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Created January 29, 2023 19:44
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0xMonaco 2nd place car
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "./../interfaces/ICar.sol";
enum Status {
contract PolygonCarV31 is ICar {
uint256 internal constant BANANA_MAX = 400;
uint256 ACCEL_MAX = 50;
uint256 SUPER_SHELL_MAX = 300;
uint256 SHELL_MAX = 150;
uint256 SHIELD_MAX = 100;
uint256 internal constant LATE_GAME = 900;
Status status = Status.EARLY_GAME;
uint256 bananasAhead;
Monaco.CarData[] cars;
uint256 aheadIndex;
uint256 remainingBalance;
uint256 speed = 0;
bool bananaBought = false;
bool superShellBought = false;
uint256 shields = 0;
modifier setUp(
Monaco.CarData[] calldata allCars,
uint256[] calldata bananas,
uint256 ourCarIndex
) {
speed = allCars[ourCarIndex].speed;
shields = allCars[ourCarIndex].shield;
remainingBalance = allCars[ourCarIndex].balance;
bananasAhead = 0;
// setup cars in order
(uint256 firstIndex, uint256 secondIndex) = (
(ourCarIndex + 1) % 3,
(ourCarIndex + 2) % 3
Monaco.CarData memory firstCar,
Monaco.CarData memory secondCar
) = allCars[firstIndex].y > allCars[secondIndex].y
? (allCars[firstIndex], allCars[secondIndex])
: (allCars[secondIndex], allCars[firstIndex]);
uint256 maxY = allCars[ourCarIndex].y > firstCar.y
? allCars[ourCarIndex].y
: firstCar.y;
if (maxY > LATE_GAME) {
ACCEL_MAX = 1000;
SHELL_MAX = 900;
status = Status.LATE_GAME;
} else {
status = Status.EARLY_GAME;
// get all bananas in our way
if (ourCarIndex != 0) {
// we are not in first place
if (ourCarIndex == 1) {
aheadIndex = 1;
uint256 ourCarPosition = allCars[ourCarIndex].y;
uint256 nextCarPosition = ourCarIndex == 1
? firstCar.y
: secondCar.y;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < bananas.length; i++) {
if (bananas[i] > ourCarPosition) {
if (bananas[i] > nextCarPosition) {
} else {
aheadIndex = 2;
delete cars;
aheadIndex = 0;
remainingBalance = 0;
speed = 0;
shields = 0;
bananaBought = false;
superShellBought = false;
SHELL_MAX = 150;
function takeYourTurn(
Monaco monaco,
Monaco.CarData[] calldata allCars,
uint256[] calldata bananas,
uint256 ourCarIndex
) external override setUp(allCars, bananas, ourCarIndex) {
Monaco.CarData memory ourCar = allCars[ourCarIndex];
// Win if possible.
if (
ourCar.y > 850 &&
remainingBalance >=
monaco.getAccelerateCost((1000 - (ourCar.y + speed)))
) {
monaco.buyAcceleration((1000 - (ourCar.y + speed)));
// spend it all in the end
if ((ourCar.y > 985 || cars[1].y > 985) && remainingBalance > 300) {
buyAccelerationFor(monaco, remainingBalance / 2);
} else {
if (status == Status.LATE_GAME) {
lateGameStrat(monaco, ourCarIndex);
if (shields == 0) buyShield(monaco, 1);
function buyFreeStuff(Monaco monaco) private {
if (monaco.getAccelerateCost(1) == 0) {
speed += 1;
if (monaco.getShieldCost(1) == 0) {
shields += 1;
if (monaco.getBananaCost() == 0) {
bananaBought = true;
if (monaco.getSuperShellCost(1) == 0) {
superShellBought = true;
if (monaco.getShellCost(1) == 0) {
if (bananasAhead > 0) {
if (aheadIndex != 2) {
if (cars[aheadIndex].shield > 0) {
cars[aheadIndex].speed = 1;
function buyAccelerationFor(Monaco monaco, uint256 target) private {
uint256 price = 0;
uint256 i = 0;
while (price <= target) {
price = monaco.getAccelerateCost(i);
if (gasleft() < 1_000_000) break;
if (i > 0) {
remainingBalance -= monaco.buyAcceleration(i);
speed += i;
function buyAcceleration(Monaco monaco) private {
uint256 targetPurchase;
if (status == Status.EARLY_GAME) {
targetPurchase = 60;
} else {
targetPurchase = 500;
if (remainingBalance < targetPurchase) {
buyAccelerationFor(monaco, targetPurchase);
