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Last active June 6, 2018 13:32
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Start iOS Simulator and wait for boot
package main
import (
ver ""
// SimInfoModel ...
type SimInfoModel struct {
Name string
SimID string
Status string
StatusOther string
// OSVersionSimInfoPairModel ...
type OSVersionSimInfoPairModel struct {
OSVersion string
SimulatorInfo SimInfoModel
// SimulatorsGroupedByIOSVersionsModel ...
type SimulatorsGroupedByIOSVersionsModel map[string][]SimInfoModel
// XcodebuildVersionModel ...
type XcodebuildVersionModel struct {
Version string
BuildVersion string
MajorVersion int64
// GetXcodeVersion ...
func GetXcodeVersion() (XcodebuildVersionModel, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("xcodebuild", "-version")
outBytes, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
outStr := string(outBytes)
if err != nil {
return XcodebuildVersionModel{}, fmt.Errorf("xcodebuild -version failed, err: %s, details: %s", err, outStr)
split := strings.Split(outStr, "\n")
if len(split) == 0 {
return XcodebuildVersionModel{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse xcodebuild version output (%s)", outStr)
xcodebuildVersion := split[0]
buildVersion := split[1]
split = strings.Split(xcodebuildVersion, " ")
if len(split) != 2 {
return XcodebuildVersionModel{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse xcodebuild version output (%s)", outStr)
version := split[1]
split = strings.Split(version, ".")
majorVersionStr := split[0]
majorVersion, err := strconv.ParseInt(majorVersionStr, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return XcodebuildVersionModel{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse xcodebuild version output (%s), error: %s", outStr, err)
return XcodebuildVersionModel{
Version: xcodebuildVersion,
BuildVersion: buildVersion,
MajorVersion: majorVersion,
}, nil
// a simulator info line should look like this:
// iPhone 5s (EA1C7E48-8137-428C-A0A5-B2C63FF276EB) (Shutdown)
// or
// iPhone 4s (51B10EBD-C949-49F5-A38B-E658F41640FF) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
func getSimInfoFromLine(lineStr string) (SimInfoModel, error) {
baseInfosExp := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<deviceName>[a-zA-Z].*[a-zA-Z0-9 -]*) \((?P<simulatorID>[a-zA-Z0-9-]{36})\) \((?P<status>[a-zA-Z]*)\)`)
baseInfosRes := baseInfosExp.FindStringSubmatch(lineStr)
if baseInfosRes == nil {
return SimInfoModel{}, fmt.Errorf("No match found")
simInfo := SimInfoModel{
Name: baseInfosRes[1],
SimID: baseInfosRes[2],
Status: baseInfosRes[3],
// StatusOther
restOfTheLine := lineStr[len(baseInfosRes[0]):]
if len(restOfTheLine) > 0 {
statusOtherExp := regexp.MustCompile(`\((?P<statusOther>[a-zA-Z ,]*)\)`)
statusOtherRes := statusOtherExp.FindStringSubmatch(restOfTheLine)
if statusOtherRes != nil {
simInfo.StatusOther = statusOtherRes[1]
return simInfo, nil
func collectAllSimIDs(simctlListOutputToScan string) SimulatorsGroupedByIOSVersionsModel {
simulatorsByIOSVersions := SimulatorsGroupedByIOSVersionsModel{}
currIOSVersion := ""
fscanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(simctlListOutputToScan))
isDevicesSectionFound := false
for fscanner.Scan() {
aLine := fscanner.Text()
if aLine == "== Devices ==" {
isDevicesSectionFound = true
if !isDevicesSectionFound {
if strings.HasPrefix(aLine, "==") {
isDevicesSectionFound = false
if strings.HasPrefix(aLine, "--") {
iosVersionSectionExp := regexp.MustCompile(`-- (?P<iosVersionSection>.*) --`)
iosVersionSectionRes := iosVersionSectionExp.FindStringSubmatch(aLine)
if iosVersionSectionRes != nil {
currIOSVersion = iosVersionSectionRes[1]
// fmt.Println("-> ", aLine)
simInfo, err := getSimInfoFromLine(aLine)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(" [!] Error scanning the line for Simulator info: ", err)
currIOSVersionSimList := simulatorsByIOSVersions[currIOSVersion]
currIOSVersionSimList = append(currIOSVersionSimList, simInfo)
simulatorsByIOSVersions[currIOSVersion] = currIOSVersionSimList
return simulatorsByIOSVersions
// Compares sematic versions with 2 components (9.1, 9.2, ...)
