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Created May 22, 2013 21:31
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Incomplete gerber to OpenSCAD (PCB)
GNU licence:
RepRap Gerber Plotter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
RepRap Gerber Plotter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
the GNU General Public License along with File Hunter; if not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import math
import time # temp testing
# Define constants
FS_ABSOLUTE = 1 # coordinate modes
const_mmPerInch = 25.4
# Class for gerber aperture. Reads line from gerber file and extracts code, type & modifiers
class aperture:
def __init__( self, paramString, units ):
#print "GA string '" + paramString + "'"
commorPos = paramString.find( ',' )
#print paramString[ 3 : commorPos - 1 ]
if len( paramString[ 3 : commorPos - 1 ] ) > 3: #better way of doing this?
#print "aperture is macro, need tostate hereh?"
self.isMacro = True
self.code = int( paramString[ 3 : 5 ] ) #not perfect
self.macroName = paramString[ 5 : commorPos ]
print "am name '" + self.macroName + "'"
self.isMacro = False
self.code = int( paramString[ 3 : commorPos - 1 ] )
self.apertureType = paramString[ commorPos - 1 : commorPos ]
modString = paramString[ commorPos + 1 : -1 ]
self.modifiers = []
lastDiv = 0
divPos = modString.find( 'X' )
while divPos > 0:
self.modifiers.append( modString[ lastDiv : divPos ] )
modString = modString[ divPos + 1 : ]
lastDiv = divPos
divPos = modString.find( 'X' )
self.modifiers.append( float(modString) )
if self.apertureType == "C":
self.radius = ( float( self.modifiers[0] ) / 2 ) # convert from diameter
if units == "IN":
self.radius = self.radius * const_mmPerInch
elif self.apertureType == "R":
self.width = float( self.modifiers[0] )
self.height = float( self.modifiers[1] )
if units == "IN":
self.width = self.width * const_mmPerInch
self.height = self.height * const_mmPerInch
elif self.apertureType == "O":
self.width = float( self.modifiers[0] )
self.height = float( self.modifiers[1] )
if units == "IN":
self.width = self.width * const_mmPerInch
self.height = self.height * const_mmPerInch
print "Aperture type '" + self.apertureType + "' unsupported"
#Class for gerber aperture macro
class apertureMacro:
def __init__(self, paramString, units):
print "AM", paramString
starPos = paramString.find('*')
commorPos = paramString.find(',') = paramString[ 2:starPos ]
print "name '" + + "'"
self.primitiveNumber = int( paramString[ starPos + 1:commorPos ] )
print "pn '" + str(self.primitiveNumber) + "'"
if paramString[ -1: ] == "*":
remainParamString = paramString[ commorPos + 1:-1 ]
modifiers = remainParamString.split(',')
print modifiers
if self.primitiveNumber == 5:
print "polygon"
self.exposure = int( modifiers[0] )
self.numVerticies = int( modifiers[1] )
self.centreX = int( modifiers[2] )
self.centreY = int( modifiers[3] )
self.diameter = modifiers[4] #this is strange
self.rotation = float( modifiers[5] ) #in degrees
print "self.exposure", self.exposure, "self.numVerticies", self.numVerticies, "self.centreX", self.centreX, "self.centreY", self.centreY, "self.diameter", self.diameter, "self.rotation", self.rotation
# Class for a gerber flash (move and flash aperture)
class gerberFlash:
def __init__(self, x, y, aperture):
self.type = FLASH
self.x, self.y, self.aperture = x, y, aperture
#print "create flash with aperture", aperture
#self.radius = self.aperture.radius
def printFlash(self):
print "FLASH", self.x, self.y, self.aperture
# Class for a gerber trace (aperture open move)
class gerberTrace:
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, aperture):
self.type = STROKE
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.aperture = x1, y1, x2, y2, aperture
def printTrace(self):
print "TRACE", self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.aperture
class gerber:
def __init__(self, fileName):
self.fileName = fileName
self.apertures = {}
self.apertureMacros = {}
self.currentAperture = False
self.currentX, self.currentY = 0, 0
self.xCoordinateOffset, self.yCoordinateOffset = 0, 0
self.xCoordinateScale, self.yCoordinateScale = 1, 1
# All flash and trace objects stored here
self.flashes = []
self.traces = []
self.debug = False # TODO pass this in
f = open( self.fileName, 'r' )
lines = f.readlines()
# Do actual parsing of file
#print self.apertures
# Parse all lines of the gerber file
def parseLines( self, lines ):
for i in range( len(lines) ):
l = lines[i]
#print "Reading line '" + l[ : -1 ] + "'"
firstChr = l[ : 1 ]
lastChr = l[ -2 : -1 ]
if firstChr == "G" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdGcode( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "D" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdDcode( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "%" and lastChr == "%":
self.cmdParameter( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "%":
while l[ -2:-1 ] != "%":
print "j '" + l[ -1: ] + "'"
lines[i] = lines[i][ :-1] + lines[ i + 1 ]
lines.remove( lines[ i + 1 ] )
lines.append("") # to keep for loop happy
