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Log files from jetbrains-toolbox.
Note: This is the log file that gets created after I remove ~/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox. I ran ./jetbrains-toolbox from ~/Downloads/jetbrains-toolbox-1.2.2314/ to create this log. In the process, there was a message in the terminal about a segfault. However, that did not change the behavior of the application. It still went from an unresponsive black window to an unresponsive and permanently white window.
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.964 INFO =============================================
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO Starting application. Version "1.2.2314" built on "Mar 16 2017"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO OS kernel "linux" "4.10.6-1-ARCH" on "x86_64"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO Qt Framework version 5.7.1
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO Process environment variables:
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO "ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO "ANT_HOME=/usr/share/apache-ant"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO "APPDIR=/tmp/.mount_9slhXO"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.966 INFO "APPIMAGE=/home/john/Downloads/jetbrains-toolbox-1.2.2314/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox-nightly"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "CLASSPATH=/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries/Java:/usr/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/Java"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "COLORFGBG=12;8"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "COLORTERM=rxvt"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "DESKTOP_SESSION=i3"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "DISPLAY=:0"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "FT2_SUBPIXEL_HINTING=1"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "GDMSESSION=i3"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES=/usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "GRADLE_HOME=/usr/share/java/gradle"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=./share/glib-2.0/schemas/:"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "GTK_MODULES=canberra-gtk-module"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries/Guile:/usr/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/Guile"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "HAXE_STD_PATH=/usr/share/haxe/std"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "HG=/usr/bin/hg"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "HOME=/home/john"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "INFOPATH=/usr/share/info::/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Documentation/info:"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "LANG=en_US.UTF-8"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=share/jetbrains-toolbox:share/jetbrains-toolbox/lib:./lib/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:./lib32/:./lib64/:../lib/:../lib/i386-linux-gnu/:../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:../lib32/:../lib64/:/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries:/usr/lib"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "LOGNAME=john"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "MAIL=/var/spool/mail/john"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "OWD=/home/john/Downloads/jetbrains-toolbox-1.2.2314"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "PATH=./bin/:./sbin/:./games/:../bin/:../sbin/:/home/john/GNUstep/Tools:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/opt/depot_tools:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "PERLLIB=./share/perl5/:./lib/perl5/:"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "PWD=/tmp/.mount_9slhXO/usr"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "PYTHONPATH=./share/pyshared/:"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "QT_PLUGIN_PATH=./lib/qt4/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib32/qt4/plugins/:./lib64/qt4/plugins/:./lib/qt5/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib32/qt5/plugins/:./lib64/qt5/plugins/:"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=share/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "SHELL=/usr/bin/fish"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "SHLVL=3"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "TERM=rxvt-unicode-256color"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "USER=john"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "WINDOWID=62914569"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XAUTHORITY=/home/john/.Xauthority"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=i3"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_DATA_DIRS=./share/:"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/lightdm-data/john"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_SEAT=seat0"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=i3"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_SESSION_ID=c6"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session2"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "XDG_VTNR=8"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "_=share/jetbrains-toolbox/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.967 INFO "_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp "
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.968 INFO commandline: ("share/jetbrains-toolbox/jetbrains-toolbox", "--disable-gpu")
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.968 INFO User-Agent: "Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64)"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.981 WARN QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.981 WARN QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_server_method
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.985 INFO Support SSL: true
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.985 INFO SSL Version Number: 268443839
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.985 INFO SSL Version String: "OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.985 INFO SSL Build Version Number: 268439647
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.985 INFO SSL Build Version String: "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.985 INFO Successfully set global devicePixelRatio to 2
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.985 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.987 INFO onStart: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.988 INFO onStart: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.988 INFO onStart: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.988 INFO onStart: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.988 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.996 INFO uniqueApplicationKey = "6783b863e37f396bac7f81d519d8fa3b"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:14.998 DEBUG setCurrentDirectoryToDataDirectory: setting current directory to QDir( "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" , nameFilters = { "*" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.002 INFO Configuring SSL library for accepting TLS 1.2 or later only
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.015 INFO Bundled OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.015 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default config location /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf exists? false
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.015 INFO Bundled OpenSSL ca file environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE value <not_present>
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.015 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default ca file /usr/local/ssl/cert.pem exists? false
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.015 INFO Bundled OpenSSL ca dir environment variable SSL_CERT_DIR value <not_present>
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.015 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default ca dir /usr/local/ssl/certs exists? false
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.016 INFO Application Dir "/tmp/.mount_9slhXO/usr/share/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.017 INFO Created settings file at "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/.settings.json"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.018 INFO Application not installed, installing now
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.018 INFO Installing to "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.119 INFO Launching "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:15.119 INFO Executing "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin/jetbrains-toolbox" args "--wait-for-pid 20965 --update-successful"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.585 INFO =============================================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO Starting application. Version "1.2.2314" built on "Mar 16 2017"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO OS kernel "linux" "4.10.6-1-ARCH" on "x86_64"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO Qt Framework version 5.7.1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO Process environment variables:
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "ANT_HOME=/usr/share/apache-ant"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "APPDIR=/tmp/.mount_GsMXMq"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "APPIMAGE=/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox-nightly"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "CLASSPATH=/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries/Java:/usr/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/Java"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "COLORFGBG=12;8"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "COLORTERM=rxvt"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "DESKTOP_SESSION=i3"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "DISPLAY=:0"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "FT2_SUBPIXEL_HINTING=1"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "GDMSESSION=i3"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES=/usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.587 INFO "GRADLE_HOME=/usr/share/java/gradle"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=./share/glib-2.0/schemas/:./share/glib-2.0/schemas/:"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "GTK_MODULES=canberra-gtk-module"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries/Guile:/usr/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/Guile"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "HAXE_STD_PATH=/usr/share/haxe/std"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "HG=/usr/bin/hg"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "HOME=/home/john"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "INFOPATH=/usr/share/info::/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Documentation/info:"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "LANG=en_US.UTF-8"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=share/jetbrains-toolbox:share/jetbrains-toolbox/lib:./lib/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:./lib32/:./lib64/:../lib/:../lib/i386-linux-gnu/:../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:../lib32/:../lib64/:share/jetbrains-toolbox:share/jetbrains-toolbox/lib:./lib/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:./lib32/:./lib64/:../lib/:../lib/i386-linux-gnu/:../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:../lib32/:../lib64/:/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries:/usr/lib"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "LOGNAME=john"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "MAIL=/var/spool/mail/john"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "OWD=/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "PATH=./bin/:./sbin/:./games/:../bin/:../sbin/:./bin/:./sbin/:./games/:../bin/:../sbin/:/home/john/GNUstep/Tools:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/opt/depot_tools:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "PERLLIB=./share/perl5/:./lib/perl5/:./share/perl5/:./lib/perl5/:"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "PWD=/tmp/.mount_GsMXMq/usr"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "PYTHONPATH=./share/pyshared/:./share/pyshared/:"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "QT_PLUGIN_PATH=./lib/qt4/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib32/qt4/plugins/:./lib64/qt4/plugins/:./lib/qt5/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib32/qt5/plugins/:./lib64/qt5/plugins/:./lib/qt4/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib32/qt4/plugins/:./lib64/qt4/plugins/:./lib/qt5/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib32/qt5/plugins/:./lib64/qt5/plugins/:"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=share/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "SHELL=/usr/bin/fish"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "SHLVL=4"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "TERM=rxvt-unicode-256color"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "USER=john"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "WINDOWID=62914569"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XAUTHORITY=/home/john/.Xauthority"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=i3"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_DATA_DIRS=./share/:./share/:"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/lightdm-data/john"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_SEAT=seat0"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=i3"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_SESSION_ID=c6"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session2"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "XDG_VTNR=8"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "_=share/jetbrains-toolbox/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO "_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp "
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.588 INFO commandline: ("share/jetbrains-toolbox/jetbrains-toolbox", "--disable-gpu", "--wait-for-pid", "20965", "--update-successful")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.589 INFO User-Agent: "Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64)"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.601 WARN QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.601 WARN QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_server_method
