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Created March 27, 2017 18:27
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An example of an interactive scatterplot using Python and the matplotlib library.
# import the random module since we will use it to generate the data
import random as rnd
# import the main drawing library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Button
from matplotlib.text import Annotation
# import the seaborn module which is based on matplotlib to make our visualization more presentable
import seaborn as sns
# set the default style
# define two colors, just to enrich the example
labels_color_map = {0: '#20b2aa', 1: '#ff7373'}
# set the examples count
no_examples = 50
# generate the data needed for the scatterplot
generated_data = [(x, rnd.randint(0, no_examples)) for x in range(0, no_examples)]
generated_labels = ["Label for instance #{0}".format(i) for i in range(0, no_examples)]
print "now visualizing scatterlplot..."
# add the values one by one to the scatterplot
instances_colors = []
axis_values_x = []
axis_values_y = []
for index, instance in enumerate(generated_data):
# print instance, index, labels[index]
coordinate_x, coordinate_y = instance
color = labels_color_map[index % 2]
# draw a scatter-plot of the generated values
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16))
ax = plt.subplot()
# extract the scatterplot drawing in a separate function so we ca re-use the code
def draw_scatterplot():
# draw the initial scatterplot
# create and add an annotation object (a text label)
def annotate(axis, text, x, y):
text_annotation = Annotation(text, xy=(x, y), xycoords='data')
# define the behaviour -> what happens when you pick a dot on the scatterplot by clicking close to it
def onpick(event):
# step 1: take the index of the dot which was picked
ind = event.ind
# step 2: save the actual coordinates of the click, so we can position the text label properly
label_pos_x = event.mouseevent.xdata
label_pos_y = event.mouseevent.ydata
# just in case two dots are very close, this offset will help the labels not appear one on top of each other
offset = 0
# if the dots are to close one to another, a list of dots clicked is returned by the matplotlib library
for i in ind:
# step 3: take the label for the corresponding instance of the data
label = generated_labels[i]
# step 4: log it for debugging purposes
print "index", i, label
# step 5: create and add the text annotation to the scatterplot
label_pos_x + offset,
label_pos_y + offset
# step 6: force re-draw
# alter the offset just in case there are more than one dots affected by the click
offset += 0.01
# connect the click handler function to the scatterplot
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick)
# create the "clear all" button, and place it somewhere on the screen
ax_clear_all = plt.axes([0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.05])
button_clear_all = Button(ax_clear_all, 'Clear all')
# define the "clear all" behaviour
def onclick(event):
# step 1: we clear all artist object of the scatter plot
# step 2: we re-populate the scatterplot only with the dots not the labels
# step 3: we force re-draw
# link the event handler function to the click event on the button
# initial drawing of the scatterplot
print "scatterplot done"
# present the scatterplot
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