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Created October 19, 2022 05:10
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manila$ tox -e bandit
/opt/stack/manila/.tox/bandit/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/ EasyInstallDeprecationWarning: easy_install command is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
/opt/stack/manila/.tox/bandit/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/ SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
bandit develop-inst-noop: /opt/stack/manila
bandit installed: alabaster==0.7.12,alembic==1.8.1,amqp==5.1.1,appdirs==1.4.4,attrs==22.1.0,autopage==0.5.1,Babel==2.10.3,bandit==1.7.4,bashate==2.1.0,bcrypt==4.0.0,cachetools==5.2.0,certifi==2022.9.14,cffi==1.15.1,charset-normalizer==2.1.1,cliff==4.0.0,cmd2==2.4.2,coverage==6.4.4,cryptography==38.0.1,ddt==1.6.0,debtcollector==2.5.0,decorator==5.1.1,dnspython==2.2.1,docutils==0.19,dogpile.cache==1.1.8,dulwich==0.20.46,eventlet==0.33.1,extras==1.0.0,fasteners==0.18,fixtures==4.0.1,flake8==3.8.4,future==0.18.2,futurist==2.4.1,gitdb==4.0.9,GitPython==3.1.27,greenlet==1.1.3,hacking==3.1.0,idna==3.4,imagesize==1.4.1,importlib-metadata==4.12.0,importlib-resources==5.9.0,iso8601==1.0.2,Jinja2==3.1.2,jmespath==1.0.1,jsonpatch==1.32,jsonpointer==2.3,jsonschema==4.16.0,keystoneauth1==5.0.0,keystonemiddleware==10.1.0,kombu==5.2.4,lxml==4.9.1,Mako==1.2.2,-e git+,MarkupSafe==2.1.1,mccabe==0.6.1,msgpack==1.0.4,munch==2.5.0,netaddr==0.8.0,netifaces==0.11.0,openstackdocstheme==3.0.0,openstacksdk==0.101.0,os-api-ref==2.3.0,os-client-config==2.1.0,os-service-types==1.7.0,osc-lib==2.6.2,oslo.cache==3.1.0,oslo.concurrency==5.0.1,oslo.config==9.0.0,oslo.context==5.0.0,oslo.db==12.1.0,oslo.i18n==5.1.0,oslo.log==5.0.0,oslo.messaging==14.0.0,oslo.metrics==0.5.0,oslo.middleware==5.0.0,oslo.policy==4.0.0,oslo.privsep==3.0.1,oslo.reports==2.4.0,oslo.rootwrap==6.3.1,oslo.serialization==5.0.0,oslo.service==3.0.0,oslo.upgradecheck==2.0.0,oslo.utils==6.0.1,oslotest==4.5.0,osprofiler==3.4.3,packaging==21.3,paramiko==2.11.0,Paste==3.5.2,PasteDeploy==2.1.1,pbr==5.10.0,pkgutil_resolve_name==1.3.10,prettytable==3.4.1,prometheus-client==0.14.1,psutil==5.9.2,psycopg2-binary==2.9.3,pycadf==3.1.1,pycodestyle==2.6.0,pycparser==2.21,pyflakes==2.2.0,Pygments==2.13.0,pyinotify==0.9.6,PyMySQL==1.0.2,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pyOpenSSL==22.0.0,pyparsing==3.0.9,pyperclip==1.8.2,pyrsistent==0.18.1,python-cinderclient==9.1.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,python-glanceclient==4.1.0,python-keystoneclient==5.0.1,python-neutronclient==8.1.0,python-novaclient==18.1.0,python-subunit==1.4.0,pytz==2022.2.1,PyYAML==6.0,repoze.lru==0.7,requests==2.28.1,requests-mock==1.10.0,requestsexceptions==1.4.0,rfc3986==2.0.0,Routes==2.5.1,simplejson==3.17.6,six==1.16.0,smmap==5.0.0,snowballstemmer==2.2.0,Sphinx==5.1.1,sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.2,sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2,sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1,sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.3,sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.5,SQLAlchemy==1.4.41,sqlalchemy-migrate==0.13.0,sqlparse==0.4.2,statsd==3.3.0,stestr==4.0.0,stevedore==4.0.0,Tempita==0.5.2,tenacity==8.0.1,testresources==2.0.1,testscenarios==0.5.0,testtools==2.5.0,tooz==3.1.0,urllib3==1.26.12,vine==5.0.0,voluptuous==0.13.1,warlock==2.0.1,wcwidth==0.2.5,WebOb==1.8.7,wrapt==1.14.1,yappi==1.3.6,zipp==3.8.1
bandit run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1755623407'
bandit run-test: commands[0] | bandit -r manila -x tests -n5
[main] INFO profile include tests: None
[main] INFO profile exclude tests: None
[main] INFO cli include tests: None
[main] INFO cli exclude tests: None
[main] INFO running on Python 3.8.10
449 [0.. 50.. 100.. 150.. 200.. 250.. 300.. 350.. 400.. ]