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.606 INFO Support SSL: true
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.606 INFO SSL Version Number: 268443839
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.606 INFO SSL Version String: "OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.606 INFO SSL Build Version Number: 268439647
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.606 INFO SSL Build Version String: "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.606 INFO Successfully set global devicePixelRatio to 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.606 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.608 INFO onStart: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.609 INFO onStart: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.609 INFO onStart: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.609 INFO onStart: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.609 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.616 INFO Waiting for pid to exit: 20965
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.617 DEBUG static Result<void> Processes::waitForPid(qint64, qint32) Waiting for pid "20965" to exit
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:15.617 DEBUG Process "20965" is still running. Waiting 20000 ms
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:16.618 DEBUG Process "20965" is still running. Waiting 19000 ms
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:17.618 DEBUG Process "20965" is still running. Waiting 18000 ms
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:18.225 DEBUG Process looks alive
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:18.225 INFO successfully started "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20965 2017-04-15T15:27:18.225 ERROR "Toolbox app is installed to .local"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.618 DEBUG Process "20965" has gone or not accessible
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.619 INFO uniqueApplicationKey = "6783b863e37f396bac7f81d519d8fa3b"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.621 DEBUG setCurrentDirectoryToDataDirectory: setting current directory to QDir( "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" , nameFilters = { "*" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.625 INFO Configuring SSL library for accepting TLS 1.2 or later only
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.637 INFO Bundled OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.637 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default config location /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf exists? false
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.637 INFO Bundled OpenSSL ca file environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE value <not_present>
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.637 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default ca file /usr/local/ssl/cert.pem exists? false
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.637 INFO Bundled OpenSSL ca dir environment variable SSL_CERT_DIR value <not_present>
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.637 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default ca dir /usr/local/ssl/certs exists? false
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.637 INFO Application Dir "/tmp/.mount_GsMXMq/usr/share/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.644 ERROR Failed to open desktop file "/home/john/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop" for writing
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.644 WARN QIODevice::write (QFile, "/home/john/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"): device not open
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.644 INFO Install .desktop file to "/home/john/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.644 INFO Adding jetbrains:// protocol handler to mimeapps.list
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.644 INFO Executing "/usr/bin/xdg-mime" args "default|jetbrains-toolbox.desktop|x-scheme-handler/jetbrains"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 DEBUG Process exited with code: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 INFO Updating icon cache
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 INFO Executing "" args "-f"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 WARN Failed to update icon cache: "File is not found: "
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 ERROR Failed to open desktop file "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop" for writing
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 WARN QIODevice::write (QFile, "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"): device not open
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 INFO Install .desktop file to "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 INFO Adding jetbrains:// protocol handler to mimeapps.list
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.654 INFO Executing "/usr/bin/xdg-mime" args "default|jetbrains-toolbox.desktop|x-scheme-handler/jetbrains"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.663 DEBUG Process exited with code: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.781 INFO Available system fonts: "ABeeZee, Abel, Abhaya Libre, Abhaya Libre ExtraBold, Abhaya Libre Medium, Abhaya Libre SemiBold, Abril Fatface, Abyssinica SIL, Aclonica, Acme, Actor, Adamina, Adobe Blank, Advent Pro, Aguafina Script, Akronim, Aksara Bali Galang, Aladin, Aldrich, Alef, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans, Alegreya Sans Black, Alegreya Sans ExtraBold, Alegreya Sans Light, Alegreya Sans Medium, Alegreya Sans SC, Alegreya Sans SC Black, Alegreya Sans SC ExtraBold, Alegreya Sans SC Light, Alegreya Sans SC Medium, Alegreya Sans SC Thin, Alegreya Sans Thin, Alegreya SC, Alex Brush, Alfa Slab One, Alice, Alike, Alike Angular, Allan, Allerta, Allerta Stencil, Allura, Almendra, Almendra Display, Almendra SC, Amarante, Amaranth [pyrs], Amaranth [ ], Amatic SC, Amethysta, Amiri, Amita, Anaheim, Andada, Andada SC, Andika, Angkor, Annie Use Your Telescope, Anonymous Pro, Antic, Antic Didone, Antic Slab, Anton, Antonio, Arapey, Arbutus, Arbutus Slab, Architects Daughter, Archivo Black, Archivo Narrow, Arimo, Arizonia, Armata, Artifika, Arvo, Arya, Asap, Asar, Asset, Astloch, Asul, Atomic Age, Aubrey, Audiowide, Autour One, Average, Average Sans, Averia Gruesa Libre, Averia Libre, Averia Sans Libre, Averia Serif Libre, Bad Script, Baloo, Baloo Bhai, Baloo Bhaina, Baloo Chettan, Baloo Da, Baloo Paaji, Baloo Tamma, Baloo Tammudu, Baloo Thambi, Balthazar, Bangers, Basic, Battambang, Baumans, Bayon, Belgrano, Belleza, BenchNine, Bentham, Berkshire Swash, Bevan, Bhavuka, Bigelow Rules, Bigshot One, Bilbo, Bilbo Swash Caps, Biryani, Biryani Black, Biryani ExtraBold, Biryani ExtraLight, Biryani Light, Biryani SemiBold, Bitstream Vera Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Serif, Bitter, Black Ops One, BM HANNA_TTF, Bokor, Bonbon, Boogaloo, Bowlby One, Bowlby One SC, Brawler, Bree Serif, Bruno Ace, Bruno Ace SC, Bubblegum Sans, Bubbler One, Buda, Buenard, Butcherman, Butcherman Caps, Butterfly Kids, C059, Cabin [PYRS], Cabin [ ], Cabin Condensed [PYRS], Cabin Condensed [ ], Cabin Medium, Cabin SemiBold, Cabin Sketch, CabinSketch, Caesar Dressing, Cagliostro, Calligraffitti, Cambay, Cambo, Candal, Cantarell, Cantata One, CantoraOne, Capriola, Cardo, Carme, Carrois Gothic, Carrois Gothic SC, Carter One, Catamaran, Catamaran Black, Catamaran ExtraBold, Catamaran ExtraLight, Catamaran Light, Catamaran Medium, Catamaran SemiBold, Catamaran Thin, Caudex, Caveat, Caveat Brush, Cedarville Cursive, Ceviche One, Changa, Changa One, Chango, Chau Philomene One, Chela One, Chelsea Market, Chenla, Cherry Cream Soda, Cherry Swash, Chewy, Chicle, Chivo [ ], Chivo [unknown], Chivo [PfEd], Chonburi, Cinzel, Cinzel Black, Cinzel Decorative, Clara, Clicker Script, Coda, Coda Caption, Codystar, Combo, Comfortaa, Coming Soon, Concert One, Condiment, Content, Contrail One, Convergence, Cookie, Copse, Corben, Courgette, Cousine, Coustard, Covered By Your Grace, Crafty Girls, Creepster, Creepster Caps, Crete Round [TT ], Crete Round [TT], Crimson Text, Croissant One, Crushed, Cuprum, Cutive, Cutive Mono, cwTeXFangSong, cwTeXHei, cwTeXKai, cwTeXMing, cwTeXYen, D050000L, Damion, Dancing Script, Dangrek, Dawning of a New Day, Days One, DejaVu Math TeX Gyre, DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Condensed, DejaVu Sans Mono, DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Serif Condensed, Dekko, Delius, Delius Swash Caps, Delius Unicase, Della Respira, Denk One, Devonshire, Dhurjati, Dhyana [newt], Dhyana [PfEd], Didact Gothic, Digital Numbers, Dinah, DinahVAA, Diplomata, Diplomata SC, Domine, Donegal One, Doppio One, Dorsa, Dosis, Dr Sugiyama, Droid Arabic Kufi, Droid Arabic Naskh, Droid Sans, Droid Sans Ethiopic, Droid Sans Japanese, Droid Sans Mono, Droid Sans Tamil, Droid Sans Thai, Droid Serif, Droid Serif Thai, DroidSerifThai, Duru Sans, Dynalight, Eagle Lake, East Syriac Adiabene, East Syriac Ctesiphon, Eater, Eater Caps, EB Garamond, Economica, Eczar, Ek Mukta, Electrolize, Elsie, Elsie Black, Elsie Swash Caps, Elsie Swash Caps Black, Emblema One, Emilys Candy, Encode Sans, Encode Sans Compressed, Encode Sans Condensed, Encode Sans Narrow, Encode Sans Wide, Engagement, Englebert, Enriqueta, Erica One, Esteban, Estrangelo Antioch, Estrangelo Edessa, Estrangelo Midyat, Estrangelo Nisibin, Estrangelo Nisibin Outline, Estrangelo Quenneshrin, Estrangelo Talada, Estrangelo TurAbdin, Euphoria Script, Ewert, Exo, Exo 2, Exo 2 Black, Exo 2 Extra Bold, Exo 2 Extra Light, Exo 2 Light, Exo 2 Medium, Exo 2 Semi Bold, Exo 2 Thin, Expletus Sans, Fanwood Text, Fascinate, Fascinate Inline, Faster One, Fasthand, Fauna One, Federant, Federo, Felipa, Fenix, Finger Paint, Fira Mono, Fira Mono Medium, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Light, Fira Sans Medium, Fjalla One, Fjord, Flamenco, Flavors, Fondamento, Fontdiner Swanky, Forum, Francois One, Freckle Face, Fredericka the Great, Fredoka One, Freehand, FreeMono, FreeSans, FreeSerif, Fresca, Frijole, Fruktur, Fugaz One, Gabriela, Gafata, Galdeano, Galindo, Gentium Basic, Gentium Book Basic, Geo, Geostar, Geostar Fill, Germania One, GFS Didot, GFS Neohellenic, Gidugu, Gilda Display, Give You Glory, Glass Antiqua, Glegoo, Gloria Hallelujah, Goblin One, Gochi Hand, Goha-Tibeb Zemen, Gorditas, Goudy Bookletter 1911, Graduate, Grand Hotel, Gravitas One, Great Vibes, Griffy, Gruppo, Gudea, Gurajada, Habibi, Hack, Halant, Halant Light, Halant Medium, Halant Semibold, HammersmithOne, Hanalei, Hanalei Fill, Handlee, Hanuman [ldsc], Hanuman [HL ], Happy Monkey, HeadlandOne, Henny Penny, Hermeneus One, Herr Von Muellerhoff, Hind, Hind Bold, Hind Colombo, Hind Colombo Light, Hind Colombo Medium, Hind Colombo SemiBold, Hind Guntur, Hind Guntur Light, Hind Guntur Medium, Hind Guntur SemiBold, Hind Jalandhar, Hind Jalandhar Light, Hind Jalandhar Medium, Hind Jalandhar SemiBold, Hind Kochi, Hind Kochi Light, Hind Kochi Medium, Hind Kochi SemiBold, Hind Light, Hind Madurai, Hind Madurai Light, Hind Madurai Medium, Hind Madurai SemiBold, Hind Medium, Hind Mysuru, Hind Mysuru Light, Hind Mysuru Medium, Hind Mysuru SemiBold, Hind Semibold, Hind Siliguri, Hind Siliguri Light, Hind Siliguri Medium, Hind Siliguri SemiBold, Hind Vadodara, Hind Vadodara Light, Hind Vadodara Medium, Hind Vadodara SemiBold, Holtwood One SC, Homemade Apple, Homenaje, Iceberg, Iceland, IM FELL Double Pica, IM FELL Double Pica SC, IM FELL DW Pica [ ], IM FELL DW Pica [imar], IM FELL DW Pica SC, IM FELL English [ ], IM FELL English [imar], IM FELL English SC, IM FELL French Canon, IM FELL French Canon SC, IM FELL Great Primer, IM FELL Great Primer SC, Imprima, Inconsolata, Inder, Indie Flower, Inika, Inknut Antiqua, Inknut Antiqua Black, Inknut Antiqua ExtraBold, Inknut Antiqua Light, Inknut Antiqua Medium, Inknut Antiqua SemiBold, Iosevka, Iosevka Bold Oblique, Iosevka Extralight, Iosevka Extralight Oblique, Iosevka Heavy, Iosevka Heavy Oblique, Iosevka Light, Iosevka Light Oblique, Iosevka Medium, Iosevka Medium Oblique, Iosevka Oblique, Iosevka Thin, Iosevka Thin Oblique, Irish Grover, Irish Growler, Istok Web, Italiana, Italianno, Itim, Jacques Francois, Jacques Francois Shadow, Jaldi, JejuGothic, JejuHallasan, JejuMyeongjo, Jim Nightshade, Jockey One, Jolly Lodger, Jomolhari, Josefin Sans, Josefin Sans Std, Josefin Slab [ ], Josefin Slab [PYRS], Joti One, jsMath-cmbx10, jsMath-cmex10, jsMath-cmmi10, jsMath-cmr10, jsMath-cmsy10, jsMath-cmti10, Judson, Julee, Julius Sans One, Junge, Jura, Just Another Hand, Just Me Again Down Here, Kadwa, Kalam, Kalam Light, Kameron, Kanit, Kanit Black, Kanit ExtraBold, Kanit ExtraLight, Kanit Light, Kanit Medium, Kanit SemiBold, Kanit Thin, Kantumruy Regular, Karla, Karla Tamil Inclined, Karla Tamil Upright, Karma, Karma Bold, Karma Light, Karma Medium, Karma Semibold, Kaushan Script, Kavoon, Kdam Thmor, Keania One, Kelly Slab, Kenia, Khand, Khand Black, Khand Bold, Khand ExtraBold, Khand ExtraLight, Khand Light, Khand Medium, Khand SemiBold, Khand SemiLight, Khmer, Khula, Khula ExtraBold, Khula Light, Khula Semibold, Kite One, Knewave, KoPub Batang, Kotta One, Koulen, Kranky, Kreon, Kristi, Krona One, Kurale, La Belle Aurore, Laila, Laila Light, Laila Medium, Laila Semibold, Lakki Reddy, Lancelot, Lao Muang Don, Lao Muang Khong, Lao Sans Pro, Lateef, Lato, Lato Black, Lato Hairline, Lato Light, League Script, Leckerli One, Ledger, Lekton, Lemon, Liberation Mono, Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif, Libre Baskerville, Libre Caslon Text, Life Savers, Lightworks Symbols, Lightworks Symbols 3, Lilita One, Lily Script One, Limelight, Linden Hill, Lobster, Lobster Two, Lohit Bengali, Lohit Devanagari, Lohit Tamil, Londrina Outline, Londrina Shadow, Londrina Sketch, Londrina Solid, Lora, Love Ya Like A Sister, Loved by the King, Lovers Quarrel, Luckiest Guy, Lusitana, Lustria, Macondo, Macondo Swash Caps, Magra, Maiden Orange, Mako, Mallanna, Mandali, Marcellus, Marcellus SC, Marck Script, Margarine, Marko One, Marmelad, Martel, Martel DemiBold, Martel ExtraBold, Martel Heavy, Martel Light, Martel Sans, Martel Sans Black, Martel Sans ExtraBold, Martel Sans ExtraLight, Martel Sans