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#include "track_ellipse.h"
void ellipsetrack(avi_t *video,double *xc0,double *yc0,int Nc,int R,int Np,int Nf)
% ELLIPSETRACK tracks cells in the movie specified by 'video', at
% locations 'xc0'/'yc0' with radii R using an ellipse with Np discrete
% points, starting at frame number one and stopping at frame number 'Nf'.
% video.......pointer to avi video object
% xc0,yc0.....initial center location (Nc entries)
% Nc..........number of cells
% R...........initial radius
% Np..........nbr of snaxels points per snake
% Nf..........nbr of frames in which to track
% Matlab code written by: DREW GILLIAM (based on code by GANG DONG /
% Ported to C by: MICHAEL BOYER
int i;
int j;
// Compute angle parameter
double *t = (double *)(malloc((sizeof(double ) * Np)));
double increment = (2.0 * 3.14159 / ((double )Np));
for (i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
t[i] = (increment * ((double )i));
// Allocate space for a snake for each cell in each frame
double **xc = alloc_2d_double(Nc,(Nf + 1));
double **yc = alloc_2d_double(Nc,(Nf + 1));
double ***r = alloc_3d_double(Nc,Np,(Nf + 1));
double ***x = alloc_3d_double(Nc,Np,(Nf + 1));
double ***y = alloc_3d_double(Nc,Np,(Nf + 1));
// Save the first snake for each cell
for (i = 0; i < Nc; i++) {
xc[i][0] = xc0[i];
yc[i][0] = yc0[i];
for (j = 0; j < Np; j++) {
r[i][j][0] = ((double )R);
// Generate ellipse points for each cell
for (i = 0; i < Nc; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < Np; j++) {
x[i][j][0] = (xc[i][0] + (r[i][j][0] * cos(t[j])));
y[i][j][0] = (yc[i][0] + (r[i][j][0] * sin(t[j])));
// Keep track of the total time spent on computing
// the MGVF matrix and evolving the snakes
long long MGVF_time = 0;
long long snake_time = 0;
// Process each frame
int frame_num;
int cell_num;
for (frame_num = 1; frame_num <= Nf; frame_num++) {
printf("\rProcessing frame %d / %d",frame_num,Nf);
// Get the current video frame and its dimensions
MAT *I = get_frame(video,frame_num,0,1);
int Ih = (I -> m);
int Iw = (I -> n);
// Set the current positions equal to the previous positions
for (i = 0; i < Nc; i++) {
xc[i][frame_num] = xc[i][frame_num - 1];
yc[i][frame_num] = yc[i][frame_num - 1];
for (j = 0; j < Np; j++) {
r[i][j][frame_num] = r[i][j][frame_num - 1];
#ifdef OPEN
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(omp_num_threads)
#pragma omp for private(i,j)
for (cell_num = 0; cell_num < Nc; cell_num++) {
// Make copies of the current cell's location
double xci = xc[cell_num][frame_num];
double yci = yc[cell_num][frame_num];
double *ri = (double *)(malloc((sizeof(double ) * Np)));
for (j = 0; j < Np; j++) {
ri[j] = r[cell_num][j][frame_num];
// Add up the last ten y-values for this cell
// (or fewer if there are not yet ten previous frames)
double ycavg = 0.0;
for (i = ((frame_num > 10)?(frame_num - 10) : 0); i < frame_num; i++) {
ycavg += yc[cell_num][i];
// Compute the average of the last ten y-values
// (this represents the expected y-location of the cell)
ycavg = (ycavg / ((double )(((frame_num > 10)?10 : frame_num))));
// Determine the range of the subimage surrounding the current position
int u1 = ((((xci - (4.0 * R)) + 0.5) > 0)?((xci - (4.0 * R)) + 0.5) : 0);
int u2 = ((((xci + (4.0 * R)) + 0.5) > (Iw - 1))?(Iw - 1) : ((xci + (4.0 * R)) + 0.5));
int v1 = ((((yci - (2.0 * R)) + 1.5) > 0)?((yci - (2.0 * R)) + 1.5) : 0);
int v2 = ((((yci + (2.0 * R)) + 1.5) > (Ih - 1))?(Ih - 1) : ((yci + (2.0 * R)) + 1.5));
// Extract the subimage
MAT *Isub = m_get(((v2 - v1) + 1),((u2 - u1) + 1));
for (i = v1; i <= v2; i++) {
for (j = u1; j <= u2; j++) {
(Isub -> me)[i - v1][j - u1] = (I -> me)[i][j];
// Compute the subimage gradient magnitude
MAT *Ix = gradient_x(Isub);
MAT *Iy = gradient_y(Isub);
MAT *IE = m_get((Isub -> m),(Isub -> n));
for (i = 0; i < (Isub -> m); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (Isub -> n); j++) {
double temp_x = (Ix -> me)[i][j];
