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Created July 15, 2020 09:26
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import requests
import json
import urllib3
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import os
import re
from getpass import getpass
# SUPPRESS WARNINGS ############################################################
# CLONE ########################################################################
def do_clone_ssh(repo_list):
for repo in repo_list:
parsed_git_url = urlparse(repo)
directory = OUTPUT_DIR + re.sub('.git', '', parsed_git_url.path)
os.system('git clone \'{}\' \'{}\''.format(repo, directory))
def do_clone_http(repo_list):
for repo in repo_list:
parsed_http_url = urlparse(repo)
directory = OUTPUT_DIR + re.sub('.git', '', repo.split('/scm/')[1])
if args.user and args.password:
# for some unknown reason, urlparse cannot replace username/password directly ...
parsed_http_url = parsed_http_url._replace(netloc=args.user + ':' + args.password + '@' + parsed_http_url.netloc)
os.system('git clone \'{}\' \'{}\''.format(parsed_http_url.geturl(), directory))
def do_clone(repo_list, method):
if method == 'HTTP':
if method == 'SSH':
# API ##########################################################################
def api_get_repo_list(session, url, method):
repo_list = []
r = session.get(url + '/rest/api/1.0/projects?limit=10000')
projects = json.loads(r.text)
for project in projects['values']:
r = session.get(url + '/rest/api/1.0/projects/' + project['key'] + '/repos?limit=10000')
repos = json.loads(r.text)
for repo in repos['values']:
clone_options = repo['links']['clone']
for clone_option in clone_options:
if clone_option['name'] == method.lower():
return repo_list
# MAIN #########################################################################
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('url', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--method', type=str, default='HTTP', help='Cloning method: HTTP or SSH (default: HTTP)')
args = parser.parse_args()
s = requests.Session()
s.verify = False
if args.user:
if not args.password:
args.password = getpass("password: ")
s.auth = (args.user, args.password)
args.password = args.password.replace('@', '%40') # escape for HTTP later on
OUTPUT_DIR = args.output_dir + '/'
repo_list = api_get_repo_list(s, args.url.rstrip('/'), args.method)
print('[+] Cloning {} repositories...'.format(len(repo_list)))
do_clone(repo_list, args.method)
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jensim commented Dec 6, 2021

The limit parameter indicates how many results to return per page. APIs default to returning 25 if the limit is left unspecified.

Cant see any mention of any override here
But I haven't checked the server config, so might be overridable from run conf..?

Might also be that the APIs are more pemissive than the docs 😄
But I seem to remember that the BitBucket Server APIs return the actual limit used in the return body. What does that indicate?

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