Run started:2022-10-19 05:04:37.406472
Test results:
>> Issue: [B102:exec_used] Use of exec detected.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-78 (
Location: manila/cmd/
More Info:
166 arguments: path
167 """
168 exec(compile(open(path).read(), path, 'exec'), locals(), globals())
>> Issue: [B108:hardcoded_tmp_directory] Probable insecure usage of temp file/directory.
Severity: Medium Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-377 (
Location: manila/data/
More Info:
37 cfg.StrOpt(
38 'mount_tmp_location',
39 default='/tmp/',
40 help="Temporary path to create and mount shares during migration."),
41 cfg.BoolOpt(
>> Issue: [B112:try_except_continue] Try, Except, Continue detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/network/linux/
More Info:
347 try:
348 subnet = device_route_line.split()[0]
349 except Exception:
350 continue
351 subnet_route_list_lines = self._run(
>> Issue: [B101:assert_used] Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
72 def cleanup():
74 assert TRANSPORT is not None
75 assert NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT is not None
76 assert NOTIFIER is not None
>> Issue: [B101:assert_used] Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
74 assert TRANSPORT is not None
75 assert NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT is not None
76 assert NOTIFIER is not None
77 TRANSPORT.cleanup()
>> Issue: [B101:assert_used] Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
74 assert TRANSPORT is not None
75 assert NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT is not None
76 assert NOTIFIER is not None
77 TRANSPORT.cleanup()
>> Issue: [B101:assert_used] Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
145 def get_client(target, version_cap=None, serializer=None):
146 assert TRANSPORT is not None
147 serializer = RequestContextSerializer(serializer)
148 return messaging.RPCClient(TRANSPORT,
>> Issue: [B101:assert_used] Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
154 def get_server(target, endpoints, serializer=None):
155 assert TRANSPORT is not None
156 access_policy = dispatcher.DefaultRPCAccessPolicy
157 serializer = RequestContextSerializer(serializer)
>> Issue: [B101:assert_used] Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
166 @utils.if_notifications_enabled
167 def get_notifier(service=None, host=None, publisher_id=None):
168 assert NOTIFIER is not None
169 if not publisher_id:
170 publisher_id = "%s.%s" % (service, host or
>> Issue: [B311:blacklist] Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-330 (
Location: manila/scheduler/drivers/
More Info:
56 raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg)
58 return hosts[int(random.random() * len(hosts))]
60 def schedule_create_share(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties):
>> Issue: [B311:blacklist] Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-330 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
165 if self.periodic_interval:
166 if self.periodic_fuzzy_delay:
167 initial_delay = random.randint(0, self.periodic_fuzzy_delay)
168 else:
169 initial_delay = None
>> Issue: [B110:try_except_pass] Try, Except, Pass detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
240 try:
241 self.rpcserver.stop()
242 except Exception:
243 pass
>> Issue: [B104:hardcoded_bind_all_interfaces] Possible binding to all interfaces.
Severity: Medium Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-605 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
320 rpc.init(CONF)
321 = self.loader.load_app(name)
322 = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen' % name, "")
323 self.port = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen_port' % name, 0)
324 self.workers = getattr(CONF, '%s_workers' % name, None)
>> Issue: [B108:hardcoded_tmp_directory] Probable insecure usage of temp file/directory.