double temp_y = (Iy -> me)[i][j];
(IE -> me)[i][j] = sqrt(((temp_x * temp_x) + (temp_y * temp_y)));
// Compute the motion gradient vector flow (MGVF) edgemaps
long long MGVF_start_time = get_time();
MGVF_time += (get_time() - MGVF_start_time);
// Determine the position of the cell in the subimage
xci = (xci - ((double )u1));
yci = (yci - ((double )(v1 - 1)));
ycavg = (ycavg - ((double )(v1 - 1)));
// Evolve the snake
long long snake_start_time = get_time();
ellipseevolve(IMGVF,&xci,&yci,ri,t,Np,((double )R),ycavg);
snake_time += (get_time() - snake_start_time);
// Compute the cell's new position in the full image
xci = (xci + u1);
yci = (yci + (v1 - 1));
// Store the new location of the cell and the snake
xc[cell_num][frame_num] = xci;
yc[cell_num][frame_num] = yci;
for (j = 0; j < Np; j++) {
r[cell_num][j][frame_num] = ri[j];
x[cell_num][j][frame_num] = (xc[cell_num][frame_num] + (ri[j] * cos(t[j])));
y[cell_num][j][frame_num] = (yc[cell_num][frame_num] + (ri[j] * sin(t[j])));
// Output the updated center of each cell
//printf("%d,%f,%f\n", cell_num, xci[cell_num], yci[cell_num]);
// Free temporary memory
#ifdef OUTPUT
// Output a new line to visually distinguish the output from different frames
// Free temporary memory
// Report average processing time per frame
printf("\n\nTracking runtime (average per frame):\n");
printf("MGVF computation: %.5f seconds\n",(((float )MGVF_time) / ((float )(1000 * 1000 * Nf))));
printf(" Snake evolution: %.5f seconds\n",(((float )snake_time) / ((float )(1000 * 1000 * Nf))));
MAT *MGVF(MAT *I,double vx,double vy)
% MGVF calculate the motion gradient vector flow (MGVF)
% for the image 'I'
% Based on the algorithm in:
% Motion gradient vector flow: an external force for tracking rolling
% leukocytes with shape and size constrained active contours
% Ray, N. and Acton, S.T.
% IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
% Volume: 23, Issue: 12, December 2004
% Pages: 1466 - 1478
% I...........image
% vx,vy.......velocity vector
% IMGVF.......MGVF vector field as image
% Matlab code written by: DREW GILLIAM (based on work by GANG DONG /
% Ported to C by: MICHAEL BOYER
// Constants
double converge = 0.00001;
double mu = 0.5;
double epsilon = 0.0000000001;
double lambda = ((8.0 * mu) + 1.0);
// Smallest positive value expressable in double-precision
double eps = pow(2.0,-52.0);
// Maximum number of iterations to compute the MGVF matrix
int iterations = 500;
// Find the maximum and minimum values in I
int m = (I -> m);
int n = (I -> n);
int i;
int j;
double Imax = (I -> me)[0][0];
double Imin = (I -> me)[0][0];
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double temp = (I -> me)[i][j];
if (temp > Imax)
Imax = temp;
else if (temp < Imin)
Imin = temp;
// Normalize the image I
double scale = (1.0 / ((Imax - Imin) + eps));
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double old_val = (I -> me)[i][j];
(I -> me)[i][j] = ((old_val - Imin) * scale);
// Initialize the output matrix IMGVF with values from I
MAT *IMGVF = m_get(m,n);
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
(IMGVF -> me)[i][j] = (I -> me)[i][j];
// Precompute row and column indices for the
// neighbor difference computation below
int *rowU = (int *)(malloc((sizeof(int ) * m)));
int *rowD = (int *)(malloc((sizeof(int ) * m)));
int *colL = (int *)(malloc((sizeof(int ) * n)));
int *colR = (int *)(malloc((sizeof(int ) * n)));
rowU[0] = 0;
rowD[m - 1] = (m - 1);
for (i = 1; i < m; i++) {
rowU[i] = (i - 1);
rowD[i - 1] = i;
colL[0] = 0;
colR[n - 1] = (n - 1);
for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
colL[j] = (j - 1);
colR[j - 1] = j;
// Allocate matrices used in the while loop below
MAT *U = m_get(m,n);
MAT *D = m_get(m,n);
MAT *L = m_get(m,n);
MAT *R = m_get(m,n);
MAT *UR = m_get(m,n);
MAT *DR = m_get(m,n);
MAT *UL = m_get(m,n);
MAT *DL = m_get(m,n);
MAT *UHe = m_get(m,n);
MAT *DHe = m_get(m,n);
MAT *LHe = m_get(m,n);
MAT *RHe = m_get(m,n);