Light, Martel Sans SemiBold, Martel UltraLight, Marvel, Mate, Mate SC, Maven Pro, McLaren, Meddon, MedievalSharp, Medula One, Megrim, Meie Script, Merge One, Merienda, Merienda One, Merriweather, Merriweather Black, Merriweather Light, Merriweather Sans, Merriweather Sans ExtraBold, Merriweather Sans Light, Mervale Script, Metal, Metal Mania, Metamorphous, Metrophobic, Miama, Michroma, Microsoft Sans Serif, Milonga, Miltonian, Miltonian Tattoo, Miniver, Miss Fajardose, Modak, Modern Antiqua, Molengo, Molle, Monda, Monofett, Monospace, Monoton, Monsieur La Doulaise, Montaga, Montez, Montserrat, Montserrat Alternates, Montserrat Light, Montserrat Subrayada, Moul, Moul Pali, Mountains of Christmas, Mouse Memoirs, Mr Bedfort, Mr Dafoe, Mr De Haviland, Mrs Saint Delafield, Mrs Sheppards, Muli, Myanmar Sans Pro, Mystery Quest, Nanum Brush Script, Nanum Pen, NanumGothic, NanumGothicCoding, NanumMyeongjo, NATS, Neucha, Neuton, New Rocker, News Cycle, Niconne, Nimbus Mono PS, Nimbus Roman, Nimbus Sans, Nimbus Sans Narrow, NimbusSans, Nixie One, Nobile [pyrs], Nobile [SIL ], Nokora, Nokora Regular [HL ], Nokora Regular [1ASC], Norican, Nosifer, Nosifer Caps, Nothing You Could Do, Noticia Text, Noto Color Emoji, Noto Emoji, Noto Kufi Arabic, Noto Mono, Noto Naskh Arabic, Noto Naskh Arabic UI, Noto Nastaliq Urdu, Noto Sans [GOOG], Noto Sans [MONO], Noto Sans Armenian, Noto Sans Avestan, Noto Sans Balinese, Noto Sans Bamum, Noto Sans Batak, Noto Sans Bengali, Noto Sans Bengali UI, Noto Sans Brahmi, Noto Sans Buginese, Noto Sans Buhid, Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal, Noto Sans Carian, Noto Sans Cham, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Coptic, Noto Sans Cuneiform, Noto Sans Cypriot, Noto Sans Deseret, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Sans Devanagari UI, Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Noto Sans Ethiopic, Noto Sans Georgian, Noto Sans Glagolitic, Noto Sans Gothic, Noto Sans Gujarati, Noto Sans Gujarati UI, Noto Sans Gurmukhi, Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI, Noto Sans Hanunoo, Noto Sans Hebrew, Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic, Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi, Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian, Noto Sans Javanese, Noto Sans Kaithi, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sans Kannada UI, Noto Sans Kayah Li, Noto Sans Kharoshthi, Noto Sans Khmer, Noto Sans Khmer UI, Noto Sans Lao, Noto Sans Lao UI, Noto Sans Lepcha, Noto Sans Limbu, Noto Sans Linear B, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Lycian, Noto Sans Lydian, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Malayalam UI, Noto Sans Mandaic, Noto Sans Meetei Mayek, Noto Sans Mongolian, Noto Sans Myanmar, Noto Sans Myanmar UI, Noto Sans New Tai Lue, Noto Sans NKo, Noto Sans Ogham, Noto Sans Ol Chiki, Noto Sans Old Italic, Noto Sans Old Persian, Noto Sans Old South Arabian, Noto Sans Old Turkic, Noto Sans Oriya, Noto Sans Oriya UI, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Phags Pa, Noto Sans Phoenician, Noto Sans Rejang, Noto Sans Runic, Noto Sans Samaritan, Noto Sans Saurashtra, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Sinhala, Noto Sans Sundanese, Noto Sans Syloti Nagri, Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Syriac Eastern, Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela, Noto Sans Syriac Western, Noto Sans Tagalog, Noto Sans Tagbanwa, Noto Sans Tai Le, Noto Sans Tai Tham, Noto Sans Tai Viet, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Tamil UI, Noto Sans Telugu, Noto Sans Telugu UI, Noto Sans Thaana, Noto Sans Thai, Noto Sans Thai UI, Noto Sans Tibetan, Noto Sans Tifinagh, Noto Sans Ugaritic, Noto Sans UI, Noto Sans Vai, Noto Sans Yi, Noto Serif [MONO], Noto Serif [GOOG], Noto Serif Armenian, Noto Serif Bengali, Noto Serif Devanagari, Noto Serif Georgian, Noto Serif Gujarati, Noto Serif Hebrew, Noto Serif Kannada, Noto Serif Khmer, Noto Serif Lao, Noto Serif Malayalam, Noto Serif Tamil, Noto Serif Telugu, Noto Serif Thai, Nova Cut, Nova Flat, Nova Oval, Nova Round, Nova Script, Nova Slim, Nova Square, NovaMono, NTR, Numans, Nunito, OdorMeanChey, Offside, OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT, Old Standard TT, Oldenburg, Oleo Script, Oleo Script Swash Caps, Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Open Sans Condensed Light, Open Sans Extrabold, Open Sans Hebrew, Open Sans Hebrew Condensed, Open Sans Hebrew Condensed Extra Bold, Open Sans Hebrew Condensed Light, Open Sans Hebrew Extra Bold, Open Sans Hebrew Light, Open Sans Light, Open Sans Semibold, Oranienbaum, Orbitron, Oregano, Orienta, Original Surfer, Oswald, Over the Rainbow, Overlock, Overlock SC, Ovo, Oxygen, Oxygen Mono, P052, Pacifico, Padauk, Palanquin, Palanquin Dark, Palanquin Dark Medium, Palanquin Dark SemiBold, Palanquin ExtraLight, Palanquin Light, Palanquin Medium, Palanquin SemiBold, Palanquin Thin, Paprika, Parisienne, Passero One, Passion, Passion One, Pathway Gothic One, Patrick Hand, Patrick Hand SC, Patua One, Paytone One, Pecita, Peddana, Peralta, Permanent Marker, Petit Formal Script, Petrona, Phetsarath, Philosopher, Piedra, Pinyon Script, Pirata One, Plaster, Play, Playball, Playfair Display, Playfair Display Black, Playfair Display SC, Playfair Display SC Black, Podkova, PoetsenOne, Poiret One, Poller One, Poly, Pompiere , Ponnala, Pontano Sans, Poppins, Poppins Light, Poppins Medium, Poppins SemiBold, Port Lligat Sans, Port Lligat Slab, Porter Sans Block, Pragati Narrow, Prata, Preah Vihear, Press Start 2P, Princess Sofia, Prociono, Prosto One, PT Mono, PT Sans, PT Sans Caption, PT Sans Narrow, PT Serif, PT Serif Caption, Puritan, Purple Purse, Quando, Quantico, Quattrocento, Quattrocento Sans, Questrial, Quicksand, Quintessential, Qwigley, Racing Sans One, Radley, Rajdhani, Rajdhani Bold, Rajdhani Light, Rajdhani Medium, Rajdhani Semibold, Raleway, Raleway Black, Raleway Dots , Raleway ExtraBold, Raleway ExtraLight, Raleway Light, Raleway Medium, Raleway SemiBold, Raleway Thin, Ramabhadra, Ramaraja, Rambla, Rammetto One, Ranchers, Rancho, Ranga, Rationale, Ravi Prakash, Redacted, Redacted Script, Redressed, Reenie Beanie, Revalia, Rhodium Libre, Ribeye, Ribeye Marrow, Righteous, Risque, Roboto, Roboto Black, Roboto Condensed, Roboto Condensed Light, Roboto Light, Roboto Medium, Roboto Mono, Roboto Mono Light, Roboto Mono Medium, Roboto Mono Thin, Roboto Slab, Roboto Thin, Rochester, Rock Salt, Rokkitt, Romanesco, Ropa Sans, Rosario, Rosarivo, Rouge Script, Rozha One, Rubik, Rubik Black, Rubik Light, Rubik Medium, Rubik Mono One, Rubik One, Ruda, Rufina, Ruge Boogie, Ruluko, Rum Raisin, Ruslan Display, Russo One, Ruthie, Rye, Sacramento, Sahitya, Sail, Salsa, Sanchez, Sancreek, Sans Serif, Sansation, Sansation Light, Sansita One, Sarabun, Sarala, Sarina, Sarpanch, Sarpanch Black, Sarpanch Bold, Sarpanch ExtraBold, Sarpanch Medium, Sarpanch SemiBold, Satisfy, Scada, Scheherazade, Schoolbell, Seaweed Script, Sedan, Sedan SC, SeoulHangang, SeoulHangang CB, SeoulHangang CBL, SeoulHangang CEB, SeoulHangang CL, SeoulHangang CM, SeoulNamsan, SeoulNamsan CB, SeoulNamsan CBL, SeoulNamsan CEB, SeoulNamsan CL, SeoulNamsan CM, SeoulNamsan vert, Serif, Serto Batnan, Serto Jerusalem, Serto Jerusalem Outline, Serto Kharput, Serto Malankara, Serto Mardin, Serto Urhoy, Sevillana, Seymour One, Shadows Into Light, Shadows Into Light Two, Shanti, Share, Share Tech, Share Tech Mono, Shojumaru, Short Stack, Siemreap, Sigmar One, Signika, Signika Negative [unknown], Signika Negative [PfEd], Simonetta, Sintony, SirinStencil, Sitara, Six Caps, Skranji, Slabo 13px, Slabo 27px, Slackey, Smokum, Smythe, Sniglet, Snippet, Snowburst One, Sofadi One, Sofia, Sonsie One, Sorts Mill Goudy, Souliyo Unicode, Source Code Pro, Source Code Pro Black, Source Code Pro ExtraLight, Source Code Pro Light, Source Code Pro Medium, Source Code Pro Semibold, Source Sans Pro, Source Sans Pro Black, Source Sans Pro ExtraLight, Source Sans Pro Light, Source Sans Pro Semibold, Source Serif Pro, Source Serif Pro Semibold, Special Elite, Spicy Rice, Spinnaker, Spirax, Squada One, Sree Krushnadevaraya, Sriracha, Stalemate, Stalin One, Stalinist One, Standard Symbols PS, Stardos Stencil, Stint Ultra Condensed, Stint Ultra Expanded, Stoke, Strait, Strong, Sue Ellen Francisco , Sumana, Sunshiney, Supermercado, Sura, Suranna, Suravaram, Swanky and Moo Moo, Syncopate, Tangerine, Taprom, Tauri, Teko, Teko Bold, Teko Light, Teko Medium, Teko Semibold, Telex, Tenali Ramakrishna, Tenor Sans, Terminal Dosis, Text Me One, Thabit, Thabit-Bold, Thabit-Bold-Oblique, Thabit-Oblique, TharLon, The Girl Next Door, Tienne, Tillana, Tillana ExtraBold, Tillana Medium, Tillana SemiBold, Timmana, Tinos, Titan One, Titillium Web, Trade Winds, Trocchi, Trochut, Trykker, Tuffy, Tulpen One, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed, Ubuntu Light, Ubuntu Mono, Ultra, Uncial Antiqua, Underdog, Unica One, UnifrakturCook, UnifrakturMaguntia, Unkempt, Unlock, Unna, URW Bookman, URW Gothic, Vampiro One, Varela, Varela Round, Varta, Varta SemiBold, Vast Shadow, Vesper Libre, Vesper Libre Heavy, Vesper Libre Medium, Vibur, Vidaloka , Viga, Voces, Volkhov, Vollkorn, Vollkorn Bold, Vollkorn Bold Italic, Vollkorn Italic, Voltaire, VT323, Waiting for the Sunrise, Wallpoet, Walter Turncoat, Warnes, Wellfleet, Wendy One, Wire One, Work Sans, Work Sans Black, Work Sans ExtraBold, Work Sans ExtraLight, Work Sans Light, Work Sans Medium, Work Sans SemiBold, Work Sans Thin, Yanone Kaffeesatz, Yanone Kaffeesatz Extra Light, Yanone Kaffeesatz Light, Yantramanav [ERIN], Yantramanav [GOOG], Yantramanav Black, Yantramanav Light, Yantramanav Medium, Yantramanav Thin, Yellowtail, Yeseva One, Yesteryear, Yinmar, Z003, Zeyada"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.791 INFO No proxy set
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.797 INFO Using "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" as applications install directory
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.804 INFO Toolbox updates initial quality 10000
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.806 DEBUG Preloading Release feed from resources
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.808 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.816 DEBUG Parsed feed from :/release.feed.xz.signed: feed generation time: 2017-03-16T11:47:55.435Z, includes: 0, items: 46, patches: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.816 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: local
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.816 DEBUG Detected applications: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" ("bin", "logs")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.816 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin" ()
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.816 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/logs" ()
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.816 DEBUG All IntelliJ product does are: ("CL", "DB", "IC", "IU", "MPS", "PC", "PE", "PS", "PY", "RM", "WS")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.816 DEBUG All Possible names are: QSet("datagrip", "143.1301", "163.13906.13", "rubymine", "professional", "163.7743.60", "pycharm", "163.13906.20", "webstorm", "163.7743.47", "phpstorm", "163.13906.18", "intellij", "clion", "163.12429", "163.7743.50", "163.8233.8", "community", "ultimate", "idea")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.817 DEBUG Local feed wasn't changed after update
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.869 INFO Selected Toolbox update: <NONE>
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.869 INFO Selected Toolbox update: <NONE>
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO Action: Show Window @ tray icon
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.877 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.915 WARN Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /tmp/.mount_GsMXMq/usr/share/jetbrains-toolbox/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:18.915 WARN Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /tmp/.mount_GsMXMq/usr/share/jetbrains-toolbox/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct.
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.164 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.165 INFO 0 network configurations available
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.165 INFO Default configuration: "" "" bearer ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.167 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.208 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.251 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.293 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.293 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.293 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.294 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.336 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.378 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.379 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.379 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.421 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.464 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.506 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.548 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.548 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.548 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.548 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.549 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.591 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.634 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.676 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.719 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.761 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.803 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.804 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.846 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.888 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.931 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.931 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.931 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.931 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.931 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.931 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.931 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.932 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:19.974 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate, Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, Content-Length: 29) response 200 (Server: nginx, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:19 GMT, Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8, Transfer-Encoding: chunked, Connection: keep-alive, Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;, X-Frame-Options: DENY, X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff, X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block;"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 75