Severity: Medium Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-377 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/container/
More Info:
78 "is used to provide storage for a share."),
79 cfg.StrOpt("container_volume_mount_path",
80 default="/tmp/shares",
81 help="Folder name in host to which logical volume will be "
82 "mounted prior to providing access to it from a "
>> Issue: [B410:blacklist] Using etree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace etree with the equivalent defusedxml package.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/common/enas/
More Info:
17 import re
19 from lxml import etree
22 class XMLAPIParser(object):
23 def __init__(self):
>> Issue: [B307:blacklist] Use of possibly insecure function - consider using safer ast.literal_eval.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-78 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/common/enas/
More Info:
65 if func in vars(XMLAPIParser):
66 if action == 'start':
67 eval('self.' + func)(elem, result)
68 elif action == 'end':
69 eval('self.' + func)()
>> Issue: [B307:blacklist] Use of possibly insecure function - consider using safer ast.literal_eval.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-78 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/common/enas/
More Info:
67 eval('self.' + func)(elem, result)
68 elif action == 'end':
69 eval('self.' + func)()
71 return result
>> Issue: [B410:blacklist] Using builder to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace builder with the equivalent defusedxml package.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/powermax/
More Info:
17 import re
19 from lxml import builder
20 from lxml import etree as ET
21 from oslo_concurrency import processutils
>> Issue: [B410:blacklist] Using etree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace etree with the equivalent defusedxml package.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/powermax/
More Info:
19 from lxml import builder
20 from lxml import etree as ET
21 from oslo_concurrency import processutils
22 from oslo_log import log
>> Issue: [B307:blacklist] Use of possibly insecure function - consider using safer ast.literal_eval.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-78 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/powermax/
More Info:
50 for item in obj_types:
51 key = item.__name__
52 self.context[key] = eval(key)(self.connectors,
53 elt_maker,
54 xml_parser,
>> Issue: [B311:blacklist] Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-330 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/unity/
More Info:
739 def _choose_port(sp_ports_map, sp):
740 ports = sp_ports_map[sp.get_id()]
741 return random.choice(list(ports))
743 @staticmethod
>> Issue: [B410:blacklist] Using builder to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace builder with the equivalent defusedxml package.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/vnx/
More Info:
17 import re
19 from lxml import builder
20 from lxml import etree as ET
21 from oslo_concurrency import processutils
>> Issue: [B410:blacklist] Using etree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace etree with the equivalent defusedxml package.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/vnx/
More Info:
19 from lxml import builder
20 from lxml import etree as ET
21 from oslo_concurrency import processutils
22 from oslo_log import log
>> Issue: [B307:blacklist] Use of possibly insecure function - consider using safer ast.literal_eval.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-78 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/vnx/
More Info:
50 for item in obj_types:
51 key = item.__name__
52 self.context[key] = eval(key)(self.connectors,
53 elt_maker,
54 xml_parser,
>> Issue: [B608:hardcoded_sql_expressions] Possible SQL injection vector through string-based query construction.
Severity: Medium Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-89 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/ganesha/
More Info:
620 out = self.execute(
621 "sqlite3", self.ganesha_db_path,
622 bumpcode + 'select * from ganesha where key = "exportid";',
623 run_as_root=False)[0]
624 match ='\Aexportid\|(\d+)$', out)
>> Issue: [B104:hardcoded_bind_all_interfaces] Possible binding to all interfaces.
Severity: Medium Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-605 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/ganesha/
More Info:
148 """
149 if access_rule['access_to'] == '':
150 access_rule['access_to'] = ''
151 LOG.debug("Set access_to field to '' in ganesha back end.")
>> Issue: [B405:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
19 import re
20 import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
22 from oslo_config import cfg
23 from oslo_log import log
>> Issue: [B313:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
256 )
258 volxml = etree.fromstring(out)
259 self.xml_response_check(volxml, args[1:], './volInfo/volumes/count')
260 for e in volxml.findall(".//option"):
>> Issue: [B313:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
284 try:
285 optxml = etree.fromstring(out)
286 except Exception:
287 # non-xml output indicates that GlusterFS backend does not support
>> Issue: [B405:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
21 from oslo_config import cfg
22 from oslo_log import log
23 import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
25 from manila import exception
26 from manila.i18n import _
>> Issue: [B313:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
240 raise
242 volxml = etree.fromstring(out)
243 usage_byte = volxml.find('./volQuota/limit/used_space').text
244 usage = utils.translate_string_size_to_float(usage_byte)
>> Issue: [B405:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
22 import string
23 import tempfile
24 import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
26 from oslo_config import cfg
27 from oslo_log import log
>> Issue: [B311:blacklist] Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-330 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
317 # even distribution of share backing volumes among
318 # Gluster clusters.
