((self.n_distributions, self.n_samples, self.n_estimators), math.nan)
self.estimator_expectations[:, 0, :] = 0
self.prediction_errors = \
np.full((self.n_distributions, self.n_samples, self.n_estimators), math.nan)
self.samples = np.full((self.n_distributions, self.n_samples), math.nan)
# - loop through the requested number of learning time steps
for i in range(self.n_samples-1):
# loop through the distributions being learned from
for i_distr in range(self.n_distributions):
# draw a sample from the distribution
self.samples[i_distr, i] = self.get_sample(i_distr)
# calculate prediction errors for the estimators
self.prediction_errors[i_distr, i, :] = \
self.samples[i_distr, i] - self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, i, :]
# which estimators had positive/negative prediction errors?
idx_pos_errors = np.argwhere(self.prediction_errors[i_distr, i, :] >= 0)
idx_neg_errors = np.argwhere(self.prediction_errors[i_distr, i, :] < 0)
# update the estimator expectations
self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, i+1, idx_pos_errors] = \
self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, i, idx_pos_errors] \
+ self.pos_learn_rates[idx_pos_errors]
self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, i+1, idx_neg_errors] = \
self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, i, idx_neg_errors] \
- self.neg_learn_rates[idx_neg_errors]
def set_plot_settings(self,
plot_samples = True, plot_ests = True, plot_quantiles = False,
plot_pdf = False, plot_cdf = False,
plot_xticks = True, plot_only_zero_xtick = True, plot_yticks = True,
plot_xlabel = None, plot_ylabel = None,
distr_colors = None, distr_labels = None, distr_label_xs = None, distr_label_ys = None,
lr_plot_scaling = None, est_spacing = None, xlim = None):
self.plot_samples = plot_samples
self.plot_ests = plot_ests
self.plot_quantiles = plot_quantiles
self.plot_pdf = plot_pdf
self.plot_cdf = plot_cdf
self.plot_xticks = plot_xticks
self.plot_only_zero_xtick = plot_only_zero_xtick
self.plot_yticks = plot_yticks
self.plot_xlabel = plot_xlabel
self.plot_ylabel = plot_ylabel
self.distr_colors = distr_colors
self.distr_labels = distr_labels
self.distr_label_xs = distr_label_xs
self.distr_label_ys = distr_label_ys
self.lr_plot_scaling = lr_plot_scaling
self.est_spacing = est_spacing
self.xlim = xlim
def get_plot_xlims(self):
if self.xlim is None:
plotmin_x = math.inf
plotmax_x = -math.inf
for i_distr in range(self.n_distributions):
this_plotmin_x = min(self.mus[i_distr] - N_PLOT_STDDEVS * self.sigmas[i_distr])
this_plotmax_x = max(self.mus[i_distr] + N_PLOT_STDDEVS * self.sigmas[i_distr])
plotmin_x = min(plotmin_x, this_plotmin_x)
plotmax_x = max(plotmax_x, this_plotmax_x)
plotmin_x = self.xlim[0]
plotmax_x = self.xlim[1]
return (plotmin_x, plotmax_x)
def plot_snapshot(self, axes = None, n_data_samples = None, n_learned_samples = None):
# larger font size
plt.rc('font', size=FONTSIZE)
# need to create an axes for plotting?
if axes is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
# plot colours provided?
if self.distr_colors is None:
self.distr_colors = []
for i_distr in range(self.n_distributions):
# plot the end result if no specific sample requested by user
if n_data_samples is None:
n_data_samples = self.n_samples
if n_learned_samples is None:
n_learned_samples = self.n_samples-1
# get a good x plot range
(plotmin_x, plotmax_x) = self.get_plot_xlims()
# loop over the distributions and plot
maxYs = [] # for keeping track of max Y output and to set the y limits accordingly
for i_distr in range(self.n_distributions):
base_color = self.distr_colors[i_distr]
dark_color = adjust_lightness(base_color, 0.9)
# plot the actual samples obtained?
if self.plot_samples:
N_BINS = 50
bin_width = (plotmax_x - plotmin_x) / N_BINS
unscaled_area = self.n_samples * bin_width
bin_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(self.samples[i_distr, :n_data_samples], \
bins=N_BINS, range=(plotmin_x, plotmax_x))
sample_bar_heights = bin_counts / unscaled_area[:-1], sample_bar_heights, width=bin_width, align='edge', \
color=base_color, alpha=0.3)
