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function Get-HPHardwareInfo {
Get hardware information from HP computers.
This function uses CIM to query the root\hpq WMI namespace for hardware information. This namespace is HP specific
and needs to be installed to be able to use this function. If you are missing root\hpq, try intalling HP WBEM.
Get-HPHardwareInfo Computer01
Will get hardware information from Computer01
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 08.12.2014
Version: 1.1
param (
# Specifies the target computer. Enter a fully qualified domain name, NetBIOS name, or an IP address. When the remote computer is in a different domain than the local computer,
# the fully qualified domain name is required.
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[string[]] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
# Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action.
[System.Management.Automation.Credential()] $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,
# Use this parameter to force the creation of a new CIM session. The default behaviour is to save the session and reuse it if possible.
[switch] $ForceNewCimSession
process {
foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) {
try {
# define hashtable for Test-WSMan properties
$wsmanProperties = @{
ComputerName = $computer
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
if ($PSBoundParameters['Credential']){
$wsmanProperties.Authentication = 'Basic'
$wsmanProperties.Credential = $Credential
# check if wsman is responding
$wsmanTest = Test-WSMan @wsmanProperties
# based on whether the result of the wsman test, we decide on the protocol to use for the cim session
if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wsmanTest))) {
$cimSessionOption = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol Wsman
Write-Verbose 'Using protocol "Wsman"'
else {
$cimSessionOption = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol Dcom
Write-Verbose 'Using protocol "Dcom"'
# define hashtable for cim session properties
$cimSessionProperties = @{
Name = $computer
ComputerName = $computer
SessionOption = $cimSessionOption
Verbose = $false
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
if ($PSBoundParameters['Credential']){ $cimSessionProperties.Credential = $Credential}
# first check to see if a cim session already exist, if so use this - if not, we create a new one
# if -ForceNewCimSession is used, always create a new cim session
if ((-not($cimSession = Get-CimSession -Name $computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) -or ($ForceNewCimSession)) {
Write-Verbose 'Creating new CIM session'
$cimSession = New-CimSession @cimSessionProperties -SkipTestConnection
} else { Write-Verbose 'Using existing CIM session' }
# check that root\hpq is present on the target system
$wmiHPQ = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $cimSession -Namespace 'root' -ClassName '__NAMESPACE' -Filter "Name='hpq'" -Verbose:$false
Write-Verbose 'root\hpq found - we are ready to go'
if($wmiHPQ) {
$cimParametersCommon = @{
CimSession = $cimSession
Namespace = 'root\hpq'
Verbose = $false
# define our data gathering queries
$queryIndex = 0
$wmiQueries = @{
'HP_ComputerSystem' = 'SELECT LocationIndicator,HealthState FROM HP_WinComputerSystem'
'HP_ComputerSystemChassis' = 'SELECT SerialNumber,ProductID FROM HP_ComputerSystemChassis'
'HP_ManagementProcessor' = 'SELECT Name,IPAddress,ActiveLicense,LicenseKey FROM HP_ManagementProcessor'
'HP_MPFirmware' = 'SELECT VersionString FROM HP_MPFirmware'
'HP_BladeEnclosureCS' = 'SELECT Name FROM HP_BladeEnclosureCS'
'HP_BladeCSLocation' = 'SELECT PhysicalPosition FROM HP_BladeCSLocation'
'HP_Processor' = 'SELECT DeviceID,AddressWidth,DataWidth,MaxClockSpeed,CurrentClockSpeed,ExternalBusClockSpeed,Name,Description,CPUStatus,NumberOfEnabledCores,Family,HealthState FROM HP_Processor'
