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Last active May 30, 2023 01:28
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Some steps to install Arch Linux

Archlinux Installation

Installation options

  1. Installed with LVM on LUKS encryption, no dual boot.

  2. Using systemd-boot instead of GRUB on UEFI, as it's more lightweight.

Hardware Notes

Installation Media

  1. Plug in USB. Open "Disks" GUI utility, delete existing USB partitions and create a new FAT partition. Also, note the disk name, mine is /dev/sde.

  2. Download Arch ISO, burn to USB using the command:

    sudo dd bs=4M if=<ISO file> of=<disk name> status=progress oflag=sync

    then eject and unplug USB.

Boot from USB disk

  1. Plug in USB to laptop, boot and enter BIOS setup (by pressing F12 repeatedly). Disable fast boot under "Boot" (Linux don't use/need it), and disable secure boot under "Security", then save and exit. On reboot, press F12 again and choose to boot from USB.

  2. Use fdisk -l to find the disk name (/dev/nvme0n1 for me), then run:

    gdisk <disk name>

    Enter o to erase everything and get new GPT table. Then enter w to save and exit gdisk.

Erase Disk


  1. Run:

    cryptsetup open --type plain -d /dev/urandom <disk name> to_be_wiped

    to start wiping the disk. Type "YES" when prompted.

  2. Run:

    dd bs=4M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/to_be_wiped status=progress

    to overwrite disk with all zeros. Finally, run:

    cryptsetup close to_be_wiped

    to close the temporary container.

Disk setup

Reference: Reference (UEFI):

Note: We're using UEFI boot, so instead of a boot partition, a UEFI partition is created instead.

  1. Run gdisk again, use o to create new partition table. Then, use n to add the first partition, first sector (i.e. start location) is default, second sector is +260M, to create a 260MB partition. The type code is EF00 for EFI System. This will be the EFI boot partition.

    For the second partition, both sectors are default (to use up rest of the space), and type code is 8300. Then, use w to save and write the partitions.

    Use fdisk -l to find the names of the two partitions. Format UEFI with FAT32 by typing:

    mkfs.vfat -F32 <UEFI partition name>
  2. Setup encryption on the second partition, by calling:

    cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks2 <main partition name>
    cryptsetup open <main partition name> <CRYPT_NAME>

    where CRYPT_NAME is a name of your choice (I use CRYPT_EC). Enter your passphrase when prompted.

  3. Create encrypted partitions with:

    pvcreate /dev/mapper/<CRYPT_NAME>
    vgcreate <VOL_GRP_NAME> /dev/mapper/<CRYPT_NAME>
    lvcreate -L 8G <VOL_GRP_NAME> -n swap
    lvcreate -L 40G <VOL_GRP_NAME> -n root
    lvcreate -l 100%FREE <VOL_GRP_NAME> -n home

    again VOL_GRP_NAME is a name of your choice (I use ARCH_EC). This creates separate root and home partitions.

    NOTE: technically, to ensure 100% hibernation success, swap space need to be large enough to store all memory in DRAM. However, there is some magical compression that happen, and I don't think I'll hibernate with bunch of used memory anyways, so I just pick 8G.

  4. Create filesystems on those partitions with:

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/root
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/home
    mkswap /dev/mapper/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/swap
  5. Mount the new systems:

    mount /dev/mapper/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/root /mnt
    mkdir /mnt/home
    mount /dev/mapper/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/home /mnt/home
    swapon /dev/mapper/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/swap
    mkdir /mnt/boot
    mount <UEFI partition name> /mnt/boot

OS Install

Reference (wireless): Reference (install): Reference (noatime): Reference (systemd-boot): Reference (suspend-to-disk): Reference (boot configuration):

  1. First, we need to connect to wifi. Use ip link to find the wireless interface name (wlp2s0 for me). Then, create a new netctl profile with:

    cp /etc/netctl/examples/wireless-wpa /etc/netctl/<profile_name>
  2. Edit the file using nano. Change "Interface" field to wireless interface name, change "ESSID" field to name of the wifi network, change "key" field to the wifi password. Finally, press Ctrl+O, Enter, then Ctrl+X to save and exit.

  3. Change to directory /etc/netctl, run netctl start <profile_name>. Then you should be connected to the internet.

  4. Install the base system with:

    pacstrap /mnt base base-devel emacs git grub efibootmgr dialog intel-ucode wpa_supplicant
  5. Generate fstab with:

    genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
  6. chroot to the new system:

    arch-chroot /mnt

    then edit /etc/fstab (using emacs), change all relatime to noatime (To reduce disk writes for SSDs).