l = lines[i]
self.cmdParameter( l[ 1:-2 ] )
elif firstChr == "X" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdMove( l[ : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "M" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdMisc( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif l[ : -1 ] == "":
print "Line error! '" + l[ : -1 ] + "'"
# Handle an M code
def cmdMisc( self, mstring ):
code = int( mstring[ : 2 ] )
remains = mstring[ 2: ]
# Handle a G code
def cmdGcode( self, gstring ):
code = int( gstring[ : 2 ] )
remains = gstring[ 2: ]
if code == 0:
print "Move", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 1:
#print "Linear interpolation (1X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]" #TODO ADD
elif code == 2:
print "Clockwise circular interpolation", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 3:
print "Counterclockwise circular interpolation", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 4:
# Ignore Line
#print "Comment", remains
comment = False
elif code == 10:
print "Linear interpolation (10X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 11:
print "Linear interpolation (0.1X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 12:
print "Linear interpolation (0.01X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 36:
print "Turn on Polygon Area Fill", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 37:
print "Turn off Polygon Area Fill", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 54:
if remains[ : 1 ] == "D":
self.selectTool( int( remains[ 1 : ] ) )
elif code == 70:
if self.debug: print "Specify inches" # why are there two ways of setting units?
self.units = "IN"
elif code == 71:
if self.debug: print "Specify millimeters"
self.units = "MM"
elif code == 74:
print "Disable 360 deg circular interpolation (single quadrant)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 75:
print "Enable 360 deg circular interpolation (multiquadrant)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]" #TODO
elif code == 90:
if self.debug: print "Absolute coordinate format"
self.FSparameter = FS_ABSOLUTE
elif code == 91:
if self.debug: print "Incremental coordinate format - This mode is not supported"
self.FSparameter = FS_INCREMENTAL
#Handle D code - weird eagle inconsistancy?
def cmdDcode( self, paramString ):
if self.debug: print "Tool prepare"
self.selectTool( int(paramString) )
def selectTool( self, tool ):
#print tool
self.currentAperture = self.apertures[ tool ]
#print "select tool", tool, self.currentAperture, self.currentAperture.code
#if self.debug: print " Selecting aperture", int( remains[ 1 : ] )
#print currentAperture.modifiers[0]
# Handle a parameter
def cmdParameter( self, paramString ):
#print "Parameter", paramString, paramString[ : 2]
if paramString[ : 3 ] == "ADD" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
# Add a new aperture
newAperture = aperture( paramString, self.units )
self.apertures[ newAperture.code ] = newAperture
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "AM" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
newApertureMacro = apertureMacro(paramString, self.units)
self.apertureMacros[ ] = newApertureMacro
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "AS" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param AS Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "FS" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
xInt = int( paramString[5] )
xDec = int( paramString[6] )
yInt = int( paramString[8] )
yDec = int( paramString[9] )
if paramString[2] == "L":
self.xCoordinateScale = 1 / math.pow(10, xDec)
self.yCoordinateScale = -1 / math.pow(10, yDec) #not sure this is perfect
elif paramString[2] == "T":
self.xCoordinateScale = 1
self.yCoordinateScale = 1 # need to find out why some gerber have y in minus values, but do all need inverting? think this is ok now
if paramString[3] == "A":
#print "abs" #TODO
elif paramString[3] == "I":
print "Incremental Coordinates not currently supported"
#print "finish this"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IF Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IJ" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IJ Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IN" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IN Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IO" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IO Unsuported"
elif paramString[ : 2 ] == "IP" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*": #TODO
print "TODO polatiry = ", paramString[ 2 : -1 ]
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IR" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IR Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "KO" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param KO Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "LN" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param LN Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "LP" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*": #TODO
