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Created May 12, 2012 20:29
# bubble plot - takes in a dataframe with five different properties, for X, Y, Size, ColorA, B and C, plus additional parameters to control appearances of the plots produced
bubbles_in_2colors<-function( dataset, to_jitter=F, prop_names=NULL, titles=list(main='X vs Y', color='colors', size='size'), min_size = 1, max_size = 5, max_sat = 200, fav_col='green', alpha_default=0.7, ...) {
# NB: this code can handle a third primary color, but human eyes can't so for the moment I've forbidden that option.
if(exists('dataset')) {
if (is.null(prop_names)) {print(prop_names<-names(dataset))};
if (length(prop_names) ==4) {propX<-dataset[,1]; propY<-dataset[,2]; propS<-dataset[,3]; propCA<-dataset[,4]}
else if (length(prop_names) ==5) {propX<-dataset[,1]; propY<-dataset[,2]; propS<-dataset[,3]; propCA<-dataset[,4]; propCB<-dataset[,5]}
else if (length(prop_names) ==6) {propX<-dataset[,1]; propY<-dataset[,2]; propS<-dataset[,3]; propCA<-dataset[,4]; propCB<-dataset[,5]; propCC<-dataset[,6]; print("Three colors are too many for measly human eyes")}
else {stop(sprintf("I don't know what to do with an array with %d properties",length(prop_names)))}
}else {stop('did you actually give me a dataset to work with?')}
rangepropX<-range(propX); log_x=log_it(rangepropX); if (!exists('xlab')) {xlab=prop_names[1]}
rangepropY<-range(propY); log_y=log_it(rangepropY); if (!exists('ylab')) {ylab=prop_names[2]}
rangepropS<-range(propS); log_s=log_it(rangepropS);
# the line below restricts the sizes in case the span of values isn't too spread out.
Max2min<- rangepropS[2]/rangepropS[1]; if ((!log_s) & (Max2min<5)) {min_size=2; max_size=min_size*Max2min}
rangepropCA<-range(propCA); log_cA=log_it(rangepropCA);
if (exists('propCB')) {rangepropCB<-range(propCB); log_cB=log_it(rangepropCB);} else{rangepropCB<-c(0,0); log_cB=F}
if (exists('propCC')) {rangepropCC<-range(propCC); log_cC=log_it(rangepropCC);} else{rangepropCC<-c(0,0); log_cC=F}
pch <- if (!exists('pch')) {21} else {pch} # 21 for circles, 22 for squares, 23 for diamonds, 24 for triangles up, 25 for triangles down
# the color palette is obtained by spreading the known palette (log)proportionally across the range of propC
# how about setting the color directly in rgb space?
if (!exists('palette_l')) {palette_l<-50}
if(fav_col=='red') {
r_colpaltt<- colorpalette[1+invprop(propCA,rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)*(palette_l-1)]
g_colpaltt<- if (exists('propCB')) colorpalette[1+invprop(propCB,rangepropCB[1],rangepropCB[2],log_cB)*(palette_l-1)] else 0
b_colpaltt<- if (exists('propCC')) colorpalette[1+invprop(propCC,rangepropCC[1],rangepropCC[2],log_cC)*(palette_l-1)] else 0
}else if(fav_col=='green') {
g_colpaltt<- colorpalette[1+invprop(propCA,rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)*(palette_l-1)]
r_colpaltt<- if (exists('propCB')) colorpalette[1+invprop(propCB,rangepropCB[1],rangepropCB[2],log_cB)*(palette_l-1)] else 0
b_colpaltt<- if (exists('propCC')) colorpalette[1+invprop(propCC,rangepropCC[1],rangepropCC[2],log_cC)*(palette_l-1)] else 0
}else if(fav_col=='blue') {
b_colpaltt<- colorpalette[1+invprop(propCA,rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)*(palette_l-1)]
g_colpaltt<- if (exists('propCB')) colorpalette[1+invprop(propCB,rangepropCB[1],rangepropCB[2],log_cB)*(palette_l-1)] else 0
r_colpaltt<- if (exists('propCC')) colorpalette[1+invprop(propCC,rangepropCC[1],rangepropCC[2],log_cC)*(palette_l-1)] else 0
colpaltt<- rgb(r_colpaltt, g_colpaltt, b_colpaltt, alpha_default)
# print(colpaltt)
if (!length(colpaltt[!])) colpaltt[]<-'black'