MAT *URHe = m_get(m,n);
MAT *DRHe = m_get(m,n);
MAT *ULHe = m_get(m,n);
MAT *DLHe = m_get(m,n);
// Precompute constants to avoid division in the for loops below
double mu_over_lambda = (mu / lambda);
double one_over_lambda = (1.0 / lambda);
// Compute the MGVF
int iter = 0;
double mean_diff = 1.0;
while((iter < iterations) && (mean_diff > converge)){
// Compute the difference between each pixel and its eight neighbors
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double subtrahend = (IMGVF -> me)[i][j];
(U -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[rowU[i]][j] - subtrahend);
(D -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[rowD[i]][j] - subtrahend);
(L -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[i][colL[j]] - subtrahend);
(R -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[i][colR[j]] - subtrahend);
(UR -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[rowU[i]][colR[j]] - subtrahend);
(DR -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[rowD[i]][colR[j]] - subtrahend);
(UL -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[rowU[i]][colL[j]] - subtrahend);
(DL -> me)[i][j] = ((IMGVF -> me)[rowD[i]][colL[j]] - subtrahend);
// Compute the regularized heaviside version of the matrices above
heaviside(URHe,UR,(vx - vy),epsilon);
heaviside(DRHe,DR,(vx + vy),epsilon);
heaviside(ULHe,UL,(-vx - vy),epsilon);
heaviside(DLHe,DL,(vy - vx),epsilon);
// Update the IMGVF matrix
double total_diff = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
// Store the old value so we can compute the difference later
double old_val = (IMGVF -> me)[i][j];
// Compute IMGVF += (mu / lambda)(UHe .*U + DHe .*D + LHe .*L + RHe .*R +
// URHe.*UR + DRHe.*DR + ULHe.*UL + DLHe.*DL);
double vU = ((UHe -> me)[i][j] * (U -> me)[i][j]);
double vD = ((DHe -> me)[i][j] * (D -> me)[i][j]);
double vL = ((LHe -> me)[i][j] * (L -> me)[i][j]);
double vR = ((RHe -> me)[i][j] * (R -> me)[i][j]);
double vUR = ((URHe -> me)[i][j] * (UR -> me)[i][j]);
double vDR = ((DRHe -> me)[i][j] * (DR -> me)[i][j]);
double vUL = ((ULHe -> me)[i][j] * (UL -> me)[i][j]);
double vDL = ((DLHe -> me)[i][j] * (DL -> me)[i][j]);
double vHe = (old_val + (mu_over_lambda * (((((((vU + vD) + vL) + vR) + vUR) + vDR) + vUL) + vDL)));
// Compute IMGVF -= (1 / lambda)(I .* (IMGVF - I))
double vI = (I -> me)[i][j];
double new_val = (vHe - ((one_over_lambda * vI) * (vHe - vI)));
(IMGVF -> me)[i][j] = new_val;
// Keep track of the absolute value of the differences
// between this iteration and the previous one
total_diff += fabs((new_val - old_val));
// Compute the mean absolute difference between this iteration
// and the previous one to check for convergence
mean_diff = (total_diff / ((double )(m * n)));
// Free memory
return IMGVF;
// Regularized version of the Heaviside step function,
// parameterized by a small positive number 'e'
void heaviside(MAT *H,MAT *z,double v,double e)
int m = (z -> m);
int n = (z -> n);
int i;
int j;
// Precompute constants to avoid division in the for loops below
double one_over_pi = 1.0 / 3.14159;
double one_over_e = (1.0 / e);
// Compute H = (1 / pi) * atan((z * v) / e) + 0.5
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
indigo__record_c(1,387,((void *)(&(z -> me)[i][j])),0,sizeof(double ));
double z_val = ((z -> me)[i][j] * v);
double H_val = ((one_over_pi * atan((z_val * one_over_e))) + 0.5);
indigo__record_c(2,389,((void *)(&(H -> me)[i][j])),1,sizeof(double ));
(H -> me)[i][j] = H_val;
// A simpler, faster approximation of the Heaviside function
/* for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double z_val = m_get_val(z, i, j) * v;
double H_val = 0.5;
if (z_val < -0.0001) H_val = 0.0;
else if (z_val > 0.0001) H_val = 1.0;
m_set_val(H, i, j, H_val);
} */
void ellipseevolve(MAT *f,double *xc0,double *yc0,double *r0,double *t,int Np,double Er,double Ey)
% ELLIPSEEVOLVE evolves a parametric snake according
% to some energy constraints.