print "Param LP Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "MI" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param MI Unsuported"
elif paramString[ : 2 ] == "MO" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
# Set units
self.units = paramString[ 2 : -1 ]
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "OF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
# Offset
aPos = paramString.find('A')
bPos = paramString.find('B')
self.xCoordinateOffset = float( paramString[ aPos + 1:bPos ] )
self.yCoordinateOffset = float( paramString[ bPos + 1:-1 ] )
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "PF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param PF Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "SF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param SF Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "SR" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param SR Unsuported"
# Hande a move
def cmdMove( self, moveString ):
yPos = moveString.find( 'Y' )
dPos = moveString.find( 'D' )
x = ( float( moveString[ 1 : yPos ] ) * float(self.xCoordinateScale) ) + self.xCoordinateOffset
y = ( float( moveString[ yPos + 1 : dPos ] ) * -float(self.yCoordinateScale) ) + self.yCoordinateOffset # still need minus?
# If inches convert to mm
if self.units == "IN":
x = x * const_mmPerInch
y = y * const_mmPerInch
# Get move type (aperture open, aperture closed, flash)
d = int( moveString[ dPos + 1 : ] )
if self.debug: print "Move [", x, "mm,", y, "mm],", d
if d == 1:
#if self.currentAperture.code == 12 or self.currentAperture.code == 13: print "trace", self.currentAperture.code
self.traces.append( gerberTrace( self.currentX, self.currentY, x, y, self.currentAperture ) )
elif d == 2:
pass # no entity information required
# Move is aperture closed (pen up) type
elif d == 3:
#print "create flash with ms", moveString
self.flashes.append( gerberFlash( x, y, self.currentAperture ) )
#if self.currentAperture.code == 12 or self.currentAperture.code == 13: print "flash", self.currentAperture.code
self.currentX, self.currentY = x, y
print "Aperture macro type", self.primitiveNumber, "not handled"
# Class for a gerber flash (move and flash aperture)
class gerberFlash:
def __init__(self, x, y, aperture):
self.type = FLASH
self.x, self.y, self.aperture = x, y, aperture
#print "create flash with aperture", aperture
#self.radius = self.aperture.radius
def printFlash(self):
print "FLASH", self.x, self.y, self.aperture
# Class for a gerber trace (aperture open move)
class gerberTrace:
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, aperture):
self.type = STROKE
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.aperture = x1, y1, x2, y2, aperture
def printTrace(self):
print "TRACE", self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.aperture
class gerber:
def __init__(self, fileName):
self.fileName = fileName
self.apertures = {}
self.apertureMacros = {}
self.currentAperture = False
self.currentX, self.currentY = 0, 0
self.xCoordinateOffset, self.yCoordinateOffset = 0, 0
self.xCoordinateScale, self.yCoordinateScale = 1, 1
# All flash and trace objects stored here
self.flashes = []
self.traces = []
self.debug = False # TODO pass this in
f = open( self.fileName, 'r' )
lines = f.readlines()
# Do actual parsing of file
#print self.apertures
# Parse all lines of the gerber file
def parseLines( self, lines ):
for i in range( len(lines) ):
l = lines[i]
#print "Reading line '" + l[ : -1 ] + "'"
firstChr = l[ : 1 ]
lastChr = l[ -2 : -1 ]
if firstChr == "G" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdGcode( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "D" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdDcode( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "%" and lastChr == "%":
self.cmdParameter( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "%":
while l[ -2:-1 ] != "%":
print "j '" + l[ -1: ] + "'"
lines[i] = lines[i][ :-1] + lines[ i + 1 ]
lines.remove( lines[ i + 1 ] )
lines.append("") # to keep for loop happy
l = lines[i]
self.cmdParameter( l[ 1:-2 ] )
elif firstChr == "X" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdMove( l[ : -2 ] )
elif firstChr == "M" and lastChr == "*":
self.cmdMisc( l[ 1 : -2 ] )
elif l[ : -1 ] == "":
print "Line error! '" + l[ : -1 ] + "'"
# Handle an M code
def cmdMisc( self, mstring ):
code = int( mstring[ : 2 ] )
remains = mstring[ 2: ]
# Handle a G code
def cmdGcode( self, gstring ):
code = int( gstring[ : 2 ] )
remains = gstring[ 2: ]
if code == 0:
print "Move", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 1:
#print "Linear interpolation (1X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]" #TODO ADD
elif code == 2:
print "Clockwise circular interpolation", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 3:
print "Counterclockwise circular interpolation", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 4:
# Ignore Line
#print "Comment", remains
comment = False
elif code == 10:
print "Linear interpolation (10X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 11:
print "Linear interpolation (0.1X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 12:
