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Created October 2, 2013 18:25
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Save grondilu/6798263 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. with combinations and permutations
# for our tantrums
my class X::TypeCheck { ... }
my class List does Positional { # declared in BOOTSTRAP
# class List is Iterable is Cool
# has Mu $!items; # VM's array of our reified elements
# has Mu $!flattens; # true if this list flattens its parcels
# has Mu $!nextiter; # iterator for generating remaining elements
method new(|) {
my Mu $args := nqp::p6argvmarray();
nqp::p6list($args, self.WHAT, Mu);
method Bool() { self.gimme(1).Bool }
method Int() { self.elems }
method end() { self.elems - 1 }
multi method Numeric(List:D:) { self.elems }
multi method Str(List:D:) { self.join(' ') }
method fmt($format = '%s', $separator = ' ') {{ .fmt($format) }).join($separator);
method flat() { self.flattens
?? self
!! nqp::p6list(nqp::list(self), List, Bool::True)
method list() { self }
method lol() {
my Mu $rpa := nqp::clone($!items);
nqp::push($rpa, $!nextiter) if $!nextiter.defined;
nqp::p6list($rpa, LoL, Mu);
method flattens() { $!flattens }
my &itemify = { .elems == 1 ?? $_ !! [.list] };
proto method tree(|) {*}
multi method tree(List:U:) { self }
multi method tree(List:D:) {, &itemify, Mu).list;
multi method tree(List:D: Cool $count as Int) {
$count <= 0 ?? self
!! $count == 1 ?? self.tree
{.elems == 1 ?? $_ !! [.tree($count - 1)]},
multi method tree(List:D: &c) {, &c, Mu).list;
# uncommenting causes "Circularity detected in multi sub types"
# multi method tree(List:D: *@ [$first, *@rest] where {.elems >= 2 }) {
#, :block(*.list(|@rest))).list.tree($first)
# }
method Capture() {
my $cap := nqp::create(Capture);
nqp::bindattr($cap, Capture, '$!list', $!items);
method Parcel() {
my Mu $rpa := nqp::clone(nqp::p6listitems(self));
nqp::push($rpa, $!nextiter) if $!nextiter.defined;
nqp::p6parcel($rpa, Any);
multi method at_pos(List:D: $pos is copy) is rw {
$pos = $pos.Int;
?? nqp::atpos($!items, nqp::unbox_i($pos))
!! Nil;
multi method at_pos(List:D: int $pos) is rw {
?? nqp::atpos($!items, $pos)
!! Nil;
method eager() { self.gimme(*); self }
method elems() {
return 0 unless self.DEFINITE;
# Get as many elements as we can. If gimme stops before
# reaching the end of the list, assume the list is infinite.
my $n = self.gimme(*);
$!nextiter.defined ?? $Inf !! $n
method exists (\pos) { # is DEPRECATED doesn't work in settings
once DEPRECATED("Method 'List.exists'","the :exists adverb");
method exists_pos(\pos) {
return False if !self.DEFINITE || pos < 0;
self.gimme(pos + 1);
nqp::p6bool( !nqp::isnull(nqp::atpos($!items, nqp::unbox_i(pos))) );
method gimme($n, :$sink) {
return unless self.DEFINITE;
# loop through iterators until we have at least $n elements
my int $count = nqp::elems(nqp::p6listitems(self));
my $eager = nqp::p6bool(nqp::istype($n, Whatever) || $n == $Inf);
while $!nextiter.defined && ($eager
?? !$!nextiter.infinite
!! ($count < $n)) {
$!nextiter.reify($eager ?? Whatever !! $n - $count, :$sink);
$count = nqp::elems($!items);
# return the number of elements we have now
method infinite() {
self.DEFINITE && $!nextiter.defined && $!nextiter.infinite;
method iterator() {
# Return a reified ListIter containing our currently reified elements
# and any subsequent iterator.
my $iter := nqp::create(ListIter);
nqp::bindattr($iter, ListIter, '$!nextiter', $!nextiter);
nqp::bindattr($iter, ListIter, '$!reified', self.Parcel());
method munch($n is copy) {
$n = 0 if $n < 0;
$n = self.gimme($n) if nqp::not_i(nqp::istype($n, Int))
|| nqp::not_i(nqp::islist($!items))
|| nqp::islt_i(nqp::elems($!items), nqp::unbox_i($n));
nqp::p6shiftpush(nqp::list(), $!items, nqp::unbox_i($n)),
method pick($n is copy = 1) {
fail "Cannot .pick from infinite list" if self.infinite; #MMD?