// Return true if first version is greater then second
func isOsVersionGreater(osVersion, otherOsVersion string) (bool, error) {
versionPtrs := []*ver.Version{}
for _, osVer := range []string{osVersion, otherOsVersion} {
osVersionSplit := strings.Split(osVer, " ")
if len(osVersionSplit) != 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse version: %s", osVer)
version, err := ver.NewVersion(osVersionSplit[1])
if err != nil {
return false, err
versionPtrs = append(versionPtrs, version)
return versionPtrs[0].GreaterThan(versionPtrs[1]), nil
func getLatestOsVersion(desiredPlatform, desiredDevice string, allSimIDsGroupedBySimVersion SimulatorsGroupedByIOSVersionsModel) (string, error) {
latestOsVersion := ""
for osVersion, simInfos := range allSimIDsGroupedBySimVersion {
if !strings.HasPrefix(osVersion, desiredPlatform) {
deviceExist := false
for _, simInfo := range simInfos {
if simInfo.Name == desiredDevice {
deviceExist = true
if !deviceExist {
if latestOsVersion == "" {
latestOsVersion = osVersion
} else {
greater, err := isOsVersionGreater(osVersion, latestOsVersion)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if greater {
latestOsVersion = osVersion
if latestOsVersion == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find latest os version for (%s) - (%s)", desiredPlatform, desiredDevice)
return latestOsVersion, nil
// Main
// GetSimulator ...
func GetSimulator(simulatorPlatform, simulatorDevice, simulatorOsVersion string) (SimInfoModel, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("xcrun", "simctl", "list")
outBytes, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return SimInfoModel{}, err
simctlListOut := string(outBytes)
allSimIDsGroupedBySimVersion := collectAllSimIDs(simctlListOut)
// map desired inputs
simulatorPlatformSplit := strings.Split(simulatorPlatform, " Simulator")
if len(simulatorPlatformSplit) == 0 {
return SimInfoModel{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse simulator platform (%s)", simulatorPlatform)
if simulatorDevice == "iPad" {
fmt.Printf("Given device (%s) is deprecated, using (iPad 2)...", simulatorDevice)
simulatorDevice = "iPad 2"
desiredPlatform := simulatorPlatformSplit[0]
desiredOsVersion := ""
if simulatorOsVersion == "latest" {
latestOsVersion, err := getLatestOsVersion(desiredPlatform, simulatorDevice, allSimIDsGroupedBySimVersion)
if err != nil {
return SimInfoModel{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest os version, error: %s", err)
desiredOsVersion = latestOsVersion
} else {
normalizedOsVersion := simulatorOsVersion
osVersionSplit := strings.Split(normalizedOsVersion, ".")
if len(osVersionSplit) > 2 {
normalizedOsVersion = strings.Join(osVersionSplit[0:2], ".")
desiredOsVersion = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", desiredPlatform, normalizedOsVersion)
// find desired simulator
simInfoList, found := allSimIDsGroupedBySimVersion[desiredOsVersion]
if !found {
return SimInfoModel{}, fmt.Errorf("no simulator found for desired os: %s", desiredOsVersion)
for _, simInfo := range simInfoList {
if simInfo.Name == simulatorDevice {
return simInfo, nil
return SimInfoModel{}, fmt.Errorf("%s - %s - %s not found", simulatorPlatform, simulatorDevice, simulatorOsVersion)
func getXcodeDeveloperDirPath() (string, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("xcode-select", "--print-path")
outBytes, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
outStr := string(outBytes)
return strings.TrimSpace(outStr), err
// BootSimulator ...
func BootSimulator(simulator SimInfoModel, xcodebuildVersion XcodebuildVersionModel) error {
simulatorApp := "Simulator"
if xcodebuildVersion.MajorVersion == 6 {
simulatorApp = "iOS Simulator"
xcodeDevDirPth, err := getXcodeDeveloperDirPath()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get Xcode Developer Directory - most likely is not installed")
simulatorAppFullPath := filepath.Join(xcodeDevDirPth, "Applications", simulatorApp+".app")
cmd := command.New("open", simulatorAppFullPath, "--args", "-CurrentDeviceUDID", simulator.SimID)
fmt.Printf("$ %s\n", cmd.PrintableCommandArgs())
out, err := cmd.RunAndReturnTrimmedCombinedOutput()
outStr := string(out)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start simulators (%s), output: %s, error: %s", simulator.SimID, outStr, err)
return nil
func main() {
platfrom := "iOS Simulator"
device := "iPhone 6s Plus"
version := "11.2"
sim, err := GetSimulator(platfrom, device, version)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Sim: %v\n", sim)
xcodeVersion, err := GetXcodeVersion()
if err != nil {
if err := BootSimulator(sim, xcodeVersion); err != nil {
booted := sim.Status == "Booted"
for !booted {
sim, err := GetSimulator(platfrom, device, version)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Sim: %v\n", sim)
booted = sim.Status == "Booted"
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
cmd := command.New("envman", "add", "--key", "SIM_UUID", "--value", sim.SimID)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
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