print "Linear interpolation (0.01X scale)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 36:
print "Turn on Polygon Area Fill", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 37:
print "Turn off Polygon Area Fill", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 54:
if remains[ : 1 ] == "D":
self.selectTool( int( remains[ 1 : ] ) )
elif code == 70:
if self.debug: print "Specify inches" # why are there two ways of setting units?
self.units = "IN"
elif code == 71:
if self.debug: print "Specify millimeters"
self.units = "MM"
elif code == 74:
print "Disable 360 deg circular interpolation (single quadrant)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]"
elif code == 75:
print "Enable 360 deg circular interpolation (multiquadrant)", "[COMMAND UNSUPORTED!]" #TODO
elif code == 90:
if self.debug: print "Absolute coordinate format"
self.FSparameter = FS_ABSOLUTE
elif code == 91:
if self.debug: print "Incremental coordinate format - This mode is not supported"
self.FSparameter = FS_INCREMENTAL
#Handle D code - weird eagle inconsistancy?
def cmdDcode( self, paramString ):
if self.debug: print "Tool prepare"
self.selectTool( int(paramString) )
def selectTool( self, tool ):
#print tool
self.currentAperture = self.apertures[ tool ]
#print "select tool", tool, self.currentAperture, self.currentAperture.code
#if self.debug: print " Selecting aperture", int( remains[ 1 : ] )
#print currentAperture.modifiers[0]
# Handle a parameter
def cmdParameter( self, paramString ):
#print "Parameter", paramString, paramString[ : 2]
if paramString[ : 3 ] == "ADD" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
# Add a new aperture
newAperture = aperture( paramString, self.units )
self.apertures[ newAperture.code ] = newAperture
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "AM" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
newApertureMacro = apertureMacro(paramString, self.units)
self.apertureMacros[ ] = newApertureMacro
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "AS" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param AS Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "FS" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
xInt = int( paramString[5] )
xDec = int( paramString[6] )
yInt = int( paramString[8] )
yDec = int( paramString[9] )
if paramString[2] == "L":
self.xCoordinateScale = 1 / math.pow(10, xDec)
self.yCoordinateScale = -1 / math.pow(10, yDec) #not sure this is perfect
elif paramString[2] == "T":
self.xCoordinateScale = 1
self.yCoordinateScale = 1 # need to find out why some gerber have y in minus values, but do all need inverting? think this is ok now
if paramString[3] == "A":
#print "abs" #TODO
elif paramString[3] == "I":
print "Incremental Coordinates not currently supported"
#print "finish this"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IF Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IJ" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IJ Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IN" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IN Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IO" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IO Unsuported"
elif paramString[ : 2 ] == "IP" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*": #TODO
print "TODO polatiry = ", paramString[ 2 : -1 ]
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "IR" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param IR Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "KO" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param KO Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "LN" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param LN Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "LP" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*": #TODO
print "Param LP Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "MI" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param MI Unsuported"
elif paramString[ : 2 ] == "MO" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
# Set units
self.units = paramString[ 2 : -1 ]
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "OF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
# Offset
aPos = paramString.find('A')
bPos = paramString.find('B')
self.xCoordinateOffset = float( paramString[ aPos + 1:bPos ] )
self.yCoordinateOffset = float( paramString[ bPos + 1:-1 ] )
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "PF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param PF Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "SF" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param SF Unsuported"
elif paramString[ :2 ] == "SR" and paramString[ -1 : ] == "*":
print "Param SR Unsuported"
# Hande a move
def cmdMove( self, moveString ):
yPos = moveString.find( 'Y' )
dPos = moveString.find( 'D' )
x = ( float( moveString[ 1 : yPos ] ) * float(self.xCoordinateScale) ) + self.xCoordinateOffset
y = ( float( moveString[ yPos + 1 : dPos ] ) * -float(self.yCoordinateScale) ) + self.yCoordinateOffset # still need minus?
