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Last active January 17, 2023 12:50
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Save guillefd/ee53085857602c4e62a9573f26988647 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This PHP Script for Moodle that will set as "deleted" all messages for a given user and date.
* This PHP Script for Moodle that will set as "deleted" all messages for a given user and date.
* It will insert a row in message_user_actions for every meesage to be deleted.
* Messages will stil exist, but won't display in Messages page view.
// get moodle libs
// set ID AND DATE
define('USERID', 4);
define('MAX_DATE', 1669908665); // 2022-12-01
// title
echo "<h3>Clear Moodle User Messages</h3>";
// get messages
$messages = get_messages_by_userid(USERID, MAX_DATE);
// count
printVar(count($messages).' messages');
// get all messageid for given conversationid
// and execute INSERT query for each message
for($i=0; $i<525; $i++) {
// msg
$msg = array_shift($messages);
// set id
$conversationid = $msg->conversationid;
printVar('conversationId = '.$conversationid);
// get messages
$submsgs = $DB->get_records('messages', array('conversationid' => $conversationid));
// printVar($submsgs);
foreach($submsgs as $subm) {
// check if exists
$exist = $DB->get_records('message_user_actions', array('userid'=>$subm->useridfrom, 'messageid'=>$subm->id,'action'=>2));
printVar('Exists: '.count($exist));
if(count($exist)==0) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO {message_user_actions} (`id`,`userid`,`messageid`,`action`,`timecreated`)
VALUES (NULL,$subm->useridfrom,$subm->id,'2',UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";
$insert = $DB->execute($sql);
echo 'insert: '.$insert;
* get all messages given the userid and timecreated
* will return all unique conversationid where user is participating
* @param [type] $userid
* @param [type] $timecreatedUnix
* @return Array<Object>
function get_messages_by_userid($userid, $timecreatedUnix) {
global $DB;
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(conversationid), id FROM {messages} WHERE useridfrom = $userid AND timecreated < $timecreatedUnix";
$messages = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
// printVar($messages);
return $messages;
* Debug and print in clear way
function printVar($var) {
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre><br>---<br>";
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