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 INFO Updated existing "userlogin"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 INFO Selected Toolbox update: <NONE>
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 ERROR Failed to open desktop file "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop" for writing
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 WARN QIODevice::write (QFile, "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"): device not open
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 INFO Install .desktop file to "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 INFO Adding jetbrains:// protocol handler to mimeapps.list
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.001 INFO Executing "/usr/bin/xdg-mime" args "default|jetbrains-toolbox.desktop|x-scheme-handler/jetbrains"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.013 DEBUG Process exited with code: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.013 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: Local & Remote
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.013 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: remote
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.013 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.017 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 ERROR Page is still not loaded. Will show thw window as-is
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen point: QPoint(2549,18)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point depth 24
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.018 INFO showWindow2: width= 557 , height 886 , DPI 1.26619
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:20.076 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: Local & Remote
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.119 INFO DownloadAction::replyError: "Host not found" from: QUrl("") error code: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(HostNotFoundError)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.119 ERROR DownloadAction::replyReadyRead: Error: "Host not found"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.120 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response ("
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.120 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.120 WARN Unable to download feed from "" "Host not found"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.120 INFO No previously downloaded content for feed ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.120 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.409 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.605 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 3090, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:25 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:47 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:40 GMT, ETag: \"131f01249671a57a81ef25ff066b6ba8\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5799, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: zIzASeTBSkkL2xPRgBxGwOGkDU9UXWjb937JVNk7NmAFHouX5RUWaw=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.606 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 3090
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.606 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"131f01249671a57a81ef25ff066b6ba8\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.606 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.606 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T17:46:36.385Z, includes: 4, items: 0, patches: 4
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.606 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.662 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.700 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 21686, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:25 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:47 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:41 GMT, ETag: \"12438b6e4626f9d295410c2342bac54e\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5799, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: S2c_caA6JQCm1Q_WMzBM6TK5Rrp6-AOYs1GFjSZzJGw9-k1VYe4EIw=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.700 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 21686
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.700 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"12438b6e4626f9d295410c2342bac54e\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.701 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.706 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T17:46:23.017Z, includes: 0, items: 34, patches: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.706 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.762 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.806 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 32794, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:25 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:48 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:41 GMT, ETag: \"4e3a3b136481c0203617f9eabc82e0ed\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5798, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: 0dngrT2q4uvRoCM-4DeK4j-wpoK3mLhXgifQNfHH5BC9Hx2LKb8pzQ=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.806 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 32794
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.807 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"4e3a3b136481c0203617f9eabc82e0ed\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.807 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.813 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T17:46:25.064Z, includes: 0, items: 0, patches: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.814 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.870 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.912 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 28234, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:25 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:48 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:41 GMT, ETag: \"db8f541fcd50a2b99a9fbe119b281449\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5798, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: gnfGx0m3-iywovR3MlmMq6W6R5hxgTin_czB8cTKvkqgWZJ4n36DSQ=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.912 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 28234
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.913 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"db8f541fcd50a2b99a9fbe119b281449\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.913 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.922 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T17:46:34.760Z, includes: 0, items: 64, patches: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.922 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:25.977 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.009 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 6918, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:25 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:48 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:50:41 GMT, ETag: \"09c610c2bbed113089f4204e1898b246\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5798, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: XFzlUxOl4_QULIvIDtlB50jTex22z72r5dwerL_3REjyDVUcCyiAWA=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.009 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 6918
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.009 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"09c610c2bbed113089f4204e1898b246\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.009 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T17:46:34.894Z, includes: 0, items: 8, patches: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 WARN Feed update finished, found: 106 items, 175 patches
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 INFO Remote feed is modified. Sending update signal
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: remote
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: local
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG Detected applications: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" ("bin", "logs")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin" ()
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/logs" ()
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG All IntelliJ product does are: ("CL", "DB", "GO", "IC", "IU", "MPS", "PC", "PE", "PS", "PY", "RM", "RS", "WS")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 INFO Selected Toolbox update: "1.2.2314"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG All Possible names are: QSet("datagrip", "rubymine", "rider", "gogland", "171.3780.106", "professional", "pycharm", "171.4249.6", "145.2073.2", "145.1616.3", "webstorm", "143.2370.37", "phpstorm", "171.4249.4", "intellij", "171.4073.15", "171.1065", "171.4089.265", "171.3780.53", "clion", "171.2014.23", "community", "ultimate", "idea")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.011 DEBUG Local feed wasn't changed after update
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.182 INFO DownloadAction::replyError: "Host not found" from: QUrl("") error code: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(HostNotFoundError)
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.182 ERROR DownloadAction::replyReadyRead: Error: "Host not found"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.182 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response ("
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.182 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.182 WARN Unable to download feed from "" "Host not found"
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.182 INFO No previously downloaded content for feed ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.182 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.414 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.535 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"131f01249671a57a81ef25ff066b6ba8\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:26 GMT, ETag: \"131f01249671a57a81ef25ff066b6ba8\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5800, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: yY3UeSuGgBd8DnTkOsy-iisoePVNXgXQWiZL1_OPMREFDduRve4e-w=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.535 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.535 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"131f01249671a57a81ef25ff066b6ba8\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.535 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.535 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.591 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.630 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"12438b6e4626f9d295410c2342bac54e\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:26 GMT, ETag: \"12438b6e4626f9d295410c2342bac54e\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5800, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: QzFZWsM3-PB3xilctJLoYuGMqGbfDSRlk5MN0bNDViQ2JBEcpVTOmw=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.630 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.630 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"12438b6e4626f9d295410c2342bac54e\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.630 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.630 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.686 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.715 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"4e3a3b136481c0203617f9eabc82e0ed\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:26 GMT, ETag: \"4e3a3b136481c0203617f9eabc82e0ed\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5799, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: ggjjbq-Cl13epS3vyA4iswDVzG4_iaALL1NSwFKvEMF21AJkp9qMPw=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.715 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.715 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"4e3a3b136481c0203617f9eabc82e0ed\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.715 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.716 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:26.772 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.031 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"db8f541fcd50a2b99a9fbe119b281449\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:27 GMT, ETag: \"db8f541fcd50a2b99a9fbe119b281449\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5800, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: 0uy2JYwtae8-H7iNHLJKJz_1CXTbhHOpBv3XWvGwpUYPtWBry8seug=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.031 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.031 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"db8f541fcd50a2b99a9fbe119b281449\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.031 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.032 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.090 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"09c610c2bbed113089f4204e1898b246\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:27 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:27:27 GMT, ETag: \"09c610c2bbed113089f4204e1898b246\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 5800, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: 1eFYqTx1YbLcGj4ykUuq_VfiuIg7LSbja5rJjb3PBZW9VfJK1H8fhQ=="
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"09c610c2bbed113089f4204e1898b246\""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 WARN Feed update finished, found: 106 items, 175 patches
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 INFO Remote feed is NOT modified.