## We use a version of Fisher-Yates shuffle here to
## replace picked elements with elements from the end
## of the list, resulting in an O(n) algorithm.
my $elems = self.elems;
return unless $elems;
$n = +$Inf if nqp::istype($n, Whatever);
$n = $elems if $n > $elems;
return self.at_pos($elems.rand.floor) if $n == 1;
my Mu $rpa := nqp::clone($!items);
my $i;
my Mu $v;
gather while $n > 0 {
$i = nqp::rand_I(nqp::decont($elems), Int);
$elems--; $n--;
$v := nqp::atpos($rpa, nqp::unbox_i($i));
# replace selected element with last unpicked one
nqp::bindpos($rpa, nqp::unbox_i($i),
nqp::atpos($rpa, nqp::unbox_i($elems)));
take-rw $v;
method pop() is parcel {
my $elems = self.gimme(*);
fail 'Cannot .pop from an infinite list' if $!nextiter.defined;
$elems > 0
?? nqp::pop($!items)
!! fail 'Element popped from empty list';
method shift() is parcel {
# make sure we have at least one item, then shift+return it
nqp::islist($!items) && nqp::existspos($!items, 0) || self.gimme(1)
?? nqp::shift($!items)
!! fail 'Element shifted from empty list';
multi method push(List:D: *@values) {
fail 'Cannot .push an infinite list' if @values.infinite;
fail 'Cannot .push to an infinite list' if $!nextiter.defined;
# don't bother with type checks
if ( self.of =:= Mu ) {
nqp::push( $!items, @values.shift ) while @values.gimme(1);
# we must check types
else {
my $of = self.of;
while @values.gimme(1) {
my $value := @values.shift;
if $value ~~ $of {
nqp::push( $!items, $value );
# huh?
else {
operation => '.push',
expected => $of,
got => $value,
multi method unshift(List:D: *@values) {
fail 'Cannot .unshift an infinite list' if @values.infinite;
# don't bother with type checks
if ( self.of =:= Mu ) {
nqp::unshift($!items, @values.pop) while @values;
# we must check types
else {
my $of = self.of;
while @values {
my $value := @values.pop;
if $value ~~ $of {
nqp::unshift($!items, $value);
# huh?
else {
operation => '.unshift',
expected => $of,
got => $value,
method roll($n is copy = 1) {
my $elems = self.gimme(*);
fail 'Cannot .roll from an infinite list' if $!nextiter.defined;
return unless $elems;
$n = +$Inf if nqp::istype($n, Whatever);
return self.at_pos($elems.rand.floor) if $n == 1;
gather while $n > 0 {
take nqp::atpos($!items, nqp::unbox_i($elems.rand.floor.Int));
method reverse() {
fail 'Cannot .reverse from an infinite list' if $!nextiter.defined;
my Mu $rev := nqp::list();
my Mu $orig := nqp::clone($!items);
nqp::push($rev, nqp::pop($orig)) while $orig;
my $rlist := nqp::create(self.WHAT);
nqp::bindattr($rlist, List, '$!items', $rev);
method rotate(Int $n is copy = 1) {
fail 'Cannot .rotate an infinite list' if $!nextiter.defined;
my Mu $res := nqp::clone($!items);
$n %= nqp::p6box_i(nqp::elems($!items));
if $n > 0 {
nqp::push($res, nqp::shift($res)) while $n--;
elsif $n < 0 {
nqp::unshift($res, nqp::pop($res)) while $n++;
my $rlist := nqp::create(self.WHAT);
nqp::bindattr($rlist, List, '$!items', $res);
method splice($offset = 0, $size?, *@values) {
my $o = $offset;
my $s = $size;
my $elems = self.elems;
$o = $o($elems) if nqp::istype($o, Callable);
what => 'offset argument to List.splice',
got => $offset,
range => (0..^self.elems),
).fail if $o < 0;
$s //= self.elems - ($o min $elems);
$s = $s(self.elems - $o) if nqp::istype($s, Callable);
what => 'size argument to List.splice',
got => $size,
range => (0..^(self.elems - $o)),
).fail if $s < 0;
my @ret = self[$o..($o + $s - 1)];
nqp::getattr(@values.eager, List, '$!items'),
$o.Int, $s.Int);
method sort($by = &infix:<cmp>) {
fail 'Cannot .sort an infinite list' if self.infinite; #MMD?
