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Last active June 28, 2019 10:58
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Information about msbuild with dotnet core

MSBuild Github Project (dotnet cli using this msbuild)

You can pass build parameter to msbuild through dotnet build or dotnet publish

Can't pass msbuild params in dotnet run #7229

MSBuild (Core) detect property

Use $((MSBuildRuntimeType). This will return Full | Core | Mono.

.NET Core MSBuild cannot load tasks built against MSBuild 4.0 #2111

MSBuild Conditions

MSBuild Reserved and Well-Known Properties

Common MSBuild Project Properties

DependsOn vs. BeforeTargets/AfterTargets

BeforeTargets and AfterTargets are much prefer because it can handle like Condition. Hey, what's MSBuild 4? We are living in MSBuild 15.0!

dotnet and msbuild command relationship

dotnet publish will use $(PublishDir), not $(OutputPath) or $(OutDir

New .csproj glob format

You cannot use [abc]* to pickup "ahoge", "bhoge", "choge". It doesn't work at all.

File Naming rule

Better using . separator for DependentUpon like items.

Docker? Dockerfile,, Dockerfile.release, .dockerignore will be sum up automatically with this naming rule.


dotnet publish never clean


Make your own RemoveDir MSBuild Task like following. It should run After Build & Before Publish

    <!-- Clean PublishDir task -->
    <Target Name="CleanPublishArtifact" AfterTargets="Build">
      <RemoveDir Directories="$(CleanPath)" />

Call same target multiple time

Use <MSBuild Projects="$(MsBuildThisFile)" Targets="SwapConfig" Properties="YourUniqueProperty=AndValueXxx"/> to make your call unique!

MSBuild Task to SwapConfig hook with BranchName property passed on Build or Publish?


    <Target Name="SwapConfig">
        <CopyConfigMessage>BranchName build parameter missing! Skipping $(SwapFileName).$(SwapExtension) swap task.</CopyConfigMessage>
        <CopyConfigDestination>$([System.IO.Path]::Combine($(SwapDestinationDir), $(SwapFileName).$(SwapExtension)))</CopyConfigDestination>
      <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(BranchName)' != '' AND Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(SwapFileName).$(BranchName).$(SwapExtension)')">
        <!-- For "dotnet build|publish -c Debug /p:BranchName=Xxxx" where xxx.BranchName.config exists -->
        <CopyConfigMessage>Detected BranchName parameter, Copy $(SwapFileName).$(BranchName).$(SwapExtension) to $(SwapFileName).$(SwapExtension)</CopyConfigMessage>
      <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(BranchName)' != '' AND !Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(SwapFileName).$(BranchName).$(SwapExtension)')">
        <!-- For "dotnet build|publish -c Debug /p:BranchName=Xxxx" where xxx.BranchName.config NOT exists -->
        <CopyConfigMessage>Detected BranchName parameter, $(SwapFileName).$(BranchName).$(SwapExtension) missing! Copy $(SwapFileName).$(Fallback).$(SwapExtension) to $(SwapFileName).$(SwapExtension)</CopyConfigMessage>
      <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(BranchName)' == '' AND Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(SwapFileName).$(Configuration).$(SwapExtension)')">
        <!-- For dotnet build|publish without /p:BranchName=Xxxx -->
        <CopyConfigMessage>Missing BranchName parameter! Copy $(SwapFileName).$(Configuration).$(SwapExtension) to $(SwapFileName).$(SwapExtension)</CopyConfigMessage>
      <Message Importance="High" Text="@SwapConfig@ [$(SwapFileName).$(SwapExtension)] $(CopyConfigMessage)" />
      <Message Importance="High" Text="* CopyConfigSource           : $(CopyConfigSource)" />
      <Message Importance="High" Text="* CopyConfigDestination      : $(CopyConfigDestination)" />
      <Copy SourceFiles="$(CopyConfigSource)" DestinationFiles="$(CopyConfigDestination)" />

Then just call it from any Target you want. CallTargets or MSBuild task is simple enough. If you want to pass parameter or call multiple time, then use MSBuild.

    <Target Name="BeforeBuildHeader" BeforeTargets="Build">
      <Message Importance="High" Text="======================================================" />
      <Message Importance="High" Text="[Before Build Custom Task]" />
      <Message Importance="High" Text="* MSBuildRuntimeType         : $(MSBuildRuntimeType)" />
      <Message Importance="High" Text="* MSBuildThisFileDirectory   : $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)" />
      <Message Importance="High" Text="* Configuration              : $(Configuration)" />
      <Message Importance="High" Text="* BranchName                 : $(BranchName)" />
      <MSBuild Projects="$(MsBuildThisFile)" Targets="SwapConfig" Properties="SwapFileName=app;SwapExtension=config;SwapDestinationDir=$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)"/>
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