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Created September 24, 2015 18:05
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function Test-PasswordStrength {
Test password strength.
This functions lets input a password to test it strength.
Test-PasswordStrength 'MyCoolPassword'
Based on code example from
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 24.09.2015
Version: 1.0
param (
# The password to test
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[string] $Password
$score = 0
if ($Password.Length -lt 5) {
Write-Verbose 'Password length is less than 5 characters.'
Write-Output 'Very Weak'
if ($Password.Length -ge 8) {
Write-Verbose 'Password length is equal to or greater than 8 characters. Added 1 to password score.'
if ($Password.Length -ge 12) {
Write-Verbose 'Password length is equal to or greater than 12 characters. Added 1 to password score.'
if ([regex]::IsMatch($Password, '\d+')) {
Write-Verbose 'Password contains numbers. Added 1 to password score.'
if ([regex]::IsMatch($Password, '[a-z]+')) {
Write-Verbose 'Password lowercase letters. Added 1 to password score.'
if ([regex]::IsMatch($Password, '[A-Z]+')) {
Write-Verbose 'Password uppercase letters. Added 1 to password score.'
if ([regex]::IsMatch($Password, '[!@#$%^&*?_~-£(){},]+')) {
Write-Verbose 'Password symbols. Added 1 to password score.'
switch ($score) {
1 { $passwordScore = 'Very Weak' }
2 { $passwordScore = 'Weak' }
3 { $passwordScore = 'Medium' }
4 { $passwordScore = 'Strong' }
5 { $passwordScore = 'Strong' }
6 { $passwordScore = 'Very Strong' }
Write-Output $passwordScore
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