# If inches convert to mm
if self.units == "IN":
x = x * const_mmPerInch
y = y * const_mmPerInch
# Get move type (aperture open, aperture closed, flash)
d = int( moveString[ dPos + 1 : ] )
if self.debug: print "Move [", x, "mm,", y, "mm],", d
if d == 1:
#if self.currentAperture.code == 12 or self.currentAperture.code == 13: print "trace", self.currentAperture.code
self.traces.append( gerberTrace( self.currentX, self.currentY, x, y, self.currentAperture ) )
elif d == 2:
pass # no entity information required
# Move is aperture closed (pen up) type
elif d == 3:
#print "create flash with ms", moveString
self.flashes.append( gerberFlash( x, y, self.currentAperture ) )
#if self.currentAperture.code == 12 or self.currentAperture.code == 13: print "flash", self.currentAperture.code
self.currentX, self.currentY = x, y
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from gerber_lib import gerber
lib = """
function veca(a, b) = atan((b - a)[0] / (b - a)[1]);
module bar(r, a, b, endslope=false) {
d = b - a;
l = sqrt(pow(d[0], 2) + pow(d[1], 2));
theta = veca(a, b);
enslope_l = 15;
blocksize = enslope_l * 4;
echo("bar", a, b);
echo("[d, l, theta]", [d, l, theta]);
echo("w = ", r * 2);
union() {
circle(r, center=true);
circle(r, center=true);
translate(d / 2)
rotate(90 - theta, [0, 0, 1])
square([l, r * 2], center=true);
g = gerber("noname-Back.gbl")
stream = sys.stdout
stream.write("module layout() {\n")
stream.write("union() {\n")
# Plot all gerber flashes
for i, f in enumerate(g.flashes):
# Move is static flash type
if f.aperture.isMacro:
print "macro", f.aperture.macroName
stream.write("translate([%f, %f, 0])\n" % (f.x, f.y))
if f.aperture.apertureType == "C":
# Using circular aperture
stream.write("circle(%f, center=true);\n" % f.aperture.radius)
elif f.aperture.apertureType == "R":
# Using rectangular aperture
stream.write("square([%f, %f], center=true);\n" % (f.aperture.width,
elif f.aperture.apertureType == "O":
#(f.aperture.width / 2, f.aperture.height / 2)
# Plot all gerber traces
for i, t in enumerate(g.traces):
# Move is aperture open (pen down) type
if t.aperture.isMacro:
print "macro", f.aperture.macroName
if t.aperture.apertureType == "C":
# Using circular aperture
#if t.aperture.code == 12 or t.aperture.code == 13: print t.aperture.code
stream.write("bar(%f, [%f, %f], [%f, %f]);\n" % (t.aperture.radius,
t.x1, t.y1, t.x2,
elif t.aperture.apertureType == "R":
# Using rectangular aperture
#print "TODO - rectangle transition"
G04 (created by PCBNEW-RS274X (2011-05-25)-stable) date Tue 05 Mar 2013 00:37:05 GMT*
G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format*
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Very nice program. Worked right out of the box. I understand now that I must have used it with Python 2.7, which I had it installed at that time. Now I want to run it in Python 3.3. What code changes should there be besides print() instead of print?

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