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module PumaCapacityToCloudwatch
require 'puma_capacity_to_cloudwatch/utilization'
require 'puma_capacity_to_cloudwatch/publish'
class Error < StandardError; end
sleep 10 # wait for puma to boot up
return unless defined?(Puma)
# Purpose: a minimalistic provisioning of a fresh vagrant box
# based on Ubuntu 17.04 for Rails development.
# Created: 2017-09-25
# Updated: 2017-09-25
# Uses shell as the provisioner -
# Avoid using official Canonical boxes since they do not conform to Vagrant's standards
# Vagrant's officially supported are the bento boxes.
# Purpose: a minimalistic provisioning of a fresh vagrant box
# Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) rails development.
# Created: 2017-01-30
# Updated: 2017-01-31
# Uses shell as the provisioner.
# More details
# Purpose: minimalistic provisioning of a fresh vagrant box ubuntu/trusty64 for
# rails development. Uses shell as the provisioner.
# More details
# Original File:
# Ensure OS is up to date
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
guycall / gist:11088683
Created April 19, 2014 16:01
Very quick and dirty Ruby script to download a backup of AppFog database via the AppFog API
# Purpose: Download a full export of an AppFog database
# API details taken from
require 'json'
require 'httparty'
require 'zip'
# Fetch your AppFog token
# You may need to run the command 'af login' if your token has expired
file_contents ='/home/vagrant/.af_token')
guycall / gist:5166243
Last active December 14, 2015 23:29
Below are some instructions to very quickly add file uploading to a Rails 3.1/3.2 app using the gems active_scaffold_vho and carrierwave ( & )

Added to Gemfile

gem 'render_component_vho'
gem 'active_scaffold_vho'
gem 'kaminari'
gem 'carrierwave'

Run the following commands

bundle install