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: local
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 DEBUG Detected applications: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" ("bin", "logs")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin" ()
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.127 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/logs" ()
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.128 DEBUG All IntelliJ product does are: ("CL", "DB", "GO", "IC", "IU", "MPS", "PC", "PE", "PS", "PY", "RM", "RS", "WS")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.128 DEBUG All Possible names are: QSet("datagrip", "rubymine", "rider", "gogland", "171.3780.106", "professional", "pycharm", "171.4249.6", "145.2073.2", "145.1616.3", "webstorm", "143.2370.37", "phpstorm", "171.4249.4", "intellij", "171.4073.15", "171.1065", "171.4089.265", "171.3780.53", "clion", "171.2014.23", "community", "ultimate", "idea")
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:27.128 DEBUG Local feed wasn't changed after update
1.2.2314 20988 2017-04-15T15:27:34.219 WARN renderProcessTerminated "3: KilledTerminationStatus" exit code: "3"
Note: This is a normal log file from just running jetbrains-toolbox from ~/Downloads/jetbrains-toolbox-1.2.2314/
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.404 INFO =============================================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO Starting application. Version "1.2.2314" built on "Mar 16 2017"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO OS kernel "linux" "4.10.6-1-ARCH" on "x86_64"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO Qt Framework version 5.7.1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO Process environment variables:
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "ANT_HOME=/usr/share/apache-ant"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "APPDIR=/tmp/.mount_rcfTFK"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "APPIMAGE=/home/john/Downloads/jetbrains-toolbox-1.2.2314/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox-nightly"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "CLASSPATH=/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries/Java:/usr/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/Java"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "COLORFGBG=12;8"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "COLORTERM=rxvt"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "DESKTOP_SESSION=i3"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "DISPLAY=:0"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "FT2_SUBPIXEL_HINTING=1"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "GDMSESSION=i3"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES=/usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "GRADLE_HOME=/usr/share/java/gradle"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=./share/glib-2.0/schemas/:"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "GTK_MODULES=canberra-gtk-module"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries/Guile:/usr/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/Guile"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "HAXE_STD_PATH=/usr/share/haxe/std"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "HG=/usr/bin/hg"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "HOME=/home/john"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "INFOPATH=/usr/share/info::/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Documentation/info:"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "LANG=en_US.UTF-8"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=share/jetbrains-toolbox:share/jetbrains-toolbox/lib:./lib/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:./lib32/:./lib64/:../lib/:../lib/i386-linux-gnu/:../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:../lib32/:../lib64/:/home/john/GNUstep/Library/Libraries:/usr/lib"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "LOGNAME=john"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "MAIL=/var/spool/mail/john"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "OWD=/home/john/Downloads/jetbrains-toolbox-1.2.2314"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "PATH=./bin/:./sbin/:./games/:../bin/:../sbin/:/home/john/GNUstep/Tools:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/opt/depot_tools:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "PERLLIB=./share/perl5/:./lib/perl5/:"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.407 INFO "PWD=/tmp/.mount_rcfTFK/usr"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "PYTHONPATH=./share/pyshared/:"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "QT_PLUGIN_PATH=./lib/qt4/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/:./lib32/qt4/plugins/:./lib64/qt4/plugins/:./lib/qt5/plugins/:./lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/:./lib32/qt5/plugins/:./lib64/qt5/plugins/:"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=share/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "SHELL=/usr/bin/fish"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "SHLVL=3"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "TERM=rxvt-unicode-256color"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "USER=john"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "WINDOWID=85983241"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XAUTHORITY=/home/john/.Xauthority"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=i3"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_DATA_DIRS=./share/:"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/lightdm-data/john"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_SEAT=seat0"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=i3"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_SESSION_ID=c6"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session2"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "XDG_VTNR=8"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "_=share/jetbrains-toolbox/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO "_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp "
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO commandline: ("share/jetbrains-toolbox/jetbrains-toolbox", "--disable-gpu")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.408 INFO User-Agent: "Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64)"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.421 WARN QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_client_method
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.421 WARN QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv3_server_method
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.426 INFO Support SSL: true
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.426 INFO SSL Version Number: 268443839
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.426 INFO SSL Version String: "OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.426 INFO SSL Build Version Number: 268439647
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.426 INFO SSL Build Version String: "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.426 INFO Successfully set global devicePixelRatio to 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.426 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.428 INFO onStart: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.429 INFO onStart: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.430 INFO onStart: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.430 INFO onStart: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.430 INFO onStart: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.430 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.438 INFO uniqueApplicationKey = "6783b863e37f396bac7f81d519d8fa3b"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.440 DEBUG setCurrentDirectoryToDataDirectory: setting current directory to QDir( "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" , nameFilters = { "*" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.445 INFO Configuring SSL library for accepting TLS 1.2 or later only
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.458 INFO Bundled OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.458 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default config location /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf exists? false
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.458 INFO Bundled OpenSSL ca file environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE value <not_present>
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.458 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default ca file /usr/local/ssl/cert.pem exists? false
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.458 INFO Bundled OpenSSL ca dir environment variable SSL_CERT_DIR value <not_present>
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.458 INFO Bundled OpenSSL default ca dir /usr/local/ssl/certs exists? false
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.459 INFO Application Dir "/tmp/.mount_rcfTFK/usr/share/jetbrains-toolbox"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.462 ERROR Failed to open desktop file "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop" for writing
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.462 WARN QIODevice::write (QFile, "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"): device not open
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.462 INFO Install .desktop file to "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.462 INFO Adding jetbrains:// protocol handler to mimeapps.list