319 chosen_host = random.choice(list(chosen_hostmap.keys()))
320 # Within a host's volumes, choose alphabetically first,
321 # to make it predictable.
>> Issue: [B313:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
562 )
564 outxml = etree.fromstring(out)
565 opret = int(common.volxml_get(outxml, 'opRet'))
566 operrno = int(common.volxml_get(outxml, 'opErrno'))
>> Issue: [B313:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/glusterfs/
More Info:
604 )
606 outxml = etree.fromstring(out)
607 gluster_mgr.xml_response_check(outxml, args[1:])
>> Issue: [B501:request_with_no_cert_validation] Requests call with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue.
Severity: High Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-295 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/hitachi/hsp/
More Info:
34 def _send_post(self, url, payload=None):
35 resp =, auth=(self.username, self.password),
36 data=payload, verify=False)
38 if resp.status_code == 202:
39 self._wait_job_status(resp.headers['location'], 'COMPLETE')
>> Issue: [B501:request_with_no_cert_validation] Requests call with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue.
Severity: High Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-295 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/hitachi/hsp/
More Info:
45 def _send_get(self, url, payload=None):
46 resp = requests.get(url, auth=(self.username, self.password),
47 data=payload, verify=False)
49 if resp.status_code == 200:
50 if resp.content == 'null':
>> Issue: [B501:request_with_no_cert_validation] Requests call with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue.
Severity: High Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-295 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/hitachi/hsp/
More Info:
59 def _send_delete(self, url, payload=None):
60 resp = requests.delete(url, auth=(self.username, self.password),
61 data=payload, verify=False)
63 if resp.status_code == 202:
64 self._wait_job_status(resp.headers['location'], 'COMPLETE')
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/hpe/
More Info:
358 file_size = os.path.getsize(source_file)
360 sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
361 sha1.update(("blob %u\0" % file_size).encode('utf-8'))
>> Issue: [B405:blacklist] Using ElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace ElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/huawei/
More Info:
16 """Huawei Nas Driver for Huawei storage arrays."""
17 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
19 from oslo_config import cfg
20 from oslo_log import log
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.parse to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.parse with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/huawei/
More Info:
87 try:
88 tree = ET.parse(filename)
89 root = tree.getroot()
90 except Exception as err:
>> Issue: [B311:blacklist] Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-330 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/huawei/v3/
More Info:
1390 # Set AD config.
1391 digits = string.digits
1392 random_id = ''.join([random.choice(digits) for i in range(9)])
1393 system_name = constants.SYSTEM_NAME_PREFIX + random_id
>> Issue: [B405:blacklist] Using ElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace ElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/huawei/v3/
More Info:
18 import requests
19 import time
20 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
22 from oslo_log import log
23 from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.parse to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.parse with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/huawei/v3/
More Info:
186 logininfo = {}
187 filename = self.configuration.manila_huawei_conf_file
188 tree = ET.parse(filename)
189 root = tree.getroot()
190 RestURL = root.findtext('Storage/RestURL')
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.parse to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.parse with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/huawei/v3/
More Info:
371 filename = self.configuration.manila_huawei_conf_file
372 try:
373 tree = ET.parse(filename)
374 root = tree.getroot()
375 except Exception as err:
>> Issue: [B105:hardcoded_password_string] Possible hardcoded password: 'manilanobody'
Severity: Low Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-259 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/macrosan/
More Info:
97 else:
98 user_name = 'manilanobody'
99 user_passwd = 'manilanobody'
100 group_name = 'manilanobody'
101 ret = self._ensure_user(user_name, user_passwd, group_name)
>> Issue: [B410:blacklist] Using etree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace etree with the equivalent defusedxml package.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/
More Info:
22 import re
24 from lxml import etree
25 from oslo_log import log
26 from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
>> Issue: [B105:hardcoded_password_string] Possible hardcoded password: 'basic_auth'
Severity: Low Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-259 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/
More Info:
71 STYLE_LOGIN_PASSWORD = 'basic_auth'
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/
More Info:
1559 self.configure_dns(security_service)
1561 config_name = hashlib.md5(
1562 security_service['id'].encode("latin-1")).hexdigest()
1563 api_args = {
1564 'ldap-client-config': config_name,
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/
More Info:
1620 def _delete_ldap_client(self, security_service):
1621 config_name = (
1622 hashlib.md5(security_service['id'].encode("latin-1")).hexdigest())
1623 api_args = {'ldap-client-config': config_name}
1624 self.send_request('ldap-client-delete', api_args)
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/
More Info:
1627 def configure_ldap(self, security_service, timeout=30):
1628 """Configures LDAP on Vserver."""
