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Brooke Rhodes grilme99

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grilme99 / Icon.tsx
Last active October 18, 2024 16:50
SVG rendering in Unity with SkiaSharp + OneJS
import { h } from "onejs-preact";
import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from "onejs-preact/hooks";
import { useSvgTexture } from "src/contexts/svg-cache/use-svg-texture";
import { tv } from "tailwind-variants";
import filledIcons from "src/generated/icons/filled.json";
import outlinedIcons from "src/generated/icons/outlined.json";
export type IconSize = "x-small" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | "x-large" | "xx-large";
grilme99 / binding-utils.luau
Last active August 29, 2024 22:20
React-lua hooks for Ripple
Returns whether the given value is a binding.
@param value The value to check.
@return Whether the value is a binding.
local function isBinding(value: unknown): boolean
return ReactIs.isBinding(value)
grilme99 / use-px.luau
Last active August 12, 2024 21:55
use-px hook for React
-- Based on this Typescript implementation by Littensy:
local React = require("@pkg/react")
local useState = React.useState
local useCallback = React.useCallback
local useEffect = React.useEffect
local useMemo = React.useMemo
grilme99 / BedWarsTypes.d.lua
Created August 19, 2023 17:59
Luau type declarations for the BedWars scripting API
export type Array<T> = {T}
export type Map<K, V> = {[K]: V}
export type String = {
includes: (a: string, b: string) -> boolean,
startsWith: (a: string, searchTerm: string) -> boolean,
endsWith: (a: string, searchTerm: string) -> boolean,
lower: (str: string) -> string,
grilme99 / DynamicMesh.lua
Last active August 10, 2024 22:38
Example of Roblox's new DynamicMesh class, generated using ChatGPT. Works at runtime in an ordinary LocalScript.
-- Create a new DynamicMesh instance
local dynamicMesh ="DynamicMesh")
-- Function to get perlin noise
local function perlinNoise(x, y, scale, height)
return math.noise(x * scale, y * scale) * height
local size = 50 -- Size of the terrain
local scale = 0.1 -- Scale factor for Perlin noise
grilme99 / Spring.cs
Last active May 18, 2023 18:20
Spring implementation for Unity based on Nevermore
// A physical model of a spring, based off:
// A spring is an object that will compute based upon Hooke's law. Properties only evaluate upon index making this class
// good for lazy applications.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class Spring
grilme99 / ElevatedPluginDemoter.lua
Last active September 8, 2023 15:20
Roblox elevated/internal plugin demoter
"One-click" script to demote elevated (usually internal) plugins by removing or
replacing their elevated API calls.
I've only tested this on the "Developer" Storybook plugin (the irony). It will probably
need some modification for other internal plugins, like the Roact Inspector.