'HP_MemoryModule' = 'SELECT Name,Capacity,MaxMemorySpeed,IsSpeedInMhz,HealthState,DataWidth,TotalWidth,InterleavePosition FROM HP_MemoryModule'
'HPSA_ArraySystem' = 'SELECT Name,ElementName FROM HPSA_ArraySystem'
'HPSA_DiskDrive' = 'SELECT DeviceID,Name,SystemName,ElementName,Description,DriveRotationalSpeed,TotalPowerOnHours,OperationalStatus FROM HPSA_DiskDrive'
'HPSA_StorageVolume' = 'SELECT DeviceID,Name,ElementName,OSName,BlockSize,StripeSize,FaultTolerance,ExtentStatus FROM HPSA_StorageVolume'
'HPFCHBA_PhysicalPackage' = 'SELECT ElementName,Manufacturer,Model,Name,OtherIdentifyingInfo,OperationalStatus,SerialNumber,Tag FROM HPFCHBA_PhysicalPackage'
'HP_SystemROMFirmware' = 'SELECT Name,ElementName,VersionString FROM HP_SystemROMFirmware'
'HP_SoftwareIdentity' = 'SELECT Caption,ElementName,VersionString,Description FROM HP_SoftwareIdentity'
'HP_EthernetTeam' = 'SELECT MinNumberNeeded,MaxNumberSupported,ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit,LoadBalanceAlgorithm,RedundancyStatus,GroupOperationalStatus,TeamOperatingMode,VendorIdentifyingInfo,Caption,Description,OtherLoadBalanceAlgorithm,Speed FROM HP_EthernetTeam'
# run queries to gather data from target computer (see for detailed information about the HP WBEM providers for Windows)
# this might take some time due to the many different queries needed, so we use write-progress to give the user some feedback
$wmiQueries.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering data from '$($computer)'" -PercentComplete (($queryIndex/$wmiQueries.count)*100)
New-Variable -Name $_.Name -Value (Get-CimInstance @cimParametersCommon -Query $_.Value)
# HP Teaming
if($HP_EthernetTeam) {
switch($HP_EthernetTeam.LoadBalanceAlgorithm) {
0 { $LoadBalanceAlgorithm = 'None' }
1 { $LoadBalanceAlgorithm = 'Other' }
3 { $LoadBalanceAlgorithm = 'Round Robin' }
DEFAULT { $LoadBalanceAlgorithm = 'Unknown' }
switch($HP_EthernetTeam.RedundancyStatus) {
2 { $RedundancyStatus = 'Fully Redundant' }
3 { $RedundancyStatus = 'Degraded Redundancy' }
4 { $RedundancyStatus = 'Redundancy Lost' }
5 { $RedundancyStatus = 'Overall Failure' }
DEFAULT { $RedundancyStatus = 'Unknown' }
switch($HP_EthernetTeam.GroupOperationalStatus) {
2 { $OperationalStatus = 'OK' }
3 { $OperationalStatus = 'Degraded' }
6 { $OperationalStatus = 'Error' }
DEFAULT { $OperationalStatus = 'Unknown' }
switch($HP_EthernetTeam.TeamOperatingMode) {
{1000..1006 -contains $_} { $OperatingMode = 'Switch Fault Tolerant (SFT)' }
1007 { $OperatingMode = 'IEEE 802.3ad DLA' }
1008 { $OperatingMode = 'Receive Load Balancing (RLB)' }
1009 { $OperatingMode = 'Static Link Aggregation (SLA)' }
1010 { $OperatingMode = 'Adapter Load Balance (ALB)' }
1011 { $OperatingMode = 'Network Fault Tolerance Only (NFT)' }
DEFAULT { $OperatingMode = 'Unknown' }
$teamingObject = [PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
VendorIdentifyingInfo = $HP_EthernetTeam.VendorIdentifyingInfo
Caption = $HP_EthernetTeam.Caption
Description = $HP_EthernetTeam.Description
RedundancyStatus = $RedundancyStatus
OperationalStatus = $OperationalStatus
OperatingMode = $OperatingMode
LoadBalanceAlgorithm = $LoadBalanceAlgorithm
OtherLoadBalanceAlgorithm = $HP_EthernetTeam.OtherLoadBalanceAlgorithm
Speed = ($HP_EthernetTeam.Speed)/1000000
MaxTransmissionUnit = $HP_EthernetTeam.ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit
PortsConfigured = $HP_EthernetTeam.MaxNumberSupported
MinimumPortsNeeded = $HP_EthernetTeam.MinNumberNeeded
$teamingObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.VendorIdentifyingInfo} -Force
# Processor
if($HP_Processor) {
foreach ($cpu in $HP_Processor) {
switch($cpu.CpuStatus) {
1 { $cpuStatus = 'CPU Enabled' }
2 { $cpuStatus = 'CPU Disabled by User using BIOS Setup' }
3 { $cpuStatus = 'CPU Disabled by BIOS (POST Error)' }
7 { $cpuStatus = 'Other' }
DEFAULT { $cpuStatus = 'Unknown' }
switch($cpu.HealthState) {
0 { $cpuHealthState = 'Unknown' }
