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Created November 10, 2009 20:15
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OCaml Interpreter
type exp =
IntExp of int
| Builtin of (exp -> env -> exp)
| VarExp of string
| FunExp of string * exp
| LetExp of string * exp * exp
| IfExp of exp * exp * exp
| AppExp of exp * exp
env = (string * exp) list
type token =
| RParen
| Id of string
| Int of int
let rec getId cacc tacc =
let next = input_char stdin in
match next with
'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' -> getId (cacc ^ (Char.escaped next)) tacc
| _ -> dispatch next ((Id cacc) :: tacc)
and getInt iacc tacc =
let next = input_char stdin in
match next with
'0'..'9' -> getInt (iacc * 10 + (Char.code next) - 48) tacc
| _ -> dispatch next ((Int iacc) :: tacc)
and dispatch next tacc =
match next with
'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '+' -> getId (Char.escaped next) tacc
| '0'..'9' -> getInt ((Char.code next) - 48) tacc
| '(' -> dispatch (input_char stdin) (LParen :: tacc)
| ')' -> dispatch (input_char stdin) (RParen :: tacc)
| ' ' | '\t' -> dispatch (input_char stdin) tacc
| '\n' -> List.rev tacc
| _ -> dispatch (input_char stdin) tacc
and tokenize () =
dispatch (input_char stdin) [];;
(* Part 1: Printer *)
let rec print exp = match exp with
IntExp i -> string_of_int i
| VarExp id -> id
| FunExp(id,e1) -> "(lambda " ^ id ^ " " ^ print e1 ^ ")"
| LetExp(id,e1,e2) -> "(let " ^ id ^ " " ^ print e1 ^ " " ^ print e2 ^ ")"
| IfExp(e1,e2,e3) -> "(if " ^ print e1 ^ " " ^ print e2 ^ " " ^ print e3 ^ ")"
| AppExp(e1,e2) -> "(" ^ print e1 ^ " " ^ print e2 ^ ")"
| Builtin(f) -> "(builtin)"
let rec print_token tt = match tt with
Int i -> string_of_int i
| Id s -> s | LParen -> "(" | RParen -> ")"
(* Part 2: Parser *)
let rec parse tokens = fst (parse_stream tokens)
and parse_stream tokens =
match tokens with
[] -> failwith "Parse: unexpected end-of-tokens"
| token::ts -> parse_exp token ts
and parse_exp token tokens =
match token with
Int i -> IntExp i, tokens
| Id id -> VarExp id, tokens
| LParen -> parse_complex tokens
| t -> failwith ("Parse: unexpected token '" ^ print_token t ^ "'")
and parse_complex tokens =
match tokens with
Id id::ts when id = "lambda" -> parse_fun ts
| Id id::ts when id = "let" -> parse_let ts
| Id id::ts when id = "if" -> parse_if ts
| _ -> parse_app tokens
and parse_fun tokens =
match tokens with
Id id::ts -> let (e1, rest) = parse_stream ts in
(match rest with
RParen::rest -> FunExp(id, e1),rest
| _ -> failwith "Parsing function: expected closing parenthesis")
| _ -> failwith "Parsing function: unexpected input"
and parse_let tokens =
match tokens with
Id id::ts -> let (e1, rest) = parse_stream ts in
let (e2, rest) = parse_stream rest in
(match rest with
RParen::rest -> LetExp(id, e1, e2),rest
| _ -> failwith "Parsing let: expected closing parenthesis")
| _ -> failwith "Parsing let: unexpected input"
and parse_if tokens =
let (e1, rest) = parse_stream tokens in
let (e2, rest) = parse_stream rest in
let (e3, rest) = parse_stream rest in
(match rest with
RParen::rest -> IfExp(e1, e2, e3),rest
| _ -> failwith "Parsing if: expected closing parenthesis")
and parse_app tokens =
let (e1, rest) = parse_stream tokens in
let (e2, rest) = parse_stream rest in
(match rest with
RParen::ts -> AppExp(e1, e2), ts
| _ -> failwith "Parsing app: expected closing parenthesis")
(* Part 4: Evaluation *)
let rec find_exp_in_env id env = match env with
[] -> VarExp(id)
| (s,e)::ee when s = id -> e
| (s,e)::ee -> find_exp_in_env id ee
let rec evalCBV exp env =
match exp with
VarExp(id) -> find_exp_in_env id env
| AppExp(e1,e2) -> (let e = (evalCBV e1 env) in match e with
FunExp(id,sube) -> evalCBV sube ((id,(evalCBV e2 env))::env)
| Builtin(f) -> evalCBV (f e2 env) env
| _ -> e)
| IfExp(e1, e2, e3) -> (match (evalCBV e1 env) with
IntExp 0 -> evalCBV e3 env
| _ -> evalCBV e2 env)
| LetExp(id,e1,e2) -> evalCBV e2 ((id,(evalCBV e1 env))::env)
| _ -> exp
let rec evalCBN exp env =
match exp with
VarExp(id) -> find_exp_in_env id env
| AppExp(e1,e2) -> (let e = (evalCBN e1 env) in match e with
FunExp(id,sube) -> evalCBN sube ((id,e2)::env)
| Builtin(f) -> evalCBN (f e2 env) env
| _ -> e)
| IfExp(e1, e2, e3) -> (match (evalCBN e1 env) with
IntExp 0 -> evalCBN e3 env
| _ -> evalCBN e2 env)
| LetExp(id,e1,e2) -> evalCBN e2 ((id,e1)::env)
| _ -> exp
(* Some builtin functions *)
let binaryArith opname op =
Builtin (fun e1 env ->
let v1 = evalCBV e1 env in
Builtin (fun e2 env ->
let _ = print_string ("Called " ^ opname ^ "\n") in
let v2 = evalCBV e2 env in
match v1,v2 with
| IntExp i1, IntExp i2 -> IntExp (op i1 i2)
| _ -> IntExp 0))
let global = [ "+", (binaryArith "+" (+)) ]
(* The R-E-P loop *)
let rec repCBV () =
let _ = print_string "> " in
let _ = flush stdout in
let tokens = tokenize() in
let exp = parse tokens in
print_string (print (evalCBV exp global)) ;
print_newline () ;
repCBV ()
let rec repCBN () =
let _ = print_string "> " in
let _ = flush stdout in
let tokens = tokenize() in
let exp = parse tokens in
print_string (print (evalCBN exp global)) ;
print_newline () ;
repCBN ()
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