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Last active July 15, 2016 14:11
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# Cleaning the session
# Useul function to load and install al needed packages
# we are reading it from my gist on GitHub.
install_and_detach(c("dplyr","ggplot2", "doBy"),load= T, clean = T)
theme_set(theme_bw()) # My favourite ggplot2 theme : )
parts = 30 # Our participants
trials = 30 # Our Trials
conds = 3
# Simulate some data. There are better ways, but by the way this is a easy
# 30 participants in two conditions with binary responses
response <- c( rbinom(parts*trials, 1, .3) ,
rbinom(parts*trials, 1, .65),
rbinom(parts*trials, 1, .59) )
condition <- c(rep(1, parts*trials), rep(2, parts*trials),rep(3, parts*trials))
participant <- sort(rep(1:(conds*parts), trials) )
# our data frame, ready
df <- data.frame(participant, condition, response)
# This is a trick to convert to factor (or numeric, etc) the data
df <- df[,c("participant", "condition", "response")]
to_factor <- c("participant", "condition")
df[,to_factor] <- lapply(df[,to_factor], factor)
# Factors are coded as 1, 2 and 3. We want they to be meaningful, so we must
# change them as follow:
levels(df$condition) <- c("Condition 1", "Condition 2", "Condition 3")
# Two ways of do the same one easier with summaryBy and other with dplyr
# Both are useful and apropiatte. In this particular
# case i think doBy function summaryBy is better
means.v <- summaryBy(response ~ participant + condition, data = df)
# First we have to group the data and then make a summary
# (Don't be afraid of using the pipe ( %>%), if you are in Rstudio pres ctrl+shift+M)
means <- df %>% group_by(., condition, participant) %>% summarise(., m = mean(response))
# We need to store the means of each condition for the plot <- means %>% summarise(., global.mean = mean(m))
# And finally the plot!
means.plot<-ggplot(means, aes(m)) + # set the ggplot boject
geom_density(alpha=.5, fill="#FF6666" ) + # you can pay with the alpha and the fill
# add a histogram, adapt the binwidth to your data!
geom_histogram(colour="black", fill="white", alpha = 0.4, binwidth = 0.05) +
# we want separate graphs for each condition, you can
# play with the number of columns with ncol!
facet_wrap(~condition, ncol = 1) +
ggtitle("Mean by each group") + # title
labs(x = "Mean of each participant",
y = "") + # labels in x
# Remember that we made a data frame wirh the mean of each condition?
# que are using it for plotting the mean in each density plot
geom_vline(, aes(xintercept=global.mean),
linetype="dashed", size=1)
# finally we can save the plot
ggsave(file = "./distributions.png", means.plot, height = 8, width = 4, dpi = 300)
# adjust the width, the height and the density per inch
# A version of the same data can be displayed as points on a boxplot.
# Suitable when you have few participants.
points <- ggplot(means, aes(m)) +
geom_point(data = means, aes(y = m, x = condition),
size = 3, alpha = 0.5, colour="#FF6666",
position = position_jitter(width = 0.6, height = 0.1)) +
geom_boxplot(data = means, aes(y=m, x=condition), alpha= 0.2 , fill = "#545454") # colour and alphas
# You can flip axis to get a more confortable display of results
points <- points + ggtitle("Mean by each group") +
labs(x = "", y = "Mean of each participant") + coord_flip()
# finally we can save the plot
ggsave(file = "./points.png", points, height = 4, width = 5, dpi = 300)
# adjust the width, the height and the density per inch
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