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Last active November 19, 2015 20:58
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function rot_SO2(theta)
rot = [cos(theta) sin(theta); -sin(theta) cos(theta)]
return rot
using JuMP
m = Model()
vertices_zero = zeros(4,2)
half_height = 2
vertices_zero[1,:] = [1,half_height]
vertices_zero[2,:] = [1,-half_height]
vertices_zero[3,:] = [-1,-half_height]
vertices_zero[4,:] = [-1,half_height]
(m1, m2) = (-1.0, -1.0)
(b1, b2) = (5.5, 5.0)
t0 = 0
angle_0 = deg2rad(-45.0)
starting_position = [m1*t0 + b1 m2*t0 + b2]
vertices_posed = vertices_zero * rot_SO2(angle_0) .+ starting_position #best-effort broadcast semantics?
c0 = cos(t0)
s0 = sin(t0)
x0 = starting_position[1]
y0 = starting_position[2]
vx0 = Float64[vertices_posed[i, 1] for i=1:4]
vy0 = Float64[vertices_posed[i, 2] for i=1:4]
@defVar(m, t, start=t0)
@setObjective(m, Max, t)
@defVar(m, x, start=x0)
@defVar(m, y, start=y0)
@defVar(m, c, start=c0)
@defVar(m, s, start=s0)
@defVar(m, vx[1:4])
@defVar(m, vy[1:4])
setValue(vx, vx0)
setValue(vy, vy0)
@addConstraint(m, x-m1*t-b1==0)
@addConstraint(m, y-m2*t-b2==0)
@addNLConstraint(m, s^2 + c^2 == 1)
# first row of rotation matrix multiplication
for i in 1:4 @addConstraint(m, c*vertices_zero[i,1] + -s*vertices_zero[i,2] + x == vx[i] ) end
# second row of rotation matrix multiplication
for i in 1:4 @addConstraint(m, s*vertices_zero[i,1] + c*vertices_zero[i,2] + y == vy[i] ) end
#y coordinates don't penetrate bottom
for i in 1:4 @addConstraint(m, vy[i]>=0) end
#x coordinates don't penetrate left
for i in 1:4 @addConstraint(m, vx[i]>=0) end
getValue(x), getValue(y)
using PyPlot
ax = PyPlot.gca()
#plot starting position of box
ax[:plot]( vcat(vx0, vx0[1]), vcat(vy0, vy0[1]), "--")
#center of starting position, and constraint axis/direction
ax[:plot](x0, y0, "o")
tf = 10
ax[:plot]([x0, x0+m1*tf], [y0, y0+m2*tf], "--")
#plot resting position of box
let vx=getValue(vx), vy=getValue(vy)
ax[:plot]( vcat(vx, vx[1]), vcat(vy, vy[1]), "-")
#center of resting position
let x=getValue(x), y=getValue(y)
ax[:plot](x, y, "o")
ax[:plot]([0.0, 10.0], [0.0, 0.0], lw=2, color="k")
ax[:plot]([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 10.0], lw=2, color="k")
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