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Last active October 21, 2022 07:08
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// Created by thefifthmatt. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using SoulsIds;
using SoulsFormats;
namespace BlizzardMod
// This uses DSMapStudio SoulsFormats, available standalone at
// SoulsIds is not all published yet, but is basic file-loading stuff.
public class BlizzardMod
public static void Run(bool hidemap)
GameEditor game = new GameEditor(GameSpec.FromGame.ER);
DCX.Type overrideDcx = DCX.Type.DCX_DFLT_11000_44_9;
string outPath = "blizzard";
string paramPath = $@"{game.Spec.GameDir}\{game.Spec.ParamFile}";
Dictionary<string, PARAM> param = game.LoadParams(paramPath, game.LoadDefs());
int baseId = 81;
PARAM.Row baseRow = param["WeatherParam"][baseId];
foreach (PARAM.Row row in param["WeatherParam"].Rows)
if (row.ID != baseId)
GameEditor.CopyRow(baseRow, row);
foreach (PARAM.Row row in param["CutsceneWeatherOverrideGparamConvertParam"].Rows)
row["weatherOverrideGparamId"].Value = baseId;
foreach (PARAM.Row row in param["CutsceneGparamWeatherParam"].Rows)
row["IndoorOutdoorType"].Value = (byte)0;
foreach (PARAM.Cell cell in row.Cells)
if (cell.Def.InternalName.StartsWith("Dst") && (short)cell.Value > 0)
cell.Value = 0;
if (hidemap)
PARAM mapPoint = param["WorldMapPointParam"];
mapPoint.Rows.RemoveAll(r => r.ID != 85495300 && r.ID != 111000);
void addOpenPoint(int id, int x, int z)
PARAM.Row row = GameEditor.AddRow(mapPoint, id, 111000);
row["areaNo"].Value = (byte)60;
row["gridXNo"].Value = (byte)x;
row["gridZNo"].Value = (byte)z;
row["posX"].Value = row["posY"].Value = row["posZ"].Value = 0f;
addOpenPoint(111008, 30, 30);
addOpenPoint(111009, 64, 64);
game.OverrideBndRel(paramPath, $@"{outPath}\{game.Spec.ParamFile}", param, f => f.AppliedParamdef == null ? null : f.Write(), dcx: overrideDcx);
foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles($@"{game.Spec.GameDir}\event", "*.emevd.dcx"))
string map = GameEditor.BaseName(path);
EMEVD emevd = EMEVD.Read(path);
bool write = false;
if (map == "common" && hidemap)
EMEVD.Event newEvent = new EMEVD.Event(99559955);
new EMEVD.Instruction(2003, 76, new List<object> { (byte)0, (byte)1, (byte)60, (byte)42, (byte)36, (byte)0, 0f, 0f, 0f }),
new EMEVD.Instruction(3, 0, new List<object> { (sbyte)0, (byte)1, (byte)0, 18000020 }),
new EMEVD.Instruction(2003, 78, new List<object> { 111008, 0f }),
new EMEVD.Instruction(2003, 78, new List<object> { 111009, 0f }),
EMEVD.Instruction init = new EMEVD.Instruction(2000, 0, new List<object> { 0, 99559955, 0 });
emevd.Events.Find(e => e.ID == 0).Instructions.Insert(0, init);
write = true;
foreach (EMEVD.Event ev in emevd.Events)
for (int j = 0; j < ev.Instructions.Count; j++)
EMEVD.Instruction ins = ev.Instructions[j];
if (ins.Bank == 2012 && ins.ID == 11)
ev.Instructions[j] = new EMEVD.Instruction(1014, 18);
write = true;
string emevdPath = $@"{outPath}\event\{Path.GetFileName(path)}";
if (write)
emevd.Write(emevdPath, overrideDcx);
else if (File.Exists(emevdPath))
foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles($@"{game.Spec.GameDir}\{game.Spec.MsbDir}", "*.msb.dcx"))
string map = GameEditor.BaseName(path);
MSBE msb = MSBE.Read(path);
bool write = false;
if (msb.Regions.EnvironmentMapEffectBoxes.Count > 0)
HashSet<string> names = new HashSet<string>(msb.Regions.EnvironmentMapEffectBoxes.Select(r => r.Name));
foreach (MSBE.Region r in msb.Regions.GetEntries())
if (r.Shape is MSB.Shape.Composite comp && comp.Children.Any(c => names.Contains(c.RegionName)))
foreach (MSB.Shape.Composite.Child c in comp.Children)
if (names.Contains(c.RegionName))
c.RegionName = null;
write = true;
foreach (MSBE.Part.Collision col in msb.Parts.Collisions)
if (col.UnkT34 != 1)
col.UnkT34 = 1;
write = true;
MSBE.Part.SceneGparamConfig conf = col.SceneGparam;
if (conf != null)
conf.TransitionTime = -1;
conf.Unk18 = conf.Unk19 = conf.Unk1A = conf.Unk1B = conf.Unk1C = conf.Unk1D = conf.Unk20 = conf.Unk21 = -1;
write = true;
foreach (MSBE.Part.Asset asset in msb.Parts.Assets)
if (asset.AssetUnk3.Unk0A != 0)
asset.AssetUnk3.Unk0A = 0;
write = true;
string msbPath = $@"{outPath}\{game.Spec.MsbDir}\{Path.GetFileName(path)}";
if (write)
msb.Write(msbPath, overrideDcx);
else if (File.Exists(msbPath))
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