  7. Setup system clock:

    ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific /etc/localtime
    hwclock --systohc
  8. Set hostname. I choose "Husky":

    echo <HOSTNAME> > /etc/hostname

    and add the following to /etc/hosts:    localhost
    ::1          localhost    <HOSTNAME>.localdomain <HOSTNAME>
  9. Set locale. Uncomment "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" from the file /etc/locale.gen, then run:

    echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf
    echo KEYMAP=us > /etc/vconsole.conf
  10. Set root password:

  11. Add new user:

    useradd -m -g users -G wheel <USERNAME>
    passwd <USERNAME>

    then type in the user password.

  12. edit file /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.

    Change "MODULES" field to the following:

    MODULES=(ext4 intel_agp i915 nouveau)

    to enable early kernel mode setting. Change "HOOKS" field to the following:

    HOOKS=(base systemd autodetect keyboard sd-vconsole modconf block sd-encrypt sd-lvm2 filesystems fsck)

    The notable changes are:

    1. "udev" changed to "systemd"
    2. "keyboard" moved before "block", added "sd-vconsole" before "block".
    3. added "sd-encrypt" and "sd-lvm2" after "block" and before "filesystems".
    mkinitcpio -p linux

    The only warnings should be:

    WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
    WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x

    these are drivers for advance server hardware.

  13. Install systemd-boot with:

    bootctl --path=/boot install

    edit /boot/loader/loader.conf, and add the following lines:

    timeout 2
    editor no
    default arch
  14. Add the file /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf, with the following:

    title   Arch Linux
    linux   /vmlinuz-linux
    initrd  /intel-ucode.img
    initrd  /initramfs-linux.img
    options<UUID>=cryptroot root=/dev/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/root resume=/dev/<VOL_GRP_NAME>/swap rd.luks.options=discard

    where UUID is uuid of the main partition, found with blkid.

  15. Exit the chroot environment and shutdown:

    umount -R /mnt
    swapoff -a
    shutdown 0

    Thne unplug USB, then restart.

Post Installation

Misc System Setup with Root

  1. Login as root. Update system clock:

    timedatectl set-ntp true
  2. As root, add user to sudoer file by running:

    EDITOR=emacs visudo

    and uncommenting the line %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL.

  3. Uncomment the "Color" option in /etc/pacman.conf.

  4. Start wifi using instructions from before. Then, before installing thermald, install lm_sensors and run the script sensors-detect on command line. Then enable/start lm_sensors.service. Finally, run:

    pacman -S thermald
  5. (This doesn't work, left as reference) To generate configuration file for thermald, clone the auto config generation repo with:

    git clone

    then run the script with root permission to generate configuration file in /var/run/thermald, and copy it to /etc/thermald/thermald-conf.xml. When done, enable thermald with:

    systemctl enable thermald.service
    systemctl start thermald.service

Desktop Environment Installation

  1. Install the following pacman packages for GUI:

    • cinnamon
    • lightdm
    • light-locker
    • gnome-terminal
    • blueberry (for bluetooth support)
    • gnome-keyring
    • chromium
    • flameshot (Great screenshot tool)
    • dhclient (NetworkManager only works with dhclient for public wifi)
    • clang (needed to build tools later)
    • cmake (needed to build tools later)
  2. Exit root, sign in as user, and create a folder pkgs_arch in home directory for AUR packages. Go in that directory.

  3. Setup yay, an AUR helper, from AUR using makepkg:

    git clone
    cd yay
    makepkg -si

    answer yes when asked to install.

  4. Install the following with yay -S:

    • lightdm-slick-greeter
    • lightdm-settings
    • systemd-boot-pacman-hook
  5. Modify the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf with the following:


    The logind-check-graphical option is used to tell lightDM to wait until the graphics driver are loaded before starting, thus preventing black screen.

  6. Create a new file /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/dhcp-client.conf, with the content:


    NetworkManager is not built with dhcpd support (the default Arch Linux DHCP program). This allows NetworkManager to connect to public wifi.

  7. Run the following to start the dekstop environment:

    systemctl enable lightdm.service
    systemctl start lightdm.service
  8. Once GUI started, stop netctl@<wifi name>.service, then enable NetworkManager:

    systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
    systemctl start NetworkManager.service
  9. Enable fstrim.timer to trim SSDs periodically:

    systemctl enable fstrim.timer
    systemctl start fstrim.timer
  10. Also install tlp. Just follow instructions on Arch wiki.

Initial Setups

  1. In mouse and trackpad settings, enable multi-click for right click. Also disable reverse scrolling direction.

  2. In terminal perferences, change color scheme to tango dark.

  3. In file explorer, set all new folders to use list view in preferences, and show hidden files (by using right-click context menu).

  4. Copy .ssh/config and private/public keys over. Create a softlink for erichang.key. Make config file and private key permission to be 600.