# the size palette is obtained by (log)proportional representation of the propC range in the min_size-max_size range.
# minimum and maximum for printing symbols 0.5 to 1, or given by the user.
sizepaltt<-(prop(invprop(propS,rangepropS[1],rangepropS[2],log_s),min_size, max_size, log_s))
if (!length(sizepaltt[!])) sizepaltt[]<-1
# print("defined palettes"); print(colpaltt); print(sizepaltt)
if (to_jitter) {
jittered_X <- jitter_logalong(propX);
jittered_Y <- jitter_logalong(propY);
jittered_X <- (propX);
jittered_Y <- (propY);
# print("jittered X and Y")
# layout(matrix(c(1,1,1,2,1,1,1,3), 2, 4, byrow = TRUE)) # this works but let's try something fancier
if(!exists('propCB')) {layout(matrix(c(2,2,1,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=c(3,1), heights=c(1,3))}
else if(!exists('propCC')) {layout(matrix(c(1,2,1,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=c(3,1), heights=c(2,2))}
else {layout(matrix(c(1,2,1,3,1,4,1,5), 4, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=c(4,1), heights=c(1,1,1,1))}
# print(sprintf("X from %G to %G, Y from %G to %G",rangepropX[1],rangepropX[2],rangepropY[1],rangepropY[2]))
plot(NULL, xlim=rangepropX, ylim=rangepropY, log=log_xy, bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main=titles$main, xlab=prop_names[1], ylab=prop_names[2]); # , xaxs="i" to plot exactly within xlim,
# grid(nx = NULL, ny = NULL, col = "darkgray", lty = "dotted", lwd = 1, equilogs = T)
my_grid(nx = NULL, ny = NULL, xlims=rangepropX, ylims=rangepropY, col = "darkgray", lty = "dotted", lwd = 1, equilogs = T)
if (length(axXticks) > 3) {
if(log_it(axXticks)) {
axXticks<-within(log_pretty(axXticks, 1),axXticks,F, T)
axXticks<-within(pretty(axXticks),axXticks,F, T)
axis(1, at=axXticks, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",axXticks))
if (length(axYticks) > 3) {
if(log_it(axYticks)) {
axYticks<-within(log_pretty(axYticks, 1),axYticks,F, T)
axYticks<-within(pretty(axYticks),axYticks,F, T)
axis(2, at=axYticks, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",axYticks))
# Not yet working - attempt to reorder points so that the small ones are plotted above the little ones
# for (n in 1:length(propS)) {indx<-c(indx,which(propS==sort(propS)[n]))}
# indx<-rev(indx)
# jittered_X<-jittered_X[indx]
# jittered_Y<-jittered_Y[indx]
# propS<-propS[indx]
# propC<-propC[indx]
points(jittered_X, jittered_Y, , pch=21, cex=sizepaltt, col="white", bg=colpaltt);
if (length(propX) < 10) {text(x=jittered_X, y=jittered_Y, labels=dots_names, pos=4)}
# now it's the time to print a nice colorspace as legend for the bubbles
# the colorbar is a second plot, going at the top right (see layout(matrix()) command, much above)
# I'll have two different colorspaces depending on whether two or three dimensions are being used as colors
if(!exists('propCB')) {
plot(NULL, xlim=range(propCA), ylim=c(0,1), log=if(log_cA) 'x' else '', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab=prop_names[4], ylab=prop_names[5], bty='n', main=titles$color);
for (n in 1:palette_l) {
if (fav_col == 'red') rgbcol<-rgb(colorpalette[n], 0, 0, alpha_default)
else if (fav_col == 'green') rgbcol<-rgb(0, colorpalette[n], 0, alpha_default)
else if (fav_col == 'blue') rgbcol<-rgb(0, 0, colorpalette[n], alpha_default)
rect(xleft= prop(x=(n-1)/(palette_l),rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)
,xright= prop(x=(n)/(palette_l),rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)
,ytop= 1
,ybottom= 0
, col=rgbcol
, border="transparent"
ycolorbarlegend<- 0.5
colorticks<- if (log_cA) within(log_pretty(rangepropCA, 1),rangepropCA, F, F) else within(pretty(rangepropCA),rangepropCA, F)
