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Created July 9, 2019 06:57
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Nutanix Calm 2048 Blueprint (CentOS7 Cloud Image)
"api_version": "3.0",
"metadata": {
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"last_update_time": "1562655036929458",
"name": "centos-2048",
"spec_version": 11
"spec": {
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"description": "",
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"name": "d706cb5f_deployment",
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"type": "GREENFIELD",
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"description": "",
"name": "Nutanix AHV",
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"client_attrs": {
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"description": "",
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"login_credential_local_reference": {
"kind": "app_credential",
"name": "DefaultUser"
"script": "#!/bin/bash\nset -ex\n\nsudo yum -y install epel-release.noarch\nsudo yum -y install 2048-cli",
"script_type": "sh",
"type": ""
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"version": ""
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"service_definition_list": [
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"type": "system"
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"description": "System action for deleting an application. Deletes created VMs as well",
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"variable_list": []
"type": "system"
"critical": false,
"description": "System action for restarting an application",
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"task_definition_list": [
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"description": "",
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"target_any_local_reference": {
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"type": "DAG",
"variable_list": []
"variable_list": []
"type": "system"
"critical": false,
"description": "System action for starting an application",
"name": "action_start",
"runbook": {
"description": "",
"main_task_local_reference": {
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"name": "efda8ba4_runbook",
"task_definition_list": [
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"description": "",
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"variable_list": []
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"description": "",
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"variable_list": []
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"backup_policy": null,
"categories": "",
"cluster_reference": null,
"name": "CENTOS-@@{calm_array_index}@@-@@{calm_time}@@",
"resources": {
"boot_config": {
"boot_device": {
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"device_index": 0,
"type": ""
"type": ""
"mac_address": "",
"type": ""
"disk_list": [
"data_source_reference": {
"kind": "image",
"name": "CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1801-01",
"type": "",
"uuid": "99c50fb5-bd7a-41bc-a4e6-5656cb1216fc"
"device_properties": {
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"device_index": 0,
"type": ""
"type": ""
"disk_size_mib": 0,
"type": "",
"volume_group_reference": null
"gpu_list": [],
"guest_customization": {
"cloud_init": {
"meta_data": "",
"type": "",
"user_data": "#cloud-config\nusers:\n- default\n\ndisable_root: true\nssh_pwauth: true\n\nsystem_info:\n default_user:\n name: @@{DefaultUser.username}@@\n plain_text_passwd: @@{DefaultUser.secret}@@\n lock_passwd: false"
"sysprep": null,
"type": ""
"guest_tools": null,
"hardware_clock_timezone": "",
"memory_size_mib": 2048,
"nic_list": [
"ip_endpoint_list": [],
"mac_address": "",
"network_function_chain_reference": null,
"network_function_nic_type": "INGRESS",
"nic_type": "NORMAL_NIC",
"subnet_reference": {
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"name": "",
"type": "",
"uuid": "d254c8ba-4939-4418-b194-1beba155e7b7"
"type": ""
"num_sockets": 2,
"num_vcpus_per_socket": 1,
"parent_reference": null,
"power_state": "ON",
"serial_port_list": [],
"type": ""
"type": ""
"description": "",
"editables": {
"create_spec": {
"resources": {
"disk_list": {
"0": {
"data_source_reference": true
"nic_list": {
"0": {
"subnet_reference": true
"serial_port_list": {}
"name": "2048",
"os_type": "Linux",
"readiness_probe": {
"address": "@@{platform.status.resources.nic_list[0].ip_endpoint_list[0].ip}@@",
"connection_port": 22,
"connection_type": "SSH",
"delay_secs": "60",
"disable_readiness_probe": false,
"login_credential_local_reference": {
"kind": "app_credential",
"name": "DefaultUser"
"type": "AHV_VM",
"variable_list": []
"type": "USER"
"status": {}
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gowatana commented Jul 9, 2019

・起動時に IPAM有効のネットワークを選択する。

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gowatana commented Jul 9, 2019

・2048 エンターキー(もしくは 2048 -cでカラーモード)

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