  5. Next, we need to install some packages needed by emacs. Install ycmd-git and universal-ctags-git from AUR.

  6. Install ripgrep with pacman.

  7. Follow the instructions at

  8. close terminal, and restart.

  9. Start emacs, wait for it to download and install packages.

  10. setup emacs server-client systemd service by running:

systemctl --user enable emacsd.service
systemctl --user start emacsd.service
  1. Added the following line to /etc/environment (root priviledge required):
    which removes window shadows. This is because window shadows often cause glitches on secondary monitor.

Finishing Setups

  1. Use pacman to install the following packages:

    • tigervnc
    • inkscape
    • vlc
    • texlive-most (I select bibtexextra, core, fontsextra, formatextra, latexextra, pictures, and science)
    • pdf2svg (for inkscape/textext)
    • ibus-chewing (for chinese input)
    • x2goclient
    • qbittorrent
    • networkmanager-openconnect (for cisco anyconnect VPN)
    • networkmanager-openvpn (for OpenVPN support)
    • qpdf (for splitting PDFs)
    • ruby (for some optional dependencies of subversion and texlive-core)
    • pepper-flash (for chromium flash player)
    • adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts (asian fonts)
    • adobe-source-han-serif-otc-fonts (asian fonts)
    • noto-fonts (some fonts)
    • noto-fonts-cjk (more fonts for asian characters)
    • gtk-engines
    • gtk-engine-murrine (to prevent GTK warnings on engine loading).
    • nemo-fileroller (for extraction capability)
    • libreoffice (install from fresh)
    • rsync (for remote file syncing)
    • xorg-xrandr
    • mlocate (for the locate command)
    • cups (for printing)
    • cups-pdf (for printing to pdf)
    • pinta (for simple image manipulation, like cropping)
    • net-tools (ifconfig)
  2. Use pacman to install the following Python related packages:

    • ipython
    • cython
    • python-pip
    • python-scipy
    • python-pyqt5
    • python-matplotlib
    • python-h5py
    • python-networkx
    • python-pytest
    • python-jinja
    • python-pyzmq
    • python2-lxml (for inkscape/textext).
    • python-yaml
    • python-virtualenv
    • python-pytest-xdist (for distributed unit testing)
    • python-sortedcontainers
    • python-certifi (needed by emacs ycmd)
  3. Start emacs, run M-x jedi:install-server to install jedi server for Python editing.

  4. Use yay to install the following C++ related packages:

    • boost
    • yaml-cpp (for reading/writing yaml files)
    • spdlog-git (from AUR, for logging in C++)
    • catch2 (C++ unit testing)
  5. Use yay to install the following AUR packages:

    • textext (for inkscape latex rendering)
    • ttf-tw (for Taiwan standard Chinese fonts)
    • ttf-ms-fonts (legacy Microsoft fonts, does not require windows ISO)
    • noto-fonts-tc
    • mint-x-icons
    • mint-y-icons
    • mint-themes (for better Cinnamon themes)
    • xviewer (for image viewing)
    • qdirstat (for disk usage viewing)
    • caffeine-ng (for not going to sleep)
  6. Start chromium, download Pycharm, then install.

  7. To setup chinese input, at the command line, run:


    then make a soft link from .xprofile_antergos_cinnamon to .xprofile. Since LightDM sources .xprofile, this will make ibus run at startup.

  8. Switch themes to the following settings (in System Settings->Themes) to have things more readable:

    • Window borders: Mint-Y-Dark
    • Icons: Mint-Y
    • Controls: Mint-Y-Dark
    • Mouse Pointer: Adwaita
    • Desktop: Mint-Y-Dark
  9. Start CUPS printing service:

    sudo systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service
    sudo systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service

Graphics Card Setup

  1. Install and setup optimus-manager package:

    yay -S optimus-manager
    sudo systemctl enable optimus-manager.service
    sudo systemctl start optimus-manager.service
    optimus-manager --set-startup intel

    To switch video card, run optimus-manager --swtich <intel/nvidia>. NOTE: I noticed that I need to restart in order for this to take effect.


  1. To disable terminal tab completion sound, edit /etc/inputrc, and add/uncomment the line:

    set bell-style none
  2. Create the file /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf, with a single line:

    blacklist pcspkr

    to disable annoying beeps when screen locks.

  3. In clock settings, change time display format to 12Hr, and add date and second display.

  4. Right click task bar, in Panel Settings, change height to 24, and all icon scales optimally with panel size.

  5. Delete all task bar applets except menu, system tray, and time. Then add panel launcher and window list applet. Right click task bar and enable "Panel edit mode" to drag those applets to the right place. Finally, add chormium to panel launcher (You can drag and drop from menu).

