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Created February 20, 2019 22:21
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the ocean is really nice today
### disable greeting
set -e fish_greeting
# store name of system/architecture
set -x PLATFORM (command uname -s)
# ensure set
set -x SHELL (command which fish)
# prefix for user installations
set -x PREFIX /usr/local
# freedesktop style cache location
set -x XDG_CACHE_HOME $HOME/.cache
# ruby version manager
set -x RY_RUBIES $HOME/.rubies
# long process done
set -U __done_min_cmd_duration 10000
set -U __done_exclude 'git (?!push|pull)'
if status --is-interactive
### auth
set -x SSH_KEYS $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa $HOME/.ssh/github
#set -x GPG_KEYS '64236423'
### cosmetical
# set -x LSCOLORS gxBxhxDxfxhxhxhxhxcxcx
set -x CLICOLOR 1
set -x GCC_COLORS 1
set -x LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8
### switch according to platform
if test "$PLATFORM" = "Darwin" # osx
# number of physical cores (not hyperthreads)
set -l core_count (sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)
set -x MAKEFLAGS "-j$core_count"
set -x BROWSER 'open'
set -x EDITOR 'nano'
set -x PAGER 'less'
set -x VISUAL 'less'
# all other
set -x EDITOR 'vi'
### gnupg
if command --search gpg >/dev/null
# ensure gpg will have tty
set -x GPG_TTY (which tty)
# ### thefuck
# if command --search thefuck >/dev/null
# command thefuck --alias | tr '\n' ';' | source
# end
### keychain
if command --search keychain >/dev/null
command keychain --quiet --nogui --eval --inherit any-once --agents ssh --quick $SSH_KEYS | source
### autojump
[ -f /usr/local/share/autojump/ ]; and source /usr/local/share/autojump/
### exa
if command --search exa >/dev/null
alias 'l' 'command exa -g -1 -a -s extension -F -U'
alias 't' 'command exa -g -G -a -s extension -F -U -T -L 2'
alias 'lw' 'command exa -g -G -a -s extension -F -U'
alias 'll' 'command exa -g -l -a -s extension -F -U'
alias 'lt' 'command exa -g -l -a -s extension -F -U -T -L 2'
### trash
if command --search trash >/dev/null
#set -l trash_cnt (string trim (trash -l | wc -l))
#test "$trash_cnt" -gt 25; and echo "please consider emptying your trash of $trash_cnt items (type 'rme')."
alias 'rmm' 'command rm'
alias 'rm' 'command trash -v'
alias 'rml' 'command trash -l -v'
alias 'rme' 'command trash -e -v'
alias 'rms' 'command trash -s -v'
### shared Makefile
# TODO: revamp
alias 'mmake' 'make -f ~/Makefile'
### tail file
alias 'ff' 'less +F'
### workaround "for fish_update_completions"
set -x MANPATH /usr/share/man /usr/local/share/man $MANPATH
### update auto completions if not exist
if not test -d $HOME/.local/share/fish/generated_completions
## curl
if test -d $PREFIX/opt/curl/bin
set -x PATH $PREFIX/opt/curl/bin $PATH
### postgres
if test -d $PREFIX/opt/postgresql/bin
set -x PATH $PREFIX/opt/postgresql/bin $PATH
### cargo
if command --search cargo >/dev/null
set -x PATH $HOME/.cargo/bin $PATH
### lastly, direnv
if command --search direnv >/dev/null
command direnv hook fish | source
function fish_prompt
eval "$HOME/.go/bin/powerline-go -error $status -shell bare -cwd-max-depth 3 -max-width 50 -modules aws,docker,venv,ssh,cwd,gitlite,jobs,exit,root -path-aliases \~/.go/src/,\~/Sync/prjcts=@src,\~/Sync/code=@code"
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