% f............potential surface
% xc0,yc0......initial center position
% r0,t.........initial radii & angle vectors (with Np elements each)
% Np...........number of snaxel points per snake
% Er...........expected radius
% Ey...........expected y position
% xc0, center position
% radii
% Matlab code written by: DREW GILLIAM (based on work by GANG DONG /
% Ported to C by: MICHAEL BOYER
// Constants
double deltax = 0.2;
double deltay = 0.2;
double deltar = 0.2;
double converge = 0.1;
double lambdaedge = 1;
double lambdasize = 0.2;
double lambdapath = 0.05;
// maximum number of iterations
int iterations = 1000;
int i;
int j;
// Initialize variables
double xc = *xc0;
double yc = *yc0;
double *r = (double *)(malloc((sizeof(double ) * Np)));
for (i = 0; i < Np; i++)
r[i] = r0[i];
// Compute the x- and y-gradients of the MGVF matrix
MAT *fx = gradient_x(f);
MAT *fy = gradient_y(f);
// Normalize the gradients
int fh = (f -> m);
int fw = (f -> n);
for (i = 0; i < fh; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < fw; j++) {
double temp_x = (fx -> me)[i][j];
double temp_y = (fy -> me)[i][j];
double fmag = sqrt(((temp_x * temp_x) + (temp_y * temp_y)));
(fx -> me)[i][j] = (temp_x / fmag);
(fy -> me)[i][j] = (temp_y / fmag);
double *r_old = (double *)(malloc((sizeof(double ) * Np)));
VEC *x = v_get(Np);
VEC *y = v_get(Np);
// Evolve the snake
int iter = 0;
double snakediff = 1.0;
while((iter < iterations) && (snakediff > converge)){
// Save the values from the previous iteration
double xc_old = xc;
double yc_old = yc;
for (i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
r_old[i] = r[i];
// Compute the locations of the snaxels
for (i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
(x -> ve)[i] = (xc + (r[i] * cos(t[i])));
(y -> ve)[i] = (yc + (r[i] * sin(t[i])));
// See if any of the points in the snake are off the edge of the image
double min_x = (x -> ve)[0];
double max_x = (x -> ve)[0];
double min_y = (y -> ve)[0];
double max_y = (y -> ve)[0];
for (i = 1; i < Np; i++) {
double x_i = (x -> ve)[i];
if (x_i < min_x)
min_x = x_i;
else if (x_i > max_x)
max_x = x_i;
double y_i = (y -> ve)[i];
if (y_i < min_y)
min_y = y_i;
else if (y_i > max_y)
max_y = y_i;
if ((((min_x < 0.0) || (max_x > (((double )fw) - 1.0))) || (min_y < 0)) || (max_y > (((double )fh) - 1.0)))
// Compute the length of the snake
double L = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < (Np - 1); i++) {
double diff_x = ((x -> ve)[i + 1] - (x -> ve)[i]);
double diff_y = ((y -> ve)[i + 1] - (y -> ve)[i]);
L += sqrt(((diff_x * diff_x) + (diff_y * diff_y)));
double diff_x = ((x -> ve)[0] - (x -> ve)[Np - 1]);
double diff_y = ((y -> ve)[0] - (y -> ve)[Np - 1]);
L += sqrt(((diff_x * diff_x) + (diff_y * diff_y)));
// Compute the potential surface at each snaxel
MAT *vf = linear_interp2(f,x,y);
MAT *vfx = linear_interp2(fx,x,y);
MAT *vfy = linear_interp2(fy,x,y);
// Compute the average potential surface around the snake
double vfmean = (sum_m(vf) / L);
double vfxmean = (sum_m(vfx) / L);
double vfymean = (sum_m(vfy) / L);
// Compute the radial potential surface
int m = (vf -> m);
int n = (vf -> n);
MAT *vfr = m_get(m,n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double vf_val = (vf -> me)[0][i];
double vfx_val = (vfx -> me)[0][i];
double vfy_val = (vfy -> me)[0][i];
double x_val = (x -> ve)[i];
double y_val = (y -> ve)[i];
double new_val = ((((vf_val + (vfx_val * (x_val - xc))) + (vfy_val * (y_val - yc))) - vfmean) / L);
(vfr -> me)[0][i] = new_val;
// Update the snake center and snaxels
xc = (xc + ((deltax * lambdaedge) * vfxmean));
yc = (((yc + ((deltay * lambdaedge) * vfymean)) + ((deltay * lambdapath) * Ey)) / (1.0 + (deltay * lambdapath)));
double r_diff = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < Np; i++) {
r[i] = (((r[i] + ((deltar * lambdaedge) * (vfr -> me)[0][i])) + ((deltar * lambdasize) * Er)) / (1.0 + (deltar * lambdasize)));
r_diff += fabs((r[i] - r_old[i]));
// Test for convergence
snakediff = ((fabs((xc - xc_old)) + fabs((yc - yc_old))) + r_diff);
// Free temporary matrices
// Set the return values
*xc0 = xc;
*yc0 = yc;
for (i = 0; i < Np; i++)
r0[i] = r[i];
// Free memory
// Returns the sum of all of the elements in the specified matrix