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.462 INFO Executing "/usr/bin/xdg-mime" args "default|jetbrains-toolbox.desktop|x-scheme-handler/jetbrains"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.476 DEBUG Process exited with code: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.597 INFO Available system fonts: "ABeeZee, Abel, Abhaya Libre, Abhaya Libre ExtraBold, Abhaya Libre Medium, Abhaya Libre SemiBold, Abril Fatface, Abyssinica SIL, Aclonica, Acme, Actor, Adamina, Adobe Blank, Advent Pro, Aguafina Script, Akronim, Aksara Bali Galang, Aladin, Aldrich, Alef, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans, Alegreya Sans Black, Alegreya Sans ExtraBold, Alegreya Sans Light, Alegreya Sans Medium, Alegreya Sans SC, Alegreya Sans SC Black, Alegreya Sans SC ExtraBold, Alegreya Sans SC Light, Alegreya Sans SC Medium, Alegreya Sans SC Thin, Alegreya Sans Thin, Alegreya SC, Alex Brush, Alfa Slab One, Alice, Alike, Alike Angular, Allan, Allerta, Allerta Stencil, Allura, Almendra, Almendra Display, Almendra SC, Amarante, Amaranth [pyrs], Amaranth [ ], Amatic SC, Amethysta, Amiri, Amita, Anaheim, Andada, Andada SC, Andika, Angkor, Annie Use Your Telescope, Anonymous Pro, Antic, Antic Didone, Antic Slab, Anton, Antonio, Arapey, Arbutus, Arbutus Slab, Architects Daughter, Archivo Black, Archivo Narrow, Arimo, Arizonia, Armata, Artifika, Arvo, Arya, Asap, Asar, Asset, Astloch, Asul, Atomic Age, Aubrey, Audiowide, Autour One, Average, Average Sans, Averia Gruesa Libre, Averia Libre, Averia Sans Libre, Averia Serif Libre, Bad Script, Baloo, Baloo Bhai, Baloo Bhaina, Baloo Chettan, Baloo Da, Baloo Paaji, Baloo Tamma, Baloo Tammudu, Baloo Thambi, Balthazar, Bangers, Basic, Battambang, Baumans, Bayon, Belgrano, Belleza, BenchNine, Bentham, Berkshire Swash, Bevan, Bhavuka, Bigelow Rules, Bigshot One, Bilbo, Bilbo Swash Caps, Biryani, Biryani Black, Biryani ExtraBold, Biryani ExtraLight, Biryani Light, Biryani SemiBold, Bitstream Vera Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Serif, Bitter, Black Ops One, BM HANNA_TTF, Bokor, Bonbon, Boogaloo, Bowlby One, Bowlby One SC, Brawler, Bree Serif, Bruno Ace, Bruno Ace SC, Bubblegum Sans, Bubbler One, Buda, Buenard, Butcherman, Butcherman Caps, Butterfly Kids, C059, Cabin [PYRS], Cabin [ ], Cabin Condensed [PYRS], Cabin Condensed [ ], Cabin Medium, Cabin SemiBold, Cabin Sketch, CabinSketch, Caesar Dressing, Cagliostro, Calligraffitti, Cambay, Cambo, Candal, Cantarell, Cantata One, CantoraOne, Capriola, Cardo, Carme, Carrois Gothic, Carrois Gothic SC, Carter One, Catamaran, Catamaran Black, Catamaran ExtraBold, Catamaran ExtraLight, Catamaran Light, Catamaran Medium, Catamaran SemiBold, Catamaran Thin, Caudex, Caveat, Caveat Brush, Cedarville Cursive, Ceviche One, Changa, Changa One, Chango, Chau Philomene One, Chela One, Chelsea Market, Chenla, Cherry Cream Soda, Cherry Swash, Chewy, Chicle, Chivo [ ], Chivo [unknown], Chivo [PfEd], Chonburi, Cinzel, Cinzel Black, Cinzel Decorative, Clara, Clicker Script, Coda, Coda Caption, Codystar, Combo, Comfortaa, Coming Soon, Concert One, Condiment, Content, Contrail One, Convergence, Cookie, Copse, Corben, Courgette, Cousine, Coustard, Covered By Your Grace, Crafty Girls, Creepster, Creepster Caps, Crete Round [TT ], Crete Round [TT], Crimson Text, Croissant One, Crushed, Cuprum, Cutive, Cutive Mono, cwTeXFangSong, cwTeXHei, cwTeXKai, cwTeXMing, cwTeXYen, D050000L, Damion, Dancing Script, Dangrek, Dawning of a New Day, Days One, DejaVu Math TeX Gyre, DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Condensed, DejaVu Sans Mono, DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Serif Condensed, Dekko, Delius, Delius Swash Caps, Delius Unicase, Della Respira, Denk One, Devonshire, Dhurjati, Dhyana [newt], Dhyana [PfEd], Didact Gothic, Digital Numbers, Dinah, DinahVAA, Diplomata, Diplomata SC, Domine, Donegal One, Doppio One, Dorsa, Dosis, Dr Sugiyama, Droid Arabic Kufi, Droid Arabic Naskh, Droid Sans, Droid Sans Ethiopic, Droid Sans Japanese, Droid Sans Mono, Droid Sans Tamil, Droid Sans Thai, Droid Serif, Droid Serif Thai, DroidSerifThai, Duru Sans, Dynalight, Eagle Lake, East Syriac Adiabene, East Syriac Ctesiphon, Eater, Eater Caps, EB Garamond, Economica, Eczar, Ek Mukta, Electrolize, Elsie, Elsie Black, Elsie Swash Caps, Elsie Swash Caps Black, Emblema One, Emilys Candy, Encode Sans, Encode Sans Compressed, Encode Sans Condensed, Encode Sans Narrow, Encode Sans Wide, Engagement, Englebert, Enriqueta, Erica One, Esteban, Estrangelo Antioch, Estrangelo Edessa, Estrangelo Midyat, Estrangelo Nisibin, Estrangelo Nisibin Outline, Estrangelo Quenneshrin, Estrangelo Talada, Estrangelo TurAbdin, Euphoria Script, Ewert, Exo, Exo 2, Exo 2 Black, Exo 2 Extra Bold, Exo 2 Extra Light, Exo 2 Light, Exo 2 Medium, Exo 2 Semi Bold, Exo 2 Thin, Expletus Sans, Fanwood Text, Fascinate, Fascinate Inline, Faster One, Fasthand, Fauna One, Federant, Federo, Felipa, Fenix, Finger Paint, Fira Mono, Fira Mono Medium, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Light, Fira Sans Medium, Fjalla One, Fjord, Flamenco, Flavors, Fondamento, Fontdiner Swanky, Forum, Francois One, Freckle Face, Fredericka the Great, Fredoka One, Freehand, FreeMono, FreeSans, FreeSerif, Fresca, Frijole, Fruktur, Fugaz One, Gabriela, Gafata, Galdeano, Galindo, Gentium Basic, Gentium Book Basic, Geo, Geostar, Geostar Fill, Germania One, GFS Didot, GFS Neohellenic, Gidugu, Gilda Display, Give You Glory, Glass Antiqua, Glegoo, Gloria Hallelujah, Goblin One, Gochi Hand, Goha-Tibeb Zemen, Gorditas, Goudy Bookletter 1911, Graduate, Grand Hotel, Gravitas One, Great Vibes, Griffy, Gruppo, Gudea, Gurajada, Habibi, Hack, Halant, Halant Light, Halant Medium, Halant Semibold, HammersmithOne, Hanalei, Hanalei Fill, Handlee, Hanuman [ldsc], Hanuman [HL ], Happy Monkey, HeadlandOne, Henny Penny, Hermeneus One, Herr Von Muellerhoff, Hind, Hind Bold, Hind Colombo, Hind Colombo Light, Hind Colombo Medium, Hind Colombo SemiBold, Hind Guntur, Hind Guntur Light, Hind Guntur Medium, Hind Guntur SemiBold, Hind Jalandhar, Hind Jalandhar Light, Hind Jalandhar Medium, Hind Jalandhar SemiBold, Hind Kochi, Hind Kochi Light, Hind Kochi Medium, Hind Kochi SemiBold, Hind Light, Hind Madurai, Hind Madurai Light, Hind Madurai Medium, Hind Madurai SemiBold, Hind Medium, Hind Mysuru, Hind Mysuru Light, Hind Mysuru Medium, Hind Mysuru SemiBold, Hind Semibold, Hind Siliguri, Hind Siliguri Light, Hind Siliguri Medium, Hind Siliguri SemiBold, Hind Vadodara, Hind Vadodara Light, Hind Vadodara Medium, Hind Vadodara SemiBold, Holtwood One SC, Homemade Apple, Homenaje, Iceberg, Iceland, IM FELL Double Pica, IM FELL Double Pica SC, IM FELL DW Pica [ ], IM FELL DW Pica [imar], IM FELL DW Pica SC, IM FELL English [ ], IM FELL English [imar], IM FELL English SC, IM FELL French Canon, IM FELL French Canon SC, IM FELL Great Primer, IM FELL Great Primer SC, Imprima, Inconsolata, Inder, Indie Flower, Inika, Inknut Antiqua, Inknut Antiqua Black, Inknut Antiqua ExtraBold, Inknut Antiqua Light, Inknut Antiqua Medium, Inknut Antiqua SemiBold, Iosevka, Iosevka Bold Oblique, Iosevka Extralight, Iosevka Extralight Oblique, Iosevka Heavy, Iosevka Heavy Oblique, Iosevka Light, Iosevka Light Oblique, Iosevka Medium, Iosevka Medium Oblique, Iosevka Oblique, Iosevka Thin, Iosevka Thin Oblique, Irish Grover, Irish Growler, Istok Web, Italiana, Italianno, Itim, Jacques Francois, Jacques Francois Shadow, Jaldi, JejuGothic, JejuHallasan, JejuMyeongjo, Jim Nightshade, Jockey One, Jolly Lodger, Jomolhari, Josefin Sans, Josefin Sans Std, Josefin Slab [ ], Josefin Slab [PYRS], Joti One, jsMath-cmbx10, jsMath-cmex10, jsMath-cmmi10, jsMath-cmr10, jsMath-cmsy10, jsMath-cmti10, Judson, Julee, Julius Sans One, Junge, Jura, Just Another Hand, Just Me Again Down Here, Kadwa, Kalam, Kalam Light, Kameron, Kanit, Kanit Black, Kanit ExtraBold, Kanit ExtraLight, Kanit Light, Kanit Medium, Kanit SemiBold, Kanit Thin, Kantumruy Regular, Karla, Karla Tamil Inclined, Karla Tamil Upright, Karma, Karma Bold, Karma Light, Karma Medium, Karma Semibold, Kaushan Script, Kavoon, Kdam Thmor, Keania One, Kelly Slab, Kenia, Khand, Khand Black, Khand Bold, Khand ExtraBold, Khand ExtraLight, Khand Light, Khand Medium, Khand SemiBold, Khand SemiLight, Khmer, Khula, Khula ExtraBold, Khula Light, Khula Semibold, Kite One, Knewave, KoPub Batang, Kotta One, Koulen, Kranky, Kreon, Kristi, Krona One, Kurale, La Belle Aurore, Laila, Laila Light, Laila Medium, Laila Semibold, Lakki Reddy, Lancelot, Lao Muang Don, Lao Muang Khong, Lao Sans Pro, Lateef, Lato, Lato Black, Lato Hairline, Lato Light, League Script, Leckerli One, Ledger, Lekton, Lemon, Liberation Mono, Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif, Libre Baskerville, Libre Caslon Text, Life Savers, Lightworks Symbols, Lightworks Symbols 3, Lilita One, Lily Script One, Limelight, Linden Hill, Lobster, Lobster Two, Lohit Bengali, Lohit Devanagari, Lohit Tamil, Londrina Outline, Londrina Shadow, Londrina Sketch, Londrina Solid, Lora, Love Ya Like A Sister, Loved by the King, Lovers Quarrel, Luckiest Guy, Lusitana, Lustria, Macondo, Macondo Swash Caps, Magra, Maiden Orange, Mako, Mallanna, Mandali, Marcellus, Marcellus SC, Marck Script, Margarine, Marko One, Marmelad, Martel, Martel DemiBold, Martel ExtraBold, Martel Heavy, Martel Light, Martel Sans, Martel Sans Black, Martel Sans ExtraBold, Martel Sans ExtraLight, Martel Sans Light, Martel Sans SemiBold, Martel UltraLight, Marvel, Mate, Mate SC, Maven Pro, McLaren, Meddon, MedievalSharp, Medula One, Megrim, Meie Script, Merge One, Merienda, Merienda One, Merriweather, Merriweather Black, Merriweather Light, Merriweather Sans, Merriweather Sans ExtraBold, Merriweather Sans Light, Mervale Script, Metal, Metal Mania, Metamorphous, Metrophobic, Miama, Michroma, Microsoft Sans Serif, Milonga, Miltonian, Miltonian Tattoo, Miniver, Miss Fajardose, Modak, Modern Antiqua, Molengo, Molle, Monda, Monofett, Monospace, Monoton, Monsieur La Doulaise, Montaga, Montez, Montserrat, Montserrat Alternates, Montserrat Light, Montserrat Subrayada, Moul, Moul Pali, Mountains of Christmas, Mouse Memoirs, Mr Bedfort, Mr Dafoe, Mr De Haviland, Mrs Saint Delafield, Mrs Sheppards, Muli, Myanmar Sans Pro, Mystery Quest, Nanum Brush Script, Nanum Pen, NanumGothic, NanumGothicCoding, NanumMyeongjo, NATS, Neucha, Neuton, New Rocker, News Cycle, Niconne, Nimbus Mono PS, Nimbus Roman, Nimbus Sans, Nimbus Sans Narrow, NimbusSans, Nixie One, Nobile [pyrs], Nobile [SIL ], Nokora, Nokora Regular [HL ], Nokora Regular [1ASC], Norican, Nosifer, Nosifer Caps, Nothing You Could Do, Noticia Text, Noto Color Emoji, Noto Emoji, Noto Kufi Arabic, Noto Mono, Noto Naskh Arabic, Noto Naskh Arabic UI, Noto Nastaliq Urdu, Noto Sans [GOOG], Noto Sans [MONO], Noto Sans Armenian, Noto Sans Avestan, Noto Sans Balinese, Noto Sans Bamum, Noto Sans Batak, Noto Sans Bengali, Noto Sans Bengali UI, Noto Sans Brahmi, Noto Sans Buginese, Noto Sans Buhid, Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal, Noto Sans Carian, Noto Sans Cham, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Coptic, Noto Sans Cuneiform, Noto Sans Cypriot, Noto Sans Deseret, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Sans Devanagari