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Last active October 5, 2015 21:54
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Simple loop-construction macro for Julia
using Base.Meta
macro loop_ts(ex)
l, r = ex.args
# Determine which symbol should become the loop index. We've assumed that
# the equation has the form `y[t+1] = ...` or `y[t] = ...`. In the first case
# we need to parse 't+1' to find the symbol (t); in the second case, we can
# just read it off.
idx =
if isexpr(l.args[2], :call)
filter(x -> isa(x, Symbol), l.args[2].args[2:end])[1]
elseif isa(l.args[2], Symbol)
# Determine the start and end values for the loop index. The start and end
# values are determined by parsing several terms like `y[t-1]`, `y[t+1]`,
# `y[t-3]`, `e[t+1]`, etc. and pulling out `-1`, `+1`, `-3`, `+1`, then using
# those integers to shift the endpoints from 1:length(y). `y` is also
# determined automatically.
offsets = extrema(vcat(get_offsets(l), get_offsets(r)))
loopindex = :($(1 - offsets[1]):(length($(l.args[1])) - $(offsets[2])))
for $idx in $loopindex
# `get_offsets` expects to be given two types of expressions. The first
# is a function call representing `y[t+2] + 0.2y[t-3] + 0.5y[t]`; in
# that case we want to call `get_offsets` on each term individually.
# The second is an indvidual term `y[t-3]`; then we want to grab and parse the
# sybmolic array index `t-3`, which is done by the function `get_offset_from_rec`.
function get_offsets(ex_::Expr)
isexpr(ex_,:call) && return [[get_offsets(a) for a in ex_.args[2:end]]...]
isexpr(ex_,:ref) && return get_offset_from_ref(ex_.args[2])
warning("Not expecting to be here")
return Int64[]
get_offsets(x) = Int64[]
get_offset_from_ref(s::Symbol) = 0
get_offset_from_ref(x::Number) = x
function get_offset_from_ref(ex_::Expr)
if isexpr(ex_,:call)
ex_.args[1] == :+ &&
return sum([get_offset_from_ref(a) for a in ex_.args[2:end]])
ex_.args[1] == :- &&
return (get_offset_from_ref(ex_.args[2])
- sum([get_offset_from_ref(a) for a in ex_.args[3:end]]))
warning("Didn't expect to get here")
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