double sum_m(MAT *matrix)
if (matrix == ((MAT *)((void *)0)))
return 0.0;
int i;
int j;
double sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < (matrix -> m); i++)
for (j = 0; j < (matrix -> n); j++)
sum += (matrix -> me)[i][j];
return sum;
// Returns the sum of all of the elements in the specified vector
double sum_v(VEC *vector)
if (vector == ((VEC *)((void *)0)))
return 0.0;
int i;
double sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < (vector -> dim); i++)
sum += (vector -> ve)[i];
return sum;
// Creates a zeroed x-by-y matrix of doubles
double **alloc_2d_double(int x,int y)
if ((x < 1) || (y < 1))
return 0;
// Allocate the data and the pointers to the data
double *data = (double *)(calloc((x * y),(sizeof(double ))));
double **pointers = (double **)(malloc((sizeof(double *) * x)));
// Make the pointers point to the data
int i;
for (i = 0; i < x; i++) {
pointers[i] = (data + (i * y));
return pointers;
// Creates a zeroed x-by-y-by-z matrix of doubles
double ***alloc_3d_double(int x,int y,int z)
if (((x < 1) || (y < 1)) || (z < 1))
return 0;
// Allocate the data and the two levels of pointers
double *data = (double *)(calloc(((x * y) * z),(sizeof(double ))));
double **pointers_to_data = (double **)(malloc(((sizeof(double *) * x) * y)));
double ***pointers_to_pointers = (double ***)(malloc((sizeof(double **) * x)));
// Make the pointers point to the data
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (x * y); i++)
pointers_to_data[i] = (data + (i * z));
for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
pointers_to_pointers[i] = (pointers_to_data + (i * y));
return pointers_to_pointers;
// Frees a 2d matrix generated by the alloc_2d_double function
void free_2d_double(double **p)
if (p != ((double **)((void *)0))) {
if (p[0] != ((double *)((void *)0)))
// Frees a 3d matrix generated by the alloc_3d_double function
void free_3d_double(double ***p)
if (p != ((double ***)((void *)0))) {
if (p[0] != ((double **)((void *)0))) {
if (p[0][0] != ((double *)((void *)0)))
void indigo__create_map()
indigo__write_idx_c("(z -> me)",9);
indigo__write_idx_c("(H -> me)",9);
== Starting Address: z->me: 0x273ba30 ==

Starting Address: H->me: 0x2773060
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x2742380
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2779830
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x2748cd0
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2780000
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x274f620
Starting Address: H->me: 0x27867d0
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x2755f70
Starting Address: H->me: 0x278cfa0
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x275c8c0
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2793770
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x27660c0
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2799f40
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x276c890
Starting Address: H->me: 0x27a0710
Dimenstions: 41 X 81

== Starting Address: z->me: 0x273ba30 ==

Starting Address: H->me: 0x2773060
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x2742380
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2779830
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x2748cd0
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2780000
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x274f620
Starting Address: H->me: 0x27867d0
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x2755f70
Starting Address: H->me: 0x278cfa0
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x275c8c0
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2793770
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x27660c0
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2799f40
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x276c890
Starting Address: H->me: 0x27a0710
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
== Starting Address: z->me: 0x273ba30 ==

Starting Address: H->me: 0x2773060
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
Starting Address: z->me: 0x2742380
Starting Address: H->me: 0x2779830
Dimenstions: 41 X 81
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