  6. In "Power Management", enable hybrid sleep. In "Screensaver", enable locking the computer when put to sleep.

Print-Screen using Flameshot

  1. Open Start Menu->System Settings->Keyboard, go to "Shortcuts" tab.

  2. Click on "Add custom shortcut", type "Flameshot" as name, "flameshot gui" as the command, then confirm. Finally, associate PrtSc key with this shortcut.


  1. In Editor/General, set "Strip trailing spaces on Save" to "All", and uncheck "Always keep trailing spaces on caret line".

  2. In Keymap, set to "Eclipse"

  3. In Editor/Code Style, set hard wrap at 100 columns.

  4. add the following line to the file /etc/sysctl.d/90-override.conf, create it if it doesn't exist:

    fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288

    then run the command:

    sudo sysctl -p --system

Optional Programs


Usage Notes:

  1. M-. jumps to code definition, M-, goes back to previous location. M-t shows all occurs of the current word.

  2. In new project directory, create a file named clang-format with the content:

    BaseOnStyle: LLVM
    IndentWidth: 4

    for clang-format to format code properly.

  3. Use M-q to auto-fill the current paragraph to line wrapping.

  4. Use C-h to quit minibuffer (useful when you have multiple minibuffers open due to repeated search).

  5. Use C-x b to switch between buffers. You will get a list of buffers to select.

  6. Use C-c g to grep within the git repository.

  7. When searching inside Ivy across multiple files, use C-c C-o to enter ivy-occur mode, which will display results in a buffer. Then, you can press w to enable wgrep edit mode. After editing and saving, the changes will propagate to all buffers, and you can use C-x s ! to save all buffers at once.


  1. Use M-x magit to start git commit in emacs.

  2. Use arrow keys to move around, use TAB to expand and see diff file, use s to stage unstaged files. Use g to refresh files.

  3. Use c to pop up commit options. You can toggle switches and specify options, after you're done, you can then use C-c C-c to set the current options as default. Press c again to commit.

Miscellaneous Notes

Open magnet links with qbittorrent

Edit ~/.config/mimeapps.list, in the "Default Applications" section, add the line:


USB stick

Sometimes a badly configured USB stick won't get automounted. This is because by default, if udev doesn't recognize a device, it will try to mount it using MTP (the smart phoen file transfer protocol). If this happens, you need to add an exception rule to udev to treat it as USB drive by doing the following:

  1. Plug in USB stick, then in the terminal, type dmesg. Look for latest message regarding a new USB divice, and find values of idVendor and idProduct. For me, idVendor = abcd, and idProduct = 1234.

  2. Add a new file /etc/udev/rules.d/90-myusb.rules (with root permission), with the following line:

    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ENV{MODALIAS}=="usb:abcd:1234", ENV{MODALIAS}="usb-storage"

    where you substitute the correct values for idVendor and idProduct.

  3. Reboot (there should be a non-reboot way, but I didn't find out/verify).


Latex rendering in Inkscape got broken by Ghostscript 9.22 when they remove the DELAYBIND option, which breaks the pstoedit program. The current experimental workaround is to use the textext extension, which has an experimental feature to use pdf2svg instead of pstoedit.

To get this to work, follow installation instructions above to install all the required packages. Then, download the file from the following URL:

place this in the folder /usr/share/inkscape/extensions. Make sure to make a backup of the original.

Reinstall Emacs packages

On 2017/08/06, Arch linux upgrade internal Python version from 3.6 to 3.7, and broke some emacs packages (some assume fixed version number). To re-install all emacs packages, do the following:

  1. stop emacs daemon by running:

    systemctl --user stop emacsd.service
  2. remove ~/.emacs.d and ~/.emacs.elc (just rename it in case you need them later.)

  3. start emacs, wait for packages to download. You'll see some errors, but you can ignore them.

  4. run M-x jedi:install-server. Restart emacs, double check that there are no errors.

Adding network printer using CUPS

  1. Open web browser, go to localhost:631.

  2. Go to administrative tab, click "Add Printer". Use "root" as username and type in root password.

  3. Follow through the instructions. Print a test page from the web interface at the end to make sure it works.

External Monitor

  1. After plugging in HDMI, it seems like I need to open the cinnamon display dialog before the screen shows up.

  2. To add task bar to external monitor, right click on current task bar, select "Modify Panel", then "Add panel", then click on the highlighted location on the external monitor.

    You can copy task bar configuration over by right clicking the original task bar.

LaTeX setup

  1. install biber with pacman, and texlive-localmanager-git with yay.

  2. Use tllocalmgr to install CTAN packages. run sudo texconfig rehash to update packages after install.

  3. Use latexmk on commandline to both build and clean latex output files.

For graphics card switching


cat /etc/environment

To work in the terminal:

sed -i 's/Ć/Ç/g' /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
sed -i 's/ć/ç/g' /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
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