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Last active February 8, 2019 08:24
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  • install pwsh.
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  • install az module
Install-Module Az -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber




Import-Module Az
Import-Module .\AzNsgSourceIp.psm1

$checkip = "" # YOUR IP
[string[]]$newip = @("") # YOUR NEW IP
$adjustPriority = -1 # Relative priority from current

# get current and prepare new
$details = Get-AzureNSGSecurityGroupDetail -CheckIp $checkip -IpMappingName NEWRULE
# sampling
$detail = $details | select -First 1
# add new rule 
$newRule = New-AzureNSGSecurityGroupRule -NewName $detail.NewRuleName -NewSourceAddressPrefix $newip -Detail $detail -AdjustPriority -1
$param = @{
    Name = $newRule.Name
    NetworkSecurityGroup = $newRule.NetworkSecurityGroup
    Protocol = $newRule.Protocol
    SourcePortRange = $newRule.SourcePortRange
    DestinationPortRange = $newrule.DestinationPortRange
    SourceAddressPrefix = $newrule.SourceAddressPrefix
    DestinationAddressPrefix = $newrule.DestinationAddressPrefix
    SourceApplicationSecurityGroup = $newRule.SourceApplicationSecurityGroup
    DestinationApplicationSecurityGroup = $newRule.DestinationApplicationSecurityGroups
    Access = $newRule.Access
    Priority = $newrule.Priority
    Direction = $newRule.Direction
    DefaultProfile = $newRule.DefaultProfile
Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig @param
# commit change
Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -NetworkSecurityGroup $newrule.NetworkSecurityGroup


Import-Module Az
Import-Module .\AzNsgSourceIp.psm1

$checkip = ""
[string[]]$newip = @("")
$adjustPriority = -1

$details = Get-AzureNSGSecurityGroupDetail -CheckIp $checkip -IpMappingName NEWRULE
foreach ($detail in $details) {
    $newRule = New-AzureNSGSecurityGroupRule -NewName $detail.NewRuleName -NewSourceAddressPrefix $newip -Detail $detail -AdjustPriority -1
    $param = @{
        Name = $newRule.Name
        NetworkSecurityGroup = $newRule.NetworkSecurityGroup
        Protocol = $newRule.Protocol
        SourcePortRange = $newRule.SourcePortRange
        DestinationPortRange = $newrule.DestinationPortRange
        SourceAddressPrefix = $newrule.SourceAddressPrefix
        DestinationAddressPrefix = $newrule.DestinationAddressPrefix
        SourceApplicationSecurityGroup = $newRule.SourceApplicationSecurityGroup
        DestinationApplicationSecurityGroup = $newRule.DestinationApplicationSecurityGroups
        Access = $newRule.Access
        Priority = $newrule.Priority
        Direction = $newRule.Direction
        DefaultProfile = $newRule.DefaultProfile
    # check
    #New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig @param
    # Add
    Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig @param
    # Commit
    Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -NetworkSecurityGroup $newrule.NetworkSecurityGroup


#Required -Version 6.1
#required -Module Az
using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
class AzureNSGSecurityGroupDetail{
AzureNSGSecurityGroupDetail([PSNetworkSecurityGroup]$sg, [PSSecurityRule]$rule, [string]$name) {
$this.NetworkSecurityGroup = $sg
$this.NetworkSecurityRule = $rule
$this.CurrentRuleName = $rule.Name
$this.NewRuleName = $name
class AzureNSGSecurityGroupRule{
AzureNSGSecurityGroupRule([PSNetworkSecurityGroup]$sg, [PSSecurityRule]$rule, [string]$name, [System.Collections.Generic.IList[string]]$sourceAddressPrefix) {
$this.NetworkSecurityGroup = $sg
$this.Name = $name
$this.Description = $rule.Description
$this.Protocol = $rule.Protocol
$this.SourcePortRange = $rule.SourcePortRange
$this.DestinationPortRange = $rule.DestinationPortRange
$this.SourceAddressPrefix = $sourceAddressPrefix
$this.DestinationAddressPrefix = $rule.DestinationAddressPrefix
$this.SourceApplicationSecurityGroup = $rule.SourceApplicationSecurityGroup
$this.DestinationApplicationSecurityGroups = $rule.DestinationApplicationSecurityGroup
$this.Access = $rule.Access
$this.Priority = $rule.Priority
$this.Direction = $rule.Direction
$this.DefaultProfile = $rule.DefaultProfile
function Get-AzureNSGSecurityGroupDetail {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ruleFormat = "{0}_${IpMappingName}_{1}"
$portUsageMapping = @{
"22" = "SSH"
"443" = "HTTPS"
"80" = "HTTP"
"*" = "ALL"
Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -PipelineVariable sg |
Get-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -PipelineVariable rule |
Where-Object {($_.SourceAddressPrefix | Where-Object {$_.StartsWith($checkip)} | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0} |
ForEach-Object {
# get port name mapping (use mapping or fallover to PORT+PORTNUM)
$map = $portUsageMapping[$rule.DestinationPortRange[0]]
if ($null -eq $map) {
$map = "PORT" + $rule.DestinationPortRange[0]
# gen new name
$ruleName = [string]::Format($ruleFormat, $rule.Access, $map)
# result
$r = [AzureNSGSecurityGroupDetail]::new($sg, $rule, $ruleName)
return $r
function New-AzureNSGSecurityGroupRule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$rule = [AzureNSGSecurityGroupRule]::New($Detail.NetworkSecurityGroup, $Detail.NetworkSecurityRule, $NewName, $NewSourceAddressPrefix)
$rule.Priority += $AdjustPriority
Write-Output $rule
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