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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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n = 31
ttt()=(randn(100,1), randn(100,1), randn(100,5))
function rvproducer()
for i = 1:n
p = Task(rvproducer)
pmap(identity, p)
@everywhere using MinimumDivergence
@everywhere using KNITRO
@everywhere hstderr(mdp::MinimumDivergence.MinimumDivergenceProblems) = vcov!(mdp, :hessian).chol.UL[1]
@everywhere wstderr(mdp::MinimumDivergence.MinimumDivergenceProblems) = vcov!(mdp, :weighted).chol.UL[1]
function dgp(n::Int64 = 100,
m::Int64 = 5,
k::Int64 = 1,
theta0::Float64 = 0.0,
rho::Float64 = 0.9,
CP::Int64 = 20)
## Generate IV Model - Return a IV object
tau = fill(sqrt(CP/(m*n)), m)
z = randn(n, m)
vi = randn(n, 1)
eta = randn(n, 1)
epsilon = rho*eta+sqrt(1-rho^2)*vi
x = z*tau .+ eta
y = x[:,1]*theta0 + epsilon
## BLAS.gemm!('N', 'N', 1.0, z, tau, 1.0, eta)
## BLAS.gemm!('N', 'N', 1.0, eta, [theta0], 1.0, epsilon)
#IV(epsilon, eta, z)
(y, x, z)
@everywhere lb = [-20.0]
@everywhere ub = [20.0]
@everywhere θ₀ = [0.0]
@everywhere HellingerDistance() = CressieRead(-0.5)
@everywhere ContinuousUpdating() = CressieRead(1.0)
@everywhere ModifiedHellingerDistance(ϑ::Real) = ModifiedCressieRead(-0.5, ϑ)
#function test(args, nsim, seed)
## @everywhere stddiv = [:ReverseKullbackLeibler, :HellingerDistance, :ContinuousUpdating]
## @everywhere moddiv = [:ModifiedKullbackLeibler, :ModifiedReverseKullbackLeibler, :ModifiedHellingerDistance]
## @everywhere stdprob = [:RKL, :HD, :CUE]
## @everywhere modprob = [:MKL, :MRKL, :MHD]
## @everywhere probnames = [stdprob, modprob]
## @everywhere pnames = [:KL, probnames]
@everywhere solver = IpoptSolver(print_level=0)
@everywhere function sim(xx)
iv = IV(xx...)
#KL = MinDivProb(iv, KullbackLeibler(), solver = KnitroSolver(ms_enable = 1, ms_maxsolves = 15, outlev=0))
KL = MinDivProb(iv, KullbackLeibler(), solver = solver)
coefkl = coef(KL)
pikl = getmdweights(KL)
RKL = MinDivProb(iv, ReverseKullbackLeibler(), coefkl, lb, ub, pikl, solver = solver)
HD = MinDivProb(iv, HellingerDistance(), coefkl, lb, ub, pikl, solver = solver)
CUE = MinDivProb(iv, ContinuousUpdating(), coefkl, lb, ub, pikl, solver = solver)
MKL = MinDivProb(iv, ModifiedKullbackLeibler(1.0), coefkl, lb, ub, pikl, solver = solver)
MRKL = MinDivProb(iv, ModifiedReverseKullbackLeibler(1.0), coefkl, lb, ub, pikl,solver = solver)
MHD = MinDivProb(iv, ModifiedHellingerDistance(1.0), coefkl, lb, ub, pikl, solver = solver)
[coef(KL) coef(RKL) coef(HD) coef(CUE) coef(MKL) coef(MRKL) coef(MHD) wstderr(KL) wstderr(RKL) wstderr(HD) wstderr(CUE) wstderr(MKL) wstderr(MRKL) wstderr(MHD) hstderr(KL) hstderr(RKL) hstderr(HD) hstderr(CUE) hstderr(MKL) hstderr(MRKL) hstderr(MHD) getobjval(KL) getobjval(RKL) getobjval(HD) getobjval(CUE) getobjval(MKL) getobjval(MRKL) getobjval(MHD), MinimumDivergence.status_plain(KL) MinimumDivergence.status_plain(RKL) MinimumDivergence.status_plain(HD) MinimumDivergence.status_plain(CUE) MinimumDivergence.status_plain(MKL) MinimumDivergence.status_plain(MRKL) MinimumDivergence.status_plain(MHD)]
function replicate(sim::Function, dgp::Function, n::Integer, args;
err_retry=true, err_stop=true)
function rvproducer()
for i = 1:n
p = Task(rvproducer)
pmap(sim, p, err_retry=err_retry, err_stop=err_stop)
replicate(dgp::Function, n::Integer, args; err_retry=true, err_stop=true) =
replicate(identity, dgp, n, args, err_retry=err_retry, err_stop=err_stop)
function sendto(p::Int; args...)
for (nm, val) in args
@spawnat(p, eval(Main, Expr(:(=), nm, val)))
function sendto(ps::Vector{Int}; args...)
for p in ps
sendto(p; args...)
## The results are saved in an array (nsim, , ngdp)
## The arguments are in an array (6,
nsim = 6
@everywhere list_of_args = [(n, m, 1, 0.0, rho, CP) for m = (3, 10, 15), rho = (0.3, 0.5, 0.9), CP = (10, 20, 35), n = (200)]
@everywhere list_of_args = reshape(list_of_args, *(size(list_of_args)...), 1)
mc_results = Array(Float64, nsim, 35, length(list_of_args));
for j = 1:length(list_of_args)
args = list_of_args[j]
sendto(workers(), args = args)
mc_results[:, :, j] = vcat(replicate(sim, dgp, nsim, args, err_stop=false, err_retry=false)...)
## ttt()=(randn(100,1), randn(100,1), randn(100,5))
## function rvproducer()
## for i = 1:n
## produce(ttt())
## end
## end
## p = Task(rvproducer)
## pmap(sim, p)
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