5 { $cpuHealthState = 'OK' }
15 { $cpuHealthState = 'Minor Failure' }
20 { $cpuHealthState = 'Major Failure' }
25 { $cpuHealthState = 'Critical Failure' }
DEFAULT { $cpuHealthState = 'Unknown' }
$processorObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $cpu.Name
DeviceID = $cpu.DeviceID
Description = $cpu.Description
Family = (Get-CpuFamily -Key $cpu.Family)
Status = $cpuStatus
HealthState = $cpuHealthState
NumberOfEnabledCores = $cpu.NumberOfEnabledCores
AddressWidth = $cpu.AddressWidth
DataWidth = $cpu.DataWidth
MaxClockSpeed = $cpu.MaxClockSpeed
CurrentClockspeed = $cpu.CurrentClockSpeed
ExternalBusClockSpeed = $cpu.ExternalBusClockSpeed
$processorObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.DeviceID} -Force
# Memory
if($HP_MemoryModule) {
foreach ($memoryModule in $HP_MemoryModule) {
switch($memoryModule.HealthState) {
0 { $MemoryHealthState = 'Unknown' }
5 { $MemoryHealthState = 'OK' }
10 { $MemoryHealthState = 'Degraded' }
DEFAULT { $MemoryHealthState = 'Unknown' }
$memoryModuleObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $memoryModule.Name
Capacity = $memoryModule.Capacity
MaxMemorySpeed = $memoryModule.MaxMemorySpeed
IsSpeedInMhz = $memoryModule.IsSpeedInMhz
HealthState = $MemoryHealthState
DataWidth = $memoryModule.DataWidth
TotalWidth = $memoryModule.TotalWidth
InterleavePosition = $memoryModule.InterleavePosition
$memoryModuleObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.Name} -Force
# ArraySystem
if($HPSA_ArraySystem) {
foreach ($array in $HPSA_ArraySystem) {
$arrayObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $array.Name
ElementName = $array.ElementName
$arrayObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.ElementName} -Force
# DiskDrive
if($HPSA_DiskDrive) {
foreach ($disk in $HPSA_DiskDrive) {
switch($disk.OperationalStatus) {
0 { $DiskStatus = 'Unknown' }
2 { $DiskStatus = 'OK' }
5 { $DiskStatus = 'Predictive Failure' }
6 { $DiskStatus = 'Error' }
DEFAULT { $DiskStatus = 'Unknown' }
$diskObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $disk.Name
SystemName = $disk.SystemName
ElementName = $disk.ElementName
Description = $disk.Description
DriveRotationalSpeed = $disk.DriveRotationalSpeed
TotalPowerOnHours = $disk.TotalPowerOnHours
OperationalStatus = $DiskStatus
$diskObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.Name} -Force
# StorageVolume
if($HPSA_StorageVolume) {
foreach ($volume in $HPSA_StorageVolume) {
switch($volume.ExtentStatus) {
2 { $VolumeExtentStatus = 'None' }
11 { $VolumeExtentStatus = 'Rebuild - Volume is currently rebuilding data' }
DEFAULT { $VolumeExtentStatus = 'Unknown' }
$volumeObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $volume.Name
DeviceID = $volume.DeviceID
ElementName = $volume.ElementName
OSName = $volume.OSName
BlockSize = $volume.BlockSize
StripeSize = $volume.StripeSize
FaultTolerance = $volume.FaultTolerance
ExtentStatus = $VolumeExtentStatus
$volumeObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.OSName} -Force
if ($HPFCHBA_PhysicalPackage) {
foreach ($adapter in $HPFCHBA_PhysicalPackage) {
# query for more data
$FCPortInfo = Get-CimInstance @cimParametersCommon -Query "SELECT PortNumber,OtherPortType FROM HPFCHBA_FCPort WHERE PermanentAddress = '$($adapter.Name)'"
$DriverInfo = Get-CimInstance @cimParametersCommon -Query "SELECT VersionString FROM HPFCHBA_SoftwareIdentityDrv WHERE Name = '$($adapter.Name)'"
$FWInfo = Get-CimInstance @cimParametersCommon -Query "SELECT VersionString FROM HPFCHBA_FirmwareIdentityFW WHERE Name = '$($adapter.Name)'"
$ROMBiosInfo = Get-CimInstance @cimParametersCommon -Query "SELECT VersionString FROM HPFCHBA_FirmwareIdentityBIOS WHERE Name = '$($adapter.Name)'"
switch ($adapter.OperationalStatus) {
1 { $OpStatus = 'Other' }
2 { $OpStatus = 'OK' }
3 { $OpStatus = 'Degraded' }
6 { $OpStatus = 'Error' }
DEFAULT { $OpStatus = 'Unknown' }
$hbaObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Manufacturer = $adapter.Manufacturer
Model = $adapter.Model
SerialNumber = $adapter.SerialNumber
PortWWN = $adapter.Name
NodeWWN = $adapter.Tag.Split(':')[4]
Location = $adapter.OtherIdentifyingInfo
OperationalStatus = $OpStatus
PortNumber = $FCPortInfo.PortNumber
PortType = $FCPortInfo.OtherPortType
DriverVersion = $DriverInfo.VersionString
AdapterFirmware = $FWInfo.VersionString
AdapterBIOS = $ROMBiosInfo.VersionString
$hbaObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.Model} -Force
# System ROM
if($HP_SystemROMFirmware) {
foreach ($rom in $HP_SystemROMFirmware) {
$romObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $rom.Name
ElementName = $rom.ElementName
VersionString = $rom.VersionString
$romObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.Name} -Force
# Software
if ($HP_SoftwareIdentity) {
foreach ($sw in $HP_SoftwareIdentity) {
$swObject += (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Caption = $sw.Caption
ElementName = $sw.ElementName
VersionString = $sw.VersionString
Description = $sw.Description
$swObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Value {$this.Caption} -Force
# General Information
switch ($HP_ComputerSystem.HealthState) {
0 { $HealthState = 'Unknown' }
5 { $HealthState = 'OK' }
10 { $HealthState = 'Degraded' }
20 { $HealthState = 'Major Failure' }
DEFAULT { $HealthState = 'Unknown' }
switch ($HP_ComputerSystem.LocationIndicator) {
0 { $LocationIndicator = 'Unknown' }
2 { $LocationIndicator = 'On' }
3 { $LocationIndicator = 'Off' }
5 { $LocationIndicator = 'Alternating' }
DEFAULT { $LocationIndicator = 'Unknown' }
switch ($HP_ComputerSystem.ActiveLicense) {
0 { $mpActiveLicense = 'Unknown' }
1 { $mpActiveLicense = 'None' }
2 { $mpActiveLicense = 'iLO Advanced' }
3 { $mpActiveLicense = 'iLO Light' }
4 { $mpActiveLicense = 'iLO Advanced for BladeSystem' }
5 { $mpActiveLicense = 'iLO Standard for BladeSystem' }
DEFAULT { $mpActiveLicense = 'Unknown' }
$output = [PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
ComputerName = $computer
HealthState = $HealthState
LocationIndicator = $LocationIndicator
SerialNumber = $HP_ComputerSystemChassis.SerialNumber
ProductID = $HP_ComputerSystemChassis.ProductID
ManagementProcessorType = $HP_ManagementProcessor.Name
ManagementProcessorIpAddress = $HP_ManagementProcessor.IPAddress
ManagementProcessorLicense = $mpActiveLicense
ManagementProcessorLicenseKey = $HP_ManagementProcessor.LicenseKey
ManagementProcessorFirmware = $HP_MPFirmware.VersionString
EnclosureName = $HP_BladeEnclosureCS.Name
EnclosurePosition = $HP_BladeCSLocation.PhysicalPosition
Software = $swObject
ROM = $romObject
HBA = $hbaObject
StorageVolume = $volumeObject
DiskDrive = $diskObject
ArraySystem = $arrayObject
Memory = $memoryModuleObject
CPU = $processorObject
NetworkTeam = $teamingObject
# define default properties for the output object
$defaultProperties = @('ComputerName','SerialNumber','EnclosureName','EnclosurePosition','HealthState')
$defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$defaultProperties)
$PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)
$output | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $PSStandardMembers
Write-Output $output
Remove-Variable -Name 'teamingObject','processorObject','memoryModuleObject','arrayObject','diskObject','volumeObject','hbaObject','romObject','swObject','LocationIndicator','HealthState' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
catch {
# if the connection fail we don't want to keep the session
Remove-CimSession -Name $computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Warning "At line:$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) char:$($_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine) Command:$($_.InvocationInfo.InvocationName), Exception: '$($_.Exception.Message.Trim())'"
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