# We defer to Parrot's ResizablePMCArray.sort method here.
# Instead of sorting elements directly, we sort a Parcel of
# indices from 0..^$list.elems, then use that Parcel as
# a slice into self.
# Range is currently optimized for fast Parcel construction.
my $index :=, self.elems, :excludes_max).reify(*);
my Mu $index_rpa := nqp::getattr($index, Parcel, '$!storage');
# if $by.arity < 2, then we apply the block to the elements
# for sorting.
if ($by.?count // 2) < 2 {
my $list =$by).eager;
nqp::p6sort($index_rpa, -> $a, $b { $list[$a] cmp $list[$b] || $a <=> $b });
else {
my $list = self.eager;
nqp::p6sort($index_rpa, -> $a, $b { $by($list[$a],$list[$b]) || $a <=> $b });
multi method ACCEPTS(List:D: $topic) {
my $sseq = self;
my $tseq = $topic.list;
my $spos = 0;
my $tpos = 0;
while $spos < +$sseq {
# if the next element is Whatever
if $sseq[$spos] ~~ Whatever {
# skip over all of the Whatevers
$spos++ while $spos <= +$sseq && $sseq[$spos] ~~ Whatever;
# if nothing left, we're done
return True if !($spos < +$sseq);
# find a target matching our new target
$tpos++ while ($tpos < +$tseq) && $tseq[$tpos] !== $sseq[$spos];
# return false if we ran out
return False if !($tpos < +$tseq);
elsif $tpos >= +$tseq || $tseq[$tpos] !=== $sseq[$spos] {
return False;
# skip matching elements
# If nothing left to match, we're successful.
$tpos >= +$tseq;
proto method uniq(|) {*}
multi method uniq() {
my $seen := nqp::hash();
my str $target;
map {
$target = nqp::unbox_s($_.WHICH);
if nqp::existskey($seen, $target) {
else {
nqp::bindkey($seen, $target, 1);
}, @.list;
multi method uniq( :&as!, :&with! ) {
my @seen; # should be Mu, but doesn't work in settings :-(
my Mu $target;
map {
$target = &as($_);
if first( { with($target,$_) }, @seen ) =:= Nil {
else {
}, @.list;
multi method uniq( :&as! ) {
my $seen := nqp::hash();
my str $target;
map {
$target = &as($_).WHICH;
if nqp::existskey($seen, $target) {
else {
nqp::bindkey($seen, $target, 1);
}, @.list;
multi method uniq( :&with! ) {
nextwith() if &with === &[===]; # use optimized version
my @seen; # should be Mu, but doesn't work in settings :-(
my Mu $target;
map {
$target := $_;
if first( { with($target,$_) }, @seen ) =:= Nil {
else {
}, @.list;
my @secret;
proto method squish(|) {*}
multi method squish( :&as!, :&with = &[===] ) {
my $last = @secret;
my str $which;
map {
$which = &as($_).Str;
if with($which,$last) {
else {
$last = $which;
}, @.list;
multi method squish( :&with = &[===] ) {
my $last = @secret;
map {
if with($_,$last) {
else {
$last = $_;
}, @.list;
multi method gist(List:D:) { join ' ', map { $_.gist }, @(self) }
multi method perl(List:D \SELF:) {
self.Parcel.perl ~ '.list'
~ (nqp::iscont(SELF) ?? '.item' !! '')
method REIFY(Parcel \parcel, Mu \nextiter) {
nqp::splice($!items, nqp::getattr(parcel, Parcel, '$!storage'),
nqp::elems($!items), 0);
nqp::bindattr(self, List, '$!nextiter', nextiter);
method FLATTENABLE_LIST() { self.gimme(*); $!items }