UI, Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Noto Sans Ethiopic, Noto Sans Georgian, Noto Sans Glagolitic, Noto Sans Gothic, Noto Sans Gujarati, Noto Sans Gujarati UI, Noto Sans Gurmukhi, Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI, Noto Sans Hanunoo, Noto Sans Hebrew, Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic, Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi, Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian, Noto Sans Javanese, Noto Sans Kaithi, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sans Kannada UI, Noto Sans Kayah Li, Noto Sans Kharoshthi, Noto Sans Khmer, Noto Sans Khmer UI, Noto Sans Lao, Noto Sans Lao UI, Noto Sans Lepcha, Noto Sans Limbu, Noto Sans Linear B, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Lycian, Noto Sans Lydian, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Malayalam UI, Noto Sans Mandaic, Noto Sans Meetei Mayek, Noto Sans Mongolian, Noto Sans Myanmar, Noto Sans Myanmar UI, Noto Sans New Tai Lue, Noto Sans NKo, Noto Sans Ogham, Noto Sans Ol Chiki, Noto Sans Old Italic, Noto Sans Old Persian, Noto Sans Old South Arabian, Noto Sans Old Turkic, Noto Sans Oriya, Noto Sans Oriya UI, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Phags Pa, Noto Sans Phoenician, Noto Sans Rejang, Noto Sans Runic, Noto Sans Samaritan, Noto Sans Saurashtra, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Sinhala, Noto Sans Sundanese, Noto Sans Syloti Nagri, Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Syriac Eastern, Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela, Noto Sans Syriac Western, Noto Sans Tagalog, Noto Sans Tagbanwa, Noto Sans Tai Le, Noto Sans Tai Tham, Noto Sans Tai Viet, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Tamil UI, Noto Sans Telugu, Noto Sans Telugu UI, Noto Sans Thaana, Noto Sans Thai, Noto Sans Thai UI, Noto Sans Tibetan, Noto Sans Tifinagh, Noto Sans Ugaritic, Noto Sans UI, Noto Sans Vai, Noto Sans Yi, Noto Serif [MONO], Noto Serif [GOOG], Noto Serif Armenian, Noto Serif Bengali, Noto Serif Devanagari, Noto Serif Georgian, Noto Serif Gujarati, Noto Serif Hebrew, Noto Serif Kannada, Noto Serif Khmer, Noto Serif Lao, Noto Serif Malayalam, Noto Serif Tamil, Noto Serif Telugu, Noto Serif Thai, Nova Cut, Nova Flat, Nova Oval, Nova Round, Nova Script, Nova Slim, Nova Square, NovaMono, NTR, Numans, Nunito, OdorMeanChey, Offside, OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT, Old Standard TT, Oldenburg, Oleo Script, Oleo Script Swash Caps, Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Open Sans Condensed Light, Open Sans Extrabold, Open Sans Hebrew, Open Sans Hebrew Condensed, Open Sans Hebrew Condensed Extra Bold, Open Sans Hebrew Condensed Light, Open Sans Hebrew Extra Bold, Open Sans Hebrew Light, Open Sans Light, Open Sans Semibold, Oranienbaum, Orbitron, Oregano, Orienta, Original Surfer, Oswald, Over the Rainbow, Overlock, Overlock SC, Ovo, Oxygen, Oxygen Mono, P052, Pacifico, Padauk, Palanquin, Palanquin Dark, Palanquin Dark Medium, Palanquin Dark SemiBold, Palanquin ExtraLight, Palanquin Light, Palanquin Medium, Palanquin SemiBold, Palanquin Thin, Paprika, Parisienne, Passero One, Passion, Passion One, Pathway Gothic One, Patrick Hand, Patrick Hand SC, Patua One, Paytone One, Pecita, Peddana, Peralta, Permanent Marker, Petit Formal Script, Petrona, Phetsarath, Philosopher, Piedra, Pinyon Script, Pirata One, Plaster, Play, Playball, Playfair Display, Playfair Display Black, Playfair Display SC, Playfair Display SC Black, Podkova, PoetsenOne, Poiret One, Poller One, Poly, Pompiere , Ponnala, Pontano Sans, Poppins, Poppins Light, Poppins Medium, Poppins SemiBold, Port Lligat Sans, Port Lligat Slab, Porter Sans Block, Pragati Narrow, Prata, Preah Vihear, Press Start 2P, Princess Sofia, Prociono, Prosto One, PT Mono, PT Sans, PT Sans Caption, PT Sans Narrow, PT Serif, PT Serif Caption, Puritan, Purple Purse, Quando, Quantico, Quattrocento, Quattrocento Sans, Questrial, Quicksand, Quintessential, Qwigley, Racing Sans One, Radley, Rajdhani, Rajdhani Bold, Rajdhani Light, Rajdhani Medium, Rajdhani Semibold, Raleway, Raleway Black, Raleway Dots , Raleway ExtraBold, Raleway ExtraLight, Raleway Light, Raleway Medium, Raleway SemiBold, Raleway Thin, Ramabhadra, Ramaraja, Rambla, Rammetto One, Ranchers, Rancho, Ranga, Rationale, Ravi Prakash, Redacted, Redacted Script, Redressed, Reenie Beanie, Revalia, Rhodium Libre, Ribeye, Ribeye Marrow, Righteous, Risque, Roboto, Roboto Black, Roboto Condensed, Roboto Condensed Light, Roboto Light, Roboto Medium, Roboto Mono, Roboto Mono Light, Roboto Mono Medium, Roboto Mono Thin, Roboto Slab, Roboto Thin, Rochester, Rock Salt, Rokkitt, Romanesco, Ropa Sans, Rosario, Rosarivo, Rouge Script, Rozha One, Rubik, Rubik Black, Rubik Light, Rubik Medium, Rubik Mono One, Rubik One, Ruda, Rufina, Ruge Boogie, Ruluko, Rum Raisin, Ruslan Display, Russo One, Ruthie, Rye, Sacramento, Sahitya, Sail, Salsa, Sanchez, Sancreek, Sans Serif, Sansation, Sansation Light, Sansita One, Sarabun, Sarala, Sarina, Sarpanch, Sarpanch Black, Sarpanch Bold, Sarpanch ExtraBold, Sarpanch Medium, Sarpanch SemiBold, Satisfy, Scada, Scheherazade, Schoolbell, Seaweed Script, Sedan, Sedan SC, SeoulHangang, SeoulHangang CB, SeoulHangang CBL, SeoulHangang CEB, SeoulHangang CL, SeoulHangang CM, SeoulNamsan, SeoulNamsan CB, SeoulNamsan CBL, SeoulNamsan CEB, SeoulNamsan CL, SeoulNamsan CM, SeoulNamsan vert, Serif, Serto Batnan, Serto Jerusalem, Serto Jerusalem Outline, Serto Kharput, Serto Malankara, Serto Mardin, Serto Urhoy, Sevillana, Seymour One, Shadows Into Light, Shadows Into Light Two, Shanti, Share, Share Tech, Share Tech Mono, Shojumaru, Short Stack, Siemreap, Sigmar One, Signika, Signika Negative [unknown], Signika Negative [PfEd], Simonetta, Sintony, SirinStencil, Sitara, Six Caps, Skranji, Slabo 13px, Slabo 27px, Slackey, Smokum, Smythe, Sniglet, Snippet, Snowburst One, Sofadi One, Sofia, Sonsie One, Sorts Mill Goudy, Souliyo Unicode, Source Code Pro, Source Code Pro Black, Source Code Pro ExtraLight, Source Code Pro Light, Source Code Pro Medium, Source Code Pro Semibold, Source Sans Pro, Source Sans Pro Black, Source Sans Pro ExtraLight, Source Sans Pro Light, Source Sans Pro Semibold, Source Serif Pro, Source Serif Pro Semibold, Special Elite, Spicy Rice, Spinnaker, Spirax, Squada One, Sree Krushnadevaraya, Sriracha, Stalemate, Stalin One, Stalinist One, Standard Symbols PS, Stardos Stencil, Stint Ultra Condensed, Stint Ultra Expanded, Stoke, Strait, Strong, Sue Ellen Francisco , Sumana, Sunshiney, Supermercado, Sura, Suranna, Suravaram, Swanky and Moo Moo, Syncopate, Tangerine, Taprom, Tauri, Teko, Teko Bold, Teko Light, Teko Medium, Teko Semibold, Telex, Tenali Ramakrishna, Tenor Sans, Terminal Dosis, Text Me One, Thabit, Thabit-Bold, Thabit-Bold-Oblique, Thabit-Oblique, TharLon, The Girl Next Door, Tienne, Tillana, Tillana ExtraBold, Tillana Medium, Tillana SemiBold, Timmana, Tinos, Titan One, Titillium Web, Trade Winds, Trocchi, Trochut, Trykker, Tuffy, Tulpen One, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed, Ubuntu Light, Ubuntu Mono, Ultra, Uncial Antiqua, Underdog, Unica One, UnifrakturCook, UnifrakturMaguntia, Unkempt, Unlock, Unna, URW Bookman, URW Gothic, Vampiro One, Varela, Varela Round, Varta, Varta SemiBold, Vast Shadow, Vesper Libre, Vesper Libre Heavy, Vesper Libre Medium, Vibur, Vidaloka , Viga, Voces, Volkhov, Vollkorn, Vollkorn Bold, Vollkorn Bold Italic, Vollkorn Italic, Voltaire, VT323, Waiting for the Sunrise, Wallpoet, Walter Turncoat, Warnes, Wellfleet, Wendy One, Wire One, Work Sans, Work Sans Black, Work Sans ExtraBold, Work Sans ExtraLight, Work Sans Light, Work Sans Medium, Work Sans SemiBold, Work Sans Thin, Yanone Kaffeesatz, Yanone Kaffeesatz Extra Light, Yanone Kaffeesatz Light, Yantramanav [ERIN], Yantramanav [GOOG], Yantramanav Black, Yantramanav Light, Yantramanav Medium, Yantramanav Thin, Yellowtail, Yeseva One, Yesteryear, Yinmar, Z003, Zeyada"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.609 INFO No proxy set
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.616 INFO Using "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" as applications install directory
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.625 INFO Toolbox updates initial quality 10000
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.626 DEBUG Preloading Release feed from resources
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.629 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.639 DEBUG Parsed feed from :/release.feed.xz.signed: feed generation time: 2017-03-16T11:47:55.435Z, includes: 0, items: 46, patches: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.639 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: local
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.639 DEBUG Detected applications: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" ("bin", "logs")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.639 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin" ()
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.639 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/logs" ()
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.639 DEBUG All IntelliJ product does are: ("CL", "DB", "IC", "IU", "MPS", "PC", "PE", "PS", "PY", "RM", "WS")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.639 DEBUG All Possible names are: QSet("pycharm", "163.8233.8", "163.13906.13", "community", "163.7743.50", "143.1301", "163.7743.47", "clion", "163.12429", "163.13906.18", "phpstorm", "datagrip", "idea", "163.13906.20", "163.7743.60", "intellij", "ultimate", "webstorm", "professional", "rubymine")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.640 DEBUG Local feed wasn't changed after update
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.694 INFO Selected Toolbox update: <NONE>
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.695 INFO Selected Toolbox update: <NONE>
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO Action: Show Window @ tray icon
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.703 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.743 WARN Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /tmp/.mount_rcfTFK/usr/share/jetbrains-toolbox/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:24.743 WARN Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /tmp/.mount_rcfTFK/usr/share/jetbrains-toolbox/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct.
