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Last active May 16, 2016 12:50
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Ruby Class to Query Google Safe Browsing API in Batches
# Note: POST requests are limited to 500 domains each with the SB API, which is why this code splits it into batches
require 'net/https'
require 'open3'
class SafeBrowsing
attr_reader :opt
attr_accessor :results
def initialize(opt={})
@opt = opt
@results = {}
# Public: Accept Array of domains, split it into batches of
# 500 and use check_batch method to query Safe Browsing API.
# domains - Array of domain names to check
# Example:
# check(['', ''])
# # => {{""=>{:type=>"malware", :owner=>"dom"}}
# Returns Hash of infected domains
def check(domains)
domains.each_slice(500) do |slice|
resp = check_batch(slice)
resp.each do |k,entry|
if !entry[:safe]
owner = find_domain_owner(entry[:domain])
results[entry[:domain]] = {type: entry[:type], owner: owner}
# Private: Take domains Array and run Safe Browsing API check
# against each domain then return Hash of results.
# domains - Array of domains (maximum of 500)
# Example:
# check_batch(['', ''])
# # => {0=>{:domain=>"", :safe=>true, :type=>"ok"}, 1=>{:domain=>"", :safe=>true, :type=>"ok"}
def check_batch(domains)
batch = {}
domain_list = index_array(domains)
resp_list = index_array(safe_api(domains))
total = domains.size
( do |n|
is_safe = resp_list[n].include?("ok") ? true : false
batch[n] = {domain: domain_list[n], safe: is_safe, type: resp_list[n]}
# Private: Take Array and convert it to a Hash and index it by making the key
# an Integer.
# array - The Array that we will be indexing
# Example:
# index_array(['zero', 'one, 'two'])
# # => {0=>"zero", 1=>"one", 2=>"two"}
# Returns Hash
def index_array(array)
Hash[ {|v,i| [i,v]}]
# Private: Take a String and find the owner (username) of the account on
# the server.
# domain - String of the domain name
# Example:
# find_domain_owner("")
# # => "username"
# Returns String
def find_domain_owner(domain)
run_command("/scripts/whoowns #{domain}")[:stdout].chomp
# Private: Run a system command using the Open3 library and return a Hash
# containing the stdout, stderr, and exit status.
# cmd - The system command you want to run.
# Examples
# run_command('whoami')
# # => {:stdout=>"root\n", :stderr=>"", :exitstatus=>true}
# Returns Hash of stdout, stderr, and exit status of the command run.
def run_command(cmd)
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(cmd)
:stdout => stdout,
:stderr => stderr,
:exitstatus => status.exitstatus == 0
# Private: Take Array of no more than 500 domains and send POST request
# to Google Safe Browsing API and return results as Array.
# domains - Array of domains to check
# Example:
# safe_api(['', ''])
# # => ["malware", "ok"]
# Returns Array
def safe_api(domains)
raise "Error: Domains Array contained more than 500 domains" if domains.size>500
http ='', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
req ="/safebrowsing/api/lookup?client=#{opt[:client]}&key=#{opt[:key]}&appver=0.1&pver=3.1")
req.body = form_request_body(domains)
resp = http.request(req)
case resp.code.to_i
when 200
# one or more domains in the list has malware or phishing content
when 204
# google returns a 204 and empty body if all domains were clean, so we need to simulate
# the correct number of "ok" lines
("ok\n" * domains.size).split("\n")
when 400
raise "400 - Bad Request: The HTTP request was not correctly formed."
when 401
raise "401 - Not Authorized: The API key is not authorized."
when 503
raise "503 - Service Unavailable: The server cannot handle the request."
# Private: Take Array of domain names and re-map them to include
# the http:// prefix (Google API Requirement) and add the
# total number of domains in the request as the first element
# of the Array, then convert to String.
# domains - Array of domains
# Example:
# form_request_body(['', ''])
# "2\n\n"
# Returns String
def form_request_body(domains)
payload = {|domain| "http://#{domain}" }
# safe =
# :client => "google_dev_client",
# :key => "google_dev_key"
# )
# domains ="/etc/localdomains").split
# puts safe.check(domains)
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