using GroupDocs.Search; using GroupDocs.Search.Options; using GroupDocs.Search.Results; namespace SpellingCorrectioninDocumentSearchUsingCSharp { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Apply the license to remove the restrictions // imposed by the Search library License lic = new License(); lic.SetLicense(@"GroupDocs.Search.lic"); string indexFolder = @"d:\MyIndex\"; string documentsFolder = @"d:\MyDocuments\"; // Creating an index in the specified folder Index index = new Index(indexFolder); // Indexing documents from the specified folder index.Add(documentsFolder); // Creating a search options instance SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions(); // Enabling the spelling correction options.SpellingCorrector.Enabled = true; // Setting the maximum number of mistakes options.SpellingCorrector.MaxMistakeCount = 1; // Enabling the option for only the best results of the spelling correction options.SpellingCorrector.OnlyBestResults = true; // Search for the word "Rleativity" containing a spelling error // The word "Relativity" will be found that differs // from the search query in two transposed letters SearchResult result = index.Search("Rleativity", options); } } }