method FLATTENABLE_HASH() { nqp::hash() }
multi method DUMP(List:D: :$indent-step = 4, :%ctx?) {
return DUMP(self, :$indent-step) unless %ctx;
my $flags := ("\x221e" if self.infinite);
my Mu $attrs := nqp::list();
nqp::push($attrs, '$!flattens');
nqp::push($attrs, $!flattens );
nqp::push($attrs, '$!items' );
nqp::push($attrs, $!items );
nqp::push($attrs, '$!nextiter');
nqp::push($attrs, $!nextiter );
self.DUMP-OBJECT-ATTRS($attrs, :$indent-step, :%ctx, :$flags);
method keys(List:) {
return unless self.DEFINITE;
method values(List:) {
return unless self.DEFINITE;
my Mu $rpa := nqp::clone(nqp::p6listitems(self));
nqp::push($rpa, $!nextiter) if $!nextiter.defined;
nqp::p6list($rpa, List, self.flattens);
method pairs(List:) {
return unless self.DEFINITE; {; $_ => self.at_pos($_) };
method kv(List:) { { ($_, self.at_pos($_)) };
method reduce(List: &with) {
fail('can only reduce with arity 2')
unless &with.arity <= 2 <= &with.count;
return unless self.DEFINITE;
my Mu $val;
for self.keys {
if $_ == 0 {
$val = self.at_pos(0);
$val = with($val, self.at_pos($_));
method sink() {
self.gimme(*, :sink) if self.defined;
# this is a remnant of a previous implementation of .push(), which
# apparently is used by LoL. Please remove when no longer necessary.
method STORE_AT_POS(Int \pos, Mu \v) is rw {
nqp::bindpos($!items, nqp::unbox_i(pos), v)
my sub combinations(Int $n, Int $k) {
return [] if $k == 0;
return () if $k > $n;
gather {
take [0, (1..^$n)[@$_]] for combinations($n-1, $k-1);
take [(1..^$n)[@$_]] for combinations($n-1, $k );
multi method combinations( Int $of ) {
gather take self[@$_] for combinations self.elems, $of
multi method combinations( Range $of = 0 .. * ) {;
my sub permutations(Int $n) {
$n == 1 ?? ( [0,] ) !!
gather for ^$n -> $i {
my @i = grep none($i), ^$n;
take [$i, @i[@$_]] for permutations($n - 1);
method permutations() {
gather take self[@$_] for permutations self.elems;
sub eager(|) {
nqp::p6parcel(nqp::p6argvmarray(), Any).eager
sub flat(|) {
nqp::p6list(nqp::p6argvmarray(), List, Bool::True)
sub list(|) {
nqp::p6list(nqp::p6argvmarray(), List, Mu)
proto infix:<xx>(|) { * }
multi infix:<xx>() { fail "No zero-arg meaning for infix:<xx>" }
multi infix:<xx>(Mu \x) {x }
multi infix:<xx>(Mu \x, $n is copy, :$thunked) {
$n = nqp::p6bool(nqp::istype($n, Whatever)) ?? $Inf !! $n.Int;{ take ($thunked ?? x.() !! x) while $n-- > 0; }, :infinite($n == $Inf)).list
proto sub pop(@) {*}
multi sub pop(@a) { @a.pop }
proto sub shift(@) {*}
multi sub shift(@a) { @a.shift }
proto sub unshift(|) {*}
multi sub unshift(\a, *@elems) { a.unshift: @elems }
proto sub push(|) {*}
multi sub push(\a, *@elems) { a.push: @elems }
sub reverse(*@a) { @a.reverse }
sub rotate(@a, Int $n = 1) { @a.rotate($n) }
sub reduce (&with, *@list) { @list.reduce(&with) }
sub splice(@arr, $offset = 0, $size?, *@values) {
@arr.splice($offset, $size, @values)
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