axis(1, at=colorticks, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",colorticks))
}else if(!exists('propCC')) {
plot(NULL, xlim=range(propCA), ylim=range(propCB), log=paste(if(log_cA) 'x' else '',if(log_cB) 'y' else '', sep=''), xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab=prop_names[4], ylab=prop_names[5], bty='n', main=titles$color);
for (m in 1:palette_l) {
for (n in 1:palette_l) {
rgbcol<-rgb(colorpalette[n],colorpalette[m],0, alpha_default);
rect(xleft= prop(x=(n-1)/(palette_l),rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)
,xright= prop(x=(n)/(palette_l),rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)
,ytop= prop(x=(m-1)/(palette_l),rangepropCB[1],rangepropCB[2],log_cB)
,ybottom= prop(x=(m)/(palette_l),rangepropCB[1],rangepropCB[2],log_cB)
colorAticks<- if (log_cA) within(log_pretty(rangepropCA, 1),rangepropCA, F, T) else within(pretty(rangepropCA),rangepropCA, F, T)
axis(1, at=colorAticks, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",colorAticks))
colorBticks<- if (log_cB) within(log_pretty(rangepropCB, 1),rangepropCB, F, T) else within(pretty(rangepropCB),rangepropCB, F, T)
axis(2, at=colorBticks, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",colorBticks))
for (o in c(1,palette_l/2, palette_l)) {
plot(NULL, xlim=range(propCA), ylim=range(propCB), log=paste(if(log_cA) 'x' else '',if(log_cB) 'y' else '', sep=''), xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab=prop_names[4], ylab=prop_names[5], bty='n', main=sprintf("ColC=%g percent",100*o/palette_l));
for (m in 1:palette_l) {
for (n in 1:palette_l) {
rgbcol<-rgb(colorpalette[n],colorpalette[m],colorpalette[o], alpha_default)
rect(xleft= prop(x=(n-1)/(palette_l),rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)
,xright= prop(x=(n)/(palette_l),rangepropCA[1],rangepropCA[2],log_cA)
,ytop= prop(x=(m-1)/(palette_l),rangepropCB[1],rangepropCB[2],log_cB)
,ybottom= prop(x=(m)/(palette_l),rangepropCB[1],rangepropCB[2],log_cB)
# flush.console(); Sys.sleep(0.5)
colorAticks<- if (log_cA) within(log_pretty(rangepropCA, 1),rangepropCA, F, T) else within(pretty(rangepropCA),rangepropCA, F, T)
axis(1, at=colorAticks, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",colorAticks))
colorBticks<- if (log_cB) within(log_pretty(rangepropCB, 1),rangepropCB, F, T) else within(pretty(rangepropCB),rangepropCB, F, T)
axis(2, at=colorBticks, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",colorBticks))
# the bubble legend is a third plot, going in the lower right.
plot(NULL, xlim=widen(c(-1,1), 0.9), ylim=widen(rangepropS, 0.9), log=if(log_s) 'y' else '', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab='', ylab='', bty='n', main=titles$size);
circles <- if (log_s) within(log_pretty(rangepropS, 1), rangepropS, strict=F, wantrng=F) else within(pretty(rangepropS), rangepropS, strict=F, wantrng=F) #all of them
# but I only select five at the most:
circles<-rev(circles[ceiling((1:5)*length(circles)/5)]) # select 5 circles for the legend.
# I may want to get rid of one of the the last two, in case their values are too close
# if (log_s) {if(circles[length(circles)]/circles[length(circles)-1] < 25) {circles<-circles[1:(length(circles)-1)]}}
# else {if((circles[length(circles)]-circles[length(circles)-1]) < 0.7(circles[length(circles)-1]-circles[length(circles)-2])) {circles<-circles[1:(length(circles)-1)]}}
# xlegend<-2
points(rep(-1,length(circles)), circles, pch=21, bg='grey', col='white', cex=prop(invprop(circles, min(circles), max(circles)),min(sizepaltt),max(sizepaltt)))
text(rep(0,length(circles)),circles, labels=sprintf("%5.3g",circles))
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