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gordonbrander / derp-modules.js
Created October 9, 2012 22:06
Simple, tiny, dumb JavaScript Modules
// Simple, tiny, dumb module definitions for Browser JavaScript.
// What it does:
// * Tiny enough to include anywhere. Intended as a shim for delivering
// browser builds of your library to folks who don't want to use script loaders.
// * Exports modules to `__modules__`, a namespace on the global object.
// This is an improvement over typical browser code, which pollutes the
// global object.
// * Prettier and more robust than the
gordonbrander / n-vector.js
Last active October 29, 2023 13:00
n-vector: generic, efficient JavaScript vector math using ordinary arrays or indexed objects
Copyright (c) 2014 Gordon Brander
Released under the MIT license
Generic, efficient JavaScript vector math using ordinary arrays
or indexed objects.
gordonbrander / singledispatch.js
Last active October 19, 2023 13:57
singledispatch.js - single dispatch generic function like Python's singledispatch
// Create a Python singledispatch / Clojure multimethod style function that
// dispatches on the first argument.
// Returns a wrapped function that calls appropriate underlying function
// based on prototype of first argument.
// Custom implementations for specific types can be registered through calling
// `.define(constructor, fun)` on the wrapped function.
export const singledispatch = fallback => {
let _key = Symbol('singledispatch method')
gordonbrander / h.js
Last active October 5, 2023 23:04
h.js - hyperscript micro implementation
// Set key on object, but only if value has changed.
// This is useful when setting keys on DOM elements, where setting the same
// value may trigger a style recalc.
// Note that the typical layout-triggering DOM properties are read-only,
// so this is safe to use to write to DOM element properties.
// See
export const prop = (object, key, value) => {
if (object[key] !== value) {
object[key] = value
gordonbrander / prop.js
Created September 28, 2023 02:15
prop.js - make DOM fast with a write-through cache
// Set property of element.
// Uses a write-through cache to only set
// when value actually changes.
export const prop = (el, key, value) => {
let cacheKey = Symbol.from(`prop.${key}`)
if (el[cacheKey] != value) {
el[cacheKey] = value
el[key] = value
gordonbrander / multimethods.lua
Last active August 29, 2023 14:34
Lua multimethods
Lua multimethods. Inspired by Clojure's multimethods.
How to use it:
local Multi = require('multimethods')
-- Create a new multimethod and use isa as dispatch function.
-- This will dispatch on first argument by type.
local foo = Multi.create(isa)
gordonbrander / async-mailbox.js
Created May 14, 2023 00:46
async-mailbox.js - async generator publisher
export const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
export const hz = x => (1/x * 1000)
const complete = Symbol('complete')
export class Mailbox {
#buffer = []
gordonbrander / kv.js
Last active May 4, 2023 22:31
KV: key-value iteration functions for JavaScript
// KV.js
// Hash iteration functions
// Set a value on an object at field, returning object.
function set(object, key, value) {
// Set value on object at key.
object[key] = value;
// Return object.
return object;
gordonbrander /
Last active April 25, 2023 20:38
microview - data-driven views that render once per frame, at most


What if... Virtual DOM... but by hand?
aha ha, just kidding...
unless.. ?

Microview is a tiny library for writing efficient data-driven DOM rendering logic by hand. DOM writes are driven by a pure data model. Using Microview, you can freely "bash the dom". Writes will be batched — they'll only happen once per animationframe, and only if the data model changes.

gordonbrander / cdom.js
Created March 26, 2023 01:41
cdom.js - cached dom writers that only write if property value changed
// CDOM - Cached DOM
// CDOM minimizes DOM writes by caching last written value and only touching the
// DOM when a new value does not equal the cached value.
// The goal of CDOM is to make it safe to "bash the DOM" as often as you like
// without affecting performance, even bashing it every frame.
// Create a cached setter
export const CachedSetter = (ns, set) => (el, value) => {
let cacheKey = Symbol.for(`CachedSetter::${ns}`)
if (el[cacheKey] !== value) {