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.009 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.011 INFO 0 network configurations available
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.011 INFO Default configuration: "" "" bearer ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.015 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.052 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.053 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.053 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.053 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.053 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.053 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.053 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.053 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.095 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.138 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.138 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.138 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.139 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.181 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.182 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.224 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.225 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.225 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.225 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.225 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.267 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.310 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.352 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.353 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.395 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.396 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.438 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.480 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.481 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.523 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.524 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.524 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.524 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.524 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.566 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.608 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.608 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.608 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.608 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.608 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.609 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.651 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.693 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.693 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.693 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.694 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.736 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.778 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.779 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.821 INFO Browser is loading a page. Waiting...
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate, Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, Content-Length: 29) response 200 (Server: nginx, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:25 GMT, Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8, Transfer-Encoding: chunked, Connection: keep-alive, Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;, X-Frame-Options: DENY, X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff, X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block;"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 75
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 INFO Updated existing "userlogin"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 INFO Selected Toolbox update: <NONE>
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 ERROR Failed to open desktop file "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop" for writing
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 WARN QIODevice::write (QFile, "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"): device not open
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 INFO Install .desktop file to "/home/john/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 INFO Adding jetbrains:// protocol handler to mimeapps.list
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.834 INFO Executing "/usr/bin/xdg-mime" args "default|jetbrains-toolbox.desktop|x-scheme-handler/jetbrains"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.845 DEBUG Process exited with code: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.845 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: Local & Remote
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.845 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: remote
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.845 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO DPI: onBeforeMainWindowShown
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO DPI: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO DPI: Screen 1: available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO DPI: Screen 1: geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.864 INFO DPI: Screen 1: size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO DPI: Screen 1: devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO DPI: Screen 1: logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO DPI: Screen 1: physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO DPI: Screen 1: depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO DPI: Screen 1: primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO DPI: Screen 1: orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO DPI: Screen 1: nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 ERROR Page is still not loaded. Will show thw window as-is
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen point: QPoint(2549,18)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen devicePixelRatio: 2
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point physical size QSizeF(527, 296)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point logical size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point available geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point geometry QRect(0,0 2560x1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point size QSize(2560, 1440)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point devicePixelRatio 1
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point logicalDotsPerInch 121.554 121.996 121.113
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point physicalDotsPerInch 123.476 123.385 123.568
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point depth 24
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point primaryOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point orientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: Screen 1: point nativeOrientation Qt::ScreenOrientation(PrimaryOrientation)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO ====================
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.865 INFO showWindow2: width= 557 , height 886 , DPI 1.26619
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:25.909 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: Local & Remote
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.003 INFO DownloadAction::replyError: "Host not found" from: QUrl("") error code: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(HostNotFoundError)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.003 ERROR DownloadAction::replyReadyRead: Error: "Host not found"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.003 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response ("
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.003 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.003 WARN Unable to download feed from "" "Host not found"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.003 INFO No previously downloaded content for feed ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.004 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.298 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.518 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 3090, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:51:16 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:50:45 GMT, ETag: \"4db6f75adc06554f1d470e03b080358f\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 371, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: qtMq1XkWQJo4tUY0AzIOxHIUvj-UmNFLYg8YUE4TOX4rcozZSa9DkA=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.518 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 3090
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.518 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"4db6f75adc06554f1d470e03b080358f\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.518 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.518 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T19:46:30.909Z, includes: 4, items: 0, patches: 4
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.519 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.575 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.616 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 21682, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:51:17 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:50:46 GMT, ETag: \"d2807e6b10de44a8e39091880961929f\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 370, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: ThLHoxM8LLS2MYhj5-szpGvQC1YCgV0LNxJJPCbUY3q-T2tiLN-F3Q=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.616 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 21682
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.617 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"d2807e6b10de44a8e39091880961929f\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.617 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.623 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T19:46:17.718Z, includes: 0, items: 34, patches: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.623 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.679 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.725 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 32798, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:51:17 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:50:45 GMT, ETag: \"c31ba666fb36ecc947ba534eceb3626a\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 370, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: UNSUfic__rX-KE2tcqMVtG5vtDyQLC2yiiSAhU5aFT37dW2cWxO-yg=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.725 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 32798
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.725 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"c31ba666fb36ecc947ba534eceb3626a\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.726 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.733 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T19:46:19.397Z, includes: 0, items: 0, patches: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.733 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.788 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.830 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 28254, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:51:18 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:50:45 GMT, ETag: \"2fd283cfb9af7beab98a853f4f8e0211\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 369, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: nKpJR0Dtb8J6v4OuXgVGqIfvPfYIaw1QSS8Z4AyGxJJ_U_RFCOOwPA=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.830 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 28254
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.830 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"2fd283cfb9af7beab98a853f4f8e0211\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.831 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.840 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T19:46:29.218Z, includes: 0, items: 64, patches: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.840 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.895 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.924 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 200 (Location:, Content-Type: text/html, binary/octet-stream, Content-Length: 154, 6914, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:26 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:51:18 GMT, Last-Modified: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:50:46 GMT, ETag: \"aaa7343373adba2551f598094b03a670\", Accept-Ranges: bytes, Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 369, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: pYNVJ9MeKTTGG_CGYVo2Hhd317STBUzGFxmOcZH0XURYmzgXi3mPZA=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.925 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 6914
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.925 DEBUG Downloaded feed "" etag "\"aaa7343373adba2551f598094b03a670\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.925 DEBUG Cert 0 CN: third
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 DEBUG Parsed feed from feed generation time: 2017-04-15T19:46:29.442Z, includes: 0, items: 8, patches: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 WARN Feed update finished, found: 106 items, 175 patches
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 INFO Remote feed is modified. Sending update signal
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: remote
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: local
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 DEBUG Detected applications: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" ("bin", "logs")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin" ()
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.927 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/logs" ()
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.928 DEBUG All IntelliJ product does are: ("CL", "DB", "GO", "IC", "IU", "MPS", "PC", "PE", "PS", "PY", "RM", "RS", "WS")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.928 DEBUG All Possible names are: QSet("pycharm", "171.4249.6", "gogland", "171.4249.4", "community", "clion", "145.2073.2", "171.2014.23", "171.3780.106", "171.4089.265", "171.4073.15", "rider", "datagrip", "phpstorm", "idea", "171.1065", "171.3780.53", "intellij", "143.2370.37", "ultimate", "webstorm", "professional", "145.1616.3", "rubymine")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.928 DEBUG Local feed wasn't changed after update
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:26.928 INFO Selected Toolbox update: "1.2.2314"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.096 INFO DownloadAction::replyError: "Host not found" from: QUrl("") error code: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(HostNotFoundError)
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.096 ERROR DownloadAction::replyReadyRead: Error: "Host not found"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.096 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response ("
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.096 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.096 WARN Unable to download feed from "" "Host not found"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.096 INFO No previously downloaded content for feed ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.096 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.334 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.442 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"4db6f75adc06554f1d470e03b080358f\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, ETag: \"4db6f75adc06554f1d470e03b080358f\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 382, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: JyRNF1NQatdhY_8RSgi3H3rxNC1529fnc-IGalTTO9gxcMKahm997Q=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.442 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.442 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"4db6f75adc06554f1d470e03b080358f\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.442 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.442 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.498 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.522 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"d2807e6b10de44a8e39091880961929f\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, ETag: \"d2807e6b10de44a8e39091880961929f\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 381, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: iCiXIIvHvpGUJufXiFA5hHCnNTA1gxxZiYRFYFdXmRVM4zwPIl-8RA=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.523 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.523 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"d2807e6b10de44a8e39091880961929f\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.523 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.523 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.862 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.893 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"c31ba666fb36ecc947ba534eceb3626a\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, ETag: \"c31ba666fb36ecc947ba534eceb3626a\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 381, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: qqF9M1GcTygvpApW66Wryo0dqT134i8rhGdXVibT8OzNGJjsM1KPww=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.893 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.893 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"c31ba666fb36ecc947ba534eceb3626a\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.893 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.893 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.949 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.975 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"2fd283cfb9af7beab98a853f4f8e0211\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:37 GMT, ETag: \"2fd283cfb9af7beab98a853f4f8e0211\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 380, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: lqw_Lq0gOaySj3RquPwO9irvJzgD4yGforkS6Rvslhi4PKO6zq1J9A=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.975 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.975 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"2fd283cfb9af7beab98a853f4f8e0211\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.975 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:37.976 INFO Started request QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.032 INFO "" redirects to QUrl("")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.066 DEBUG " request headers (User-Agent: Toolbox/1.2.2314 (Arch Linux; Linux x86_64), Accept-Encoding: identity, If-None-Match: \"aaa7343373adba2551f598094b03a670\", Cache-Control: max-age=10800, must-revalidate) response 304 (Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 154, Location:, Connection: keep-alive, keep-alive, Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:38 GMT, Sat, 15 Apr 2017 19:57:38 GMT, ETag: \"aaa7343373adba2551f598094b03a670\", Server: nginx, AmazonS3, Age: 381, X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront, Via: 1.1 (CloudFront), X-Amz-Cf-Id: bzOcbXJwzwK0ED99YGSoujCauECn906y-2OJ_Ue7vm3ZrwHMI7I4uw=="
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG Finished request QUrl("") size: 0
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG Feed was not modified "" etag "\"aaa7343373adba2551f598094b03a670\""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 INFO Reusing older downloaded feed content for ""
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 WARN Feed update finished, found: 106 items, 175 patches
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 INFO Remote feed is NOT modified.
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG Started fetching applications feeds: local
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG Detected applications: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox" ("bin", "logs")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin" ()
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG Detected channels: "/home/john/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/logs" ()
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG All IntelliJ product does are: ("CL", "DB", "GO", "IC", "IU", "MPS", "PC", "PE", "PS", "PY", "RM", "RS", "WS")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG All Possible names are: QSet("pycharm", "171.4249.6", "gogland", "171.4249.4", "community", "clion", "145.2073.2", "171.2014.23", "171.3780.106", "171.4089.265", "171.4073.15", "rider", "datagrip", "phpstorm", "idea", "171.1065", "171.3780.53", "intellij", "143.2370.37", "ultimate", "webstorm", "professional", "145.1616.3", "rubymine")
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:38.067 DEBUG Local feed wasn't changed after update
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:40.040 WARN renderProcessTerminated "3: KilledTerminationStatus" exit code: "3"
1.2.2314 27476 2017-04-15T15:57:55.052 WARN renderProcessTerminated "3: KilledTerminationStatus" exit code: "3"
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