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Created October 2, 2015 18:32
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class profile::base::linux::networking {
# Configure the node's network devices according to its Hiera data
$interfaces = hiera('interfaces', undef)
if $interfaces != undef {
# Get the names of the network interfaces for some error checking
# below when bridged or bonded interfaces are configured.
$ifnames = keys($interfaces)
$interfaces.each |String $ifname, $ifdata| {
# Extract the configuration for this interface
$origtype = $ifdata['type']
# We need the type to be defined, but if it isn't, we'll
# default to 'ethernet'
$type = $origtype ? {
undef => 'ethernet',
default => $origtype,
$ip = $ifdata['ip']
$gateway = $ifdata['gateway']
$netmask = $ifdata['netmask']
$membertype = $ifdata['membertype'] ? {
undef => '',
default => $ifdata['membertype'],
$memberof = $ifdata['memberof'] ? {
undef => '',
default => $ifdata['memberof'],
$vlan = $ifdata['vlan']
# Check if any of the interfaces are type "Bond", and if so, set
# up the additional resources required to get bonding working. Since
# we're inside an iterator and there could be multiple bonded
# interfaces, these resources have to be protected from multiple
# declaration.
if $type =~ /^(?i:bond)$/ {
# Bonded interface module configuration
$modprobeconf = '/etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf'
$kernel_mod_load_title = 'Load bonding kernel module'
# If we're processing a bond interface, then some extra
# configuration is required. However, we only want these
# resources to be included once in the catalog (required by
# Puppet anyway!), and the easiest place to do it is here. Just
# wrap it in a check to see if the resources have already been
# added and skip if they have.
if !defined(Exec[$kernel_mod_load_title]) {
file { $modprobeconf:
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
exec { $kernel_mod_load_title:
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin',
command => 'modprobe bonding',
unless => 'lsmod | grep -qw ^bonding 2>/dev/null',
# These resources have to be declared once for each bonded
# interface, so their titles are parameterized, as well as
# the lines that they are adding to the bonding.conf file.
file_line { "Configure bonding module for ${ifname} - step 1":
ensure => present,
path => $modprobeconf,
line => "alias ${ifname} bonding",
require => File[$modprobeconf],
before => Exec[$kernel_mod_load_title],
file_line { "Configure bonding module for ${ifname} - step 2":
ensure => present,
path => $modprobeconf,
line => "options ${ifname} mode=active-backup miimon=100 downdelay=200 updelay=200",
require => File_line["Configure bonding module for ${ifname} - step 1"],
before => Exec[$kernel_mod_load_title],
# Check for the known interface types
if $type !~ /^(?i:bridge|bond|ethernet)$/ {
fail("*** ERROR: Unknown interface type \"$type\" for interface \"$ifname\"")
# If we're setting up a bonded interface, then the
# network::interface declaration below needs a
# dependency on the previously-declared bonding kernel
# module exec, otherwise we can omit the dependency, since
# the exec resource will not be in the catalog.
$requirement = ($type =~ /^(?i:bond)$/) ? {
true => Exec[$kernel_mod_load_title],
default => undef,
# Set up the resource parameters for interfaces that are members
# of bridged or bonded interfaces. If neither of these branches
# is followed, then the variables will be undef, and that will
# indicate a plain Ethernet interface to the ::network::interface
# resource.
if $membertype =~ /^(?i:bridge)$/ {
$bridge = $memberof
} elsif $membertype =~ /^(?i:bond)$/ {
$master = $memberof
$slave = 'yes'
# Configure the resource attribute value for VLAN support
$enablevlan = str2bool($vlan) ? {
true => 'yes',
false => undef,
default => undef,
# At minimum, we need an interface name. The IP address will be
# undef for an bridge member interface.
if $ifname != undef {
::network::interface { $ifname:
ipaddr => $ip,
netmask => $netmask,
gateway => $gateway,
# The type should always be a capitalized string value,
# according to the way the CentOS network configuration
# works.
type => capitalize(downcase($type)),
bridge => $bridge,
master => $master,
slave => $slave,
bootproto => 'none',
nm_controlled => 'no',
vlan => $enablevlan,
# This is a custom template that simply adds
# the DELAY=0 line to the bridged interface's
# ifcfg file. The file was copied from the
# one that is included in the example42/network
# module.
template => 'profile/base/RedHat-network-ifcfg.erb',
require => $requirement,
'type': 'bridge'
'ip': ''
'gateway': ''
'netmask': ''
'type': 'bond'
'membertype': 'bridge'
'memberof': 'br0'
'type': 'ethernet'
'membertype': 'bond'
'memberof': 'bond0'
'type': 'ethernet'
'membertype': 'bond'
'memberof': 'bond0'
'type': 'ethernet'
'ip': ''
'gateway': ''
'netmask': ''
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