1629 config_name = hashlib.md5(
1630 security_service['id'].encode("latin-1")).hexdigest()
1631 self._create_ldap_client(security_service)
1632 self._enable_ldap_client(config_name, timeout=timeout)
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/
More Info:
1656 new_config_name = (
1657 hashlib.md5(
1658 new_security_service['id'].encode("latin-1")).hexdigest())
1659 # Create ldap config with the new client
1660 api_args = {'client-config': new_config_name, 'client-enabled': 'true'}
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/
More Info:
1667 if e.code != netapp_api.EOBJECTNOTFOUND:
1668 current_config_name = (
1669 hashlib.md5(
1670 current_security_service['id'].encode(
1671 "latin-1")).hexdigest())
1672 msg = _("An error occurred while deleting original LDAP "
1673 "client configuration %(current_config)s. "
>> Issue: [B110:try_except_pass] Try, Except, Pass detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/
More Info:
219 try:
220 self._version = version.version_info.version_string()
221 except Exception:
222 pass
>> Issue: [B110:try_except_pass] Try, Except, Pass detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/
More Info:
225 try:
226 self._release = version.version_info.release_string()
227 except Exception:
228 pass
>> Issue: [B110:try_except_pass] Try, Except, Pass detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/
More Info:
231 try:
232 self._platform = platform.platform()
233 except Exception:
234 pass
>> Issue: [B110:try_except_pass] Try, Except, Pass detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/
More Info:
247 if ver:
248 self._version = ver
249 except Exception:
250 pass
251 try:
>> Issue: [B110:try_except_pass] Try, Except, Pass detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/netapp/
More Info:
253 if rel:
254 self._release = rel
255 except Exception:
256 pass
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/nexenta/ns5/
More Info:
552 if isinstance(path, str):
553 path = path.encode('utf-8')
554 self.lock = hashlib.md5(path).hexdigest()
556 def url(self, path):
>> Issue: [B405:blacklist] Using xml.etree.cElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.cElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
25 try:
26 import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
27 except ImportError:
28 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>> Issue: [B405:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
26 import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
27 except ImportError:
28 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
30 from oslo_log import log as logging
>> Issue: [B323:blacklist] By default, Python will create a secure, verified ssl context for use in such classes as HTTPSConnection. However, it still allows using an insecure context via the _create_unverified_context that reverts to the previous behavior that does not validate certificates or perform hostname checks.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-295 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
84 if isSSL:
85 if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
86 context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
87 connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(ip,
88 port=port,
>> Issue: [B309:blacklist] Use of HTTPSConnection on older versions of Python prior to 2.7.9 and 3.4.3 do not provide security, see
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-319 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
85 if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
86 context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
87 connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(ip,
88 port=port,
89 context=context)
90 else:
91 connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(ip,
>> Issue: [B309:blacklist] Use of HTTPSConnection on older versions of Python prior to 2.7.9 and 3.4.3 do not provide security, see
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-319 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
89 context=context)
90 else:
91 connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(ip,
92 port=port)
93 else:
94 connection = http_client.HTTPConnection(ip, port)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
109 LOG.debug('response data: %s', data)
111 root = ET.fromstring(data)
113 display_model_name = root.find('model/displayModelName').text
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
160 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
161 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
163 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
227 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
228 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
230 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
264 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
265 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
267 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
288 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
290 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
291 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
292 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
323 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
324 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
325 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
326 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
360 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
361 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
362 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
363 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
388 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
389 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
390 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
391 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
430 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
431 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
433 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
452 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
453 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
454 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
455 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
484 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
485 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
486 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
487 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
524 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
525 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
527 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
547 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
548 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
549 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
550 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
583 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
584 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
585 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
586 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
607 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
608 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
609 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
610 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
629 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
630 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
631 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
632 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
652 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
653 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
654 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
655 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B314:blacklist] Using xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-20 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/qnap/
More Info:
683 res_details = self._execute_and_get_response_details(self.ip, url)
684 root = ET.fromstring(res_details['data'])
685 if root.find('authPassed').text == '0':
686 raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=MSG_SESSION_EXPIRED)
>> Issue: [B501:request_with_no_cert_validation] Requests call with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue.