function getBananasOutOfTheWay(Monaco monaco) private {
uint256 remainingBananas = bananasAhead;
if (remainingBananas == 0) return;
uint256 shellCost = monaco.getShellCost(remainingBananas);
uint256 superShellCost = monaco.getSuperShellCost(1);
if (shellCost > superShellCost) {
// buy super shell
} else {
// buy shells
buyShell(monaco, remainingBananas);
function lateGameStrat(Monaco monaco, uint256 ourCarIndex) private {
Monaco.CarData storage first = cars[1];
Monaco.CarData storage second = cars[0];
uint256 maxSpeed = first.speed > second.speed
? first.speed
: second.speed;
// Handle cases where speed is too low and we are in last
if (maxSpeed >= speed && aheadIndex == 0) {
if (!buyAcceleration(monaco, maxSpeed + 1 - speed)) {
buyAcceleration(monaco, 3);
if (ourCarIndex != 0) {
// handle cases when we are second or last
uint256 shellCost = monaco.getShellCost(1);
uint256 superShellCost = monaco.getSuperShellCost(1);
if (first.y >= 990) {
SHELL_MAX = remainingBalance / 2;
SUPER_SHELL_MAX = remainingBalance / 2;
if (
first.shield != 0 ||
shellCost >= superShellCost ||
ourCarIndex == 2
) {
} else {
buyShell(monaco, 1);
function buyAcceleration(
Monaco monaco,
uint256 amount
) private returns (bool) {
uint256 cost = monaco.getAccelerateCost(amount);
// don't buy if price exceeds maximum
if (cost > (ACCEL_MAX * amount)) return false;
if (cost < remainingBalance) {
remainingBalance -= monaco.buyAcceleration(amount);
speed += amount;
return true;
return false;
function buyShield(Monaco monaco, uint256 amount) private returns (bool) {
if (shields >= 5) return false;
uint cost = monaco.getShieldCost(amount);
if (cost > (SHIELD_MAX * amount)) return false;
if (cost < remainingBalance) {
remainingBalance -= monaco.buyShield(amount);
shields += amount;
return true;
return false;
function buyBanana(Monaco monaco) private returns (bool) {
if (aheadIndex == 0 || bananaBought) return false;
uint cost = monaco.getBananaCost();
if (cost > BANANA_MAX) return false;
if (cost < remainingBalance) {
remainingBalance -= monaco.buyBanana();
bananaBought = true;
return true;
return false;
function buyShell(Monaco monaco, uint256 amount) private returns (bool) {
if (aheadIndex == 2) return false;
uint remainingBanananas = bananasAhead;
uint carAheadSpeed = cars[aheadIndex].speed;
uint remainingShields = cars[aheadIndex].shield;
if (
carAheadSpeed == 1 &&
remainingBanananas == 0 &&
remainingShields == 0
) return false;
uint cost = monaco.getShellCost(amount);
if (cost > (SHELL_MAX * amount)) return false;
if (cost < remainingBalance) {
remainingBalance -= monaco.buyShell(amount);
if (remainingBanananas > 0) {
if (remainingBanananas >= amount) {
bananasAhead -= amount;
return true;
} else {
amount -= remainingBanananas;
bananasAhead = 0;
if (remainingShields > 0) {
if (remainingShields >= amount) {
cars[aheadIndex].shield -= uint32(amount);
return true;
} else {
amount -= remainingShields;
cars[aheadIndex].shield = 0;
cars[aheadIndex].speed = 1;
return true;
return false;
function buySuperShell(Monaco monaco) private returns (bool) {
if (aheadIndex == 2 || superShellBought) return false;
uint256 tmpSpeed = 1;
for (uint i = aheadIndex; i < 2; i++) {
if (cars[i].speed > tmpSpeed) tmpSpeed = cars[i].speed;
if (tmpSpeed == 1) return false;
uint cost = monaco.getSuperShellCost(1);
if (cost > SUPER_SHELL_MAX) return false;
if (cost < remainingBalance) {
remainingBalance -= monaco.buySuperShell(1);
superShellBought = true;
bananasAhead = 0;
for (uint i = aheadIndex; i < 2; i++) {
cars[i].speed = 1;
return true;
return false;
function sayMyName() external pure returns (string memory) {
return "Need for Gas";
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