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void Main()
// Q1.
File.ReadLines(@"c:\shellgei\Q1.txt", Encoding.UTF8)
.Select(x => string.Join(" ", x.Split().GroupBy(t => t).OrderBy(g => g.Key).Select(g => $"{g.Key}:{g.Count()}")))
File.ReadLines(@"c:\shellgei\Q2.txt", Encoding.UTF8)
.Select(x => string.Join("",x.Select(c => c).Distinct()))
var i = 0;
var p = "";
File.ReadLines(@"c:\shellgei\Q3.txt", Encoding.UTF8)
.OrderBy(x => x)
.Select(x =>Tuple.Create(x, x.Split()[0], x.Split()[1], ++i))
.SelectMany(x =>
if (x.Item4 == 0)
p = x.Item2;
return new [] {"%%", x.Item1};
else if (x.Item2 != p)
p = x.Item2;
return new [] {"%%", x.Item1};
else if (x.Item4 == i)
p = x.Item2;
return new [] {x.Item1, "%%"};
p = x.Item2;
return new[] { x.Item1};
// Define other methods and classes here
Write-Host "Q1" -ForegroundColor Cyan;
cat .\Q1.txt -Encoding UTF8 | % {[string]::Join(" ",($_.Split() | group | sort name | %{"$($_.Name):$($_.Count)"}))}
Write-Host "Q2" -ForegroundColor Cyan;
cat .\Q2.txt -Encoding utf8 | %{$o=[ordered]@{}}{$in=[char[]]$_;$in|%{if(!$o.Contains($_)){$o.Add($_,$_)}}}{[string]::new($o.Keys)}
cat .\Q2.txt -Encoding utf8 | %{[string]::new([System.Linq.Enumerable]::Distinct([char[]]$_))}
Write-Host "Q3" -ForegroundColor Cyan;
cat .\Q3.txt -Encoding UTF8 | %{$i=$_.Split(" ");[PSCustomObject]@{a=$i[0];b=$i[1]}} | sort a | %{$p="";$o=@()}{if($p -ne $_.a){"%%"};"$($_.a) $($_.b)";$p=$_.a}{"%%"}
Write-Host "Q5" -ForegroundColor Cyan
echo 4 | %{$i = $_;cat .\Q5.txt -Encoding UTF8 | %{iex $_.Replace('x', $i)}}
Write-Host "Q6" -ForegroundColor Cyan
cat .\Q6.txt -Encoding UTF8 | %{[char[]]$c=$_;$f=$c | group | sort Count | Select Name -First 1;$_.Replace($f.Name, "玉子")}
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