Severity: High Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-295 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/tegile/
More Info:
131 data=params,
132 auth=(self._username, self._password),
133 verify=False)
134 else:
135 req = requests.get(url,
136 auth=(self._username, self._password),
137 verify=False)
>> Issue: [B501:request_with_no_cert_validation] Requests call with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue.
Severity: High Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-295 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/tegile/
More Info:
135 req = requests.get(url,
136 auth=(self._username, self._password),
137 verify=False)
139 if fine_logging:
140 LOG.debug('TegileAPIExecutor(%(classname)s) method: %(method)s, '
141 'return code: %(retcode)s',
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/veritas/
More Info:
142 name1 = name[:index]
143 name2 = name[index:]
144 crc1 = hashlib.md5(name1.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:8]
145 crc2 = hashlib.md5(name2.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:8]
146 return crc1 + '-' + crc2
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/veritas/
More Info:
143 name2 = name[index:]
144 crc1 = hashlib.md5(name1.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:8]
145 crc2 = hashlib.md5(name2.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:8]
146 return crc1 + '-' + crc2
>> Issue: [B310:blacklist] Audit url open for permitted schemes. Allowing use of file:/ or custom schemes is often unexpected.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-22 (
Location: manila/share/drivers/zfssa/
More Info:
283 while retry < maxreqretries:
284 try:
285 response = urlrequest.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout)
286 except urlerror.HTTPError as err:
287 if err.code == http_client.NOT_FOUND:
>> Issue: [B303:blacklist] Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function.
Severity: Medium Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-327 (
Location: manila/share/
More Info:
403 if new_backend_info:
404 new_backend_info_hash = hashlib.sha1(str(
405 sorted(new_backend_info.items())).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
406 if (old_backend_info_hash == new_backend_info_hash and
407 backend_info_implemented):
>> Issue: [B110:try_except_pass] Try, Except, Pass detected.
Severity: Low Confidence: High
CWE: CWE-703 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
197 try:
198 x.kill()
199 except Exception:
200 pass
>> Issue: [B601:paramiko_calls] Possible shell injection via Paramiko call, check inputs are properly sanitized.
Severity: Medium Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-78 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
708 cmd = 'cat > "%s"' % tmp_filename
709 cmd2 = 'mv -f "%s" "%s"' % (tmp_filename, filename)
710 stdin, __, __ = ssh.exec_command(cmd)
711 stdin.write(contents)
712 stdin.close()
>> Issue: [B601:paramiko_calls] Possible shell injection via Paramiko call, check inputs are properly sanitized.
Severity: Medium Confidence: Medium
CWE: CWE-78 (
Location: manila/
More Info:
712 stdin.close()
714 ssh.exec_command(cmd2)
Code scanned:
Total lines of code: 101135
Total lines skipped (#nosec): 0
Run metrics:
Total issues (by severity):
Undefined: 0
Low: 34
Medium: 52
High: 5
Total issues (by confidence):
Undefined: 0
Low: 0
Medium: 9
High: 82
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