# what will the sample bar heights be at the last sample?
final_bin_counts, __ = np.histogram(self.samples[i_distr, :], bins=N_BINS, \
range=(plotmin_x, plotmax_x))
final_sample_bar_heights = final_bin_counts / unscaled_area
maxYs[i_distr] = max(maxYs[i_distr], max(final_sample_bar_heights))
# get the true pdf and cdf for the distribution
distr_x = np.linspace(plotmin_x, plotmax_x, 500)
distr_pdf = np.zeros(distr_x.size)
for i in range(self.n_gaussians[i_distr]):
distr_pdf += scipy.stats.norm.pdf(distr_x, self.mus[i_distr][i], self.sigmas[i_distr][i]) \
/ self.n_gaussians[i_distr]
maxYs[i_distr] = max(maxYs[i_distr], max(distr_pdf))
distr_cdf = np.cumsum(np.diff(distr_x) * distr_pdf[1:])
# get (and possibly plot) the true locations of the sought quantiles for this distribution
true_quantiles = np.full(self.n_estimators, math.nan)
for i in range(self.n_estimators):
true_quantile_idx = np.argwhere(distr_cdf >= self.quantiles[i])[0]
true_quantiles[i] = distr_x[true_quantile_idx]
if self.plot_quantiles:
if self.plot_cdf:
axes.plot(np.array((plotmin_x, true_quantiles[i])), np.full(2, self.quantiles[i]), \
'--', color = base_color, lw = 1)
axes.plot(np.full(2, true_quantiles[i]), np.array((0, self.quantiles[i])), \
'--', color = base_color, lw = 1)
elif self.plot_pdf:
axes.plot(np.full(2, true_quantiles[i]), np.array((0, distr_pdf[true_quantile_idx])), \
'--', color = base_color, lw = 1)
axes.plot(np.full(2, true_quantiles[i]), np.array((0, max(distr_pdf)/6)), \
'--', color = base_color, lw = 1)
# plot the true pdf and cdf?
if self.plot_pdf:
MIN_PLOT_PDF = 0.001
distr_pdf_hi = np.copy(distr_pdf)
distr_pdf_hi[np.argwhere(distr_pdf < MIN_PLOT_PDF)] = math.inf
axes.plot(distr_x, distr_pdf_hi, color = base_color, lw = 2)
if self.plot_cdf:
axes.plot(distr_x[:-1], distr_cdf, '--', color = base_color, lw = 1.5)
# y coords for estimator plotting
if self.est_spacing is None:
est_ys = np.zeros(self.n_estimators)
est_ys = np.arange(self.n_estimators) * self.est_spacing
# plot the estimator expectations at the specified sample?
if self.plot_ests:
axes.plot(self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, n_learned_samples, :], \
est_ys, 'o', markersize=6, color=base_color)
# plot the learning rates per estimator?
if not self.lr_plot_scaling is None:
for i_est in range(self.n_estimators):
est_x = self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, n_learned_samples, i_est]
est_y = est_ys[i_est]
est_lrs = np.array((-self.neg_learn_rates[i_est], self.pos_learn_rates[i_est]))
axes.plot(est_x + self.lr_plot_scaling * est_lrs, np.full(2, est_y), '-', \
color=base_color, lw=1.5)
axes.plot(est_x + self.lr_plot_scaling * est_lrs[0], est_y, '<', \
color=base_color, markersize=4)
axes.plot(est_x + self.lr_plot_scaling * est_lrs[1], est_y, '>', \
color=base_color, markersize=4)
# set x limits
axes.set_xlim((plotmin_x, plotmax_x))
# set y limits
if self.plot_cdf:
max_y = 1
max_y = max(maxYs) # max of pdfs and samples (if plotted)
plotmin_y = -max_y * ZOOM_FACTOR
plotmax_y = max_y * (1 + ZOOM_FACTOR)
axes.set_ylim((plotmin_y, plotmax_y))
# distribution labels?
if not (self.distr_labels is None):
for i_distr, label in enumerate(self.distr_labels):
label_x = self.distr_label_xs[i_distr]
label_y = self.distr_label_ys[i_distr] * max_y
axes.text(label_x, label_y, label, color = self.distr_colors[i_distr],
fontweight = 'medium', horizontalalignment = 'center')
# axis ticks?
if not self.plot_xticks:
axes.tick_params(axis='x', bottom=False, labelbottom=False)
elif self.plot_only_zero_xtick:
if not self.plot_yticks:
axes.tick_params(axis='y', left=False, labelleft=False)
# axis labels?
if not self.plot_xlabel is None:
if not self.plot_ylabel is None:
# axis lines?
if (self.plot_xlabel is None) and (not self.plot_xticks):
if (self.plot_ylabel is None) and (not self.plot_yticks):
def plot_estimator_trajectories(self, axes = None):
# init
plt.rc('font', size=FONTSIZE)
if axes is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
for i_distr in range(self.n_distributions):
for i in range(self.n_estimators):
axes.plot(self.estimator_expectations[i_distr, :, i],
np.arange(self.n_samples), color = self.distr_colors[i_distr])
def get_n_samples_for_anim_frame(self, i_frame):
assert i_frame >= 0 and i_frame <= self.n_anim_frames-1
n_data_samples = math.ceil(i_frame/2)
n_learned_samples = math.floor(i_frame/2)
return (n_data_samples, n_learned_samples)
def save_gif(self, file_name, rl_frame_step = 1, gif_frame_rate=10):
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
camera = Camera(fig)
for i_frame in range(0, self.n_anim_frames, rl_frame_step):
n_data_samples, n_learned_samples = \
self.plot_snapshot(axes=axes, n_data_samples=n_data_samples, n_learned_samples=n_learned_samples)
animation = camera.animate(), writer="imagemagick", fps=gif_frame_rate)
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